Beispiel #1
def _get_mailto(context, peopledir):
    mailinglist = context.get("mailinglist")
    if mailinglist is not None:
        pd_path = resource_path_tuple(peopledir)
        report_path = resource_path_tuple(context)
        mail_name = "+".join(report_path[len(pd_path) :])
        system_email_domain = get_setting(context, "system_email_domain")
        system_list_subdomain = get_setting(context, "system_list_subdomain", system_email_domain)
        return "mailto:%s@%s" % (mailinglist.short_address, system_list_subdomain)
Beispiel #2
def object_will_be_added(event):
    """ Objects added to folders must always have an __objectid__.  This must
     be an :class:`substanced.event.ObjectWillBeAdded` event subscriber
     so that a resulting object will have an __objectid__ within the (more
     convenient) :class:`substanced.event.ObjectAdded` fired later."""
    obj = event.object
    parent = event.parent
    objectmap = find_service(parent, 'objectmap')
    if objectmap is None:
    if getattr(obj, '__parent__', None):
        raise ValueError(
            'obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, '
            'please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) before '
            'trying to readd it to this one' % (obj, parent, obj.__parent__)
    basepath = resource_path_tuple(event.parent)
    name =
    for node in postorder(obj):
        node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
        path_tuple = basepath + (name,) + node_path[1:]
        # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added event is
        # the result of a duplication, replace the oid of the node with a new
        # one
        objectmap.add(node, path_tuple, replace_oid=event.duplicating)
Beispiel #3
 def breadcrumbs(self):
     curr = self.request.root
     crumbs = [curr]
     for name in resource_path_tuple(self.context)[1:]:
         obj = curr[name]
         curr = obj
     return crumbs
Beispiel #4
 def _get_path_tuple(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple):
     path_tuple = None
     if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, INT_TYPES):
         path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path.get(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
     return path_tuple
Beispiel #5
 def _get_path_tuple(self, obj_or_path_tuple):
     if hasattr(obj_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_or_path_tuple
         raise ValueError('must provide a traversable object or a '
                          'path tuple, got %s' % (obj_or_path_tuple, ))
     return path_tuple
Beispiel #6
 def _get_path_tuple(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple):
     path_tuple = None
     if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, INT_TYPES):
         path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path.get(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
     return path_tuple
Beispiel #7
    def add(self, name, other, send_events=True, reserved_names=(), duplicating=False, moving=False, registry=None):
        """ Same as ``__setitem__``.

        If ``send_events`` is False, suppress the sending of folder events.
        Don't allow names in the ``reserved_names`` sequence to be
        added. If ``duplicating`` is True, oids will be replaced in

        This method returns the name used to place the subobject in the
        folder (a derivation of ``name``, usually the result of
        if registry is None:
            registry = get_current_registry()

        name = self.check_name(name, reserved_names)

        if getattr(other, "__parent__", None):
            raise ValueError(
                "obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, "
                "please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) "
                "before trying to readd it to this one" % (other, self, self.__parent__)

        objectmap = find_objectmap(self)

        if objectmap is not None:

            basepath = resource_path_tuple(self)

            for node in postorder(other):
                node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
                path_tuple = basepath + (name,) + node_path[1:]
                # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added event
                # is the result of a duplication, replace the oid of the node
                # with a new one
                objectmap.add(node, path_tuple, replace_oid=duplicating)

        if send_events:
            event = ObjectWillBeAdded(other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving)
            self._notify(event, registry)

        other.__parent__ = self
        other.__name__ = name[name] = other

        if self._order is not None:
            self._order += (name,)

        if send_events:
            event = ObjectAdded(other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving)
            self._notify(event, registry)

