Beispiel #1
def move_recs_to_archive(procname, exp, runs):
    """Move expired run records from log file to archive file.
    fname_log = log_file(exp, procname)
    fname_arc = arc_file(exp, procname)
    print('Move records for old runs to archive file: %s\n' % fname_arc)
    recs = gu.load_textfile(fname_log).split('\n')

    recs_log = [rec for rec in recs if not (rec[:4] in runs)]
    recs_arc = [rec for rec in recs if rec[:4] in runs]

    text_log = '\n'.join(recs_log)
    text_log += '\n'
    #if len(runs)==1 : text_log+='\n'

    text_arc = '\n'.join(recs_arc)
    text_arc += '\n'
    #if len(runs)==1 : text_arc+='\n'

    #print('  ==> log\n%s' % text_log)
    #print('  ==> arc\n%s' % text_arc)

    gu.save_textfile(text_log, fname_log, mode='w')
    os.chmod(fname_log, 0o664)

    gu.save_textfile(text_arc, fname_arc, mode='a')
    os.chmod(fname_log, 0o664)
Beispiel #2
def append_log_file(exp='xpptut15', procname='pixel_status', runs=[], verb=0):
    """Appends records in the log file for list of (str) runs for specified experiment and process name.
    fname_log = log_file(exp, procname)
    if verb: print('Append log file: %s' % fname_log)
    gu.create_path(fname_log, depth=6, mode=0o774, verb=False)
    text = msg_to_log(runs)
    if text is None: return
    #print('Save in file text "%s"' % text)
    gu.save_textfile(text, fname_log, mode='a')
    os.chmod(fname_log, 0o664)
Beispiel #3
def deploy_calib_array(cdir,
    """Deploys array in calibration file

       - makes the new file name using make_calib_file_name(...)
       - if file with this name already exists - rename it with current timestamp in the name
       - save array in file
       - add history record

    fname = make_calib_file_name(cdir, src, type, run_start, run_end, pbits)
    path_history = '%s/HISTORY' % os.path.dirname(fname)

    if os.path.exists(fname):
        fname_bkp = '%s-%s' % (fname, gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
        os.system('cp %s %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))
        if pbits & 1:
            print('Existing file %s\nis backed-up  %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))

    # extend dictionary for other parameters
    d = dict(dcmts)
    d['run'] = run_start
    d['fname'] = os.path.basename(fname)
    d['src'] = src
    d['ctype'] = type

    # make list of comments
    cmts = ['%s %s' % (k.upper().ljust(11), v) for k, v in d.iteritems()]

    # save n-dimensional numpy array in the tmp text file
    fntmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+b', suffix='.data')
    if pbits & 2: print('Save constants in tmp file: %s' %
    save_txt(, arr, cmts, fmt='%.1f')

    if pbits & 1: print('Deploy constants in file: %s' % fname)
    # USE cat in stead of cp and move in order to create output file with correct ACL permissions
    cmd_cat = 'cat %s > %s' % (, fname)
    stream = os.popen(cmd_cat)
    resp =
    msg = 'Command: %s\n - resp: %s' % (cmd_cat, resp)
    if pbits & 2: print(msg)

    # add record to the HISTORY file
    hrec = _history_record(d)
    if pbits & 1: print('Add record: %sto the file: %s' % (hrec, path_history))
    gu.save_textfile(hrec, path_history, mode='a')
Beispiel #4
def deploy_calib_file(cdir,
    """Deploys calibration file

       - makes the new file name using make_calib_file_name(...)
       - if file with this name already exists - rename it with current timestamp in the name
       - save array in file
       - add history record

    fname = make_calib_file_name(cdir, src, type, run_start, run_end, pbits)
    path_history = '%s/HISTORY' % os.path.dirname(fname)

    if os.path.exists(fname):
        fname_bkp = '%s-%s' % (fname, gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
        os.system('cp %s %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))
        if pbits & 1:
            print('Existing file %s\nis backed-up  %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))

    # extend dictionary for other parameters
    d = dict(dcmts)
    d['run'] = run_start
    d['fname'] = os.path.basename(fname)
    d['ifname'] = ifname
    d['src'] = src
    d['ctype'] = type

    if pbits & 1: print('Deploy constants in file: %s' % fname)
    # USE cat in stead of cp and move in order to create output file with correct ACL permissions
    cmd_cat = 'cat %s > %s' % (ifname, fname)
    stream = os.popen(cmd_cat)
    resp =
    msg = 'Command: %s\n - resp: %s' % (cmd_cat, resp)
    if pbits & 2: print(msg)

