Beispiel #1
 def _convert_to_valid_data_type(self, array, format):
     # Convert the format to a type we understand
     if isinstance(array, Delayed):
         return array
     elif array is None:
         return array
         if 'A' in format and 'P' not in format:
             if array.dtype.char in 'SU':
                 fsize = int(_convert_format(format)[1:])
                 return chararray.array(array, itemsize=fsize)
                 numpy_format = _convert_format(format)
                 return _convert_array(array, np.dtype(numpy_format))
         elif 'L' in format:
             # boolean needs to be scaled back to storage values ('T', 'F')
             if array.dtype == np.dtype('bool'):
                 return np.where(array == False, ord('F'), ord('T'))
                 return np.where(array == 0, ord('F'), ord('T'))
         elif 'X' not in format and 'P' not in format:
             (repeat, fmt, option) = _parse_tformat(format)
             # Preserve byte order of the original array for now; see #77
             numpy_format = array.dtype.byteorder + _convert_format(fmt)
             return _convert_array(array, np.dtype(numpy_format))
         elif 'X' in format:
             return _convert_array(array, np.dtype('uint8'))
             return array
Beispiel #2
 def _convert_to_valid_data_type(self, array):
     # Convert the format to a type we understand
     if isinstance(array, Delayed):
         return array
     elif array is None:
         return array
         format = self.format
         dims = self._dims
         if 'A' in format and 'P' not in format:
             if array.dtype.char in 'SU':
                 if dims:
                     # The 'last' dimension (first in the order given
                     # in the TDIMn keyword itself) is the number of
                     # characters in each string
                     fsize = dims[-1]
                     fsize = int(_convert_format(format)[1:])
                 return chararray.array(array, itemsize=fsize)
                 numpy_format = _convert_format(format)
                 return _convert_array(array, np.dtype(numpy_format))
         elif 'L' in format:
             # boolean needs to be scaled back to storage values ('T', 'F')
             if array.dtype == np.dtype('bool'):
                 return np.where(array == False, ord('F'), ord('T'))
                 return np.where(array == 0, ord('F'), ord('T'))
         elif 'X' not in format and 'P' not in format:
             (repeat, fmt, option) = _parse_tformat(format)
             # Preserve byte order of the original array for now; see #77
             numpy_format = array.dtype.byteorder + _convert_format(fmt)
             return _convert_array(array, np.dtype(numpy_format))
         elif 'X' in format:
             return _convert_array(array, np.dtype('uint8'))
             return array