        return name
Beispiel #8
 def _get_path_tuple(self, obj_or_path_tuple):
     if hasattr(obj_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path_tuple)
     elif isinstance(obj_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_or_path_tuple
         raise ValueError(
             'must provide a traversable object or a '
             'path tuple, got %s' % (obj_or_path_tuple,))
     return path_tuple
Beispiel #9
 def objectid_for(self, obj_or_path_tuple):
     """ Returns an objectid or ``None``, given an object or a path tuple"""
     if isinstance(obj_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_or_path_tuple
     elif hasattr(obj_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path_tuple)
         raise ValueError(
             'objectid_for accepts a traversable object or a path tuple, '
             'got %s' % (obj_or_path_tuple,))
     return self.path_to_objectid.get(path_tuple)
Beispiel #10
 def objectid_for(self, obj_or_path_tuple):
     """ Returns an objectid or ``None``, given an object or a path tuple"""
     if isinstance(obj_or_path_tuple, tuple):
         path_tuple = obj_or_path_tuple
     elif hasattr(obj_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path_tuple)
         raise ValueError(
             'objectid_for accepts a traversable object or a path tuple, '
             'got %s' % (obj_or_path_tuple, ))
     return self.path_to_objectid.get(path_tuple)
Beispiel #11
 def _parse_path(self, obj_or_path):
     path_tuple = obj_or_path
     if hasattr(obj_or_path, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path)
     elif isinstance(obj_or_path, basestring):
         tmp = filter(None, url_unquote_text(obj_or_path).split(u'/'))
         path_tuple = (u'',) + tuple(tmp)
     elif not isinstance(obj_or_path, tuple):
         raise ValueError(
             'Must be object, path string, or tuple, not %s' % (
     return path_tuple
Beispiel #12
 def _parse_path(self, obj_or_path):
     depth = self.depth
     include_origin = self.include_origin
     path_tuple = obj_or_path
     if hasattr(obj_or_path, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path)
     elif isinstance(obj_or_path, basestring):
         path_tuple, depth, include_origin = self._parse_path_str(
     elif not isinstance(obj_or_path, tuple):
         raise ValueError('Must be object, path string, or tuple, not %s' %
                          (obj_or_path, ))
     return path_tuple, depth, include_origin
Beispiel #13
def create_dummy_resources(parent=None, count=1):
    """Create dummy resources and add it to the parent objectmap."""
    from pyramid.traversal import resource_path_tuple
    resources = ()
    for x in range(count):
        resource = testing.DummyResource(__parent__=parent)
        oid = parent.__objectmap__.new_objectid()
        resource.__oid__ = oid
        resource.__name__ = str(oid)
        path = resource_path_tuple(resource)
        parent[resource.__name__] = resource
        parent.__objectmap__.add(resource, path)
        resources = resources + (resource,)
    return resources[0] if count == 1 else resources
Beispiel #14
 def _parse_path(self, obj_or_path):
     depth = self.depth
     include_origin = self.include_origin
     path_tuple = obj_or_path
     if hasattr(obj_or_path, '__parent__'):
         path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_or_path)
     elif isinstance(obj_or_path, STRING_TYPES):
         path_tuple, depth, include_origin = self._parse_path_str(
     elif not isinstance(obj_or_path, tuple):
         raise ValueError(
             'Must be object, path string, or tuple, not %s' % (
     return path_tuple, depth, include_origin
Beispiel #15
def create_dummy_resources(parent=None, count=1):
    """Create dummy resources and add it to the parent objectmap."""
    from pyramid.traversal import resource_path_tuple
    resources = ()
    for x in range(count):
        resource = testing.DummyResource(__parent__=parent)
        oid = parent.__objectmap__.new_objectid()
        resource.__oid__ = oid
        resource.__name__ = str(oid)
        path = resource_path_tuple(resource)
        parent[resource.__name__] = resource
        parent.__objectmap__.add(resource, path)
        resources = resources + (resource, )
    return resources[0] if count == 1 else resources
Beispiel #16
 def test_object_has_a_parent(self):
     from ..interfaces import IFolder
     from pyramid.traversal import resource_path_tuple
     objectmap = DummyObjectMap()
     site = _makeSite(objectmap=objectmap)
     bogusroot = testing.DummyModel(__provides__=IFolder)
     bogusparent2 = testing.DummyModel(__provides__=IFolder)
     one = testing.DummyModel(__provides__=IFolder)
     two = testing.DummyModel(__provides__=IFolder)
     bogusroot['bogusparent2'] = bogusparent2
     bogusparent2['one'] = one
     one['two'] = two
                      ('', 'bogusparent2', 'one'))
     event = DummyEvent(one, site)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._callFUT, event)
Beispiel #17
def get_breadcrumbs(request, context=None):
    breadcrumbs = []
    req = request
    if not context:
        context = request.context
    pathes = resource_path_tuple(context)
    resources = []
    t = request.root
    for i, item in enumerate(pathes):
        t = traverse(t, item)['context']
        resources.append((i, t, item))
    end = len(resources)
    for i, resource, item in resources:
        infos = get_nav_infos(resource, req, item)
        if i == 0:
            infos['class'] = 'start'
        if 0 < i < end-1:
            infos['class'] = 'middle'
        if i == end-1:
            infos['class'] = 'end'
    return breadcrumbs
Beispiel #18
def object_will_be_added(event):
    """ Objects added to folders must always have an __objectid__.  This must
     be an :class:`substanced.event.ObjectWillBeAdded` event subscriber
     so that a resulting object will have an __objectid__ within the (more
     convenient) :class:`substanced.event.ObjectAdded` fired later."""
    obj = event.object
    parent = event.parent
    objectmap = find_objectmap(parent)
    if objectmap is None:
    if getattr(obj, '__parent__', None):
        raise ValueError(
            'obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, '
            'please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) before '
            'trying to readd it to this one' % (obj, parent, obj.__parent__))
    basepath = resource_path_tuple(event.parent)
    name =
    for node in postorder(obj):
        node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
        path_tuple = basepath + (name, ) + node_path[1:]
        # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added event is
        # the result of a duplication, replace the oid of the node with a new
        # one
        objectmap.add(node, path_tuple, replace_oid=event.duplicating)
Beispiel #19
 def _callFUT(self, resource, *elements):
     from pyramid.traversal import resource_path_tuple
     return resource_path_tuple(resource, *elements)
Beispiel #20
    def _callFUT(self, resource, *elements):
        from pyramid.traversal import resource_path_tuple

