Beispiel #1
    def test_connect(self):
        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=False)
        x.add_system("D1", FUNC, "D_1", label_width=2)
        x.add_system("D2", FUNC, "D_2", stack=False)

            x.connect("D1", "D2", r"\mathcal{R}(y_1)", "foobar")
        except ValueError as err:
            self.assertEquals(str(err), "label_width argument must be an integer")
  "Expected ValueError")
Beispiel #2
    def test_connect(self):
        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=False)
        x.add_system('D1', 'Function', 'D_1', label_width=2)
        x.add_system('D2', 'Function', 'D_2', stack=False)

            x.connect('D1', 'D2', r'\mathcal{R}(y_1)', 'foobar')
        except ValueError as err:
                              'label_width argument must be an integer')
  'Expected ValueError')
Beispiel #3
    def test_stacked_system(self):

        x = XDSM()

        x.add_system("test", OPT, r"\text{test}", stack=True)

        file_name = "stacked_test"

        tikz_file = file_name + ".tikz"
        with open(tikz_file, "r") as f:
            tikz =

        self.assertIn(r"\node [Optimization,stack]", tikz)
Beispiel #4
    def test_write_outdir(self):
        fname = "test"

        for abspath in [True, False]:
            subdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.tempdir)
            outdir = subdir if abspath else os.path.basename(subdir)

            x = XDSM()
            x.add_system("x", FUNC, "x")
            x.write(fname, outdir=outdir)

            for ext in [".tex", ".tikz", ".pdf"]:
                    os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdir, fname + ext)))

        # no files outside the subdirs
            any(os.path.isfile(fp) for fp in os.listdir(self.tempdir)))
Beispiel #5
    def test_tikz_content(self):
        # Check if TiKZ file was created.
        # Compare the content of the sample below and the newly created TiKZ file.

        sample_txt = r"""

            %%% Preamble Requirements %%%
            % \usepackage{geometry}
            % \usepackage{amsfonts}
            % \usepackage{amsmath}
            % \usepackage{amssymb}
            % \usepackage{tikz}

            % Optional packages such as sfmath set through python interface
            % \usepackage{sfmath}

            % \usetikzlibrary{arrows,chains,positioning,scopes,shapes.geometric,shapes.misc,shadows}

            %%% End Preamble Requirements %%%


            %Row 0
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_opt) {$x^*, z^*$};&
            \node [Optimization] (opt) {$\text{Optimizer}$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-D1) {$x, z$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-D2) {$z$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-F) {$x, z$};&
            %Row 1
            \node [MDA] (solver) {$\text{Newton}$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-D1) {$y_2$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-D2) {$y_1$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-F) {$y_1, y_2$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-G) {$y_1, y_2$};\\
            %Row 2
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_D1) {$y_1^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (D1-solver) {$\mathcal{R}(y_1)$};&
            \node [Function] (D1) {$D_1$};&
            %Row 3
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_D2) {$y_2^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (D2-solver) {$\mathcal{R}(y_2)$};&
            \node [Function] (D2) {$D_2$};&
            %Row 4
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_F) {$f^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (F-opt) {$f$};&
            \node [Function] (F) {$F$};&
            %Row 5
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_G) {$g^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (G-opt) {$g$};&
            \node [Function] (G) {$G$};\\
            %Row 6

            % XDSM process chains

            % Horizontal edges
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-D1)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-D2)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-F)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-D1)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-D2)
            (D1) edge [DataLine] (D1-solver)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-F)
            (D2) edge [DataLine] (D2-solver)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-G)
            (F) edge [DataLine] (F-opt)
            (G) edge [DataLine] (G-opt)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (left_output_opt)
            (D1) edge [DataLine] (left_output_D1)
            (D2) edge [DataLine] (left_output_D2)
            (F) edge [DataLine] (left_output_F)
            (G) edge [DataLine] (left_output_G)
            % Vertical edges
            (opt-D1) edge [DataLine] (D1)
            (opt-D2) edge [DataLine] (D2)
            (opt-F) edge [DataLine] (F)
            (solver-D1) edge [DataLine] (D1)
            (solver-D2) edge [DataLine] (D2)
            (D1-solver) edge [DataLine] (solver)
            (solver-F) edge [DataLine] (F)
            (D2-solver) edge [DataLine] (solver)
            (solver-G) edge [DataLine] (G)
            (F-opt) edge [DataLine] (opt)
            (G-opt) edge [DataLine] (opt);


        filename = "xdsm_test_tikz"

        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=True)

        x.add_system("opt", OPT, r"\text{Optimizer}")
        x.add_system("solver", SOLVER, r"\text{Newton}")
        x.add_system("D1", FUNC, "D_1")
        x.add_system("D2", FUNC, "D_2")
        x.add_system("F", FUNC, "F")
        x.add_system("G", FUNC, "G")

        x.connect("opt", "D1", "x, z")
        x.connect("opt", "D2", "z")
        x.connect("opt", "F", "x, z")
        x.connect("solver", "D1", "y_2")
        x.connect("solver", "D2", "y_1")
        x.connect("D1", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_1)")
        x.connect("solver", "F", "y_1, y_2")
        x.connect("D2", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_2)")
        x.connect("solver", "G", "y_1, y_2")

        x.connect("F", "opt", "f")
        x.connect("G", "opt", "g")

        x.add_output("opt", "x^*, z^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("D1", "y_1^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("D2", "y_2^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("F", "f^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("G", "g^*", side="left")

