Beispiel #1
def test_roundkitty_delete_missing(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}/kitty' page is requested (DELETE)
    THEN check that the response is successful
    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Retrieve the generated hand_id (as a UUID object).
    hand_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = hand.read_one(hand_id)
    assert db_response is None

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the delete round api
        response = test_client.delete(f"/api/round/{round_id}/kitty")
        assert response.status == "204 NO CONTENT"

        # Attempt to retrieve the now-deleted round id
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/round/{round_id}/kitty")
        assert response.status == "204 NO CONTENT"

        assert is not None
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        assert response_str == ""

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response =
    assert db_response is None
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):
Beispiel #2
def test_game_round_delete_missing(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/game/{game_id}/{round_id}' page is requested (DELETE)
    THEN check that the response is successful
    # Create a new game
    game_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the delete round api
        response = test_client.delete(f"/api/game/{game_id}/{round_id}")
        assert response.status == "404 NOT FOUND"

        # Attempt to retrieve the now-deleted round id
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/game/{game_id}/{round_id}")
        assert "404 NOT FOUND" in response.status

    # Verify the database agrees.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):
        gameround.read_one(game_id, round_id)
Beispiel #3
def test_game_round_list(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/game/{game_id}/round' page is requested (GET)
    THEN check that the response is successful
    # Create a new game
    game_id = str(test_utils.create_game(4))

    # Create a new round
    round_id = test_utils.create_round(game_id)

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the get round api
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/game/{game_id}/round")
        assert response.status == "200 OK"
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        response_data = json.loads(response_str)
        # print(f"response_data={response_data}")

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    # print(f"db_response={db_response}")

    db_response = gameround.read_one(game_id, round_id)
    # print(f"db_response={db_response}")
    assert response_data == db_response
Beispiel #4
def test_round_read_one(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}' page is requested (GET)
    THEN check that the response is a UUID and contains the expected information
    # Create a new game
    game_id = test_utils.create_game(4)

    # Create a new round
    round_id = test_utils.create_round(game_id)

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the create round api
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/round/{round_id}")
        assert response.status == "200 OK"
        assert response.get_data(as_text=True) is not None
        # This is a JSON formatted STRING
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        response_data = json.loads(response_str)
        r_round_id = response_data.get("round_id")
        assert r_round_id != ""
        assert r_round_id == round_id
        assert test_utils.UUID_REGEX.match(r_round_id)

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    assert db_response is not None
    assert round_id == db_response.get("round_id")
Beispiel #5
def test_round_create(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round' page is requested (POST)
    THEN check that the response is a UUID and contains the expected information
    # Create a new game
    game_id = test_utils.create_game(4)

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the create round api
        response ="/api/game/{game_id}/round")
        assert response.status == "201 CREATED"
        assert response.get_data(as_text=True) is not None
        # This is a JSON formatted STRING
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        response_data = json.loads(response_str)
        round_id = response_data.get("round_id")
        assert round_id != ""
        assert test_utils.UUID_REGEX.match(round_id)

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    assert db_response is not None
    assert round_id == db_response.get("round_id")
    assert db_response.get("trump") == "NONE"
    assert db_response.get("bid_winner") is None
    assert isinstance(db_response.get("round_seq"), int)
    assert db_response.get("bid") == 20
Beispiel #6
def setup_complete_game(kitty_s: int):
    # Create a new game
    game_id = str(create_game(kitty_s))

    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(create_round(game_id))

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    assert db_response is not None

    db_response = gameround.read_one(game_id, round_id)
    assert db_response is not None

    # Create players
    player_ids = []
    for player_name in PLAYER_NAMES:
        player_id = create_player(player_name)
        assert UUID_REGEX.match(player_id)

    # Create a new teams
    team_ids = []
    for item in range(2):
        team_id = create_team(choice(TEAM_NAMES))
        teamplayers.create(team_id=team_id, player_id={"player_id": player_ids[item]})
            team_id=team_id, player_id={"player_id": player_ids[item + 2]}

