Beispiel #1
    def get_peak_fit_parameter_vec(self, param_name: str,
                                   det_id: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """ get the fitted parameters and return in vector
        :param param_name:
        :param det_id:
        det_id = to_int('Detector ID', det_id, min_value=0)

        param_vec = np.ndarray(shape=(len(self._peak_fit_info_dict[det_id]), ),
        log_index_list = sorted(self._peak_fit_info_dict[det_id].keys())
        for i, log_index in enumerate(log_index_list):
                param_vec[i] = self._peak_fit_info_dict[det_id][log_index][
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Parameter {0} is not a key.  Candidates are {1} ... {2}'
                        param_name, self._peak_fit_info_dict[det_id].keys(),
        # END-FOR

        return param_vec
Beispiel #2
    def has_raw_data(self, sub_run: int) -> bool:
        """ Check whether a raw file that has been loaded
        :param sub_run: sub run number (integer)
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run', sub_run, min_value=1)

        return sub_run in self._raw_counts
Beispiel #3
    def get_spectrum_index(self, sub_run: int) -> Any:
        Get spectrum (index) from sub run number
        :param sub_run: sub run number (integer)
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=0)

        return self._sample_logs.get_subrun_indices(sub_run)[0]
Beispiel #4
    def get_detector_counts(self, session_name, sub_run: int):
        """ Get the raw counts from detector of the specified sub run
        :param session_name: name of the session for locating workspace
        :param sub_run: sub run number (integer)
        :return: array of detector counts
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=0)
        workspace = self._session_dict[session_name]

        return workspace.get_detector_counts(sub_run)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, num_rows: int, num_columns: int,
              pixel_size_x: float, pixel_size_y: float,
              arm_length: float, calibrated: bool) -> None:
     Initialization of instrument geometry setup for 1 denex detector
     :param num_rows: number of rows of pixels in detector (number of pixels per column)
     :param num_columns: number of columns of pixels in detector (number of pixels per row)
     :param pixel_size_x: pixel size at X direction (along a row)
     :param pixel_size_y: pixel size at Y direction (along a column)
     :param arm_length: arm length
     :param calibrated: flag whether these values are calibrated
     # check inputs
     self._arm_length = to_float('Arm length', arm_length, min_value=1E-5)
     self._pixel_size_x = to_float('Pixel size (x)', pixel_size_x, min_value=1E-7)
     self._pixel_size_y = to_float('Pixel size (y)', pixel_size_y, min_value=1E-7)
     self._detector_rows = to_int('Number of rows in detector', num_rows, min_value=1)
     self._detector_columns = to_int('Number of columns in detector', num_columns, min_value=1)
     # TODO this isn't used - BUG?
     checkdatatypes.check_bool_variable('Flag indicating instrument setup been calibrated', calibrated)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, num_pixels=2048**2):
        """ Initialization as number of pixel
        :param num_pixels:
        self._num_pixels = to_int('Detector pixel number', num_pixels, 1024**2,
                                  2048**2 + 1)
        self._mask_array_dict = dict()
        self._mask_info_dict = dict()  # mask ID, original file, target_file

        self._2theta = None

Beispiel #7
    def get_pole_figure_1_pt(self, det_id: int,
                             log_index: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        """ get 1 pole figure value determined by detector and sample log index
        :param det_id:
        :param log_index:
        det_id = to_int('Detector id', det_id, min_value=0)
        log_index = to_int('Sample log index', log_index)

