def getscriptnamesregression():
    # get a list of all folders in regression set
    flist = ryfiles.listFiles(pathToRegressionData,
    ryscripts = []
    for fli in flist:
        if not os.path.isfile(fli):
    return ryscripts
Beispiel #2
def QueryDelete(recurse, dir, patn):
    thefiles = ryfiles.listFiles(dir, patn, recurse)
    if len(thefiles) > 0:
        for filename in thefiles:
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            instr = raw_input("Delete these files? (y/n)")
            instr = input("Delete these files? (y/n)")

        if instr == 'y':
            for filename in thefiles:
Beispiel #3
def runModtranAndCopy(root, research, pathToModtranBin, execname):
    Look for input files in directories, run modtran and copy results to dir.

    Finds all files below the root directory that matches the 
    regex pattern in research. Then runs modtran on these files
    and write the tape5/6/7/8 back to where the input file was.

    Each input file must be in a separate directory, because the results are
    all written to files with the names 'tape5', etc.

        | root ([string]): path to root dir containing the dirs with modtran input files.
        | research ([string]): regex to use when searching for input files ('.*.ltn' or 'tape5')
        | pathToModtranBin ([string]): path to modtran executable directory.
        | execname ([string]): modtran executable filename.

        | List of all the files processed.

        | No exception is raised.
    import os
    import shutil
    import subprocess
    import time
    import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles

    filepaths = ryfiles.listFiles(root,

    # print('**********************',root,research,filepaths)

    for filepath in filepaths:
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath)

        #get rid of clutter to make sure that our tape5 will be used
        for rfile in [
                'tape5', 'modin', 'modin.ontplt', '', '.ezl20ck'
            rpath = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, rfile)
            if os.path.exists(rpath):

        #copy our tape5 across
        tape5path = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, 'tape5')
        shutil.copy2(filepath, tape5path)

        #run modtran on the tape5 file in its bin directory
        if os.path.exists(tape5path):

            p = subprocess.Popen(os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, execname),
            while p.poll() == None:

            # #copy the tape5/6/7 files back to appropriate directory
            for outname in ['tape5', 'tape6', 'tape7', 'tape8']:
                outpath = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, outname)
                if os.path.exists(outpath):
                    shutil.copy2(outpath, dirname)
import re
import os.path as path
import os

import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles
# rename YYYY_Book_somename.pdf to -somename-(YYYY).pdf

filenames = ryfiles.listFiles('.','*.pdf',recurse=0)

for fname in filenames:

    rtv = re.findall(r"(^\d{4})(_Book_)(.*)(\.pdf$)", fname)

    if len(rtv) > 0:
        name = re.sub(r"(\w)([A-Z])", r"\1 \2", rtv[0][2])
        newname = f' - {name}-({rtv[0][0]}){rtv[0][3]}'
        print(fname, newname)

        if not path.exists(newname):
            # print(name)
            # print('--------------------------')
            print(f'*** repeat name: {newname}')

Beispiel #5
def runModtranAndCopy(root, research, pathToModtranBin, execname):
    Look for input files in directories, run modtran and copy results to dir.

    Finds all files below the root directory that matches the 
    regex pattern in research. Then runs modtran on these files
    and write the tape5/6/7/8 back to where the input file was.

    Each input file must be in a separate directory, because the results are
    all written to files with the names 'tape5', etc.

        | root ([string]): path to root dir containing the dirs with modtran input files.
        | research ([string]): regex to use when searching for input files ('.*.ltn' or 'tape5')
        | pathToModtranBin ([string]): path to modtran executable directory.
        | execname ([string]): modtran executable filename.

        | List of all the files processed.

        | No exception is raised.
    import os
    import shutil
    import subprocess
    import time
    import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles

    filepaths = ryfiles.listFiles(root, patterns=research, recurse=1, return_folders=0, useRegex=True)

    # print(len(filenames))
    # print(filenames)

    for filepath in filepaths:
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath)

        # get rid of clutter to make sure that our tape5 will be used
        for rfile in ["tape5", "modin", "modin.ontplt", "", ".ezl20ck"]:
            rpath = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, rfile)
            if os.path.exists(rpath):

