def fixmsg(*args, **kwargs) -> FixMessage:
    returned = FixMessage(*args, **kwargs)
    returned.codec = codec
    return returned
Beispiel #2
def fixmsg(source: str) -> FixMessage:
    msg = FixMessage(source)
    msg.codec = codec
    return msg
def fixmsg(source):
    Factory function that forces the codec to our given spec and avoid
    passing codec to serialisation and parsing methods.
    The codec defaults to a reasonable parser but without repeating groups.
    An alternative method is to use the ``to_wire`` and ``from_wire`` methods
    to serialise and parse messages and pass the codec explicitly.
    # python 2 and 3 compatibility
    msg = FixMessage(source)
    msg.codec = CODEC
    return msg
Beispiel #4
    def fixmsg(*args, **kwargs):
        """Factory function. This allows us to keep the dictionary __init__
        arguments unchanged and force the codec to our given spec and avoid
        passing codec to serialisation and parsing methods.

        The codec defaults to a reasonable parser but without repeating groups.

        An alternative method is to use the ``to_wire`` and ``from_wire`` methods
        to serialise and parse messages and pass the codec explicitly.
        returned = FixMessage(*args, **kwargs)
        returned.codec = codec
        return returned
Beispiel #5
 def test_from_buffer(self):
     Tests creating a fix message via the "from_buffer" static function
     buff = b"9=10\x0135=D\x0134=3\x0110=154\x01"
     msg = FixMessage.from_buffer(buff, Codec())
     assert {9, 35, 34, 10} == set(msg.keys())
     assert b'10' == msg[9]
     assert b'D' == msg[35]
     assert b'3' == msg[34]
     assert b'154' == msg[10]
def fixmsg(source):
    msg = FixMessage(source)
    msg.codec = CODEC
    return msg
Beispiel #7
 def test_change_spec(self, spec):
     spec.tags.add_tag(10001, "MyTagName")
     assert spec.tags.by_tag(10001).name == "MyTagName"
     assert spec.tags.by_name("MyTagName").tag == 10001
     tag54 = spec.tags.by_tag(54)
     tag54.add_enum_value(name="SELLF", value="SF")
     assert tag54.enum_by_value("SF") == "SELLF"
     assert tag54.enum_by_name("SELLF") == "SF"
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         tag54.del_enum_value(name="SELLF", value="STF")
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
         tag54.del_enum_value(name="SELLTOOF", value="SF")
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     tag54.add_enum_value(name="BUY", value="1")
     assert tag54.enum_by_value("1") == "BUY"
     data = (b'8=FIX.4.2|9=196|35=D|49=A|56=B|34=12|52=20100318-03:21:11.364'
     before = FixMessage()
     before.codec = Codec(spec=spec)
     before.load_fix(data, separator='|')
     composition = [(spec.tags.by_tag(i), False) for i in (279, 269, 278, 55, 270, 15, 271, 346)]
     spec.msg_types['D'].add_group(spec.tags.by_tag(268), composition)
     after = FixMessage()
     after.codec = Codec(spec=spec, fragment_class=FixFragment)
     after.load_fix(data, separator='|')
     assert isinstance(before[268], (six.binary_type, six.text_type))  # 268 is not parsed as a repeating group
     assert before[270] == '1.37224'  # 268 is not parsed as a repeating group, so 270 takes the second value
     assert isinstance(after[268], RepeatingGroup)
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
     assert list(after.find_all(270)) == [[268, 0, 270], [268, 1, 270]]
Beispiel #8
 def test_tag_tests(self):
     ''' test tag-related tests'''
     a = FixMessage()
     assert a.tag_contains(7205, 'LSE')
     assert a.tag_contains(7205, 'S')
     assert not a.tag_contains(7205, 'F')
     assert a.tag_icontains(7205, 'lSe')
     assert a.tag_icontains(7205, 'e')
     assert not a.tag_icontains(7205, 'F')
     assert a.tag_exact(7205, b'LSE')
     assert not a.tag_exact(7205, b'LSEE')
     assert a.tag_iexact(7205, b'Lse')
     assert not a.tag_iexact(7205, b'LSsE')
     assert a.tag_in(7205, (b'LSE', b'CHIX'))
     assert not a.tag_in(7205, (b'BATE', b'CHIX'))
     assert a.tag_match_regex(7205, b'[A-Z]{3}')
     assert not a.tag_match_regex(7205, b'[0-9]{3}')
     assert not a.tag_exact(7807, b'[0-9]{3}')
     assert not a.tag_contains(7807, b'[0-9]{3}')
     assert not a.tag_match_regex(7807, b'[0-9]{3}')
Beispiel #9
    def test_tag_inequalities(self):
        a = FixMessage()
        a[31] = 1
        a[32] = 2
        a[3333] = 'a'
        a[34] = 'b'
        assert a.tag_lt(31, a[32])
        assert not a.tag_gt(31, a[32])
        assert a.tag_le(31, a[32])
        assert not a.tag_ge(31, a[32])
        assert a.tag_le(31, a[31])
        assert a.tag_ge(31, a[31])