        return resource_path_tuple(resource, *elements)
Beispiel #21
 def __call__(self, obj, *arg, **kw):
     traverse = resource_path_tuple(obj)
     kw['traverse'] = traverse
     return self.request.route_path(MANAGE_ROUTE_NAME, *arg, **kw)
Beispiel #22
    def add(self, name, other, send_events=True, reserved_names=(),
            duplicating=None, moving=None, loading=False, registry=None):
        """ Same as ``__setitem__``.

        If ``send_events`` is False, suppress the sending of folder events.
        Don't allow names in the ``reserved_names`` sequence to be added.

        If ``duplicating`` not ``None``, it must be the object which is being
        duplicated; a result of a non-``None`` duplicating means that oids will
        be replaced in objectmap.  If ``moving`` is not ``None``, it must be
        the folder from which the object is moving; this will be the ``moving``
        attribute of events sent by this function too.  If ``loading`` is
        ``True``, the ``loading`` attribute of events sent as a result of
        calling this method will be ``True`` too.

        This method returns the name used to place the subobject in the
        folder (a derivation of ``name``, usually the result of
        if registry is None:
            registry = get_current_registry()

        name = self.check_name(name, reserved_names)

        if getattr(other, '__parent__', None):
            raise ValueError(
                'obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, '
                'please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) '
                'before trying to readd it to this one' % (
                    other, self, self.__parent__)

        with statsd_timer('folder.add'):

            objectmap = find_objectmap(self)

            if objectmap is not None:

                basepath = resource_path_tuple(self)

                for node in postorder(other):
                    node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
                    path_tuple = basepath + (name,) + node_path[1:]
                    # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added
                    # event is the result of a duplication, replace the oid of
                    # the node with a new one
                        duplicating=duplicating is not None,
                        moving=moving is not None,

            if send_events:
                event = ObjectWillBeAdded(
                    other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving,
                self._notify(event, registry)

            other.__parent__ = self
            other.__name__ = name

  [name] = other

            if self._order is not None:
                oid = get_oid(other)
                self._order += (name,)
                self._order_oids += (oid,)

            if send_events:
                event = ObjectAdded(
                    other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving,
                self._notify(event, registry)

            return name
Beispiel #23
    def add(self,
        """ Same as ``__setitem__``.