        # copy our tape5 across
        tape5path = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, "tape5")
        shutil.copy2(filepath, tape5path)

        # run modtran on the tape5 file in its bin directory
        if os.path.exists(tape5path):

            p = subprocess.Popen(
                os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, execname), shell=True, stdout=None, stderr=None, cwd=pathToModtranBin
            while p.poll() == None:

            # #copy the tape5/6/7 files back to appropriate directory
            for outname in ["tape5", "tape6", "tape7", "tape8"]:
                outpath = os.path.join(pathToModtranBin, outname)
                if os.path.exists(outpath):
                    shutil.copy2(outpath, dirname)
Beispiel #6
"""Markdown requires spaces after heading #, so insert space where required.
If # is followed by anything other than a whitespace or a #, inset a space

import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles
import re

filenames = ryfiles.listFiles('.', '*.md', 0, 0)

# print(filenames)

for filename in filenames:
    # if '' in filename:
    linesOut = []
    with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            line = re.sub(r'(#+)([^\s#])', r'\1 \2', line)
    with open(filename, 'wt') as f:
Beispiel #7
def calcEffective(ilines, alt, dir, specranges, dffilename):
    dirname = os.path.join('.', dir, 'elev', '{:.0f}'.format(alt))
    lfiles = ryfiles.listFiles(dirname, patterns='tape7')
    # print(dirname)
    dfCols = [
        'Atmo', 'Altitude', 'Zenith', 'SpecBand', 'ToaWattTot', 'ToaWatt',
        'BoaWattTot', 'BoaWatt', 'LpathWatt', 'ToaQTot', 'ToaQ', 'BoaQTot',
        'BoaQ', 'LpathQ', 'effTauSun', 'effTau300'
    #open the excel file, read in, append to the dataframe and later save to the same file
    if os.path.exists(dffilename):
        df = pd.read_excel(dffilename)
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=dfCols)

    for filename in lfiles:
        elev = float(filename.split('\\')[3])
        #read transmittance and path radiance from tape7
        dataset = rymodtran.loadtape7(
            filename, ['FREQ', 'TOT_TRANS', 'TOA_SUN', 'TOTAL_RAD'])
        dataset[:, 2] *= 1e4  # convert from /cm2 to /m2
        dataset[:, 3] *= 1e4  # but only do this once for data set
        for key in specranges:
            tape7 = dataset.copy()
            # select only lines in the spectral ranges
            select = np.all([
                tape7[:, 0] >= 1e4 / specranges[key][1],
                tape7[:, 0] <= 1e4 / specranges[key][0]
            # print(tape7[select])
            tape7s = tape7[select]
            #now integrate the path and TOA radiances. now in W/(
            TOAwatttot = np.trapz(tape7[:, 2], tape7[:, 0])
            TOAwatt = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 2], tape7s[:, 0])
            BOAwatttot = np.trapz(tape7[:, 1] * tape7[:, 2], tape7[:, 0])
            BOAwatt = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 1] * tape7s[:, 2], tape7s[:, 0])
            Lpathwatt = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 3], tape7s[:, 0])
            # convert radiance terms to photon rates, must to this while it is still spectral
            # then integrate after conversion
            conv = tape7[:, 0] * const.h * const.c * 1e2
            tape7[:, 2] /= conv
            tape7[:, 3] /= conv
            tape7s = tape7[select]
            #now integrate the path and TOA radiances. now in (q/s)/(
            TOAqtot = np.trapz(tape7[:, 2], tape7[:, 0])
            TOAq = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 2], tape7s[:, 0])
            BOAqtot = np.trapz(tape7[:, 1] * tape7[:, 2], tape7[:, 0])
            BOAq = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 1] * tape7s[:, 2], tape7s[:, 0])
            Lpathq = np.trapz(tape7s[:, 3], tape7s[:, 0])
            LSun = ryplanck.planck(tape7s[:, 0], 6000., 'en')
            L300 = ryplanck.planck(tape7s[:, 0], 300., 'en')
            effTauSun = np.trapz(LSun * tape7s[:, 1], tape7s[:, 0]) / np.trapz(
                LSun, tape7s[:, 0])
            effTau300 = np.trapz(L300 * tape7s[:, 1], tape7s[:, 0]) / np.trapz(
                L300, tape7s[:, 0])

