Beispiel #1
    def _pprint_base_impl(self, ostream, verbose, prefix, _name, _doc,
                          _constructed, _attr, _data, _header, _fcn):
        if ostream is None:
            ostream = sys.stdout
        if prefix:
            ostream = StreamIndenter(ostream, prefix)

        # FIXME: HACK for backwards compatability with suppressing the
        # header for the top block
        if not _attr and self.parent_block() is None:
            _name = ''

        # We only indent everything if we printed the header
        if _attr or _name or _doc:
            ostream = StreamIndenter(ostream, self._PPRINT_INDENT)
            # The first line should be a hanging indent (i.e., not indented)
            ostream.newline = False

        if self.is_reference():
            _attr = list(_attr) if _attr else []
            _attr.append(('ReferenceTo', self.referent))

        if _name:
            ostream.write(_name + " : ")
        if _doc:
            ostream.write(_doc + '\n')
        if _attr:
            ostream.write(", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in _attr))
        if _attr or _name or _doc:

        if not _constructed:
            # HACK: for backwards compatability, Abstract blocks will
            # still print their assigned components.  Should we instead
            # always pprint unconstructed components (possibly
            # suppressing the table header if the table is empty)?
            if self.parent_block() is not None:
                ostream.write("Not constructed\n")

        if type(_fcn) is tuple:
            _fcn, _fcn2 = _fcn
            _fcn2 = None

        if _header is not None:
            if _fcn2 is not None:
                _data_dict = dict(_data)
                _data = _data_dict.items()
            tabular_writer(ostream, '', _data, _header, _fcn)
            if _fcn2 is not None:
                for _key in sorted_robust(_data_dict):
                    _fcn2(ostream, _key, _data_dict[_key])
        elif _fcn is not None:
            _data_dict = dict(_data)
            for _key in sorted_robust(_data_dict):
                _fcn(ostream, _key, _data_dict[_key])
        elif _data is not None:
Beispiel #2
 def test_user_key(self):
     # ensure it doesn't throw an error
     # Test for issue
             (("10_1", 2), None),
             ((10, 2), None)
         key=lambda x: x[0]
Beispiel #3
    def test_unknown_types(self):
        orig = [
            LikeFloat(4), # 0
            Comparable('hello'), # 1
            LikeFloat(1), # 2
            2., # 3
            Comparable('world'), # 4
            ToStr(1), # 5
            NoStr('bogus'), # 6
            ToStr('a'), # 7
            ToStr('A'), # 8
            3, # 9

        ref = [orig[i] for i in (1, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7, 2, 3, 9, 0)]
        ans = sorted_robust(orig)
        self.assertEqual(len(orig), len(ans))
        for _r, _a in zip(ref, ans):
            self.assertIs(_r, _a)
                         (1, float.__name__))
                         (1, Comparable.__name__))
                         (2, ToStr.__name__))
                         (3, NoStr.__name__))
Beispiel #4
def _generate_component_items(components):
    if type(components) not in {list, tuple}:
        components = (components, )
    for comp in components:
        if comp.is_indexed():
            for idx in sorted_robust(comp):
                yield idx, comp[idx]
            yield _NotAnIndex, comp
Beispiel #5
    def test_sorted_robust(self):
        # Note: as types are sorted by name, int < str < tuple
        a = sorted_robust([3, 2, 1])
        self.assertEqual(a, [1, 2, 3])

        # Testthat ints and floats are sorted as "numbers"
        a = sorted_robust([3, 2.1, 1])
        self.assertEqual(a, [1, 2.1, 3])

        a = sorted_robust([3, '2', 1])
        self.assertEqual(a, [1, 3, '2'])

        a = sorted_robust([('str1', 'str1'), (1, 'str2')])
        self.assertEqual(a, [(1, 'str2'), ('str1', 'str1')])

        a = sorted_robust([((1,), 'str2'), ('str1', 'str1')])
        self.assertEqual(a, [('str1', 'str1'), ((1,), 'str2')])

        a = sorted_robust([('str1', 'str1'), ((1,), 'str2')])
        self.assertEqual(a, [('str1', 'str1'), ((1,), 'str2')])
Beispiel #6
    def keys(self, ordered=False):
        """Return an iterator over the component data keys

        This method sets the ordering of component data objects within
        this IndexedComponent container.  For consistency,
        :py:meth:`__init__()`, :py:meth:`values`, and :py:meth:`items`
        all leverage this method to ensure consistent ordering.