        # Check if file was created
        tikz_file = filename + ".tikz"


        sample_lines = sample_txt.split("\n")
        sample_lines = filter_lines(sample_lines)

        with open(tikz_file, "r") as f:
            new_lines = filter_lines(f.readlines())

        sample_no_match = []  # Sample text
        new_no_match = []  # New text

        for new_line, sample_line in zip(new_lines, sample_lines):
            if new_line.startswith(r"\input{"):
            if new_line != sample_line:  # else everything is okay
                # This can be because of the different ordering of lines or because of an error.

        # Sort both sets of suspicious lines

        for sample_line, new_line in zip(sample_no_match, new_no_match):
            # Now the lines should match, if only the ordering was different
            self.assertEqual(new_line, sample_line)

        # To be sure, check the length, otherwise a missing last line could get unnoticed because of using zip
        self.assertEqual(len(new_lines), len(sample_lines))
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
ecomp = 'Analysis'
icomp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

#x.add_system('const', comp, r'\text{Constants}')
x.add_system('DYMOS', opt, [r'\text{DYMOS}'])
x.add_system('ambient', ecomp, [r'\text{Ambient}'])
# x.add_system('USATM', comp, [r'\text{US Atm 1976}'])
# x.add_system('mach_comp', comp, [r'\text{MACH}'])
x.add_system('prop_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Propeller}', r'\text{(OpenBEMT)}'])
x.add_system('e_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Electrical}', r'\text{(Zappy)}'])
x.add_system('engine_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Turboshaft}', r'\text{(pyCycle)}'])
# x.add_system('cool_comp', comp, [r'\text{Thermal}'])
x.add_system('solver', solver, [r'\text{Solver}'])
x.add_system('aero_comp', icomp,
             [r'\text{Wing Aerodynamics}', r'\text{(OpenAeroStruct)}'])
x.add_system('flight_dynamics', ecomp,
             [r'\text{Flight Dynamics}'])  # AKA prebalance
x.add_system('balance', icomp, [r'\text{Balance}'])
# x.add_system('drag_comp', comp, [r'\text{Aero Drag}'])
x.add_system('EOM_comp', ecomp, [r'\text{State Rates}'])
# x.add_system('', comp, r'\text{}')
Beispiel #7
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
comp = 'Analysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('solver', solver, r'\text{Newton}')
x.add_system('D1', comp, r'D_1')
x.add_system('D2', comp, r'D_2')
x.add_system('F', func, r'F')
x.add_system('G', func, r'G')

x.connect('opt', 'D1', r'x, z')
x.connect('opt', 'D2', r'z')
x.connect('opt', 'F', r'x, z')
x.connect('solver', 'D1', r'y_2')
x.connect('solver', 'D2', r'y_1')
x.connect('D1', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_1)')
x.connect('solver', 'F', r'y_1, y_2')
x.connect('D2', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_2)')
x.connect('solver', 'G', r'y_1, y_2')

x.connect('F', 'opt', r'f')
x.connect('G', 'opt', r'g')
Beispiel #8
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

# styling names for the boxes
opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
ecomp = 'Analysis'
icomp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('D1', ecomp, r'D_1')

# can fade out blocks to allow for emphasis on sub-sections of XDSM
x.add_system('D2', icomp, r'D_2', faded=True)

# can fade out blocks to allow for emphasis on sub-sections of XDSM
x.add_system('D3', icomp, r'D_3')

# if you give the label as a list or tuple, it splits it onto multiple lines
x.add_system('F', func, (r'F', r'\text{Functional}'))

# stacked can be used to represent multiple instances that can be run in parallel
x.add_system('G', func, r'G', stack=True)

x.add_process(['opt', 'D1', 'D2', 'F', 'G', 'opt'], arrow=True)

x.connect('opt', 'D1', r'x, z, y_2')
x.connect('opt', 'D2', r'z, y_1')
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM, OPT, SOLVER, FUNC, GROUP

x = XDSM()

x.add_system("top_opt", OPT, "Optimizer")
x.add_system("sub_opt", OPT, "Sub\_Optimizer")
x.add_system("comp_pitch_angles", FUNC, "ComputePitchAngle", stack=True)

x.connect('top_opt', 'comp_pitch_angles', 'drag\_modifier')
x.connect('comp_pitch_angles', 'top_opt', 'total\_power')
x.connect("sub_opt", "comp_pitch_angles", "pitch\_angle", stack=True)
x.connect("comp_pitch_angles", "sub_opt", "powers", stack=True)

x.add_input("comp_pitch_angles", "wind\_speeds", stack=True)

Beispiel #10
    def test_options(self):

        filename = 'xdsm_test_options'
        spec_dir = filename + '_specs'