            # print(elev,key, BOAwatttot, BOAwatt, TOAwatttot, TOAwatt, Lpathwatt)
            # print(elev,key, BOAqtot, BOAq, TOAqtot, TOAq, Lpathq)

            df = df.append(
                    dir, alt, elev, key, TOAwatttot, TOAwatt, BOAwatttot,
                    BOAwatt, Lpathwatt, TOAqtot, TOAq, BOAqtot, BOAq, Lpathq,
                    effTauSun, effTau300
            ilines += 1

    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(dffilename)
    df.to_excel(writer, 'Sheet1')
    pd.DataFrame(specranges).to_excel(writer, 'SpecRanges')

    return (ilines)
def compareenvresults(envis, ryscripts, fout=None, similarity=0.01):
    """Compare files with the same names in each of environments

    fdict = {}
    fnames = {}
    for ryscript in ryscripts:
        # get the script name for this run
        script = os.path.basename(ryscript)
        fdict[script] = {}

        for envi in envis:
            fdict[script][envi] = {}
            # capture the files in the environment
            paths = ryfiles.listFiles(os.path.join(ryscript, envi),
            for path in paths:
                fname = os.path.basename(path)
                fnames[fname] = 1
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    fdict[script][envi][fname] = hash_file(path)
                    fdict[script][envi][fname] = None

    # finished collecting, now compare
    sameHash = {}
    sameTxt = {}
    sameImg = {}
    diffEnv = {}
    for ryscript in ryscripts:
        script = os.path.basename(ryscript)
        for fname in fnames:
            hsh0 = None
            if script in fdict.keys():
                if envis[0] in fdict[script].keys():
                    if fname in fdict[script][envis[0]].keys():
                        hsh0 = fdict[script][envis[0]][fname]
            hsh1 = None
            if script in fdict.keys():
                if envis[1] in fdict[script].keys():
                    if fname in fdict[script][envis[1]].keys():
                        hsh1 = fdict[script][envis[1]][fname]

            if hsh0 is not None and hsh1 is not None:
                if hsh0 == hsh1:
                    sameHash['{}/{}'.format(script, fname)] = 1
                    path0 = os.path.join(pathToRegressionData, script,
                                         envis[0], fname)
                    path1 = os.path.join(pathToRegressionData, script,
                                         envis[1], fname)
                    # do text compare if text file
                    if not is_binary_string(open(path0, 'rb').read(1024)):
                        if cmp_lines(path0, path1):
                            sameTxt['{}/{}'.format(script, fname)] = 1
                            diffEnv['{}/{}'.format(script, fname)] = 1
                        # hashes and text content mismatch, these are probably bitmaps or binary files
                        imgdiff = imagedifference(path0, path1)

                        if imgdiff < similarity:
                            sameImg['{}/{}'.format(script, fname)] = imgdiff
                            print('{} {}'.format(path0, imgdiff))
                            diffEnv['{}/{}'.format(script, fname)] = 1

    if fout is not None:
        fout.write('\n\nHash the same in both environments:\n')
        for key in sorted(list(sameHash.keys())):
            fout.write('   + {}\n'.format(key))

        fout.write('\n\nText the same in both environments:\n')
        for key in sorted(list(sameTxt.keys())):
            fout.write('   + {}\n'.format(key))

            '\n\nImages are similar in both environments with normalised error less than {}:\n'
        for key in sorted(list(sameImg.keys())):
            fout.write('   + {}   {:.5f}\n'.format(key, sameImg[key]))

        fout.write('\n\nDifferent between environments:\n')
        for key in sorted(list(diffEnv.keys())):
            fout.write('   - {}   {:.5f}\n'.format(key, diffEnv[key]))

    return sameHash, sameTxt, diffEnv
def runscripts(ryscripts, fout=None, similarity=0.01):
    # run tests for each script and compare against its own ref set
    passed = {}
    failed = {}
    missing = {}
    for ryscript in ryscripts:
        # get the script name for this run
        script = os.path.basename(ryscript)

