Beispiel #1
def test_psi4_qmefp_6d():
    subject = subject6

    fullans = copy.deepcopy(fullans6)
    fullans['efp']['geom'] = np.array([-2.22978429,  1.19270015, -0.99721732, -1.85344873,  1.5734809 ,
        0.69660583, -0.71881655,  1.40649303, -1.90657336,  0.98792   ,
        1.87681   ,  2.85174   ,  2.31084386,  0.57620385,  3.31175679,
        1.87761143,  3.16604791,  1.75667803,  0.55253064,  2.78087794,
    fullans['efp']['elea'] = np.array([16, 1, 1, 14, 1, 1, 1])
    fullans['efp']['elez'] = np.array([8, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1])
    fullans['efp']['elem'] = np.array(['O', 'H', 'H', 'N', 'H', 'H', 'H'])
    fullans['efp']['mass'] = np.array([15.99491462, 1.00782503, 1.00782503, 14.00307400478, 1.00782503, 1.00782503, 1.00782503])
    fullans['efp']['real'] = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, True, True])
    fullans['efp']['elbl'] = np.array(['_a01o1', '_a02h2', '_a03h3', '_a01n1', '_a02h2', '_a03h3', '_a04h4'])
    fullans['efp']['fragment_separators'] = [3]
    fullans['efp']['fragment_charges'] = [0., 0.]
    fullans['efp']['fragment_multiplicities'] = [1, 1]
    fullans['efp']['molecular_charge'] = 0.
    fullans['efp']['molecular_multiplicity'] = 1
    fullans['efp']['hint_types'] = ['xyzabc', 'xyzabc']
    fullans['efp']['geom_hints'][1] = [1.093116487139866, 1.9296501432128303, 2.9104336205167156, -1.1053108079381473, 2.0333070957565544, -1.488586877218809]

    final, intermed = qcdb.molparse.from_string(subject, return_processed=True)

    import pylibefp
    efpobj = pylibefp.from_dict(final['efp'])
    efpfinal = efpobj.to_dict()
    efpfinal = qcdb.molparse.from_arrays(speclabel=False, domain='efp', **efpfinal)

    assert compare_molrecs(fullans['qm'], final['qm'], 4, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': full qm')
    assert compare_molrecs(fullans['efp'], efpfinal, 4, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': full efp')
Beispiel #2
def test_psi4_qmefp_6d():
    subject = subject6

    fullans = copy.deepcopy(fullans6)
    fullans['efp']['geom'] = np.array([-2.22978429,  1.19270015, -0.99721732, -1.85344873,  1.5734809 ,
        0.69660583, -0.71881655,  1.40649303, -1.90657336,  0.98792   ,
        1.87681   ,  2.85174   ,  2.31084386,  0.57620385,  3.31175679,
        1.87761143,  3.16604791,  1.75667803,  0.55253064,  2.78087794,
    fullans['efp']['elea'] = np.array([16, 1, 1, 14, 1, 1, 1])
    fullans['efp']['elez'] = np.array([8, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1])
    fullans['efp']['elem'] = np.array(['O', 'H', 'H', 'N', 'H', 'H', 'H'])
    fullans['efp']['mass'] = np.array([15.99491462, 1.00782503, 1.00782503, 14.00307400478, 1.00782503, 1.00782503, 1.00782503])
    fullans['efp']['real'] = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, True, True])
    fullans['efp']['elbl'] = np.array(['_a01o1', '_a02h2', '_a03h3', '_a01n1', '_a02h2', '_a03h3', '_a04h4'])
    fullans['efp']['fragment_separators'] = [3]
    fullans['efp']['fragment_charges'] = [0., 0.]
    fullans['efp']['fragment_multiplicities'] = [1, 1]
    fullans['efp']['molecular_charge'] = 0.
    fullans['efp']['molecular_multiplicity'] = 1
    fullans['efp']['hint_types'] = ['xyzabc', 'xyzabc']
    fullans['efp']['geom_hints'][1] = [1.093116487139866, 1.9296501432128303, 2.9104336205167156, -1.1053108079381473, 2.0333070957565544, -1.488586877218809]

    final, intermed = qcel.molparse.from_string(subject, return_processed=True)

    import pylibefp
    efpobj = pylibefp.from_dict(final['efp'])
    efpfinal = efpobj.to_dict()
    efpfinal = qcel.molparse.from_arrays(speclabel=False, domain='efp', **efpfinal)

    assert compare_molrecs(fullans['qm'], final['qm'], 4, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': full qm')
    assert compare_molrecs(fullans['efp'], efpfinal, 4, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': full efp')
Beispiel #3
def geometry(geom, name="default"):
    """Function to create a molecule object of name *name* from the
    geometry in string *geom*. Permitted for user use but deprecated
    in driver in favor of explicit molecule-passing. Comments within
    the string are filtered.

    molrec = qcel.molparse.from_string(
        geom, enable_qm=True, missing_enabled_return_qm='minimal', enable_efp=True, missing_enabled_return_efp='none')

    molecule = core.Molecule.from_dict(molrec['qm'])

    if 'efp' in molrec:
            import pylibefp
        except ImportError as e:  # py36 ModuleNotFoundError
            raise ImportError("""Install pylibefp to use EFP functionality. `conda install pylibefp -c psi4` Or build with `-DENABLE_libefp=ON`""") from e
        #print('Using pylibefp: {} (version {})'.format(pylibefp.__file__, pylibefp.__version__))
        efpobj = pylibefp.from_dict(molrec['efp'])
        # pylibefp.core.efp rides along on molecule
        molecule.EFP = efpobj

    # Attempt to go ahead and construct the molecule
        core.print_out("Molecule: geometry: Molecule is not complete, please use 'update_geometry'\n"
                       "                    once all variables are set.\n")


    return molecule
Beispiel #4
def geometry(geom, name="default"):
    """Function to create a molecule object of name *name* from the
    geometry in string *geom*. Permitted for user use but deprecated
    in driver in favor of explicit molecule-passing. Comments within
    the string are filtered.

    molrec = qcel.molparse.from_string(
        geom, enable_qm=True, missing_enabled_return_qm='minimal', enable_efp=True, missing_enabled_return_efp='none')

    molecule = core.Molecule.from_dict(molrec['qm'])

    if 'efp' in molrec:
            import pylibefp
        except ImportError as e:  # py36 ModuleNotFoundError
            raise ImportError("""Install pylibefp to use EFP functionality. `conda install pylibefp -c psi4` Or build with `-DENABLE_libefp=ON`""") from e
        #print('Using pylibefp: {} (version {})'.format(pylibefp.__file__, pylibefp.__version__))
        efpobj = pylibefp.from_dict(molrec['efp'])
        # pylibefp.core.efp rides along on molecule
        molecule.EFP = efpobj

    # Attempt to go ahead and construct the molecule
        core.print_out("Molecule: geometry: Molecule is not complete, please use 'update_geometry'\n"
                       "                    once all variables are set.\n")


    return molecule