        # Change `use_sfmath` to False to use computer modern
        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=False)

        x.add_system('opt', 'Optimization', r'\text{Optimizer}')
        x.add_system('solver', 'MDA', r'\text{Newton}')
        x.add_system('D1', 'Function', 'D_1', text_width=2.0)
        x.add_system('D2', 'Function', 'D_2', stack=False)
        x.add_system('F', 'Function', 'F', faded=True)
        x.add_system('G', 'Function', 'G', spec_name="G_spec")

        x.connect('opt', 'D1', 'x, z')
        x.connect('opt', 'D2', 'z')
        x.connect('opt', 'F', 'x, z')
        x.connect('solver', 'D1', 'y_2')
        x.connect('solver', 'D2', 'y_1')
        x.connect('D1', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_1)')
        x.connect('solver', 'F', 'y_1, y_2')
        x.connect('D2', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_2)')
        x.connect('solver', 'G', 'y_1, y_2')

        x.connect('F', 'opt', 'f')
        x.connect('G', 'opt', 'g')

        x.add_output('opt', 'x^*, z^*', side='right')
        x.add_output('D1', 'y_1^*', side='left', stack=True)
        x.add_output('D2', 'y_2^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('F', 'f^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('G', 'g^*')

        # Test if files where created
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename + '.tikz'))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename + '.tex'))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec_dir, 'F.json')))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec_dir, 'G_spec.json')))
Beispiel #11
Created on Wed Oct 10 10:22:59 2018

@author: xx

from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
comp = 'Analysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('A', comp, r'\text{Aerodynamics}')
x.add_system('L', comp, r'\text{Loads}')
x.add_system('S', comp, r'\text{Structures}')
x.add_system('P', comp, r'\text{Performance}')
x.add_system('O', func, r'\text{Objective}')
x.add_system('I', func, r'\text{Inequality Constraints}')
x.add_system('C', func, r'\text{Consistency Constraints}')

    'opt', 'A',
    'opt', 'L',
Beispiel #12
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM, OPT, SOLVER, FUNC

x = XDSM()

# Instantiate on-diagonal blocks
# order of args goes: object name, type of object, string for block on XDSM
x.add_system('opt', OPT, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('rotor', FUNC, r'\text{RotorSE}')
x.add_system('drive', FUNC, r'\text{DrivetrainSE}')
x.add_system('tower', FUNC, r'\text{TowerSE}')
x.add_system('CSM', FUNC, r'\text{NREL CSM}')
x.add_system('BOS', FUNC, r'\text{LandBOSSE}')
x.add_system('costs', FUNC, r'\text{Plant\_FinanceSE}')

# Feed-forward connections; from, to, name for connections
x.connect('opt', 'rotor', r'\text{Blade design variables}')
x.connect('rotor', 'drive', r'\text{Performance, loads}')
x.connect('rotor', 'BOS', r'\text{Rotor and blade mass}')
x.connect('drive', 'tower', (r'\text{Forces, moments,}', r'\text{mass properties}'))
x.connect('tower', 'CSM', r'\text{Tower mass}')
x.connect('drive', 'CSM', r'\text{Drivetrain mass}')
x.connect('rotor', 'CSM', r'\text{Rotor mass}')
x.connect('CSM', 'BOS', r'\text{Turbine mass and costs}')
x.connect('BOS', 'costs', r'\text{BOS costs}')

# Feed-backward connections
x.connect('drive', 'rotor', r'\text{Efficiency}')
x.connect('costs', 'opt', r'\text{Cost and profit values}')
x.connect('tower', 'opt', (r'\text{Tower stress and}', r'\text{buckling values}'))
x.connect('rotor', 'opt', (r'\text{Blade tip deflection,}', r'\text{blade strains}'))
Beispiel #13
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
comp = 'Analysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()
x.add_system('d1', comp, r'\TwolineComponent{10em}{Discipline 1}{$y_1 = z_1^2 + z_2 + x_1 - 0.2y_2$}')
x.add_system('d2', comp, r'\TwolineComponent{8em}{Discipline 2}{$y_2 = \sqrt{y_1} + z_1 + z_2$}')

x.add_system('f', func, r'\TwolineComponent{10em}{Objective}{$f = x^2 + z_1 + y_1 + e^{-y_2}$}')
x.add_system('g1', func, r'\TwolineComponent{7em}{Constraint 1}{$g1 = 3.16-y_1 $}')
x.add_system('g2', func, r'\TwolineComponent{7em}{Constraint 2}{$g_2 = y_2 - 24.0$}')

x.connect('d1', 'd2', r'$y_1$')
x.connect('d1', 'f', r'$y_1$')
x.connect('d1', 'g1', r'$y_1$')

x.connect('d2', 'd1', r'$y_2$')
x.connect('d2', 'f', r'$y_2$')
x.connect('d2', 'g2', r'$y_2$')

x.add_input('d1', r'$x, z_1, z_2$')
x.add_input('d2', r'$z_1, z_2$')
x.add_input('f', r'$x, z_1$')

x.add_output('f', r'$f$', side='right')
Beispiel #14
x = XDSM()
# Define styles
OPT = "Optimization"
SUBOPT = "SubOptimization"
IFUNC = "ImplicitFunction"
FUNC = "Function"
GROUP = "Group"
IGROUP = "ImplicitGroup"
METAMODEL = "Metamodel"
DataIO = "DataIO"
DataInter = "DataInter"

