Beispiel #1
    def prepare_data(self):
        # Define parent directory
        dataset_directory = '{}/data'.format(self.opt.primary_directory)
        training_data_dir = '{}/train-pats'.format(dataset_directory)
        validation_data_dir = '{}/validation-pats-no-dose'.format(
        # path where any data generated by this code (e.g., predictions, models) are stored

        results_dir = '{}/results'.format(
            dataset_directory)  # parent path where results are stored

        model_results_path = '{}/{}'.format(results_dir, self.model_name)
        self.prediction_dir = '{}/{}-predictions'.format(
            model_results_path, self.stage)
        os.makedirs(self.prediction_dir, exist_ok=True)

        # Prepare the data directory
        plan_paths = get_paths(
            ext='')  # gets the path of each plan's directory
        num_train_pats = np.minimum(150, len(
            plan_paths))  # number of plans that will be used to train model
        self.training_paths = plan_paths[:
                                         num_train_pats]  # list of training plans
        self.hold_out_paths = plan_paths[
            num_train_pats:]  # list of paths used for held out testing
Beispiel #2
    def initialize_networks(self):
        Load the newest model, or if no model exists with the appropriate name a new model will be created.
        # Initialize variables for models
        all_models = get_paths(self.model_dir, ext='h5')

        # Get last epoch of existing models if they exist
        for model_name in all_models:
            model_epoch_number = model_name.split(
            if model_epoch_number.isdigit():
                self.epoch_start = max(self.epoch_start,

        # Build new models or load most recent old model if one exists
        if self.epoch_start >= self.epoch_last:
            print('Model fully trained, loading model from epoch {}'.format(
            return 0, 0, 0, self.epoch_last

        elif self.epoch_start >= 1:
            # If models exist then load them
            self.generator = load_model('{}{}.h5'.format(
                self.model_path_template, self.epoch_start))
            # If models don't exist then define them
Beispiel #3
    def load_and_shape_data(self, path_to_load):
        """ Reshapes data that is stored as vectors into matrices
        :param path_to_load: the path of the data that needs to be loaded. If the path is a directory, all data in the
         directory will be loaded. If path is a file then only that file will be loaded.
        :return: Loaded data with the appropriate shape

        # Initialize the dictionary for the loaded files
        loaded_file = {}
        if '.csv' in path_to_load:
            loaded_file[self.mode_name] = load_file(path_to_load)
            files_to_load = get_paths(path_to_load, ext='')
            # Load files and get names without file extension or directory
            for f in files_to_load:
                f_name = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
                if f_name in self.required_files or f_name in self.full_roi_list:
                    loaded_file[f_name] = load_file(f)

        # Initialize matrices for features
        shaped_data = {}.fromkeys(self.required_files)
        for key in shaped_data:
            shaped_data[key] = np.zeros(self.required_files[key])

        # Populate matrices that were no initialized as []
        for key in shaped_data:
            if key == 'structure_masks':
                # Convert dictionary of masks into a tensor (necessary for tensorflow)
                for roi_idx, roi in enumerate(self.full_roi_list):
                    if roi in loaded_file.keys():
                        np.put(shaped_data[key], self.num_rois * loaded_file[roi] + roi_idx, int(1))
            elif key == 'possible_dose_mask':
                np.put(shaped_data[key], loaded_file[key], int(1))
            elif key == 'voxel_dimensions':
                shaped_data[key] = loaded_file[key]
            else:  # Files with shape
                indices = np.array(loaded_file[key]['indices'])
                data = np.array(loaded_file[key]['data'])

                np.put(shaped_data[key], indices.astype(np.int64), data.astype(np.int64))
                if key == 'ct':
                    shaped_data[key] = shaped_data[key].clip(None, 4071)

                # if not self.opt.no_scaling:
                #     if key == 'dose' and self.mode_name != 'evaluation':
                #         # shaped_data[key] = shaped_data[key]/80.0
                #         shaped_data[key] = 2.0*shaped_data[key]/80.0 - 1.0

        return shaped_data
Beispiel #4
    # Define project directories
    # TODO: Must define the path of where the data is stored.
    # primary_directory = '/home/user_name/open-kbp'  # directory where everything is stored
    primary_directory = '/Users/aaronbabier/Downloads/public_dat-2'
    # Define directory where given data is stored
    training_data_dir = '{}/train-pats'.format(primary_directory)
    validation_data_dir = '{}/validation-pats-no-dose'.format(
    # path where any data generated by this code (e.g., predictions, models) are stored
    results_dir = '{}/results'.format(primary_directory)
    # Name model to train and number of epochs to train it for
    prediction_name = 'baseline'
    number_of_training_epochs = 1

