Beispiel #1
def equal_dir_content(dir_a, dir_b):
    Shallow file check. Solely compares if all filenames in both directories
    are equivalent.
    NOTE(vinh): The name equal_dir_content could be interpreted as 'exact'
    files, do we also check not just for name but for file hash as well? Or
    is that doing too much?
    dir_a_files = set(
        os.path.relpath(f, dir_a) for f in FileUtils.GetFilesInDir(dir_a))
    dir_b_files = set(
        os.path.relpath(f, dir_b) for f in FileUtils.GetFilesInDir(dir_b))
    return dir_a_files == dir_b_files
Beispiel #2
def compute_dir_hash(selected_dir):
    Returns a string representing the hash of the contents of the directory.
    Note: The resulting hash is solely based on the hash of the contents
    of the directory and not on any file metadata (creation date, modified
    date, etc..).
    res = []
    for dir_file in FileUtils.GetFilesInDir(selected_dir):
        rel_path = os.path.relpath(dir_file, selected_dir)
        # Include relative file path as part of hash string since multiple
        # files in a directory could compute to the same hash.
        res.append('%s\t%s' % (rel_path, compute_file_hash(dir_file)))
    # Sort the computed hashes so that the directory hash is
    # stable and doesn't rely on the order the system returns files.
    return ''.join(sorted(res))
Beispiel #3
    def _ComputeTasks(cls, targets, ignore_list=[]):
        """Computes the tasks to be evaluate given the input targets.
      targets: list: List of input targets.
      ignore_list: list: List of strings to ignore.

      dict{int, set(string)}: Dict from priority to set of tasks to execute at the priority.
        # First create a simple task list of priority string to task.
        # Once all the tasks have been collected, then sort them to create an actual priority order.
        tasks = {}
        ignore_list += ['timeout']
        for target in targets:
            ignore = FileUtils.IgnorePath(target, ignore_list)
            if ignore:
                    'Ignored target %s as anything with [%s] is ignored.' %
                    (target, ignore))

            recurse = False
            if os.path.basename(target) == '...':
                target = os.path.dirname(target)
                if not target:
                    target = FileUtils.GetAbsPathForFile(os.getcwd())
                    if target.find(PipelineConfig.Instance().pipeline_base_dir(
                    )) != 0:
                        target = PipelineConfig.Instance().pipeline_base_dir()
                recurse = True

            abs_target = FileUtils.GetAbsPathForFile(target)
            if not abs_target:
                TermColor.Warning('[%s] is not a valid path' % (target))

            if os.path.isfile(abs_target):
                cls.__AddFileToTasks(tasks, abs_target)
            elif os.path.isdir(abs_target):
                targets += FileUtils.GetFilesInDir(abs_target, recurse,
                TermColor.Warning('[%s] is not supported' % (abs_target))

        return cls.__MergeTasks(tasks)