x.add_system("D1", FUNC, ["Discipline1", "y_1=z_1^2+z_2+x_1-0.2y_2"])
x.add_system("D2", FUNC, ["Discipline2", "y_2=sqrt(y_1)+z_1+z_2"])
x.add_system("OBJ", FUNC, ["Objective", "f=x^2+z_2+y_1+exp(-y_2)"])
x.add_system("G1", FUNC, ["Constraint1", "g_1=3.16-y_1"])
x.add_system("G2", FUNC, ["Constraint2", "g_2=y_2-24"])

x.add_input("D1", "x,z_1,z_2")
x.add_input("D2", "z_1,z_2")
x.add_input("OBJ", "x,z_2")

x.connect("D1", "D2", "y_1")
x.connect("D1", "OBJ", "y_1")
x.connect("D1", "G1", "y_1")
x.connect("D2", "OBJ", "y_2")
x.connect("D2", "G2", "y_2")
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM, OPT, SOLVER, FUNC, GROUP

x = XDSM()

x.add_system("prob1_opt", OPT, "Optimize\_Prob1")
x.add_system("d_airfoil", FUNC, "DesignAirfoil", stack=True)
x.add_system("comp_mod_power", FUNC, "ComputeModifiedPower")

x.connect("prob1_opt", "d_airfoil", "airfoil\_design")
x.connect("comp_mod_power", "prob1_opt", "modified\_power")
x.connect("d_airfoil", "comp_mod_power", "aerodynamic\_eff", stack=True)
x.connect("d_airfoil", "comp_mod_power2", "aerodynamic\_eff*", stack=True)

x.add_input("d_airfoil", "wind\_speeds", stack=True)

x.add_system("prob2_opt", OPT, "Optimize\_Prob2")
x.add_system("comp_pitch_angles", GROUP, "ComputeOptPitchAngle", stack=True)
x.add_system("comp_mod_power2", FUNC, "ComputeModifiedPower")

x.connect("prob2_opt", "comp_pitch_angles", "drag\_modifier")
x.connect("comp_mod_power2", "prob2_opt", "powers, modified\_power")
x.connect("comp_pitch_angles", "comp_mod_power2", "powers*", stack=True)
x.connect("comp_pitch_angles", "comp_mod_power", "powers**", stack=True)

x.add_input("comp_pitch_angles", "wind\_speeds", stack=True)

from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

x = XDSM()
OPT = "Optimization"
SUBOPT = "SubOptimization"
IFUNC = "ImplicitFunction"
FUNC = "Function"
GROUP = "Group"
IGROUP = "ImplicitGroup"
METAMODEL = "Metamodel"

x.add_system("opt", OPT, r"\text{Optimizer}")
x.add_system("solver", SOLVER, r"\text{Newton}")
x.add_system("D1", FUNC, "D_1")
x.add_system("D2", FUNC, "D_2")
x.add_system("F", FUNC, "F")
x.add_system("G", FUNC, "G")

x.connect("opt", "D1", "x, z")
x.connect("opt", "D2", "z")
x.connect("opt", "F", "x, z")
x.connect("solver", "D1", "y_2")
x.connect("solver", "D2", "y_1")
x.connect("D1", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_1)")
x.connect("solver", "F", "y_1, y_2")
x.connect("D2", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_2)")
x.connect("solver", "G", "y_1, y_2")

x.connect("F", "opt", "f")
Beispiel #17
                         IFUNC, FUNC, GROUP, IGROUP, METAMODEL)

# styling names for the boxes
opt = 'Optimization'
subopt = 'SubOptimization'
solver = 'MDA'
doe = 'DOE'
ifunc = 'ImplicitFunction'
func = 'Function'
group = 'Group'
igroup = 'ImplicitGroup'
metamodel = 'Metamodel'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('DOE', doe, r'\text{DOE}')
x.add_system('MDA', solver, r'\text{Newton}')
x.add_system('D1', func, 'D_1')

# can fade out blocks to allow for emphasis on sub-sections of XDSM
x.add_system('D2', ifunc, 'D_2', faded=True)

x.add_system('D3', ifunc, 'D_3')
x.add_system('subopt', subopt, 'SubOpt')
x.add_system('G1', group, 'G_1')
x.add_system('G2', igroup, 'G_2')
x.add_system('MM', metamodel, 'MM')

# if you give the label as a list or tuple, it splits it onto multiple lines
x.add_system('F', func, ('F', r'\text{Functional}'))
Beispiel #18
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

# Part-1 : Generate XDSM class object
x = XDSM()

# Part-2 :  Define shape styles used in XDSM
DataIO = 'DataIO'
comp2 = 'ImplicitFunction'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'
OPT = "Optimization"

#  Part-3 : create system
x.add_system('opt', OPT, r'\text{Optimizer}')
x.add_system('D1', func, (r'Discipline1', r'y_1 = y_2^2'))
x.add_system('D2', comp2, (r'Discipline2', r'exp(-y_1y_2)-xy_2 = 0 '))
x.add_system('F', func, (r'\text{Model Output}', r'f= y_1^2 - y_2 +3'))