        assert a.tag_lt(3333, a[34])
        assert not a.tag_gt(3333, a[34])
        assert a.tag_le(3333, a[34])
        assert not a.tag_ge(3333, a[34])
        assert a.tag_le(3333, a[3333])
        assert a.tag_ge(3333, a[3333])
        assert not a.tag_ge(7807, None)
        assert not a.tag_ge(3333, None)
        assert not a.tag_le(7807, None)
        assert not a.tag_le(3333, None)
        assert not a.tag_lt(7807, None)
        assert not a.tag_lt(3333, None)
        assert not a.tag_gt(7807, None)
        assert not a.tag_gt(3333, None)
Beispiel #10
def main(spec_filename):
    Illustration of the usage of FixMessage.

    :param spec_filename: a specification file from
    :type spec_filename: ``str``
    spec = FixSpec(spec_filename)
    codec = Codec(
        spec=spec,  # The codec will use the given spec to find repeating groups
    )  # the codec will produce FixFragment objects inside repeating groups

    # (default is dict). This is required for the find_all() and anywhere()
    # methods to work. It would fail with AttributeError otherwise.

    def fixmsg(*args, **kwargs):
        """Factory function. This allows us to keep the dictionary __init__
        arguments unchanged and force the codec to our given spec and avoid
        passing codec to serialisation and parsing methods.

        The codec defaults to a reasonable parser but without repeating groups.

        An alternative method is to use the ``to_wire`` and ``from_wire`` methods
        to serialise and parse messages and pass the codec explicitly.
        returned = FixMessage(*args, **kwargs)
        returned.codec = codec
        return returned

    #    Vanilla tag/value
    data = (b'8=FIX.4.2|9=97|35=6|49=ABC|56=CAB|34=14|52=20100204-09:18:42|'
    msg = fixmsg().load_fix(data, separator='|')

    # The message object is a dictionary, with integer keys
    # and string values. No validation is performed.
    # The spec contains the information, however so it can be retrieved.
    print("Message Type {} ({})".format(msg[35], spec.msg_types[msg[35]].name))
    print("Price {} (note type: {}, spec defined type {})".format(
        msg[44], type(msg[44]),
    check_tags = (55, 44)
    for element, required in spec.msg_types[msg[35]].composition:
        if isinstance(element, FixTag) and element.tag in check_tags:
            if required:
                print("{} is required on this message type".format(
                print("{} is not required on this message type".format(
    print("Spec also allows looking up enums: {}  is {}".format(
    # Although the values are stored as string there are rich operators provided that
    # allow to somewhat abstract the types
    print("exact comparison with decimal: ",
          msg.tag_exact(44, decimal.Decimal("2200.75")))
    print("exact comparing with int: ", msg.tag_exact(54, 2))
    print("lower than with float:", msg.tag_lt(44, 2500.0))
    print("greater than with float:", msg.tag_gt(23, 110000.1))
    print("contains, case sensitive and insensitive",
          msg.tag_contains(55, "MI"), msg.tag_icontains(55, "blah"))

    # Tags manipulation is as for a dictionary
    msg[56] = "ABC.1"  # There is no enforcement of what tags are used for, so changing 56 is no worry for the lib
    msg.update({55: 'ABC123.1', 28: 'M'})

    # note regex matching
    print("tag 56 changed", msg.tag_match_regex(56, r"..M\.N"))
    print("Tag 55 and 28 changed to {} and {}".format(msg[55], msg[28]))

    # There are additional tools for updating the messages' content though
    none_or_one = randint(0, 1) or None
    msg.set_or_delete(27, none_or_one)
    msg.apply({25: None, 26: 2})

    if none_or_one is None:
        print("Got None, the tag is deleted")
        assert 27 not in msg
        print("Got None, the tag is maintained")
        assert msg[27] == 1

    assert 25 not in msg
    assert msg.tag_exact(26, '2')

