Beispiel #1
 def getCatchupReqs(self, consProof: ConsistencyProof):
     # TODO: This needs to be optimised, there needs to be a minimum size
     # of catchup requests so if a node is trying to catchup only 50 txns
     # from 10 nodes, each of thise 10 nodes will servce 5 txns and prepare
     # a consistency proof for other txns. This is bad for the node catching
     #  up as it involves more network traffic and more computation to verify
     # so many consistency proofs and for the node serving catchup reqs. But
     # if the node sent only 2 catchup requests the network traffic greatly
     # reduces and 25 txns can be read of a single chunk probably
     # (if txns dont span across multiple chunks). A practical value of this
     # "minimum size" is some multiple of chunk size of the ledger
     # nodeCount = len(self.nodestack.conns)
     nodeCount = len(self.nodes_to_request_txns_from)
     if nodeCount == 0:
         logger.debug('{} did not find any connected to nodes to send '
     # TODO: Consider setting start to `max(ledger.size, consProof.start)`
     # since ordered requests might have been executed after receiving
     # sufficient ConsProof in `preCatchupClbk`
     start = getattr(consProof, f.SEQ_NO_START.nm)
     end = getattr(consProof, f.SEQ_NO_END.nm)
     batchLength = math.ceil((end - start) / nodeCount)
     reqs = []
     s = start + 1
     e = min(s + batchLength - 1, end)
     for i in range(nodeCount):
         req = CatchupReq(getattr(consProof, f.LEDGER_ID.nm), s, e, end)
         s = e + 1
         e = min(s + batchLength - 1, end)
         if s > end:
     return reqs
 def addReqsForMissing(frm, to):
     # Add Catchup requests for missing transactions.
     # `frm` and `to` are inclusive
     missing = to - frm + 1
     numBatches = int(math.ceil(missing / batchSize))
     for i in range(numBatches):
         s = frm + (i * batchSize)
         e = min(to, frm + ((i + 1) * batchSize) - 1)
         req = CatchupReq(self._ledger_id, s, e, end)"{} creating catchup request {} to {} till {}".format(self, s, e, end))
     return missing
Beispiel #3
 def _generate_catchup_reqs(self, start, end, node_count):
     batch_length = math.ceil((end - start) / node_count)
     reqs = []
     s = start + 1
     e = min(s + batch_length - 1, end)
     for i in range(node_count):
         req = CatchupReq(self._ledger_id, s, e, end)
         s = e + 1
         e = min(s + batch_length - 1, end)
         if s > end:
     return reqs
Beispiel #4
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_catchuptill_greater_ledger_size(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client):
    catchup_till = 100
    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, 0, 10, catchup_till)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 4)
    ledger_manager = txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager
    ledger_manager.processCatchupReq(req, "frm")
    ledger_size = ledger_manager.getLedgerForMsg(req).size
        ledger_manager, "not able to service since "
        "catchupTill = {} greater than "
        "ledger size = {}".format(catchup_till, ledger_size))
Beispiel #5
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_start_greater_end(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client):
    start = 10
    end = 5
    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, start, end, 11)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 4)
    ledger_manager = txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager
    ledger_manager.processCatchupReq(req, "frm")
        ledger_manager, "not able to service since "
        "start = {} greater than "
        "end = {}".format(start, end))
Beispiel #6
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_end_greater_catchuptill(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client):
    end = 15
    catchup_till = 10
    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, 0, end, catchup_till)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 4)
    ledger_manager = txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager
    ledger_manager.processCatchupReq(req, "frm")
        ledger_manager, "not able to service since "
        "end = {} greater than "
        "catchupTill = {}".format(end, catchup_till))
Beispiel #7
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_start_greater_end(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client,
    start = 10
    end = 5

    def _check_discard(msg, reason, logMethod=logging.error, cliOutput=False):
        assert reason.find("not able to service since "
                           "start = {} greater than "
                           "end = {}".format(start, end))

    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, start, end, 11)
    _process_catchup_req(req, _check_discard, looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                         sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, monkeypatch)
Beispiel #8
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_end_greater_catchuptill(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client,
    end = 15
    catchup_till = 10

    def _check_discard(msg, reason, logMethod=logging.error, cliOutput=False):
        assert reason.find("not able to service since "
                           "end = {} greater than "
                           "catchupTill = {}".format(end, catchup_till))

    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, 0, end, catchup_till)
    _process_catchup_req(req, _check_discard, looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                         sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, monkeypatch)
Beispiel #9
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_with_catchuptill_greater_ledger_size(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client,
    catchup_till = 100
    req = CatchupReq(leger_id, 0, 10, catchup_till)
    ledger_size = txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager.getLedgerForMsg(req).size

    def _check_discard(msg, reason, logMethod=logging.error, cliOutput=False):
        assert reason.find("not able to service since "
                           "catchupTill = {} greater than "
                           "ledger size = {}".format(catchup_till,

    _process_catchup_req(req, _check_discard, looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                         sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, monkeypatch)
def test_receive_incorrect_catchup_request_for_seq_no_zero(txnPoolNodeSet):
    req = CatchupReq(ledger_id, 0, 0, 1)
    ledger_manager = txnPoolNodeSet[0].ledgerManager
    ledger_manager.processCatchupReq(req, "frm")
    _check_call_discard(ledger_manager, "not able to service since start 0 is zero or less")
    def _build_catchup_reqs(
            ledger_id: int,
            start_seq_no: int,
            end_seq_no: int,
            catchup_till: int,
            nodes_ledger_sizes: Dict[str, int],
            catchup_batch_size: int = 5) -> Dict[str, CatchupReq]:
        # Utility
        def find_node_idx(ledger_sizes: List[Tuple[str, int]],
                          max_seq_no: int) -> int:
            for i, (_, size) in enumerate(ledger_sizes):
                if size >= max_seq_no:
                    return i

        def find_next_best_node_idx(ledger_sizes: List[Tuple[str, int]],
                                    exclude_idx) -> int:
            idx_txns = ((idx, size)
                        for idx, (_, size) in enumerate(ledger_sizes)
                        if idx != exclude_idx)
            return max(idx_txns, key=lambda v: v[1])[0]

        # Gather all nodes that have transactions we potentially need.
        # Register nodes having more than needed transactions as having only
        # needed transactions to reduce ability to manipulate distribution
        # of catchup requests by malicious nodes
        nodes_ledger_sizes = [(node_id, min(size, end_seq_no))
                              for node_id, size in nodes_ledger_sizes.items()
                              if size >= start_seq_no]

        # Shuffle nodes so that catchup requests will be sent randomly

        reqs = {}
        pos = end_seq_no
        while len(nodes_ledger_sizes) > 0 and pos >= start_seq_no:
            txns_left = pos - start_seq_no + 1
            txns_to_catchup = txns_left // len(nodes_ledger_sizes)
            txns_to_catchup = max(
                catchup_batch_size, txns_to_catchup
            )  # Always try to ask some minimum number of txns per node
            txns_to_catchup = min(
                txns_to_catchup)  # But no more than number of txns left

            node_index = find_node_idx(nodes_ledger_sizes, pos)
            if len(nodes_ledger_sizes) > 1:
                # If we have more than one node left to request data from then it may be needed to
                # adjust number of txns requested from current node so that we don't ask next node
                # for txns that it doesn't have
                next_node_index = find_next_best_node_idx(
                    nodes_ledger_sizes, node_index)
                next_node_ledger_size = nodes_ledger_sizes[next_node_index][1]
                if pos - txns_to_catchup > next_node_ledger_size:
                    txns_to_catchup = pos - next_node_ledger_size

            if txns_to_catchup > 0:
                node_id = nodes_ledger_sizes[node_index][0]
                reqs[node_id] = CatchupReq(ledgerId=ledger_id,
                                           seqNoStart=pos - txns_to_catchup +
                pos -= txns_to_catchup

            del nodes_ledger_sizes[node_index]

        return reqs