Beispiel #1
def explicit_euler(A, B, c, h):
    Discretizes the continuous-time affine system dx/dt = A x + B u + c approximating x(t+1) with x(t) + h dx/dt(t).

    A : numpy.ndarray
        State transition matrix.
    B : numpy.ndarray
        Input to state map.
    c : numpy.ndarray
        Offset term.
    h : float
        Discretization time step.

    A_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time state transition matrix.
    B_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time input to state map.
    c_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time offset term.

    # check inputs
    check_affine_system(A, B, c, h)

    # discretize
    A_d = A * h + np.eye(A.shape[0])
    B_d = B * h
    c_d = c * h

    return A_d, B_d, c_d
Beispiel #2
def zero_order_hold(A, B, c, h):
    Assuming piecewise constant inputs, it returns the exact discretization of the affine system dx/dt = A x + B u + c.

    Solving the differential equation, we have
    x(h) = exp(A h) x(0) + int_0^h exp(A (h - t)) (B u(t) + c) dt.
    Being u(t) = u(0) constant between 0 and h we have
    x(h) = A_d x(0) + B_d u(0) + c_d,
    A_d := exp(A h),
    B_d := int_0^h exp(A (h - t)) dt B,
    c_d = B_d := int_0^h exp(A (h - t)) dt c.
    I holds
         |A B c|      |A_d B_d c_d|
    exp (|0 0 0| h) = |0   I   0  |
         |0 0 0|      |0   0   1  |
    where both the matrices are square.
    Proof: apply the definition of exponential and note that int_0^h exp(A (h - t)) dt = sum_{k=1}^inf A^(k-1) h^k/k!.

    A : numpy.ndarray
        State transition matrix.
    B : numpy.ndarray
        Input to state map.
    c : numpy.ndarray
        Offset term.
    h : float
        Discretization time step.

    A_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time state transition matrix.
    B_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time input to state map.
    c_d : numpy.ndarray
        Discrete-time offset term.

    # check inputs
    check_affine_system(A, B, c, h)

    # system dimensions
    n_x = np.shape(A)[0]
    n_u = np.shape(B)[1]

    # zero order hold
    M_c = np.vstack((np.column_stack(
        (A, B, c)), np.zeros((n_u + 1, n_x + n_u + 1))))
    M_d = expm(M_c * h)

    # discrete time dynamics
    A_d = M_d[:n_x, :n_x]
    B_d = M_d[:n_x, n_x:n_x + n_u]
    c_d = M_d[:n_x, n_x + n_u]

    return A_d, B_d, c_d
Beispiel #3
    def from_continuous(A, B, c, h, method='zero_order_hold'):
        Instantiates a discrete-time affine system starting from its continuous time representation.

        A : numpy.ndarray
            Continuous-time state transition matrix (assumed to be invertible).
        B : numpy.ndarray
            Continuous-time state input to state map.
        c : numpy.ndarray
            Offset term in the dynamics.
        h : float
            Discretization time step.
        method : str
            Discretization method: 'zero_order_hold', or 'explicit_euler'.

        # check inputs
        check_affine_system(A, B, c, h)

        # discretize
        if method == 'zero_order_hold':
            A_d, B_d, c_d = zero_order_hold(A, B, c, h)
        elif method == 'explicit_euler':
            A_d, B_d, c_d = explicit_euler(A, B, c, h)
            raise ValueError('unknown discretization method.')

        return AffineSystem(A_d, B_d, c_d)
Beispiel #4
    def from_continuous(A, B, h, method='zero_order_hold'):
        Instantiates a discrete-time linear system starting from its continuous time representation.

        A : numpy.ndarray
            Continuous-time state transition matrix (assumed to be invertible).
        B : numpy.ndarray
            Continuous-time state input to state map.
        h : float
            Discretization time step.
        method : str
            Discretization method: 'zero_order_hold', or 'explicit_euler'.

        # check inputs
        check_affine_system(A, B, None, h)

        # construct affine system
        c = np.zeros(A.shape[0])

        # discretize
        if method == 'zero_order_hold':
            A_d, B_d, _ = zero_order_hold(A, B, c, h)
        elif method == 'explicit_euler':
            A_d, B_d, _ = explicit_euler(A, B, c, h)
            raise ValueError('unknown discretization method.')

        return LinearSystem(A_d, B_d)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, A, B):
        Initializes the discrete-time linear system.

        A : numpy.ndarray
            State transition matrix (assumed to be invertible).
        B : numpy.ndarray
            Input to state map.

        # check inputs
        check_affine_system(A, B)

        # store inputs
        self.A = A
        self.B = B

        # system size
        self.nx, = B.shape

        # property variables
        self._controllable = None

Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, A, B, c):
        Initializes the discrete-time affine system.

        A : numpy.ndarray
            State transition matrix (assumed to be invertible).
        B : numpy.ndarray
            Input to state map.
        c : numpy.ndarray
            Offset term in the dynamics.

        # check inputs
        check_affine_system(A, B, c)

        # store inputs
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.c = c

        # system size
        self.nx, = B.shape