Beispiel #1
def extendModel(model, nodes, atoms, norm=False):
    """Extend a coarse grained *model* built for *nodes* to *atoms*.  *model*
    may be :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, :class:`.PCA`, or :class:`.NMA`
    instance.  This function will take part of the normal modes for each node
    (i.e. Cα atoms) and extend it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For
    each atom in *nodes* argument *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding
    residue.  If *norm* is **True**, extended modes are normalized."""

        evecs = model._getArray()
        evals = model.getEigvals()
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('model must be an NMA instance')

    if model.numAtoms() != nodes.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('atom numbers must be the same')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, model.is3d())

    evecs = evecs[indices, :]
    if norm:
        evecs /= np.array([((evecs[:, i])**2).sum()**0.5
                           for i in range(evecs.shape[1])])

    if model.is3d():
        extended = NMA('Extended ' + str(model))
        extended = GNM('Extended ' + str(model))
    extended.setEigens(evecs, evals)
    return extended, atommap
Beispiel #2
def extendModel(model, nodes, atoms, norm=False):
    """Extend a coarse grained *model* built for *nodes* to *atoms*.  *model*
    may be :class:`.ANM`, :class:`.GNM`, :class:`.PCA`, or :class:`.NMA`
    instance.  This function will take part of the normal modes for each node
    (i.e. Cα atoms) and extend it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For
    each atom in *nodes* argument *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding
    residue.  If *norm* is **True**, extended modes are normalized."""

        evecs = model._getArray()
        evals = model.getEigvals()
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('model must be an NMA instance')

    if model.numAtoms() != nodes.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('atom numbers must be the same')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, model.is3d())

    evecs = evecs[indices, :]
    if norm:
        evecs /= np.array([((evecs[:, i]) ** 2).sum() ** 0.5
                           for i in range(evecs.shape[1])])

    if model.is3d():
        extended = NMA('Extended ' + str(model))
        extended = GNM('Extended ' + str(model))
    extended.setEigens(evecs, evals)
    return extended, atommap
Beispiel #3
def extendVector(vector, nodes, atoms):
    """Extend a coarse grained *vector* for *nodes* to *atoms*.  This function
    will take part of the normal modes for each node (i.e. Cα atoms) and extend
    it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For each atom in *nodes*,
    *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding residue."""

        vec = vector._getArray()
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('vector must be a Vector instance')

    if vector.numAtoms() != nodes.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('atom numbers must be the same')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, vector.is3d())
    extended = Vector(vec[indices], 'Extended ' + str(vector), vector.is3d())
    return extended, atommap
Beispiel #4
def extendVector(vector, nodes, atoms):
    """Extend a coarse grained *vector* for *nodes* to *atoms*.  This function
    will take part of the normal modes for each node (i.e. Cα atoms) and extend
    it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For each atom in *nodes*,
    *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding residue."""

        vec = vector._getArray()
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('vector must be a Vector instance')

    if vector.numAtoms() != nodes.numAtoms():
        raise ValueError('atom numbers must be the same')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, vector.is3d())
    extended = Vector(vec[indices], 'Extended ' + str(vector), vector.is3d())
    return extended, atommap
Beispiel #5
def extendMode(mode, nodes, atoms, norm=False):
    """Extend a coarse grained normal *mode* built for *nodes* to *atoms*.
    This function will take part of the normal modes for each node (i.e. Cα
    atoms) and extend it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For each atom
    in *nodes* argument *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding residue.
    Extended mode is multiplied by the square root of variance of the mode.
    If *norm* is **True**, extended mode is normalized."""

        vec = mode._getArray()
        std = mode.getVariance()**0.5
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('mode must be a normal Mode instance')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, mode.is3d())
    vec = vec[indices]
    if norm:
        vec /= ((vec)**2).sum()**0.5
        vec *= std
    extended = Vector(vec, 'Extended ' + str(mode), mode.is3d())
    return extended, atommap
Beispiel #6
def extendMode(mode, nodes, atoms, norm=False):
    """Extend a coarse grained normal *mode* built for *nodes* to *atoms*.
    This function will take part of the normal modes for each node (i.e. Cα
    atoms) and extend it to all other atoms in the same residue.  For each atom
    in *nodes* argument *atoms* argument must contain a corresponding residue.
    Extended mode is multiplied by the square root of variance of the mode.
    If *norm* is **True**, extended mode is normalized."""

        vec = mode._getArray()
        std = mode.getVariance() ** 0.5
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('mode must be a normal Mode instance')

    indices, atommap = extendAtoms(nodes, atoms, mode.is3d())
    vec = vec[indices]
    if norm:
        vec /= ((vec) ** 2).sum() ** 0.5
        vec *= std
    extended = Vector(vec, 'Extended ' + str(mode), mode.is3d())
    return extended, atommap