    # add record to the HISTORY file
    hrec = _history_record(d)
    if pbits & 1: print('Add record: %sto the file: %s' % (hrec, path_history))
    gu.save_textfile(hrec, path_history, mode='a')
Beispiel #5
    def get(self):
        """Saves in file calibration constants from database.
        mode, kwargs = self.mode, self.kwargs
        defs = self.defs
        host = kwargs.get('host', None)
        port = kwargs.get('port', None)
        exp = kwargs.get('experiment', None)
        det = kwargs.get('detector', None)
        ctype = kwargs.get('ctype', None)
        run = kwargs.get('run', None)
        run_end = kwargs.get('run_end', None)
        tsec = kwargs.get('time_sec', None)
        tstamp = kwargs.get('time_stamp', None)
        vers = kwargs.get('version', None)
        fname = kwargs.get('iofname', None)

        query = {'detector': det, 'ctype': ctype}
        if run != defs['run']:
            query['run'] = {'$lte': run}
            query['run_end'] = {'$gte': run}
        if tsec != defs['time_sec']: query['time_sec'] = {'$lte': tsec}
        if vers != defs['version']: query['version'] = vers
        #logger.debug('query: %s' % str(query))

        dbname = dbu.get_dbname(**kwargs)
        client = self.client()
        if not self.check_database(client, dbname): return

        detname = kwargs.get('detector', None)
        if detname is None:
                '%s needs in the collection name. Please specify the detector name.'
                % (mode))
        colname = detname
        db, fs = dbu.db_and_fs(client, dbname)
        colnames = dbu.collection_names(db)

        if not (colname in colnames):  # dbu.collection_exists(db, colname)
            logger.warning('db "%s" does not have collection "%s"' %
                           (, str(colname)))

        col = dbu.collection(db, colname)'Search document in db "%s" collection "%s"' %
                    (dbname, colname))

        #client, expname, detname, db_exp, db_det, fs_exp, fs_det, col_exp, col_det =\
        #    dbu.connect(host=host, port=port, experiment=exp, detector=det, verbose=verb)

        #fs, doc = fs_exp, dbu.find_doc(col, query)
        #if doc is None :
        #    fs, doc = fs_det, dbu.find_doc(col_det, query)
        #    if doc is None :
        #        logger.warning('Can not find document for query: %s' % str(query))
        #        return

        doc = dbu.find_doc(col, query)
        if doc is None:
            logger.warning('Can not find document for query: %s' % str(query))

        data = dbu.get_data_for_doc(fs, doc)
        if data is None:
            logger.warning('Can not load data for doc: %s' % str(doc))

        if fname is None: fname = 'clb-%s-%s-%s.npy' % (expname, det, ctype)

        if ctype == 'geometry':
            gu.save_textfile(data, fname, mode='w', verb=verb)
        elif os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.npy':
  , data, allow_pickle=False)
            save_txt(fname, data, fmt='%.2f')

        if verb:, 'nda', first=0, last=3))'Save constants in file: %s' % fname)
Beispiel #6
def proc_control(parser):
    """Dataset processing module

       - Submits job in batch for data processing
       - Checks in loop batch job status
       - Marks in DB that job is processed
       - Save common log file for submission and processing

    (popts, pargs) = parser.parse_args()
    exp = popts.exp
    run =
    procname =
    qname = popts.que
    dt_sec = popts.dts
    sources = popts.srs

    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())

    logpref = rpu.log_batch_prefix(exp, run, procname)
    logfname = '%s-%s.txt' % (logpref, tstamp)

    for i in range(10):
        if gu.create_path(logfname, depth=6, mode=0774, verb=False): continue

    gu.save_textfile('\nCreated path: %s' % logfname, logfname, mode='a')
    os.chmod(logfname, 0664)

    ofprefix = '%s/nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type.txt' % rpu.work_dir(
        exp, procname)
    gu.save_textfile('\nOutput work files: %s' % ofprefix, logfname, mode='a')

    for i in range(5):
        if gu.create_path(ofprefix, depth=8, mode=0774, verb=False): continue

    msg = '\nproc_control exp: %s run: %s procname: %s qname: %s logfname %s'%\
          (exp, str(run), procname, qname, logfname)
    gu.save_textfile(str(msg), logfname, mode='a')

    cmd = _batch_submit_command(exp, run, procname, qname, logfname, ofprefix,
    if cmd is None: raise IOError('ERROR: batch submission command is None...')

    t0_sec = time()
    out, err, jobid = spu.batch_job_submit(cmd, env=None, shell=False)
    msg = 'bsub subproc time dt=%7.3f sec' % (time() - t0_sec)
    gu.save_textfile(msg, logfname, mode='a')

    #if 'submitted without an AFS token' in err :
    #    print '  Tip: to get rid of error message use commands: kinit; aklog'

    rec = gu.log_rec_on_start()
    msg = '%s\nSubmitted batch job %s to %s\n  cmd: %s\n  out: %s\n  err: "%s"\n%s\n'%\
          (rec, jobid, qname, cmd, out, err.strip('\n'), 80*'_')
    #print msg
    gu.save_textfile(msg, logfname, mode='a')

    # check batch job status in loop
    status = None
    counter = 0
    while status in (None, 'RUN', 'PEND'):
        counter += 1
        out, err, status = spu.batch_job_status(jobid, user=None, qname=qname)
        ts = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())
        msg = '%4d %s %s job %s status %s' % (counter, ts, qname, jobid,
        #print msg
        gu.save_textfile('%s\n' % msg, logfname, mode='a')
        if status in ('EXIT', 'DONE'): break

    # change log file name in case of bad status
    if status != 'DONE':
        logfname_bad = '%s-%s' % (logfname, str(status))
        #cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (logfname, logfname_bad)
        os.rename(logfname, logfname_bad)