        # get raw parameters' fitted value
        log_index_vec, pole_figure_vec = self._pole_figure_dict[det_id]

        # check
        if log_index != int(log_index_vec[log_index]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Log index {0} does not match the value in log index vector')

        pf_tuple = pole_figure_vec[log_index]
        alpha = pf_tuple[0]
        beta = pf_tuple[1]

        return alpha, beta
Beispiel #8
 def get_detector_2theta(self, sub_run: int) -> float:
     """ Get 2theta value from sample log
     This is a special one
     :param sub_run: sub run number (integer)
     :return: float number as 2theta
     sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=0)
         two_theta = self._sample_logs[HidraConstants.TWO_THETA, sub_run]
     except KeyError as key_err:
         raise RuntimeError(
             'Unable to retrieve 2theta value ({}) from sub run {} due to missing key {}.'
             'Available sample logs are {}'.format(
                 HidraConstants.TWO_THETA, sub_run, key_err,
     return two_theta[0]  # convert from numpy array of length 1 to a scalar
Beispiel #9
    def read_raw_counts(self, sub_run: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
        get the raw detector counts
        assert self._project_h5 is not None, 'blabla'
        sub_run = to_int('sun run', sub_run, min_value=0)

        sub_run_str = '{:04}'.format(sub_run)
            counts = self._project_h5[HidraConstants.RAW_DATA][
        except KeyError as key_error:
            err_msg = 'Unable to access sub run {} with key {}: {}\nAvailable runs are: {}' \
                      ''.format(sub_run, sub_run_str, key_error,
            raise KeyError(err_msg)

        return counts
Beispiel #10
    def get_reduced_diffraction_data(self,
                                     sub_run: int,
                                     mask_id: Optional[str] = None
                                     ) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
        """Get data set of a single diffraction pattern

        sub_run: int
            sub run number (integer)
        mask_id : str or None
            None (as default main) or ID as a String
        numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
            vector 2theta, vector intensity

        # Check inputs
        # sub run number might start from 0
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=0)
        if mask_id is None:
            # mask_id = 'main'
            checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Mask ID', mask_id)

        spec_index = self._sample_logs.get_subrun_indices(sub_run)[0]

        # Vector 2theta
        vec_2theta = self._2theta_matrix[spec_index][:]

        # Vector intensity
            vec_intensity = self._diff_data_set[mask_id][spec_index].copy()
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Mask ID {} does not exist in reduced diffraction pattern. '
                'The available masks are {}'
                ''.format(mask_id, self._diff_data_set.keys()))

        return vec_2theta, vec_intensity
Beispiel #11
    def get_detector_counts(self, sub_run: int):
        """Get the detector counts of a sub run (split)

        sub_run : int
            sub run number


        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run,
                         min_value=0)  # consider 0 as a single sub run
        if sub_run not in self._raw_counts:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Sub run {} does not exist in loaded raw counts. FYI loaded '
                'sub runs are {}'.format(sub_run, self._raw_counts.keys()))

        return self._raw_counts[sub_run]
Beispiel #12
    def append_raw_counts(self, sub_run_number: int,
                          counts_array: numpy.ndarray) -> None:
        """Add raw detector counts collected in a single scan/Pt

        sub_run_number : int
            sub run number
        counts_array : ~numpy.ndarray
            detector counts
        # check
        assert self._project_h5 is not None, 'cannot be None'
        assert self._is_writable, 'must be writable'
        sub_run_number = to_int('Sub-run index', sub_run_number, min_value=0)

        # create group
        scan_i_group = self._project_h5[HidraConstants.RAW_DATA][
        scan_i_group.create_dataset('counts', data=counts_array.reshape(-1))
Beispiel #13
    def add_input_data_set(self, det_id: int, peak_intensity_dict: dict,
                           peak_fit_info_dict: dict, log_dict: dict) -> None:
        """ set peak intensity log and experiment logs that are required by pole figure calculation
        :param det_id
        :param peak_intensity_dict : dictionary (key = scan log index (int), value = peak intensity (float)
        :param peak_fit_info_dict: dictionary (key = scan log index (int), value = peak fitting information (float)
        :param log_dict: dictionary (key = scan log index (int), value = dictionary (log name, log value))
        # check inputs
        if det_id in self._peak_intensity_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Detector ID {0} already been added.  Must be reset calculator.'
        det_id = to_int('Detector ID', det_id, min_value=0)
        checkdatatypes.check_dict('Peak intensities', peak_intensity_dict)
        checkdatatypes.check_dict('Peak fitting information',
        checkdatatypes.check_dict('Log values for pole figure', log_dict)

        # check sample log index
        if set(peak_intensity_dict.keys()) != set(log_dict.keys()):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Sample log indexes from peak intensities and sample logs'
                ' do not match.')

