Beispiel #1
def _pd2ppc_zero(net):
    Builds the ppc data structure for zero impedance system. Includes the impedance values of
    lines and transformers, but no load or generation data.

    For short-circuit calculation, the short-circuit impedance of external grids is also considered.
    # select elements in service (time consuming, so we do it once)
    net["_is_elements"] = aux._select_is_elements_numba(net)

    ppc = _init_ppc(net)
    # init empty ppci
    ppci = copy.deepcopy(ppc)
    _build_bus_ppc(net, ppc)
    _build_gen_ppc(net, ppc)
    _add_ext_grid_sc_impedance_zero(net, ppc)
    _build_branch_ppc_zero(net, ppc)

    # adds auxilary buses for open switches at branches
    _switch_branches(net, ppc)

    # add auxilary buses for out of service buses at in service lines.
    # Also sets lines out of service if they are connected to two out of service buses
    _branches_with_oos_buses(net, ppc)
    if hasattr(net, "_isolated_buses"):
        ppc["bus"][net._isolated_buses, 1] = 4.
    # generates "internal" ppci format (for powerflow calc) from "external" ppc format and updates the bus lookup
    # Note: Also reorders buses and gens in ppc
    ppci = _ppc2ppci(ppc, ppci, net)
    net._ppc0 = ppc
    return ppc, ppci
def _recycled_powerflow(net, **kwargs):
    options = net["_options"]
    options["recycle"] = kwargs.get("recycle", None)
    options["init_vm_pu"] = "results"
    options["init_va_degree"] = "results"
    algorithm = options["algorithm"]
    ac = options["ac"]
    ppci = {"bus": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["bus"],
            "gen": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["gen"],
            "branch": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["branch"],
            "baseMVA": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["baseMVA"],
            "internal": net["_ppc"]["internal"],
    if not ac:
        # DC recycle
        result = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
        _ppci_to_net(result, net)
    if algorithm not in ['nr', 'iwamoto_nr'] and ac:
        raise ValueError("recycle is only available with Newton-Raphson power flow. Choose "

    recycle = options["recycle"]
    ppc = net["_ppc"]
    ppc["success"] = False
    ppc["iterations"] = 0.
    ppc["et"] = 0.

    if "bus_pq" in recycle and recycle["bus_pq"]:
        # update pq values in bus
        _calc_pq_elements_and_add_on_ppc(net, ppc)

    if "trafo" in recycle and recycle["trafo"]:
        # update trafo in branch and Ybus
        lookup = net._pd2ppc_lookups["branch"]
        if "trafo" in lookup:
            _calc_trafo_parameter(net, ppc)
        if "trafo3w" in lookup:
            _calc_trafo3w_parameter(net, ppc)

    if "gen" in recycle and recycle["gen"]:
        # updates the ppc["gen"] part
        _build_gen_ppc(net, ppc)
        ppc["gen"] = nan_to_num(ppc["gen"])

    ppci = _ppc2ppci(ppc, net, ppci=ppci)
    ppci["internal"] = net["_ppc"]["internal"]
    net["_ppc"] = ppc

    # run the Newton-Raphson power flow
    result = _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options)
    ppc["success"] = ppci["success"]
    ppc["iterations"] = ppci["iterations"]
    ppc["et"] = ppci["et"]
    if options["only_v_results"]:
        _ppci_bus_to_ppc(result, ppc)
        _ppci_other_to_ppc(result, ppc, options["mode"])
    # read the results from  result (==ppci) to net
    _ppci_to_net(result, net)
Beispiel #3
def _init_ppc(net):
    ppc, _ = _pd2ppc(net)

    # Init the required columns to nan
    ppc["bus"][:, [K_G, K_SG, V_G, PS_TRAFO_IX, GS_P, BS_P,]] = np.nan
    ppc["branch"][:, [K_T, K_ST]] = np.nan

    # Add parameter K into ppc
    _add_kt(net, ppc)
    _add_gen_sc_z_kg_ks(net, ppc)
    _add_xward_sc_z(net, ppc)

    ppci = _ppc2ppci(ppc, net)

    return ppc, ppci