Beispiel #1
def robot_update_pos(conn, addr):
    robot_ip = addr[0]
    # read new position (row, col)
    data = receive_message(conn, 4)
    (from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y) = unpack("B" * 4, data)
    print("Robot", robot_ip, "now arrives", (from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y))
    planning.update_robot_pos(robot_ip, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y)
Beispiel #2
def robot_join(conn, addr):
    print("Robot " + addr[0] + " request to join the network")
    robot_ip = addr[0]
    # log the socket
    robot_sockets[robot_ip] = conn
    # WARNING: magic number
    # TODO: more plan on what to do
    planning.update_robot_pos(robot_ip, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    conn.sendall(pack("B", 3))
    # tell it where to go
    # if there's no task, just do nothing
    assigned_task = planning.add_free_robot(robot_ip)
    if assigned_task is not None:
        planning.robot_perform_task(robot_ip, assigned_task)