Beispiel #1
def backchain_to_goal_tree_4_getargs():
    return [ [ IF( AND( '(?x) has (?y)',
                        '(?x) has (?z)' ),
                   THEN( '(?x) has (?y) and (?z)' ) ),
               IF( '(?x) has rhythm and music',
                   THEN( '(?x) could not ask for anything more' ) ) ], 
             'gershwin could not ask for anything more' ]
Beispiel #2
def backchain_to_goal_tree_4_getargs():
    return [
            IF(AND("(?x) has (?y)", "(?x) has (?z)"),
               THEN("(?x) has (?y) and (?z)")),
                "(?x) has rhythm and music",
                THEN("(?x) could not ask for anything more"),
        "gershwin could not ask for anything more",
def make_rule(row, facts):
    mark, rule = row.split(':')
    conditions, consequence = rule.split('=>')
    conditions = [c.strip() for c in conditions.split(',')]
    conditions = [facts[cond] for cond in conditions]
    consequence = facts[consequence.strip()]
    return IF(AND(*conditions), THEN(consequence))
Beispiel #4
def same_anchor_rule(num=2):
    statements = []
    consequent = "consistent"
    for i in range(0,num):
        binding = "(?%c)"%chr(i+CHAR_OFFSET)
        statements.append( "IsA(%s, (?x))"%binding)
        consequent += " %s"%binding
    return IF (AND (statements), THEN(consequent))
Beispiel #5
def backchain_to_goal_tree(rules, hypothesis):
    Takes a hypothesis (string) and a list of rules (list
    of IF objects), returning an AND/OR tree representing the
    backchain of possible statements we may need to test
    to determine if this hypothesis is reachable or not.

    This method should return an AND/OR tree, that is, an
    AND or OR object, whose constituents are the subgoals that
    need to be tested. The leaves of this tree should be strings
    (possibly with unbound variables), *not* AND or OR objects.
    Make sure to use simplify(...) to flatten trees where appropriate.
    #find a rule which has the hypothesis as the conclusion and testing its premises
    # Rule Z14:
            '(?x) is a bird',  #in rule Z3       
            '(?x) does not fly',  #opposite of rule Z4
            '(?x) swims',
            '(?x) has black and white color'),
        THEN('(?x) is a penguin'))
    # penguin = opus?
    #OR('opus is a penguin', AND(
    #OR('opus is a bird', 'opus has feathers'),
    #AND('opus flies', 'opus lays eggs'))
    #'opus does not fly',
    #'opus swims',
    #'opus has black and white color' ))
    #Rule Z14: if

    results = [hypothesis]
    for rule in rules:
        consequent = rule.consequent()
        for expr in consequent:
            bindings = match(expr, hypothesis)
            if bindings or expr == hypothesis:
                antecedent = rule.antecedent()
                if isinstance(antecedent, str):
                    new_hypothesis = populate(antecedent, bindings)
                        backchain_to_goal_tree(rules, new_hypothesis))
                    statements = [
                        populate(ante_expr, bindings)
                        for ante_expr in antecedent
                    new_results = []
                    for statement in statements:
                            backchain_to_goal_tree(rules, statement))
                    results.append(create_statement(new_results, antecedent))
    return simplify(OR(results))
Beispiel #6
# ask for anything more' and using the rules defined in
# backchain_to_goal_tree_4_getargs() above.

make_test(type = 'FUNCTION_ENCODED_ARGS',
          getargs = backchain_to_goal_tree_4_getargs,
          testanswer = backchain_to_goal_tree_4_testanswer,
          expected_val = str(result_bc_4)

