Beispiel #1
  def test_interp (self):
    input = self.var.get()

    # Interpolation along X axis
    for slope in (float('nan'),0,1,2):
      output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.x, outaxis=self.x2, interp_type='linear', d_above=slope, d_below=slope).transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()
      if np.isnan(slope):
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isnan(output[:,0])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isnan(output[:,-1])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(output[:,1:-1])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(output)), output)
        # Check extrapolation (out of range by half a coordinate unit)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(output[:,0] == input[:,0] - 0.5*slope), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(output[:,-1] == input[:,-1] + 0.5*slope), output)

    # Interpolation along Y axis
    for slope in (float('nan'),0,1,2):
      output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.y, outaxis=self.y2, interp_type='linear', d_above=slope, d_below=slope).transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()
      if np.isnan(slope):
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isnan(output[0,:])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isnan(output[-1,:])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(output[1:-1,:])), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(output)), output)
        # Check extrapolation (out of range by half a coordinate unit)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(output[0,:] == input[0,:] - 0.5*slope), output)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(output[-1,:] == input[-1,:] + 0.5*slope), output)
Beispiel #2
def interp2theta(var, theta, values, interp='linear', **kwargs):
    from pygeode.interp import interpolate, sorted
    # inaxis axis
    iaxis = var.whichaxis(ZAxis)
    #  # sort theta (must be monotonically increasing)
    #  var = sorted(var, iaxis, reverse=False)
    #  theta = sorted(theta, iaxis, reverse=False)
    # prepare input
    inaxis = var.axes[iaxis]
    assert theta.hasaxis(
        inaxis), 'vertical axis of var and theta are incompatible'
    # create new axis
    outaxis = Isentrope(values=values, **kwargs)
    # interpolate to isentropic levels
    ivar = interpolate(var, inaxis, outaxis, inx=theta, interp_type=interp)
    # return variable interpolated to isentropic level(s)
    return ivar

    ## Dynamical Tropopause

    # axis for PV iso-surfaces (dynamical tropopause)
    class DynamicalTP(ZAxis):
        name = 'PViso'  # default name
        units = '(K m^2)/(s kg)'
        plotatts = ZAxis.plotatts.copy()
        plotatts['formatstr'] = '%3.1f'  # one digit behind decimal
        # Formatting attributes for axis labels and ticks (see formatter method for application)
            'plottitle'] = 'Dynamical TP'  # name displayed in plots (axis label)
            'plotunits'] = 'PVU'  # displayed units (after offset and scalefactor have been applied)
            'scalefactor'] = 1e6  # conversion factor; assumed units are meters
Beispiel #3
def verticalVelocity(w, z, interpType='linear', **kwargs):
    from pygeode.axis import Height, ZAxis
    from pygeode.interp import interpolate
    from warnings import warn
    # figure out axes
    oldZ = findZAxis(w)
    assert isinstance(z, ZAxis), 'interpolation only works along vertical axis'
    if (not isinstance(z, Height)) or (not isinstance(oldZ, Height)):
            'The current implementation of verticalVelocity is designed for interpolation between Height coordinates only.'
    assert oldZ.__class__ == z.__class__, 'old and new axes are not of the same type (class)'
    # interpolate values
    vv = interpolate(w, oldZ, z, interp_type=interpType)
    # attributes (defaults)
    vv.atts['name'] = 'w'
    vv.atts['units'] = 'm/s'
    vv.atts['long_name'] = 'vertical velocity on full model levels'
    vv.atts['standard_name'] = 'vertical velocity'
    vv.atts['interpolation'] = interpType
    # plot attributes (defaults)
    vv.plotatts = variablePlotatts['w']
    # apply user-defined attributes (from kwargs; override defaults)
    # assign short name = vv.atts['name']
    vv.units = vv.atts['units']
    return vv
Beispiel #4
def interp2theta(var, theta, values, interp='linear', **kwargs):
  from pygeode.interp import interpolate, sorted
  # inaxis axis
  iaxis = var.whichaxis(ZAxis)
#  # sort theta (must be monotonically increasing)
#  var = sorted(var, iaxis, reverse=False)
#  theta = sorted(theta, iaxis, reverse=False)
  # prepare input
  inaxis = var.axes[iaxis]
  assert theta.hasaxis(inaxis), 'vertical axis of var and theta are incompatible' 
  # create new axis
  outaxis = Isentrope(values=values, **kwargs)  
  # interpolate to isentropic levels
  ivar = interpolate(var, inaxis, outaxis, inx=theta, interp_type=interp)
  # return variable interpolated to isentropic level(s)
  return ivar    

## Dynamical Tropopause
# axis for PV iso-surfaces (dynamical tropopause)
  class DynamicalTP(ZAxis):  
    name = 'PViso' # default name
    units = '(K m^2)/(s kg)'
    plotatts = ZAxis.plotatts.copy()
    plotatts['formatstr'] = '%3.1f' # one digit behind decimal 
    # Formatting attributes for axis labels and ticks (see formatter method for application)
    plotatts['plottitle'] = 'Dynamical TP' # name displayed in plots (axis label)
    plotatts['plotunits'] = 'PVU' # displayed units (after offset and scalefactor have been applied)
    plotatts['scalefactor'] = 1e6 # conversion factor; assumed units are meters
Beispiel #5
def verticalVelocity(w, z, interpType="linear", **kwargs):
    from pygeode.axis import Height, ZAxis
    from pygeode.interp import interpolate
    from warnings import warn