        ordered: bool
            If True, then the keys are returned in a deterministic
            order.  If the underlying indexing set is ordered then that
            ordering is used.  Otherwise, the keys are sorted using

        sort_needed = ordered
        if hasattr(self._index_set, 'isfinite') and not \
            # If the index set is virtual (e.g., Any) then return the
            # data iterator.  Note that since we cannot check the length
            # of the underlying Set, there should be no warning if the
            # user iterates over the set when the _data dict is empty.
            ans = self._data.__iter__()
        elif self.is_reference():
            ans = self._data.__iter__()
        elif len(self) == len(self._index_set):
            # If the data is dense then return the index iterator.
            ans = self._index_set.__iter__()
            if ordered and self._index_set.isordered():
                # As this iterator is ordered, we do not need to sort it
                sort_needed = False
            if not self._data and self._index_set and \
                logger.warning("""Iterating over a Component (%s)
defined by a non-empty concrete set before any data objects have
actually been added to the Component.  The iterator will be empty.
This is usually caused by Concrete models where you declare the
component (e.g., a Var) and apply component-level operations (e.g.,
x.fix(0)) before you use the component members (in something like a

You can silence this warning by one of three ways:
    1) Declare the component to be dense with the 'dense=True' option.
       This will cause all data objects to be immediately created and
       added to the Component.
    2) Defer component-level iteration until after the component data
       members have been added (through explicit use).
    3) If you intend to iterate over a component that may be empty, test
       if the component is empty first and avoid iteration in the case
       where it is empty.
""" % (, ))

            if not hasattr(self._index_set, 'isordered') or \
               not self._index_set.isordered():
                # If the index set is not ordered, then return the
                # data iterator.  This is in an arbitrary order, which is
                # fine because the data is unordered.
                ans = self._data.__iter__()
                # Test each element of a sparse data with an ordered
                # index set in order.  This is potentially *slow*: if
                # the component is in fact very sparse, we could be
                # iterating over a huge (dense) index in order to sort a
                # small number of indices.  However, this provides a
                # consistent ordering that the user expects.
                ans = filter(self._data.__contains__, self._index_set)
                # As the iterator is ordered, we do not need to sort it
                sort_needed = False
        if sort_needed:
            return iter(sorted_robust(ans))
            return ans
Beispiel #7
def tabular_writer(ostream, prefix, data, header, row_generator):
    """Output data in tabular form

    ostream: io.TextIOBase
        the stream to write to
    prefix: str
        prefix each generated line with this string
    data: iterable
        an iterable object that returns (key, value) pairs
        (e.g., from iteritems()) defining each row in the table
    header: List[str]
        list of column headers
    row_generator: function
        a function that accepts the `key` and `value` from `data` and
        returns either a tuple defining the entries for a single row, or
        a generator that returns a sequence of table rows to be output
        for the specified `key`


    prefix = tostr(prefix)

    _rows = {}
    # NB: _width is a list because we will change these values
    if header:
        header = (u"Key",) + tuple(tostr(x) for x in header)
        _width = [len(x) for x in header]
        _width = None
    _minWidth = 0

    for _key, _val in data:
            _rowSet = row_generator(_key, _val)
            if isinstance(_rowSet, types.GeneratorType):
                _rowSet = list(_rowSet)
                _rowSet = [_rowSet]
        except ValueError:
            # A ValueError can be raised when row_generator is called
            # (if it is a function), or when it is exhausted generating
            # the list (if it is a generator)
            _minWidth = 4 # Ensure columns are wide enough to output "None"
            _rows[_key] = None

        _rows[_key] = [
            ((tostr("" if i else _key),) if header else ())
            + tuple(tostr(x) for x in _r)
            for i, _r in enumerate(_rowSet) ]

        if not _rows[_key]:
            _minWidth = 4
        elif not _width:
            _width = [0]*len(_rows[_key][0])
        for _row in _rows[_key]:
            for col, x in enumerate(_row):
                _width[col] = max(_width[col], len(x), col and _minWidth)

    # NB: left-justify header entries
    if header:
        # Note: do not right-pad the last header with unnecessary spaces
        tmp = _width[-1]
        _width[-1] = 0
                      + " : ".join( "%%-%ds" % _width[i] % x
                                    for i,x in enumerate(header) )
                      + "\n")
        _width[-1] = tmp

    # If there is no data, we are done...
    if not _rows:

    # right-justify data, except for the last column if there are spaces
    # in the data (probably an expression or vector)
    _width = ["%"+str(i)+"s" for i in _width]

    if any( ' ' in r[-1]
            for x in _rows.values() if x is not None
            for r in x  ):
        _width[-1] = '%s'
    for _key in sorted_robust(_rows):
        _rowSet = _rows[_key]
        if not _rowSet:
            _rowSet = [ [_key] + [None]*(len(_width)-1) ]
        for _data in _rowSet:
                + " : ".join( _width[i] % x for i,x in enumerate(_data) )
                + "\n")