        If ``send_events`` is False, suppress the sending of folder events.
        Don't allow names in the ``reserved_names`` sequence to be added.

        If ``duplicating`` not ``None``, it must be the object which is being
        duplicated; a result of a non-``None`` duplicating means that oids will
        be replaced in objectmap.  If ``moving`` is not ``None``, it must be
        the folder from which the object is moving; this will be the ``moving``
        attribute of events sent by this function too.  If ``loading`` is
        ``True``, the ``loading`` attribute of events sent as a result of
        calling this method will be ``True`` too.

        This method returns the name used to place the subobject in the
        folder (a derivation of ``name``, usually the result of
        if registry is None:
            registry = get_current_registry()

        name = self.check_name(name, reserved_names)

        if getattr(other, '__parent__', None):
            raise ValueError(
                'obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, '
                'please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) '
                'before trying to readd it to this one' %
                (other, self, self.__parent__))

        with statsd_timer('folder.add'):

            objectmap = find_objectmap(self)

            if objectmap is not None:

                basepath = resource_path_tuple(self)

                for node in postorder(other):
                    node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
                    path_tuple = basepath + (name, ) + node_path[1:]
                    # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added
                    # event is the result of a duplication, replace the oid of
                    # the node with a new one
                        duplicating=duplicating is not None,
                        moving=moving is not None,

            if send_events:
                event = ObjectWillBeAdded(
                self._notify(event, registry)

            other.__parent__ = self
            other.__name__ = name

  [name] = other

            if self._order is not None:
                oid = get_oid(other)
                self._order += (name, )
                self._order_oids += (oid, )

            if send_events:
                event = ObjectAdded(
                self._notify(event, registry)

            return name
Beispiel #24
 def mgmt_url(self, obj, *arg, **kw):
     request = self.request
     traverse = resource_path_tuple(obj)
     kw['traverse'] = traverse
     return request.route_url(MANAGE_ROUTE_NAME, *arg, **kw)
Beispiel #25
    def remove(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, moving=False):
        """ Remove an object from the object map give an object, an object id
        or a path tuple.  If ``moving`` is ``False``, also remove any
        references added via ``connect`` and any extents related to the removed

        Return a set of removed oids (including the oid related to the object
        if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
            path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, INT_TYPES):
            path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path[obj_objectid_or_path_tuple]
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
            path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
            raise ValueError(
                'Value passed to remove must be a traversable '
                'object, an object id, or a path tuple, got %s' % (

        pathlen = len(path_tuple)

        omap = self.pathindex.get(path_tuple)

        # rationale: if this key isn't present, no path added ever contained it
        if omap is None:
            return set()

        removed =
        items = omap.items()
        removepaths = []

        for k, dm in self.pathindex.items(min=path_tuple):
            if k[:pathlen] == path_tuple:
                for oidset in dm.values():
                    for oid in oidset:
                        if oid in self.objectid_to_path:
                            p = self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.path_to_objectid[p]
                # dont mutate while iterating

        for k in removepaths:
            del self.pathindex[k]

        for x in range(pathlen-1):

            offset = x + 1
            els = path_tuple[:pathlen-offset]
            omap2 = self.pathindex[els]
            for level, oidset in items:

                i = level + offset
                oidset2 = omap2[i]

                for oid in oidset:
                    if oid in oidset2:
                        # adding to removed and removing from
                        # objectid_to_path and path_to_objectid should have
                        # been taken care of above in the for k, dm in
                        # self.pathindex.items() loop
                        assert oid in removed, oid
                        assert not oid in self.objectid_to_path, oid

                if not oidset2:
                    del omap2[i]

        if not moving:

        return removed
Beispiel #26
    def remove(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, references=True):
        """ Remove an object from the object map give an object, an object id
        or a path tuple.  If ``references`` is True, also remove any
        references added via ``connect``, otherwise leave them there
        (e.g. when moving an object)."""
        if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
            path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, (int, long)):
            path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path[obj_objectid_or_path_tuple]
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
            path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
            raise ValueError('Value passed to remove must be a traversable '
                             'object, an object id, or a path tuple, got %s' %
                             ((obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, )))

        pathlen = len(path_tuple)

        omap = self.pathindex.get(path_tuple)