        # add peak intensity
        self._peak_intensity_dict[det_id] = peak_intensity_dict

        # go through all the values
        for scan_log_index in log_dict:
            # check each log index (entry) whether there are enough 2theta
            log_names = log_dict[scan_log_index].keys()
            checkdatatypes.check_list('Pole figure motor names', log_names,
                                      ['2theta', 'chi', 'phi', 'omega'])
        # END-FOR

        # set
        self._peak_info_dict[det_id] = log_dict
        self._peak_fit_info_dict[det_id] = peak_fit_info_dict
Beispiel #14
    def get_l2(self, sub_run: int) -> float:
        """ Get L2 for a specific sub run
        :param sub_run: sub run number (integer)
        :return: L2 or None (i.e., using default L2)
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=0)

        if HidraConstants.L2 in self._sample_logs:
            # L2 is a valid sample log: get L2
                # convert from numpy array of length 1 to a scalar
                l2 = self._sample_logs[HidraConstants.L2, sub_run][0]
            except KeyError as key_err:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to retrieve L2 value for {} due to {}. Available sun runs are {}'
                    .format(sub_run, key_err,
            # L2 might be unchanged
            l2 = None

        return l2
Beispiel #15
    def get_reduced_diffraction_data_2theta(self,
                                            sub_run: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
        """Get 2theta vector of reduced diffraction data

        sub_run : int
            sub run number

            vector of 2theta

        # Check inputs
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=1)
        # Get spectrum index
        spec_index = self._sample_logs.get_subrun_indices(sub_run)[0]
        # Vector 2theta
        vec_2theta = self._2theta_matrix[spec_index][:]

        return vec_2theta
Beispiel #16
def load_mantid_mask(pixel_number, mantid_mask_xml, is_mask):
    """ Load Mantid mask file in XML format
    Assumption: PixelID (detector ID) starts from 0 and there is NO gap
    :param mantid_mask_xml:
    :param pixel_number: total pixel number
    :return: a vector
    checkdatatypes.check_file_name(mantid_mask_xml, True, False, False,
                                   'Mantid XML mask file')
    pixel_number = to_int('(Total) pixel number', pixel_number, 1024**2,
                          2048**2 + 1)

    # load file to lines
    mask_file = open(mantid_mask_xml, 'r')
    mask_lines = mask_file.readlines()

    # get detector ID range line
    det_id_line = None
    for line in mask_lines:
        if line.count('<detid') > 0:
            det_id_line = line.strip()
    # END-FOR

    if det_id_line is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Mask file {} does not have masked detector IDs'.format(

    # parse
    masked_det_pair_list = det_id_line.split('>')[1].split(
    # print ('[DB...BAT] Masked detectors range: {}'.format(masked_det_pair_list))

    # create vector with 1 (for not masking)
    masking_array = np.zeros((pixel_number, ), 'float')
    if is_mask:
        # is given string are mask then default is not masked
        masking_array += 1.
    # is ROI default = 0

    masked_specs = 0
    for masked_det_pair in masked_det_pair_list:
        # get range
        terms = masked_det_pair.split('-')
        start_detid = int(terms[0])
        end_detid = int(terms[1])
        # check range
        if end_detid >= pixel_number:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Detector ID {} is out of range of given detector size {}'
                ''.format(end_detid, pixel_number))
        # mask or ROI
        if is_mask:
            masking_array[start_detid:end_detid + 1] = 0.
            masking_array[start_detid:end_detid + 1] = 1.
        # stat
        masked_specs += end_detid - start_detid + 1
    # END-FOR

