Beispiel #1
def tip_mobility(model, ply, phase):

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    colorBackup = board.color

    # People need a chance to get developed
    # if model.ply < 16:
    #    return

    wmoves = len([
        move for move in genAllMoves(board)
        if KNIGHT <= board.arBoard[FCORD(move)] <= QUEEN
        and bitPosArray[TCORD(move)]
        & brank48[WHITE] and staticExchangeEvaluate(board, move) >= 0

    bmoves = len([
        move for move in genAllMoves(board)
        if KNIGHT <= board.arBoard[FCORD(move)] <= QUEEN
        and bitPosArray[TCORD(move)]
        & brank48[BLACK] and staticExchangeEvaluate(board, move) >= 0


    if wmoves - phase >= (bmoves + 1) * 7:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("Black has a rather cramped position")
    elif wmoves - phase >= (bmoves + 1) * 3:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("Black has a slightly cramped position")
    elif bmoves - phase >= (wmoves + 1) * 7:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("White has a rather cramped position")
    elif bmoves - phase >= (wmoves + 1) * 3:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("White has a slightly cramped position")
Beispiel #2
def tip_mobility(model, ply, phase):

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    colorBackup = board.color

    # People need a chance to get developed
    # if model.ply < 16:
    #    return

    wmoves = len([move for move in genAllMoves(board) if
                  KNIGHT <= board.arBoard[FCORD(move)] <= QUEEN and
                  bitPosArray[TCORD(move)] & brank48[WHITE] and
                  staticExchangeEvaluate(board, move) >= 0])

    bmoves = len([move for move in genAllMoves(board) if
                  KNIGHT <= board.arBoard[FCORD(move)] <= QUEEN and
                  bitPosArray[TCORD(move)] & brank48[BLACK] and
                  staticExchangeEvaluate(board, move) >= 0])


    if wmoves - phase >= (bmoves + 1) * 7:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("Black has a rather cramped position")
    elif wmoves - phase >= (bmoves + 1) * 3:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("Black has a slightly cramped position")
    elif bmoves - phase >= (wmoves + 1) * 7:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("White has a rather cramped position")
    elif bmoves - phase >= (wmoves + 1) * 3:
        yield wmoves - bmoves, _("White has a slightly cramped position")
Beispiel #3
def attack_type(model, ply, phase):

    # We set bishop value down to knight value, as it is what most people expect
    bishopBackup = PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP]

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    oldboard = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board

    if ply - model.lowply >= 2:
        oldmove = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 2).move
        oldboard3 = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 2).board
        oldmove = None
    move = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move
    tcord = TCORD(move)

    if oldboard.arBoard[tcord] != EMPTY:
        if not (board.variant == FISCHERRANDOMCHESS and FLAG(move) in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE)):
            if oldmove and oldboard3.arBoard[TCORD(oldmove)] != EMPTY and TCORD(oldmove) == tcord:
                yield _("takes back material")
                see = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, move)
                if see < 0:
                    yield _("sacrifies material")
                elif see == 0:
                    yield _("exchanges material")
                elif see > 0:
                    yield _("captures material")

    PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = bishopBackup
Beispiel #4
def attack_type(model, ply, phase):

    # We set bishop value down to knight value, as it is what most people expect
    bishopBackup = PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP]

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    oldboard = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board

    if ply - model.lowply >= 2:
        oldmove = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 2).move
        oldboard3 = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 2).board
        oldmove = None
    move = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move
    tcord = TCORD(move)

    if oldboard.arBoard[tcord] != EMPTY:
        if not (board.variant == FISCHERRANDOMCHESS and \
            FLAG(move) in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE)):
            if oldmove and oldboard3.arBoard[TCORD(oldmove)] != EMPTY and \
                    TCORD(oldmove) == tcord:
                yield _("takes back material")
                see = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, move)
                if see < 0:
                    yield _("sacrifies material")
                elif see == 0:
                    yield _("exchanges material")
                elif see > 0:
                    yield _("captures material")

    PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = bishopBackup
Beispiel #5
def defencive_moves_tactic(model, ply, phase):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test if we threat something, or at least put more pressure on it         #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # We set bishop value down to knight value, as it is what most people expect
    bishopBackup = PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP]

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    oldboard = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board
    move = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move
    fcord = FCORD(move)
    tcord = TCORD(move)

    found_threatens = []
    found_increases = []

    # What do we attack now?
    board.setColor(1 - board.color)
    for ncap in genCaptures(board):

        # getCaptures also generate promotions
        if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS:

        # We are only interested in the attacks of the piece we just moved
        if FCORD(ncap) != TCORD(move):

        # We don't want to move back
        if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move):

        # We don't thread the king. We check him! (in another function)
        if board.arBoard[TCORD(ncap)] == KING:

        # If we also was able to attack that cord last time, we don't care
        if validateMove(oldboard, newMove(FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap))):

        # Test if we threats our enemy, at least more than before
        see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, TCORD(ncap),
                                      1 - oldboard.color)
        see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, TCORD(ncap), 1 - oldboard.color)
        if see1 > see0:

            # If a new winning capture has been created
            if see1 > 0:
                # Find the easiest attack
                attacks = getAttacks(board, TCORD(ncap), board.color)
                v, cord = min((PIECE_VALUES[board.arBoard[fc]], fc)
                              for fc in iterBits(attacks))
                easiestAttack = newMove(cord, TCORD(ncap))
                found_threatens.append(toSAN(board, easiestAttack, True))

            # Even though we might not yet be strong enough, we might still
            # have strengthened another friendly attack

    board.setColor(1 - board.color)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Test if we defend a one of our pieces                                #
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    found_defends = []

    # Test which pieces were under attack
    used = []
    for ncap in genCaptures(board):

        # getCaptures also generate promotions
        if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS:

        # We don't want to know about the same cord more than once
        if TCORD(ncap) in used:

        # If the attack was poining on the piece we just moved, we ignore it
        if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move) or TCORD(ncap) == TCORD(move):

        # If we were already defending the piece, we don't send a new
        # message
        if defends(oldboard, FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap)):

        # If the attack was not strong, we ignore it
        see = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, ncap)
        if see < 0:

        v = defends(board, TCORD(move), TCORD(ncap))

        # If the defend didn't help, it doesn't matter. Like defending a
        # bishop, threatened by a pawn, with a queen.
        # But on the other hand - it might still be a defend...
        # newsee = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, ncap)
        # if newsee <= see: continue

        if v:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test if we are rescuing an otherwise exposed piece                       #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Rescuing is only an option, if our own move wasn't an attack
    if oldboard.arBoard[tcord] == EMPTY:
        see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, fcord, oldboard.color)
        see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, tcord, oldboard.color)
        if see1 > see0 and see1 > 0:
            yield _("rescues a %s") % reprPiece[board.arBoard[tcord]].lower()

    if found_threatens:
        yield _("threatens to win material by %s") % join(found_threatens)
    if found_increases:
        yield _("increases the pressure on %s") % join(found_increases)
    if found_defends:
        yield _("defends %s") % join(found_defends)

    PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = bishopBackup
Beispiel #6
def defencive_moves_tactic(model, ply, phase):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test if we threat something, or at least put more pressure on it         #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # We set bishop value down to knight value, as it is what most people expect
    bishopBackup = PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP]

    board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board
    oldboard = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board
    move = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move
    fcord = FCORD(move)
    tcord = TCORD(move)

    found_threatens = []
    found_increases = []

    # What do we attack now?
    board.setColor(1 - board.color)
    for ncap in genCaptures(board):

        # getCaptures also generate promotions
        if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS:

        # We are only interested in the attacks of the piece we just moved
        if FCORD(ncap) != TCORD(move):

        # We don't want to move back
        if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move):

        # We don't thread the king. We check him! (in another function)
        if board.arBoard[TCORD(ncap)] == KING:

        # If we also was able to attack that cord last time, we don't care
        if validateMove(oldboard, newMove(FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap))):

        # Test if we threats our enemy, at least more than before
        see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, TCORD(ncap),
                                      1 - oldboard.color)
        see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, TCORD(ncap), 1 - oldboard.color)
        if see1 > see0:

            # If a new winning capture has been created
            if see1 > 0:
                # Find the easiest attack
                attacks = getAttacks(board, TCORD(ncap), board.color)
                v, cord = min((PIECE_VALUES[board.arBoard[fc]], fc)
                              for fc in iterBits(attacks))
                easiestAttack = newMove(cord, TCORD(ncap))
                found_threatens.append(toSAN(board, easiestAttack, True))

            # Even though we might not yet be strong enough, we might still
            # have strengthened another friendly attack

    board.setColor(1 - board.color)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Test if we defend a one of our pieces                                #
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    found_defends = []

    # Test which pieces were under attack
    used = []
    for ncap in genCaptures(board):

        # getCaptures also generate promotions
        if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS:

        # We don't want to know about the same cord more than once
        if TCORD(ncap) in used:

        # If the attack was poining on the piece we just moved, we ignore it
        if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move) or TCORD(ncap) == TCORD(move):

        # If we were already defending the piece, we don't send a new
        # message
        if defends(oldboard, FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap)):

        # If the attack was not strong, we ignore it
        see = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, ncap)
        if see < 0:

        v = defends(board, TCORD(move), TCORD(ncap))

        # If the defend didn't help, it doesn't matter. Like defending a
        # bishop, threatened by a pawn, with a queen.
        # But on the other hand - it might still be a defend...
        # newsee = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, ncap)
        # if newsee <= see: continue

        if v:

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test if we are rescuing an otherwise exposed piece                       #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Rescuing is only an option, if our own move wasn't an attack
    if oldboard.arBoard[tcord] == EMPTY:
        see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, fcord, oldboard.color)
        see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, tcord, oldboard.color)
        if see1 > see0 and see1 > 0:
            yield _("rescues a %s") % reprPiece[board.arBoard[tcord]].lower()

    if found_threatens:
        yield _("threatens to win material by %s") % join(found_threatens)
    if found_increases:
        yield _("increases the pressure on %s") % join(found_increases)
    if found_defends:
        yield _("defends %s") % join(found_defends)

    PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = bishopBackup