#  Part-4 : Connect systems with variables
x.connect('opt', 'D2', 'x')
x.connect('D1', 'D2', r'y_1')
x.connect('D1', 'F', r'y_1')
x.connect('D2', 'F', r'y_2')
x.connect('D2', 'D1', r'y_2')
x.connect('F', 'opt', r'f')

x.add_output('opt', 'x^*', side='left')

#  Part-5 : write Sellar.tex, Sellar.tikz, Sellar.pdf files
Beispiel #19
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

x = XDSM()
OPT = "Optimization"
SUBOPT = "SubOptimization"
IFUNC = "ImplicitFunction"
FUNC = "Function"
GROUP = "Group"
IGROUP = "ImplicitGroup"
METAMODEL = "Metamodel"

x.add_system("opt", OPT, r"\text{Optimizer}")
x.add_system("DOE", DOE, r"\text{DOE}")
x.add_system("MDA", SOLVER, r"\text{Newton}")
x.add_system("D1", FUNC, "D_1")

# can fade out blocks to allow for emphasis on sub-sections of XDSM
x.add_system("D2", IFUNC, "D_2", faded=True)

x.add_system("D3", IFUNC, "D_3")
x.add_system("subopt", SUBOPT, "SubOpt")
x.add_system("G1", GROUP, "G_1")
x.add_system("G2", IGROUP, "G_2")
x.add_system("MM", METAMODEL, "MM")

# if you give the label as a list or tuple, it splits it onto multiple lines
x.add_system("F", FUNC, ("F", r"\text{Functional}"))

# stacked can be used to represent multiple instances that can be run in parallel
Beispiel #20
    def test_tikz_content(self):
        # Check if TiKZ file was created.
        # Compare the content of the sample below and the newly created TiKZ file.

        tikz_txt = r"""
            %%% Preamble Requirements %%%
            % \usepackage{geometry}
            % \usepackage{amsfonts}
            % \usepackage{amsmath}
            % \usepackage{amssymb}
            % \usepackage{tikz}
            % Optional packages such as sfmath set through python interface
            % \usepackage{sfmath}
            % \usetikzlibrary{arrows,chains,positioning,scopes,shapes.geometric,shapes.misc,shadows}
            %%% End Preamble Requirements %%%
            %Row 0
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_opt) {$x^*, z^*$};&
            \node [Optimization] (opt) {$\text{Optimizer}$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-D1) {$x, z$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-D2) {$z$};&
            \node [DataInter] (opt-F) {$x, z$};&
            %Row 1
            \node [MDA] (solver) {$\text{Newton}$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-D1) {$y_2$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-D2) {$y_1$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-F) {$y_1, y_2$};&
            \node [DataInter] (solver-G) {$y_1, y_2$};\\
            %Row 2
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_D1) {$y_1^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (D1-solver) {$\mathcal{R}(y_1)$};&
            \node [Function] (D1) {$D_1$};&
            %Row 3
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_D2) {$y_2^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (D2-solver) {$\mathcal{R}(y_2)$};&
            \node [Function] (D2) {$D_2$};&
            %Row 4
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_F) {$f^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (F-opt) {$f$};&
            \node [Function] (F) {$F$};&
            %Row 5
            \node [DataIO] (left_output_G) {$g^*$};&
            \node [DataInter] (G-opt) {$g$};&
            \node [Function] (G) {$G$};\\
            %Row 6
            % XDSM process chains
            % Horizontal edges
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-D1)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-D2)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (opt-F)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-D1)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-D2)
            (D1) edge [DataLine] (D1-solver)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-F)
            (D2) edge [DataLine] (D2-solver)
            (solver) edge [DataLine] (solver-G)
            (F) edge [DataLine] (F-opt)
            (G) edge [DataLine] (G-opt)
            (opt) edge [DataLine] (left_output_opt)
            (D1) edge [DataLine] (left_output_D1)
            (D2) edge [DataLine] (left_output_D2)
            (F) edge [DataLine] (left_output_F)
            (G) edge [DataLine] (left_output_G)
            % Vertical edges
            (opt-D1) edge [DataLine] (D1)
            (opt-D2) edge [DataLine] (D2)
            (opt-F) edge [DataLine] (F)
            (solver-D1) edge [DataLine] (D1)
            (solver-D2) edge [DataLine] (D2)
            (D1-solver) edge [DataLine] (solver)
            (solver-F) edge [DataLine] (F)
            (D2-solver) edge [DataLine] (solver)
            (solver-G) edge [DataLine] (G)
            (F-opt) edge [DataLine] (opt)
            (G-opt) edge [DataLine] (opt);

        def filter_lines(lns):
            # Empty lines are excluded.
            # Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed
            # Comments are removed.
            return [
                ln.strip() for ln in lns
                if ln.strip() and not ln.strip().startswith('%')

        filename = 'xdsm_test_tikz'

        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=True)

        x.add_system('opt', 'Optimization', r'\text{Optimizer}')
        x.add_system('solver', 'MDA', r'\text{Newton}')
        x.add_system('D1', 'Function', 'D_1')
        x.add_system('D2', 'Function', 'D_2')
        x.add_system('F', 'Function', 'F')
        x.add_system('G', 'Function', 'G')

        x.connect('opt', 'D1', 'x, z')
        x.connect('opt', 'D2', 'z')
        x.connect('opt', 'F', 'x, z')
        x.connect('solver', 'D1', 'y_2')
        x.connect('solver', 'D2', 'y_1')
        x.connect('D1', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_1)')
        x.connect('solver', 'F', 'y_1, y_2')
        x.connect('D2', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(y_2)')
        x.connect('solver', 'G', 'y_1, y_2')

        x.connect('F', 'opt', 'f')
        x.connect('G', 'opt', 'g')

        x.add_output('opt', 'x^*, z^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('D1', 'y_1^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('D2', 'y_2^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('F', 'f^*', side='left')
        x.add_output('G', 'g^*', side='left')

        # Check if file was created
        tikz_file = filename + '.tikz'


        tikz_lines = tikz_txt.split('\n')
        tikz_lines = filter_lines(tikz_lines)

        with open(tikz_file, "r") as f:
            lines = filter_lines(f.readlines())

        sample_no_match = []  # Sample text
        new_no_match = []  # New text

        for line1, line2 in zip(lines, tikz_lines):
            if line1 != line2:  # else everything is okay
                # This can be because of the different ordering of lines or because of an error.

        # Sort both sets of suspicious lines

        for line1, line2 in zip(sample_no_match, new_no_match):
            # Now the lines should match, if only the ordering was different
            self.assertEqual(line1, line2)

        # To be sure, check the length, otherwise a missing last line could get unnoticed because of using zip
        self.assertEqual(len(lines), len(tikz_lines))
Beispiel #21
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
ecomp = 'Analysis'
icomp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('moi', ecomp, [r'\text{1) moment of inertia}',
                            r'I_i = \frac{1}{4} b * h_i^3'])

x.add_system('local_K', ecomp, [r'\text{2) local stiffness:}',

x.add_system('global_K', icomp, [r'\text{3) FEM:}',
                                 r'\left[K_\text{global}\right] u = f', 
                                 r'u = [d, \theta]'])

x.add_system('compliance', ecomp, [r'\text{4) compliance:}', 
                                   r'c = f \cdot d'])

x.add_system('volume', ecomp, [r'\text{5) volume:}', 
                               r'\sum h_i b L_i'])

x.connect('moi', 'local_K', 'I')
x.connect('local_K', 'global_K', r'K_\text{local}')
x.connect('global_K', 'compliance', r'd')
Beispiel #22
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

# styling names for the boxes
opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
comp = 'Analysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, 'Optimizer')
x.add_system('D1', comp, r'$D_1$')
# can fade out blocks to allow for emphasis on sub-sections of XDSM
x.add_system('D2', comp, r'$D_2$', faded=True)
x.add_system('F', func, r'$F$')
# stacked can be used to represent multiple instances that can be run in parallel
x.add_system('G', func, r'$G$', stack=True)

x.add_process(['opt', 'D1', 'D2', 'F', 'G', 'opt'], arrow=True)

x.connect('opt', 'D1', r'$x, z, y_2$')
x.connect('opt', 'D2', r'$z, y_1$')
x.connect('opt', 'F', r'$x, z$')
x.connect('opt', 'F', r'$y_1, y_2$')

# you can also stack variables
x.connect('opt', 'G', r'$y_1, y_2$', stack=True)

x.connect('D1', 'opt', r'$\mathcal{R}(y_1)$')
x.connect('D2', 'opt', r'$\mathcal{R}(y_2)$')
Beispiel #23
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
func = 'Function'
ifunc = 'ImplicitFunction'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, (r'0, 7 \rightarrow 1:', r'\text{Optimizer}'))
x.add_system('solver', solver, (r'1, 5 \rightarrow 2:', r'\text{Solver}'))
x.add_system('Qext', func, (r'2:', r'\text{HeatFlux}'))
x.add_system('Power', func, (r'3:', r'\text{Power}'))
x.add_system('Temp', ifunc, (r'4:', r'\text{Temperature}'))
x.add_system('Fun', func, (r'6:', r'\text{Functions}'), stack=True)

x.connect('opt', 'solver', r'T^{t,(0)}')
x.connect('opt', 'Qext', r'\Phi, \Psi, \Omega, \alpha')
x.connect('opt', 'Power', r'P_{out}')
x.connect('opt', 'Temp', r'\epsilon, k')
x.connect('opt', 'Fun', r'P_{out}')
x.connect('solver', 'Qext', 'T^t')
x.connect('solver', 'Power', 'T^t')
x.connect('Qext', 'Power', r'Q_{sun}')
x.connect('Qext', 'Temp', r'Q_{sun}, Q_{planet}, Q_{alb}')
x.connect('Qext', 'Temp', r'Q_{sun}, Q_{planet}, Q_{alb}')
x.connect('Power', 'Temp', r'Q_{dis}')
x.connect('Power', 'Fun', r'Q_{dis}, P_{el}')
x.connect('Temp', 'solver', r'\mathcal{R}(T)')
x.connect('Temp', 'Fun', 'T')
Beispiel #24
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
ecomp = 'Analysis'
icomp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('solver', solver, [r'\text{Solver}'])
x.add_system('thrust_comp', ecomp, [r'\text{Thrust}', r'\text{Required}'])
x.add_system('eng_ambient', ecomp, [r'\text{Propulsion}', r'\text{Ambient}'])
x.add_system('prop_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Propeller}', r'\text{(OpenBEMT)}'])
x.add_system('e_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Electrical}', r'\text{(Zappy)}'])
x.add_system('engine_comp', icomp, [r'\text{Turboshaft}', r'\text{(pyCycle)}'])
x.add_system('wing_ambient', ecomp, [r'\text{Wing}', r'\text{Ambient}'])
x.add_system('aero_comp', icomp, [
    r'\text{Wing Aerodynamics/}', r'\text{Structures}',
x.add_system('aircraft_mass', ecomp,
             [r'\text{Aircraft Mass}'])  # AKA prebalance
x.add_system('balance', icomp, [r'\text{Balance}'])

x.add_input('prop_comp', r'\bar{X}_{propeller}')
x.add_input('e_comp', r'\bar{X}_{electrical}')
x.add_input('engine_comp', r'\bar{X}_{turboshaft}')
x.add_input('aero_comp', r'\bar{X}_{wing}')
Beispiel #25
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM, OPT, SOLVER, FUNC, GROUP

x = XDSM()

# Systems
x.add_system("top_opt", OPT, "Optimizer")
x.add_system("comp_pitch_angles", GROUP, "ComputeOptPitchAngle", stack=True)
x.add_system("d_airfoil", FUNC, "DesignAirfoil", stack=True)
x.add_system("comp_mod_power", FUNC, "ComputeModifiedPower")

x.connect("d_airfoil", "comp_mod_power", "aerodynamic\_eff", stack=True)
x.connect("comp_pitch_angles", "comp_mod_power", "powers*", stack=True)
x.connect("top_opt", "d_airfoil", "airfoil\_design")
x.connect("top_opt", "comp_pitch_angles", "drag\_modifier")
x.connect("comp_mod_power", "top_opt", "modified\_power")

x.add_input("d_airfoil", "wind\_speeds", stack=True)
x.add_input("comp_pitch_angles", "wind\_speeds", stack=True)

x = XDSM()
# Define styles
OPT = "Optimization"
SUBOPT = "SubOptimization"
IFUNC = "ImplicitFunction"
FUNC = "Function"
GROUP = "Group"
IGROUP = "ImplicitGroup"
METAMODEL = "Metamodel"
DataIO = "DataIO"
DataInter = "DataInter"

x.add_system("opt", OPT, [r"\text{Optimizer}"])
x.add_system("solver", SOLVER, [r"\text{MDA}"])
x.add_system("D1", IFUNC, ["Aerodynamic", "F=CA_fv^2"])
x.add_system("D2", IFUNC, ["Structural", "k\\theta=\\frac{1}{2}\\rho C_D"])
x.add_system("G", FUNC, ["Constraint1", "g=F-F_{max}"])
x.add_system("H", FUNC, ["Constraint2", "h=lw-A"])
x.add_system("OBJ", FUNC, ["Objective", "f=(\\theta-{\\hat \\theta})^2"])

x.add_input("opt", "l^{(0)},w^{(0)}")

x.connect("opt", "D1", "l,w")
x.connect("opt", "D2", "l")
x.connect("opt", "H", "l,w")

x.connect("solver", "G", "F")
x.connect("solver", "OBJ", "\\theta")
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
ecomp = 'Analysis'
icomp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('opt', opt, [r'\text{Manual Iteration}', r'\text{or Optimizer}'])

x.add_system('NPSS_opt', opt, [r'\text{Manual Iteration}', r'\text{or Optimizer}'])
x.add_system('NPSS', icomp, [r'\text{Engine Design and}',r'\text{Performance}',r'\text{Model (NPSS)}'])
# x.add_system('NPSS_des', icomp, [r'\text{Engine Design}',r'\text{Model (NPSS)}'])
# x.add_system('NPSS_od', icomp, [r'\text{Engine Performance}',r'\text{Model (NPSS)}'])

x.add_system('CAMRAD_opt', opt, [r'\text{Manual Iteration}', r'\text{or Optimizer}'])
x.add_system('CAMRAD', icomp, [r'\text{Rotor Design and}',r'\text{Performance}',r'\text{Model (CAMRAD II)}'])
# x.add_system('CAMRAD_des', icomp, [r'\text{Rotor Design}',r'\text{Model (CAMRAD II)}'])
# x.add_system('CAMRAD_od', icomp, [r'\text{Rotor Performance}',r'\text{Model (CAMRAD II)}'])

x.add_system('NDARC_opt', opt, [r'\text{Manual Iteration}', r'\text{or Optimizer}'])
x.add_system('NDARC', icomp, [r'\text{Aircraft Sizing and}',r'\text{Mission Performance}',r'\text{Model (NDARC)}'])
# x.add_system('NDARC_des', icomp, [r'\text{Aircraft Design}',r'\text{Model (NDARC)}'])
# x.add_system('NDARC_od', icomp, [r'\text{Mission Performance}',r'\text{Model (NDARC)}'])