### TEST 14 ###

    IF( AND( 'a (?x)',
             'b (?x)' ),
        THEN( 'c d' '(?x) e' )),
    IF( OR( '(?y) f e',
            '(?y) g' ),
        THEN( 'h (?y) j' )),
    IF( AND( 'h c d j',
             'h i j' ),
        THEN( 'zot' )),
    IF( '(?z) i',
        THEN( 'i (?z)' ))
def backchain_to_goal_tree_5_getargs():
    return [ ARBITRARY_EXP, 'zot' ]

result_bc_5 = OR('zot',
                 AND('h c d j',
Beispiel #7
from production import AND, OR, NOT, PASS, FAIL, IF, THEN, \
     match, populate, simplify, variables
from zookeeper import ZOOKEEPER_RULES

# This function, which you need to write, takes in a hypothesis
# that can be determined using a set of rules, and outputs a goal
# tree of which statements it would need to test to prove that
# hypothesis. Refer to the problem set (section 2) for more
# detailed specifications and examples.

# Note that this function is supposed to be a general
# backchainer.  You should not hard-code anything that is
# specific to a particular rule set.  The backchainer will be
# tested on things other than ZOOKEEPER_RULES.

(IF(AND('a (?x)', 'b (?x)'), THEN('c d(?x) e')), IF(OR('(?y) f e', '(?y) g'), THEN('h (?y) j')), IF(AND('h c d j', 'h i j'), THEN('zot')), IF((?z) i, THEN('i (?z)')))

def backchain_to_goal_tree(rules, hypothesis):
    results = [hypothesis]
    for rule in rules:
        consequent = rule.consequent()
        for expr in consequent:
            bindings = match(expr, hypothesis)
            if bindings or expr == hypothesis:
                antecedent = rule.antecedent()
                if isinstance(antecedent, str):
                    new_hypothesis = populate(antecedent, bindings)
                    results.append(backchain_to_goal_tree(rules, new_hypothesis))
Beispiel #8
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations

# First, define all your rules here individually. That is, give
Beispiel #9
# Author: Leilani H. Gilpin
# Date: 30 December 2019
# Section: 1
# Email: [email protected]
# Description: Rule file for conceptual primitives and reasonableness monitor code.
#      Based on the MIT 6.034 Lab 1: Rule-Based Systems 

from production import IF, AND, OR, NOT, THEN, DELETE, forward_chain, pretty_goal_tree
from production import PASS, FAIL, match, populate, simplify, variables
from data import *
import pprint


same_IsA_rule = IF('(?x) IsA (?y)', THEN('self (?x) (?x)'))
same_location_rule = IF('(?x) AtLocation (?y)', THEN('self (?x) (?x)'))
consistent_anchor_rule = IF(AND("(?x) IsA (?y)", "(?z) IsA (?y)",
                           NOT("self (?x) (?z)")),
                       THEN("(?x) consistent (?z)"))
consistent_location_rule = IF(AND("(?x) AtLocation (?y)", "(?z) AtLocation (?y)",
                                  NOT("self (?x) (?z)")), #NOT("(?z) sameLocation (?y)")),
                       THEN("(?x) sameLocation (?z)"))

anchor_rules = [same_IsA_rule, consistent_anchor_rule]
location_rules = [same_location_rule, consistent_location_rule]

# make consistent rules?

# make size rules
Beispiel #10
ANSWER_3 = '2'

ANSWER_4 = '0'

ANSWER_5 = '3'

ANSWER_6 = '1'

ANSWER_7 = '0'

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

# Fill this in with your rule 
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?y) beats (?z)',
                     '(?x) beats (?y)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these pretty print statements
#  and observing the results printed to your screen after executing
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data))

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here. We've given you an example rule whose lead you can follow:
friend_rule = IF( AND("person (?x)", "person (?y)"), THEN ("friend (?x) (?y)", "friend (?y) (?x)") )

same_identity = IF(OR('person (?x)'), THEN('same (?x) (?x)'))
Beispiel #11
# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'), THEN ( '(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors', 
    'scissors beats paper', 
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
Beispiel #12
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations

# First, define all your rules here individually. That is, give
Beispiel #13
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations

# First, define all your rules here individually. That is, give
Beispiel #14
# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND( '(?x) beats (?y)',
                           '(?y) beats (?z)' ),
                      THEN( '(?x) beats (?z)' ) )

# You can test your rule like this:
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors',
    'scissors beats paper',
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
ANSWER_3 = '2'

ANSWER_4 = '0'

ANSWER_5 = '3'

ANSWER_6 = '1'

ANSWER_7 = '0'

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

# Fill this in with your rule
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these pretty print statements
#  and observing the results printed to your screen after executing
#pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data))
#pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
#pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data))

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here. We've given you an example rule whose lead you can follow:
friend_rule = IF(AND("person (?x)", "person (?y)"),
                 THEN("friend (?x) (?y)", "friend (?y) (?x)"))

self = IF('parent (?y) (?x)', THEN('self (?x) (?x)'))
Beispiel #16
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data))

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])
Beispiel #17
# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)' ), THEN('(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)
print(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors', 
    'scissors beats paper', 
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
Beispiel #18
ANSWER_2 = ''

ANSWER_3 = ''

ANSWER_4 = ''

ANSWER_5 = ''

ANSWER_6 = ''

ANSWER_7 = ''

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

# Fill this in with your rule
transitive_rule = IF(AND(), THEN())

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these pretty print statements
#  and observing the results printed to your screen after executing
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data))

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here. We've given you an example rule whose lead you can follow:
friend_rule = IF(AND("person (?x)", "person (?y)"),
                 THEN("friend (?x) (?y)", "friend (?y) (?x)"))

# Add your rules to this list:
family_rules = [friend_rule]
Beispiel #19
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations

# First, define all your rules here individually. That is, give
Beispiel #20
                     frozenset) == tree_map(type_encode(result_bc_4),


### TEST 17 ###

# This test checks to make sure that your backchainer produces
# the correct goal tree given the hypothesis 'zot' and using the
# rules defined in ARBITRARY_EXP below.

ARBITRARY_EXP = (IF(AND('a (?x)', 'b (?x)'), THEN('c d'
                                                  '(?x) e')),
                 IF(OR('(?y) f e', '(?y) g'), THEN('h (?y) j')),
                 IF(AND('h c d j', 'h i j'),
                    THEN('zot')), IF('(?z) i', THEN('i (?z)')))

def backchain_to_goal_tree_5_getargs():
    return [ARBITRARY_EXP, 'zot']

result_bc_5 = OR('zot', AND('h c d j', OR('h i j', 'i f e', 'i g', 'g i')))

def backchain_to_goal_tree_5_testanswer(val, original_args=None):
    return (tree_map(type_encode(val),
                     frozenset) == tree_map(type_encode(result_bc_5),
Beispiel #21
#!/usr/bin/env python2

from production import IF, AND, OR, NOT, THEN, DELETE, forward_chain

theft_rule = IF('you have (?x)', THEN('we have (?x)'), DELETE('you have (?x)'))

data = ('you have apple', 'you have orange', 'you have pear')

print forward_chain([theft_rule], data, verbose=False)
Beispiel #22
def transitive_rule_poker_testanswer(val, original_val=None):
    if repr(transitive_rule) == repr(IF(AND(), THEN())):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return (set(val) == set(poker_answer))
ANSWER_5 = '0'

# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ('two-pair beats pair', 'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
              'straight beats three-of-a-kind', 'flush beats straight',
              'full-house beats flush', 'straight-flush beats full-house')

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule like this:
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    ['a beats b', 'b beats c'])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain(
    ['rock beats scissors', 'scissors beats paper', 'paper beats rock'])

# # Problem 1.3.2: Family relations

# First, define all your rules here individually. That is, give
Beispiel #24
# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND('(?x) beats (?y)',
                          '(?y) beats (?z)'), 
                      THEN('(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors', 
    'scissors beats paper', 
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
Beispiel #25
# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND( '(?x) beats (?y)','(?y) beats (?z)' ), THEN( '(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule like this:
# print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors', 
    'scissors beats paper', 
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
ANSWER_3 = '2'