        #build a commandline string to execute and write stdout to file
        task = 'python {}.py >{}-{}.txt'.format(script, script, cenvi)
        out = subprocess.check_output(task)
        with open('{}-{}.txt'.format(script, cenvi), 'wb') as foutlocal:

        for envi in envis:
            if envi in cenvi:  # replace with True to cross check
                if envi in cenvi:
                    strenvi = ''
                    strenvi = ' in {}'.format(envi)

                #get the list of files in the regression folder
                targfolder = os.path.join(pathToRegressionData,
                                          script.split('.')[0], envi)
                    'Regression result files in folder: {}'.format(targfolder))

                rlist = ryfiles.listFiles(targfolder,
                for fregres in rlist:
                    flocal = os.path.basename(fregres)

                    if os.path.exists(flocal):
                        hflocal = hash_file(flocal)

                        if os.path.exists(fregres):
                            hfregres = hash_file(fregres)

                            if hflocal == hfregres:
                                result = '+'
                                passed['{}{}'.format(flocal, strenvi)] = 1
                                # test for text string compare
                                if not is_binary_string(
                                        open(fregres, 'rb').read(1024)):
                                    if cmp_lines(fregres, flocal):
                                                             strenvi)] = 1
                                                             strenvi)] = 1
                                    # hashes and text content mismatch, these are probably bitmaps or binary files
                                    imgdiff = imagedifference(flocal, fregres)

                                    if imgdiff < similarity:
                                        result = '+'
                                        passed['{}{} -- {:.5f}'.format(
                                            flocal, strenvi, imgdiff)] = 1
                                        result = '-'
                                        failed['{}{} -- {:.5f}'.format(
                                            flocal, strenvi, imgdiff)] = 1
                        # else:
                        #     result = '?'
                        #     missing['{}{}'.format(flocal,strenvi)] = 1
                        result = '?'
                        missing['{}{}'.format(flocal, strenvi)] = 1

                    print('  {}  {} vs {}'.format(result, fregres, flocal))

    if fout is not None:
        for key in sorted(list(passed.keys())):
            fout.write('   + {}\n'.format(key))

        for key in sorted(list(failed.keys())):
            fout.write('   - {}\n'.format(key))

        for key in sorted(list(missing.keys())):
            fout.write('   ? {}\n'.format(key))

    return passed, failed, missing
Beispiel #10
import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles
import regex

texfiles = ryfiles.listFiles('.', '*.tex')
# print(texfiles)

lensel = 20

dPairs = {}
p = regex.compile(r'\\url\{(.+?)\}')
for texfile in texfiles:
    with open(texfile, 'r') as fin:
        ifchanged = False
        filelines = []
        lines = fin.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            urls = p.findall(line)
            if len(urls) > 0:
                for url in urls:
                    # clean up the URL removing some  chars
                    tmpn = ryfiles.cleanFilename(
                        url, removestring=" -_%:/,.\\[]<>*?#!'\"=&")
                    # get rid of http(s)
                    tmpn = tmpn.replace('https', '').replace('http', '')
                    # make long enough string
                    while len(tmpn) < lensel:
                        tmpn = tmpn + tmpn
                    #build cite key from start and end of string
                    citename = tmpn[0:lensel] + tmpn[-lensel:]
                    # append to the dict
                    if url not in dPairs:
Beispiel #11
"""Markdown requires spaces after heading #, so insert space where required.
If # is followed by anything other than a whitespace or a #, inset a space

import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles
import re

filenames = ryfiles.listFiles('.','*.md', 0,0)

# print(filenames)

for filename in filenames:
    # if '' in filename:
    linesOut = []
    with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            line = re.sub(r'(#+)([^\s#])', r'\1 \2', line)
    with open(filename, 'wt') as f: