Beispiel #1
pyGDP = pyGDP.pyGDPwebProcessing()
shapefiles = pyGDP.getShapefiles()
print('Available shapefiles: ')
for shapefile in shapefiles:

# Grab the file and get its attributes:
shapefile = 'sample:CSC_Boundaries'
attributes = pyGDP.getAttributes(shapefile)
for attr in attributes:

# Grab the values from 'area_name' and 'sample:CSC_Boundaries'
usr_attribute = 'area_name'
values = pyGDP.getValues(shapefile, usr_attribute)
for v in values:

usr_value = 'Southwest'

dataSetURI = 'dods://'
dataTypes = pyGDP.getDataType(dataSetURI)
for d in dataTypes:

dataType = 'Prcp'
# Get available time range on the dataset
timeRange = pyGDP.getTimeRange(dataSetURI, dataType)
for t in timeRange:
shapefiles = pyGDP.getShapefiles()
print 'Available shapefiles: '
for shapefile in shapefiles:
    print shapefile

# Grab the file and get its attributes:
shapefile = 'sample:CONUS_States'
attributes = pyGDP.getAttributes(shapefile)
for attr in attributes:
    print attr

# Grab the values from 'OBJECTID' and 'upload:OKCNTYD'
usr_attribute = 'STATE'
values = pyGDP.getValues(shapefile, usr_attribute)
for v in values:
    print v

# our shapefile = 'upload:OKCNTYD', usr_attribute = 'OBJECTID', and usr_value = 13
# We get the dataset URI that we are interested in
dataSetURIs = pyGDP.getDataSetURI()
for d in dataSetURIs:
    print d

# Set our datasetURI
dataSetURI = 'dods://'
# Get the available data types associated with the dataset
dataType = 'Prcp'
# Get available time range on the dataset
Beispiel #3

pyGDP = pyGDP.pyGDPwebProcessing()

shapefile = 'upload:Final_Compiled_LOCA_Points_of_interest_buffer200'

attributes = pyGDP.getAttributes(shapefile)

for attr in attributes:
    print attr

polyAttribute = 'Name'

values = pyGDP.getValues(shapefile, polyAttribute)

for v in values:
    print v

polyValue = 'BD_Mtn'

dataSetURI = ''

datatypes = pyGDP.getDataType(dataSetURI)

DataTypes_list = ['pr_ACCESS1-0','pr_CanESM2', 'pr_CCSM4', 'pr_CESM1-BGC', 'pr_CMCC-CMS',\
                  'pr_CNRM-CM5', 'pr_GFDL-CM3', 'pr_HadGEM2-CC', \
                  'pr_HadGEM2-ES', 'pr_MIROC-ESM-CHEM', 'pr_MIROC-ESM', \
                  'pr_CSIRO-Mk3-6-0', 'pr_GFDL-ESM2M']
QA = False #if true, reset locations for services to QA servers
filePath = '/Volumes/projects/WiLMA/LTER_donuts/'

if QA:
    print 'using QA servers and services'
    pyGDP.WFS_URL    = ''
    pyGDP.upload_URL = ''
    pyGDP.WPS_Service    = ''
    pyGDP.WPS_URL = ''

# initialize pyGDP object
pyGDP 	   = pyGDP.pyGDPwebProcessing()

for filename in os.listdir(filePath):
		shpfile = pyGDP.uploadShapeFile(filePath+filename),
		print 'successfully uploaded %r' % (shpfile)
		# get attributes
		att = pyGDP.getAttributes('%s' % (shpfile))
		val = pyGDP.getValues('%s' % (shpfile),att[1])
		for v in val:
			print '%s has attribute %s and value %s' % (shpfile,att[1],v)
	except Exception, msg:
		shpfile = filename[0:len(filename)-4]
		print '%s %s' % (shpfile,msg)