ANSWER_4 = '0'

ANSWER_5 = '3'

ANSWER_6 = '1'

ANSWER_7 = '0'

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

# transitive_rule = IF( AND(), THEN() )

transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these print statements:
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data)
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data)

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here:

# Add your rules to this list:
family_rules = [
    IF('person (?x)', THEN('self (?x) (?x)')),
    IF(AND('parent (?p) (?x)', 'parent (?p) (?y)', NOT('self (?x) (?y)')),
       THEN('sibling (?x) (?y)')),
Beispiel #27
from production import IF, AND, THEN, FAIL, OR

        AND('(?x) has hair'),  # Z1
        THEN('(?x) is a mammal')),
        AND('(?x) gives milk'),  # Z2
        THEN('(?x) is a mammal')),
        AND('(?x) has feathers'),  # Z3
        THEN('(?x) is a bird')),
            '(?x) flies',  # Z4
            '(?x) lays eggs'),
        THEN('(?x) is a bird')),
            '(?x) is a mammal',  # Z5
            '(?x) eats meat'),
        THEN('(?x) is a carnivore')),
            '(?x) is a mammal',  # Z6
            '(?x) has pointed teeth',
            '(?x) has claws',
            '(?x) has forward-pointing eyes'),
        THEN('(?x) is a carnivore')),
Beispiel #28
# Problem 1.3.1: Poker hands

# You're given this data about poker hands:
poker_data = ( 'two-pair beats pair',
               'three-of-a-kind beats two-pair',
               'straight beats three-of-a-kind',
               'flush beats straight',
               'full-house beats flush',
               'straight-flush beats full-house' )

# Fill in this rule so that it finds all other combinations of
# which poker hands beat which, transitively. For example, it
# should be able to deduce that a three-of-a-kind beats a pair,
# because a three-of-a-kind beats two-pair, which beats a pair.
transitive_rule = IF( AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'), THEN('(?x) beats (?z)') )

# You can test your rule like this:
print(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))

# Here's some other data sets for the rule. The tester uses
# these, so don't change them.
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS1 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
                                    [ 'a beats b', 'b beats c' ])
TEST_RESULTS_TRANS2 = forward_chain([transitive_rule],
  [ 'rock beats scissors', 
    'scissors beats paper', 
    'paper beats rock' ])

# Problem 1.3.2: Family relations
Beispiel #29
#### Part 1: Multiple Choice #########################################

ANSWER_1 = '2'

ANSWER_2 = 'no'

ANSWER_3 = '2'

ANSWER_4 = '1'

ANSWER_5 = '0'

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these print statements:
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data)
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data)
#print forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data)

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here:

self = IF('person (?x)', THEN('self (?x) (?x)'))

sibling = IF(
        'parent (?x) (?y)',
Beispiel #30
ANSWER_3 = '2'

ANSWER_4 = '0'

ANSWER_5 = '3'

ANSWER_6 = '1'

ANSWER_7 = '0'

#### Part 2: Transitive Rule #########################################

# Fill this in with your rule
transitive_rule = IF(AND('(?x) beats (?y)', '(?y) beats (?z)'),
                     THEN('(?x) beats (?z)'))

# You can test your rule by uncommenting these pretty print statements
#  and observing the results printed to your screen after executing
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], abc_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], poker_data))
# pprint(forward_chain([transitive_rule], minecraft_data))

#### Part 3: Family Relations #########################################

# Define your rules here. We've given you an example rule whose lead you can follow:
same_rule = IF(AND('person (?x)', 'person (?x)'), THEN('same (?x) (?x)'))

friend_rule = IF(AND("person (?x)", "person (?y)"),
                 THEN("friend (?x) (?y)", "friend (?y) (?x)"))