Beispiel #1
 def test_select_first_regex(self):
     data = [
         'foo bar',
         'boo far',
     assert (data > select_first(r'^b.*r$')) == 'boo far'
Beispiel #2
 def test_select_first_regex(self):
     data = [
         'foo bar',
         'boo far',
     assert (data > select_first(r'^b.*r$')) == 'boo far'
Beispiel #3
def validate_each(*rules):
    Like :func:`validate`, but checks each item in `iterable` separately
    against `rules`.

    Also the first encountered error is returned without checking the rest
    of the items.
    return lambda val: (
        (val > foreach(validate(*rules)) | select_first(X != OK) or OK)
        if isinstance(val, Iterable) and not isinstance(val, basestring)
        else (False, '"{0}" is not iterable'.format(val)))
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SmartAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if self.list_display == admin.ModelAdmin.list_display:
            self.list_display = ('__str__', ) + (self._get_fields(
                lambda field: type(field) not in self.list_display_exclude))

        self.date_hierarchy = (self.date_hierarchy or self.all_fields > maybe
            | select_first(type | X._in_([DateTimeField, DateField]))

        self.list_filter = self.list_filter or self._get_list_filter()

        self.search_fields = self.search_fields or self._get_search_fields()
        self.raw_id_fields = self.raw_id_fields or self._get_fields(

        self.filter_horizontal = self.filter_horizontal or self._get_fields(
            type | (X == ManyToManyField))
Beispiel #5
def validate(*rules):
    Creates a validation function that will check if it's input satisfies

    `rules` should be an (arbitrarily nested) sequence of functions
    that take one argument and return a tuple of:
    ``(valid: bool, error: string or None)``
    where `valid` says if the argument satisfies the rule and `error` says
    why not if it doesn't.

    The rules are checked sequentially and when an error is encountered, it is
    returned immediately from the function, without checking the rest of the
    rules. The returned value is the one returned from the rule, i.e.
    ``(False, "error message")``

    If no error is encountered the function returns ``(True, None)``.

    (Note that the validation function itself is a rule.)
    rules = rules > flatten | tuple
    return lambda val: rules > foreach(X(val)) | select_first(X != OK) or OK
Beispiel #6
 def test_select_first_empty(self):
     assert select_first(X)([]) is None
Beispiel #7
 def test_select_first_none(self):
     result = select_first(X == 2)([0, 1, 0, 1])
     assert result is None
Beispiel #8
 def test_select_first(self):
     result = select_first(X % 2 == 0)([3, 4, 5, 6])
     assert result == 4
Beispiel #9
 def test_select_first_empty(self):
     assert select_first(X)([]) is None
Beispiel #10
 def test_select_first_none(self):
     result = select_first(X == 2)([0, 1, 0, 1])
     assert result is None
Beispiel #11
 def test_select_first(self):
     result = select_first(X % 2 == 0)([3, 4, 5, 6])
     assert result == 4