        # rationale: if this key isn't present, no path added ever contained it
        if omap is None:
            return set()

        removed = set()
        items = omap.items()
        removepaths = []

        for k, dm in self.pathindex.items(min=path_tuple):
            if k[:pathlen] == path_tuple:
                for oidset in dm.values():
                    for oid in oidset:
                        if oid in self.objectid_to_path:
                            p = self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.path_to_objectid[p]
                # dont mutate while iterating

        for k in removepaths:
            del self.pathindex[k]

        for x in range(pathlen - 1):

            offset = x + 1
            els = path_tuple[:pathlen - offset]
            omap2 = self.pathindex[els]
            for level, oidset in items:

                i = level + offset
                oidset2 = omap2[i]

                for oid in oidset:
                    if oid in oidset2:
                        # adding to removed and removing from objectid_to_path
                        # and path_to_objectid should have been taken care of
                        # above in the for k, dm in self.pathindex.items()
                        # loop
                        assert oid in removed, oid
                        assert not oid in self.objectid_to_path, oid

                if not oidset2:
                    del omap2[i]

        if references:

        return removed
Beispiel #27
 def __call__(self, context, request):
     return resource_path_tuple(context) == self.val
Beispiel #28
def mgmt_path(request, obj, *arg, **kw):
    traverse = resource_path_tuple(obj)
    kw['traverse'] = traverse
    return request.route_path(MANAGE_ROUTE_NAME, *arg, **kw)
Beispiel #29
def pencil_icon(resource, request):
    traverse = resource_path_tuple(resource)[1:]
    url = request.route_url('sdexternaledit', traverse=traverse)
    return ' <a href="%s"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></a>' % url
Beispiel #30
 def __call__(self, context, request):
     return resource_path_tuple(context) == self.val
Beispiel #31
    def remove(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, references=True):
        """ Remove an object from the object map give an object, an object id
        or a path tuple.  If ``references`` is True, also remove any
        references added via ``connect``, otherwise leave them there
        (e.g. when moving an object)."""
        if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
            path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, int):
            path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path[obj_objectid_or_path_tuple]
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
            path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
            raise ValueError(
                'Value passed to remove must be a traversable '
                'object, an object id, or a path tuple, got %s' % (

        pathlen = len(path_tuple)

        omap = self.pathindex.get(path_tuple)

        # rationale: if this key isn't present, no path added ever contained it
        if omap is None:
            return set()

        removed = set()
        items = omap.items()
        removepaths = []
        for k, dm in self.pathindex.items(min=path_tuple):
            if k[:pathlen] == path_tuple:
                for oidset in dm.values():
                    for oid in oidset:
                        if oid in self.objectid_to_path:
                            p = self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.path_to_objectid[p]
                # dont mutate while iterating

        for k in removepaths:
            del self.pathindex[k]

        for x in range(pathlen-1):

            offset = x + 1
            els = path_tuple[:pathlen-offset]
            omap2 = self.pathindex[els]
            for level, oidset in items:

                i = level + offset
                oidset2 = omap2[i]

                for oid in oidset:
                    if oid in oidset2:
                        # adding to removed and removing from objectid_to_path
                        # and path_to_objectid should have been taken care of
                        # above in the for k, dm in self.pathindex.items()
                        # loop
                        assert oid in removed, oid
                        assert not oid in self.objectid_to_path, oid

                if not oidset2:
                    del omap2[i]

        if references:

        return removed
Beispiel #32
    def add(self, name, other, send_events=True, reserved_names=(),
            duplicating=False, moving=False, registry=None):
        """ Same as ``__setitem__``.