    #    copying messages

    # Because messages maintain a reference to the codec and the spec
    # a deepcopy() of messages is extremely inefficient. It is a lot faster
    # to serialise-deserialise to copy a message, which is what copy() does.
    # Alternatively do a shallow copy through dict constructor.
    new_msg = msg.copy()
    assert new_msg is not msg
    # Note that this reverts the type of values that were set manually
    assert new_msg[26] != msg[26]
    print("tag 26 before {}, after {}".format(type(msg[26]),
    assert all(new_msg.tag_exact(t, msg[t]) for t in msg)

    msg = fixmsg().load_fix(data, separator='|')

    # if no types have changed, the copy() method returns a message that is identical
    # to the original one
    new_msg = copy(msg)
    assert new_msg == msg

    # note you can also use the method copy()
    new_msg = msg.copy()
    assert new_msg == msg
    assert new_msg is not msg

    # and codec is not copied
    assert new_msg.codec is msg.codec

    # note that msg equality is not true when using dict constructor
    new_msg = FixMessage(msg)
    assert new_msg != msg
    # That's because codec, time, recipient and direction are not preserved
    # when using this technique, only tags are
    assert dict(new_msg) == dict(msg)

    #    Repeating Groups

    # Repeating groups are indexed by count tag (268 below)
    # and stored as a list of FixMessages (technically FixFragments, but close enough)
    data = (b'8=FIX.4.2|9=196|35=X|49=A|56=B|34=12|52=20100318-03:21:11.364'
    msg = fixmsg().load_fix(data, separator='|')
    print("Message Type {} ({})".format(msg[35], spec.msg_types[msg[35]].name))
    print("Repeating group {} looks like {}".format(
        spec.tags.by_tag(268).name, msg[268]))
    print("Accessing repeating groups at depth: tag 278 "
          "in the second member of the group is '{}'".format(msg[268][1][278]))

    # finding out if a tag is present can be done at depth
        "Utility functions like anywhere() allow you to find out "
        "if a tag is present at depth, or find the path to it: {} is present : {}; "
        "it can be found at the following paths {}".format(
            278, msg.anywhere(278), list(msg.find_all(278))))

    # Customise the spec
    # Sometimes it may be desirable to tweak the spec a bit, especially add a custom tag
    # or a custom repeating group.

    # Create tag
    spec.tags.add_tag(10001, "MyTagName")
    assert spec.tags.by_tag(10001).name == "MyTagName"
    assert spec.tags.by_name("MyTagName").tag == 10001
    # Change enum values
    spec.tags.by_tag(54).add_enum_value(name="SELLFAST", value="SF")
    assert spec.tags.by_tag(54).enum_by_value("SF") == "SELLFAST"

    # Add repeating Group
    # let's add repeating group 268 to msg type 'D'
    # for illustration purposes, we'll create the group from scratch
    data = (b'8=FIX.4.2|9=196|35=D|49=A|56=B|34=12|52=20100318-03:21:11.364'
    before = FixMessage()
    before.codec = Codec(spec=spec)
    before.load_fix(data, separator='|')

    # The composition is a iterable of pairs (FixTag, bool), with the bool indicating whether
    # the tag is required or not (although it's not enforced in the codec at this time
    composition = [(spec.tags.by_tag(i), False)
                   for i in (279, 269, 278, 55, 270, 15, 271, 346)]

    # add_group takes a FixTag and the composition
    spec.msg_types['D'].add_group(spec.tags.by_tag(268), composition)

    after = FixMessage()
    after.codec = Codec(spec=spec, fragment_class=FixFragment)
    after.load_fix(data, separator='|')

    assert isinstance(before[268],
                      (str, unicode))  # 268 is not parsed as a repeating group
    assert before[
        270] == '1.37224'  # 268 is not parsed as a repeating group, so 271 takes the second value

    assert isinstance(
        RepeatingGroup)  # After the change, 268 becomes a repeating group
    assert list(after.find_all(270)) == [[268, 0, 270],
                                         [268, 1,
                                          270]]  # and both 270 can be found

def fixmsg(*args, **kwargs) -> FixMessage:
    returned = FixMessage(*args, **kwargs)
    returned.codec = codec
    return returned

data = (
    "8=FIX.4.2, 9=97, 35=6, 45=6, 49=ABC, 56=CAB, 34=14, 52=20201130-10:27:30"

fixMsg = FixMessage().load_fix(data, separator=",")

message = fixmsg().load_fix(data, separator=",")
message.codec = codec

print("Message Type {} ({})".format(fixMsg[35],
check_tags = (55, 44, 27)
for element, required in spec.msg_types[fixMsg[35]].composition:
    if isinstance(element, FixTag) and element.tag in check_tags:
        if required:
            print("{} is required on this message type".format(
            print("{} is not required on this message type".format(
print("Spec also allows looking up enums: {}  is {}".format(