    # figure out axes
    oldZ = findZAxis(w)
    assert isinstance(z, ZAxis), "interpolation only works along vertical axis"
    if (not isinstance(z, Height)) or (not isinstance(oldZ, Height)):
            "The current implementation of verticalVelocity is designed for interpolation between Height coordinates only."
    assert oldZ.__class__ == z.__class__, "old and new axes are not of the same type (class)"
    # interpolate values
    vv = interpolate(w, oldZ, z, interp_type=interpType)
    # attributes (defaults)
    vv.atts["name"] = "w"
    vv.atts["units"] = "m/s"
    vv.atts["long_name"] = "vertical velocity on full model levels"
    vv.atts["standard_name"] = "vertical velocity"
    vv.atts["interpolation"] = interpType
    # plot attributes (defaults)
    vv.plotatts = variablePlotatts["w"]
    # apply user-defined attributes (from kwargs; override defaults)
    # assign short name = vv.atts["name"]
    vv.units = vv.atts["units"]
    return vv
Beispiel #6
def verticalVelocity(w, z, interpType='linear', **kwargs):
  from pygeode.axis import Height, ZAxis
  from pygeode.interp import interpolate
  from warnings import warn
  # figure out axes
  oldZ = findZAxis(w)
  assert isinstance(z,ZAxis), 'interpolation only works along vertical axis'
  if (not isinstance(z,Height)) or (not isinstance(oldZ,Height)):
    warn('The current implementation of verticalVelocity is designed for interpolation between Height coordinates only.')
  assert oldZ.__class__ == z.__class__, 'old and new axes are not of the same type (class)' 
  # interpolate values
  vv = interpolate(w, oldZ, z, interp_type=interpType)
  # attributes (defaults)
  vv.atts['name'] = 'w'
  vv.atts['units'] = 'm/s'
  vv.atts['long_name'] = 'vertical velocity on full model levels' 
  vv.atts['standard_name'] = 'vertical velocity'
  vv.atts['interpolation'] = interpType
  # plot attributes (defaults)
  vv.plotatts = variablePlotatts['w'] 
  # apply user-defined attributes (from kwargs; override defaults)
  # assign short name = vv.atts['name']
  vv.units = vv.atts['units']
  return vv 
Beispiel #7
  def test_nointerp (self):
    input = self.var.get()

    output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.x, outaxis=self.x, interp_type='linear').transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()
    # GSL interoplates over nans, so we need to undo this for a direct comparison
    masked_output = np.array(output)
    masked_output[1,1] = float('nan')
    self.assertTrue(alleq(masked_output,input), output)
    self.assertEqual(output[1,1], 5.)  # check how GSL interoplates over the nan

    # Repeat, but for the y axis

    output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.y, outaxis=self.y, interp_type='linear').transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()
    # GSL interoplates over nans, so we need to undo this for a direct comparison
    masked_output = np.array(output)
    masked_output[1,1] = float('nan')
    self.assertTrue(alleq(masked_output,input), output)
    self.assertEqual(output[1,1], 5.)  # check how GSL interoplates over the nan
Beispiel #8
  def test_2d_interp(self):
    input = self.var.get()

    output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.x, outaxis=self.x6, inx=self.xfield, interp_type='linear').transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()

    nan = float('nan')

    expected = np.array([[1,2,3,nan,nan],[nan,4,5,6,nan],[nan,nan,7,8,9],[nan,10,11,12,nan]])
    self.assertTrue(alleq(output,expected), output)
Beispiel #9
def test_1():
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis
  from pygeode.interp import interpolate

  # Input data
  inaxis = XAxis([3,2,1])
  indata = inaxis ** 2

  # Output axis
  outaxis = XAxis([1.5, 2.5])

  outdata = interpolate(indata, inaxis=inaxis, outaxis=outaxis, interp_type='linear')
  outdata = list(outdata.get())
Beispiel #10
def test_2():
  from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis
  from pygeode.interp import interpolate

  # Input data
  inaxis = XAxis([3,2,1])
  extra_axis = YAxis([2,4,6])
  indata = inaxis ** 2 + extra_axis*0

  # Output axis
  outaxis = XAxis([1.5, 2.5])
  outx = outaxis + extra_axis*0

  outdata = interpolate(indata, inaxis=inaxis, outaxis=outaxis, outx=outx, interp_type='linear')
  outdata = list(outdata.get())
Beispiel #11
def test_1():
    from pygeode.axis import XAxis
    from pygeode.interp import interpolate

    # Input data
    inaxis = XAxis([3, 2, 1])
    indata = inaxis**2

    # Output axis
    outaxis = XAxis([1.5, 2.5])

    outdata = interpolate(indata,
    outdata = list(outdata.get())
Beispiel #12
def test_2():
    from pygeode.axis import XAxis, YAxis
    from pygeode.interp import interpolate

    # Input data
    inaxis = XAxis([3, 2, 1])
    extra_axis = YAxis([2, 4, 6])
    indata = inaxis**2 + extra_axis * 0

    # Output axis
    outaxis = XAxis([1.5, 2.5])
    outx = outaxis + extra_axis * 0

    outdata = interpolate(indata,
    outdata = list(outdata.get())
Beispiel #13
 def test_nm_interp (self):
   # Interpolation with non-monotonic source data - should fail with ValueError
   output = interpolate(self.var, inaxis=self.y, outaxis=self.y2, inx=self.y_nm, interp_type='linear').transpose(YAxis,XAxis).get()