    # Prepare the data directory
    plan_paths = get_paths(training_data_dir,
                           ext='')  # gets the path of each plan's directory
    num_train_pats = np.minimum(
        len(plan_paths))  # number of plans that will be used to train model
    training_paths = plan_paths[:num_train_pats]  # list of training plans
    hold_out_paths = plan_paths[
        num_train_pats:]  # list of paths used for held out testing

    # Train a model
    data_loader_train = DataLoader(training_paths)
    dose_prediction_model_train = PredictionModel(data_loader_train,
Beispiel #5
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from torch.autograd import Variable
from src.models import networks
from src.options.train_options import TrainOptions
from torchsummary import summary
import src.models.medicalzoo.medzoo as medzoo
from torchvision import transforms

primary_directory = '/Users/mkazi/Google Drive/KBP_Challenge'

dataset_dir = '{}/data'.format(primary_directory)
training_data_dir = '{}/train-pats'.format(dataset_dir)
# training_data_dir = '{}/validation-pats-no-dose'.format(dataset_dir)

plan_paths = get_paths(training_data_dir,
                       ext='')  # gets the path of each plan's directory
num_train_pats = np.minimum(
    100, len(plan_paths))  # number of plans that will be used to train model
training_paths = plan_paths[:num_train_pats]

args = [
    '--batchSize', '2', '--primary_directory', primary_directory,
    '--which_model_netG', 'pix2pixhd', '--which_model_netD', 'multiscale',
    '--n_layers_D', '3', '--num_D', '3', '--resnet_depth', '10',
    '--which_direction', 'AtoB', '--input_nc', '1', '--lambda_A', '100',
    '--lr_policy', 'plateau', '--epoch_count', '200', '--load_epoch', '-1',
    '--lr_G', '0.01', '--lr_max', '0.01', '--lr_step_size', '25',
    '--loss_function', 'smoothed_L1', '--init_type', 'xavier', '--no_scaling',
    '--no_normalization', '--patience', '5', '--n_critic', '5',
    '--weight_cliping_limit', '0.01'
Beispiel #6
 def prepare_data(self):
     self.plan_paths = get_paths(self.hparams.training_data_dir, ext='')
     self.num_train_pats = 200  #np.minimum(self.hparams.num_train_pats, len(self.plan_paths))  # number of plans that will be used to train model
     self.validation_data_paths = get_paths(
         self.hparams.validation_data_dir, ext='')
     self.test_data_paths = get_paths(self.hparams.test_data_dir, ext='')
Beispiel #7
    primary_directory = '/Users/aaronbabier/Documents/GitHub/open-kbp-post'  #'/home/user_name/open-kbp'  # directory where everything is stored
    # Define directory where given data is stored
    main_data_dir = '{}/provided-data'.format(primary_directory)
    training_data_dir = '{}/train-pats'.format(main_data_dir)
    validation_data_dir = '{}/validation-pats'.format(main_data_dir)
    testing_data_dir = '{}/test-pats'.format(main_data_dir)
    # Define hold out set
    test_time = False  # Only change this to True when the model has been fully tuned on the validation set
    # path where any data generated by this code (e.g., predictions, models) are stored
    results_dir = '{}/results'.format(primary_directory)
    # Name model to train and number of epochs to train it for
    prediction_name = 'baseline'
    number_of_training_epochs = 1  # This should probably be increased to 100-200 after your dry run

    # Prepare the data directory
    training_plan_paths = get_paths(
        training_data_dir, ext='')  # gets the path of each plan's directory

    # Train a model
    data_loader_train = DataLoader(training_plan_paths)
    dose_prediction_model_train = PredictionModel(data_loader_train,

    # Define hold out set
    if test_time is False:
        hold_out_plan_paths = get_paths(
            ext='')  # list of paths used for held out validation
Beispiel #8
from import DataLoader
from provided_code.dose_evaluation_class import EvaluateDose
import numpy as np

primary_directory = '/Users/mkazi/Google Drive/KBP_Challenge'

args = [
    '--which_model_netG', 'unet_128_3d', '--which_direction', 'AtoB',
    '--batchSize', '1', '--input_nc', '1', '--lambda_A', '100'
opt = TrainOptions().parse(args)

dataset_dir = '{}/data'.format(primary_directory)
training_data_dir = '{}/train-pats'.format(dataset_dir)

plan_paths = get_paths(training_data_dir,
                       ext='')  # gets the path of each plan's directory
num_train_pats = np.minimum(
    100, len(plan_paths))  # number of plans that will be used to train model
hold_out_paths = plan_paths[
    num_train_pats:]  # list of paths used for held out testing
data_loader_hold_out_eval = KBPDataset(hold_out_paths, mode_name='evaluation')

prediction_dir = '{}/data/results/pix2pix_default/hold-out-tests-predictions'.format(
prediction_paths = get_paths(prediction_dir, ext='csv')
hold_out_prediction_loader = KBPDataset(prediction_paths,

dose_evaluator = EvaluateDose(data_loader_hold_out_eval,