Beispiel #28
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
comp = 'Analysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('EOM', comp, r'EOM')
x.add_system('nav', comp, r'nav')
x.add_system('threat', func, r'threat')

# x.connect('opt', 'EOM', r'x, z')
# x.connect('opt', 'nav', r'z')
# x.connect('opt', 'F', r'x, z')
# x.connect('solver', 'EOM', r'y_2')
# x.connect('solver', 'nav', r'y_1')
x.connect('nav', 'threat', r'r_{ship}')
# x.connect('solver', 'F', r'y_1, y_2')
# x.connect('solver', 'G', r'y_1, y_2')

x.add_input('EOM', r'v, \phi')
x.add_input('nav', r'x, y')
x.add_input('threat', r'time')

# x.add_output('opt', r'x^*, z^*', side='left')
x.add_output('EOM', r'\dot{x}, \dot{y}', side='right')
x.add_output('threat', r'range_{sub}', side='right')
Beispiel #29
opt = 'Optimization'  # blue pill
subopt = 'SubOptimization'
solver = 'MDA'  # orange pill
doe = 'DOE'
ifunc = 'ImplicitFunction'
func = 'Function'  # green box
group = 'Group'
igroup = 'ImplicitGroup'
metamodel = 'Metamodel'

x = XDSM()

# Create subsystem components
# spec_name = False (don't write a spec)
# spec_name = 'xyz' (changes the spec name from defalt 'e_comp' to 'xyz')
x.add_system('Sweep', solver, ['Sweep'], spec_name=False)
x.add_system('Optimizer', opt, ['Optimizer'], spec_name=False)
x.add_system('Geometry', func, ['Geometry'])
x.add_system('Thermal', func, ['Thermal'])
x.add_system('Structural', func, ['Structural'])

# Optimizer
x.add_input('Optimizer', 'constraints_{temp,stress}')
x.connect('Optimizer', 'Geometry', ['extra', 'ratio', 'cell_d'])

# Geometry
# x.add_input('pack_design', ['L_{pack}', 'W_{pack}','L_{cell}', 'W_{cell}', 'H_{cell}',
#             'mass_{cell}','voltage_{low,cell}','voltage_{nom,cell}','dischargeRate_{cell}','Q_{max}','V_{batt}'])
x.connect('Geometry', 'Thermal', ['dimensions'])
x.connect('Geometry', 'Structural', 'dimensions')
x.connect('Geometry', 'Optimizer', 'mass')
Beispiel #30
    def test_options(self):

        filename = "xdsm_test_options"
        spec_dir = filename + "_specs"

        # Change `use_sfmath` to False to use computer modern
        x = XDSM(use_sfmath=False)

        x.add_system("opt", OPT, r"\text{Optimizer}")
        x.add_system("solver", SOLVER, r"\text{Newton}")
        x.add_system("D1", FUNC, "D_1", label_width=2)
        x.add_system("D2", FUNC, "D_2", stack=False)
        x.add_system("F", FUNC, "F", faded=True)
        x.add_system("G", FUNC, "G", spec_name="G_spec")

        x.connect("opt", "D1", "x, z")
        x.connect("opt", "D2", "z")
        x.connect("opt", "F", "x, z")
        x.connect("solver", "D1", "y_2")
        x.connect("solver", "D2", "y_1")
        x.connect("D1", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_1)")
        x.connect("solver", "F", "y_1, y_2")
        x.connect("D2", "solver", r"\mathcal{R}(y_2)")
        x.connect("solver", "G", "y_1, y_2")

        x.connect("F", "opt", "f")
        x.connect("G", "opt", "g")

        x.add_output("opt", "x^*, z^*", side="right")
        x.add_output("D1", "y_1^*", side="left", stack=True)
        x.add_output("D2", "y_2^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("F", "f^*", side="left")
        x.add_output("G", "g^*")

        # Test if files where created
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename + ".tikz"))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename + ".tex"))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec_dir, "F.json")))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(spec_dir, "G_spec.json")))
from pyxdsm.XDSM import XDSM

opt = 'Optimization'
solver = 'MDA'
comp = 'ImplicitAnalysis'
group = 'Metamodel'
func = 'Function'

x = XDSM()

x.add_system('dv', func, (r'x=1', r'\text{Design Variable}'))
x.add_system('d1', func, (r'y_1=y_2^2', r'\text{Discipline 1}'))
x.add_system('d2', comp, (r'\exp(-y_1 y_2) - x y_2', r'\text{Discipline 2}'))
x.add_system('f', func, (r'y_1^2 - y_2 + 3', r'\text{Objective}'))

x.connect('dv', 'd2', 'x')
x.connect('d1', 'd2', 'y_1')
x.connect('d2', 'd1', 'y_1')
x.connect('d1', 'f', 'y_1')
x.connect('d2', 'f', 'y_2')