    print('[DB...CHECK] Masked spectra = {}, Sum of masking array = {}'
          ''.format(masked_specs, sum(masking_array)))

    return masking_array
Beispiel #17
    def set_reduced_diffraction_data(
            sub_run: int,
            mask_id: Optional[str],
            two_theta_array: numpy.ndarray,
            intensity_array: numpy.ndarray,
            variances_array: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None) -> None:
        """Set reduced diffraction data to workspace

        sub_run : int
            sub run number
        mask_id : None or str
            mask ID.  None for no-mask or masked by default/universal detector masks on edges
        two_theta_array : numpy.ndarray
            2theta bins (center)
        intensity_array : numpy.ndarray
            histogrammed intensities
        variances_array : numpy.ndarray
            histogrammed variances


        # Check status of reducer whether sub run number and spectrum are initialized
        if len(self._sample_logs.subruns) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Sub run - spectrum map has not been set up yet!')

        # Check inputs
        # sub run number valid or not
        sub_run = to_int('Sub run number', sub_run, min_value=1)
        if mask_id is not None:
            checkdatatypes.check_string_variable('Mask ID', mask_id)
        # two theta array and intensity array shall match on size
        if two_theta_array.shape != intensity_array.shape:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Two theta array (bin centers) must have same dimension as intensity array. '
                'Now they are {} and {}'.format(two_theta_array.shape,

        # Set 2-theta 2D array
        if self._2theta_matrix is None or len(self._2theta_matrix.shape) != 2:
            # First time set up or legacy from input file: create the 2D array
            num_sub_runs = len(self._sample_logs.subruns)
            self._2theta_matrix = numpy.ndarray(
                shape=(num_sub_runs, two_theta_array.shape[0]),

            # set the diffraction data (2D) array with new dimension
            num_sub_runs = len(self._sample_logs.subruns)
            self._diff_data_set[mask_id] = numpy.ndarray(
                shape=(num_sub_runs, intensity_array.shape[0]),

            if variances_array is None:
                variances_array = numpy.sqrt(intensity_array)
            # END-IF

            # set the diffraction data (2D) array with new dimension
            num_sub_runs = len(self._sample_logs.subruns)
            self._var_data_set[mask_id] = numpy.ndarray(
                shape=(num_sub_runs, variances_array.shape[0]),

        elif mask_id not in self._diff_data_set:
            # A new mask: reset the diff_data_set again
            num_sub_runs = len(self._sample_logs.subruns)
            self._diff_data_set[mask_id] = numpy.ndarray(
                shape=(num_sub_runs, intensity_array.shape[0]),

            # set the diffraction data (2D) array with new dimension
            num_sub_runs = len(self._sample_logs.subruns)
            if variances_array is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Did not expect None for variances')
                self._var_data_set[mask_id] = numpy.ndarray(
                    shape=(num_sub_runs, variances_array.shape[0]),

        # END-IF

        # Get spectrum index from sub run number
        spec_id = self._sample_logs.get_subrun_indices(sub_run)[0]

        # Another sanity check on the size of 2theta and intensity
        if self._2theta_matrix.shape[1] != two_theta_array.shape[0] \
                or self._diff_data_set[mask_id].shape[1] != intensity_array.shape[0]:
            # Need to check if previously set
            raise RuntimeError(
                '2theta vector are different between parent method set {} and '
                'reduction engine returned {} OR '
                'Histogram (shape: {}) to set does not match data diffraction data set defined in '
                'worksapce (shape: {})'.format(
                    self._2theta_matrix.shape, two_theta_array.shape,
        # END-IF-ELSE

        # Set 2theta array
        self._2theta_matrix[spec_id] = two_theta_array
        # Set intensity
        self._diff_data_set[mask_id][spec_id] = intensity_array
        # Set variances
        self._var_data_set[mask_id][spec_id] = variances_array