        If ``send_events`` is False, suppress the sending of folder events.
        Don't allow names in the ``reserved_names`` sequence to be
        added. If ``duplicating`` is True, oids will be replaced in

        This method returns the name used to place the subobject in the
        folder (a derivation of ``name``, usually the result of
        if registry is None:
            registry = get_current_registry()

        name = self.check_name(name, reserved_names)

        if getattr(other, '__parent__', None):
            raise ValueError(
                'obj %s added to folder %s already has a __parent__ attribute, '
                'please remove it completely from its existing parent (%s) '
                'before trying to readd it to this one' % (
                    other, self, self.__parent__)

        objectmap = find_objectmap(self)

        if objectmap is not None:

            basepath = resource_path_tuple(self)

            for node in postorder(other):
                node_path = node_path_tuple(node)
                path_tuple = basepath + (name,) + node_path[1:]
                # the below gives node an objectid; if the will-be-added event
                # is the result of a duplication, replace the oid of the node
                # with a new one
                objectmap.add(node, path_tuple, replace_oid=duplicating)

        if send_events:
            event = ObjectWillBeAdded(
                other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving
            self._notify(event, registry)

        other.__parent__ = self
        other.__name__ = name[name] = other

        if self._order is not None:
            self._order += (name,)

        if send_events:
            event = ObjectAdded(
                other, self, name, duplicating=duplicating, moving=moving
            self._notify(event, registry)

        return name
Beispiel #33
    def remove(self, obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, moving=False):
        """ Remove an object from the object map give an object, an object id
        or a path tuple.  If ``moving`` is ``False``, also remove any
        references added via ``connect`` and any extents related to the removed

        Return a set of removed oids (including the oid related to the object
        if hasattr(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, '__parent__'):
            path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple)
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, INT_TYPES):
            path_tuple = self.objectid_to_path[obj_objectid_or_path_tuple]
        elif isinstance(obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, tuple):
            path_tuple = obj_objectid_or_path_tuple
            raise ValueError('Value passed to remove must be a traversable '
                             'object, an object id, or a path tuple, got %s' %
                             ((obj_objectid_or_path_tuple, )))

        pathlen = len(path_tuple)

        omap = self.pathindex.get(path_tuple)

        # rationale: if this key isn't present, no path added ever contained it
        if omap is None:
            return set()

        removed =
        items = omap.items()
        removepaths = []

        for k, dm in self.pathindex.items(min=path_tuple):
            if k[:pathlen] == path_tuple:
                for oidset in dm.values():
                    for oid in oidset:
                        if oid in self.objectid_to_path:
                            p = self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.objectid_to_path[oid]
                            del self.path_to_objectid[p]
                # dont mutate while iterating

        for k in removepaths:
            del self.pathindex[k]

        for x in range(pathlen - 1):

            offset = x + 1
            els = path_tuple[:pathlen - offset]
            omap2 = self.pathindex[els]
            for level, oidset in items:

                i = level + offset
                oidset2 = omap2[i]

                for oid in oidset:
                    if oid in oidset2:
                        # adding to removed and removing from
                        # objectid_to_path and path_to_objectid should have
                        # been taken care of above in the for k, dm in
                        # self.pathindex.items() loop
                        assert oid in removed, oid
                        assert not oid in self.objectid_to_path, oid

                if not oidset2:
                    del omap2[i]

        if not moving:

        return removed
Beispiel #34
 def __call__(self, context, request):
     if getattr(context, '__name__', _marker) is not _marker:
         return resource_path_tuple(context) == self.val
     return False
Beispiel #35
 def namespace(self):
     return '.'.join(resource_path_tuple(self)[1:])
Beispiel #36
 def __call__(self, context, request):
     if getattr(context, '__name__', _marker) is not _marker:
         return resource_path_tuple(context) == self.val
     return False
Beispiel #37
 def mgmt_url(self, obj, *arg, **kw):
     request = self.request
     traverse = resource_path_tuple(obj)
     kw['traverse'] = traverse
     return request.route_url(MANAGE_ROUTE_NAME, *arg, **kw)