    # Create the roundteam association for the teams.
    roundteams.create(round_id=round_id, teams=team_ids)

    return game_id, round_id, team_ids, player_ids
Beispiel #7
def test_round_read_one_missing(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}' page is requested (GET)
    THEN check that the response is a UUID and contains the expected information
    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the create round api
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/round/{round_id}")
        assert response.status == "404 NOT FOUND"

    # Verify the database agrees.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):
Beispiel #8
def test_roundkitty_delete(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}/kitty' page is requested (DELETE)
    THEN check that the response is successful
    # Create a new game
    game_id = test_utils.create_game(4)
    assert test_utils.UUID_REGEX.match(game_id)

    # Create a new round
    round_id = test_utils.create_round(game_id)
    assert test_utils.UUID_REGEX.match(round_id)

    # Retrieve the generated hand_id (as a UUID object).
    hand_uuid = Round.query.filter(Round.round_id == round_id).all()

    assert hand_uuid is not None
    assert hand_uuid != []
    hand_id = str(hand_uuid[0].hand_id)
    print(f"round_id={round_id} hand_id={hand_id}")

    # Populate Hand with cards.
    for card in test_utils.CARD_LIST:
        hand.addcard(hand_id, card)

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = hand.read_one(hand_id)
    assert db_response is not None
    assert hand_id == db_response.get("hand_id")
    assert db_response.get("cards") == test_utils.CARD_LIST

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the delete round api
        response = test_client.delete(f"/api/round/{round_id}/kitty")
        assert response.status == "204 NO CONTENT"

        # Attempt to retrieve the now-deleted round id
        response = test_client.get(f"/api/round/{round_id}/kitty")
        assert response.status == "200 OK"

        assert is not None
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        response_data = json.loads(response_str)
        cards = response_data.get("cards")
        assert cards is not None
        assert cards == []

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response =
    assert db_response == {"cards": []}
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    assert db_response.get("hand_id") is None
Beispiel #9
def test_game_round_start_invalid(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}/start' page is requested (POST)
    THEN check that the response is successful
    # Create a new, invalidround
    round_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Verify the database agrees.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):
        # print(f"db_response={db_response}")
    # assert db_response is not None

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the get round api
        response ="/api/round/{round_id}/start")
        assert response.status == "404 NOT FOUND"
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        assert f"Round {round_id} not found." in response_str
Beispiel #10
def test_roundteam_addcard_missing(app):
    GIVEN a Flask application configured for testing
    WHEN the '/api/round/{round_id}/{team_id}' page is requested (PUT)
    THEN check that the response contains the expected information
    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Create a new team
    team_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    # Create the roundteam association for the teams.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.Conflict):
        roundteams.create(round_id=round_id, teams=[team_id])

    with app.test_client() as test_client:
        # Attempt to access the addcard roundteam api
        put_data = {}

        response = test_client.put(
        assert response.status == "404 NOT FOUND"
        # This is a JSON formatted STRING
        response_str = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        assert response_str is not None
        response_data = json.loads(response_str)
        hand_id = response_data.get("hand_id")
        assert hand_id is None

    # Verify the database agrees.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.NotFound):
Beispiel #11
def setup_complete_game(kitty_s: int):
    # Create a new game
    game_id = str(create_game(kitty_s))

    # Create a new round
    round_id = str(create_round(game_id))

    # Verify the database agrees.
    db_response = round_.read_one(round_id)
    assert db_response is not None

    db_response = gameround.read_one(game_id, round_id)
    assert db_response is not None

    # Create players
    player_ids = []
    for player_name in PLAYER_NAMES:
        player_id = create_player(player_name)
        assert UUID_REGEX.match(player_id)

    # Create a new teams
    team_ids = []
    for item in range(2):
        team_id = create_team(choice(TEAM_NAMES))
                           player_id={"player_id": player_ids[item]})
                           player_id={"player_id": player_ids[item + 2]})

    # Create the roundteam association for the teams.
    roundteams.create(round_id=round_id, teams=team_ids)

    # The order expected by the tests is to be the same as the game, which is not the
    # order from the original list.
    return game_id, round_id, team_ids, utils.query_player_ids_for_round(