Beispiel #1
    def test_150_verify_keychain(self):
        """Test the verify keychain function"""

        def testChain(path):

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path))) > 0)

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is valid when the addRootCa argument is true
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), None, True)) == 0)

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid when the addRootCa argument is true
            # and a wrong domainis true
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), 'my.wrong.domain', True)) > 0)

        testChain(PKIDATA + '/chain_subissuer-issuer-root.pem')
        testChain(PKIDATA + '/localhost_ssl_w-chain.pem')
        testChain(PKIDATA + '/fra_w-chain.pem')

        path = PKIDATA + '/localhost_ssl_w-chain.pem'

        # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid when the addRootCa argument is true
        # and a wrong domain is set
        self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), 'my.wrong.domain', True)) > 0)

        # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is valid when the addRootCa argument is true
        # and a right domain is set
        self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), 'localhost', True)) == 0)

        # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid when the addRootCa argument is false
        # and a right domain is set
        self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), 'localhost', False)) > 0)
Beispiel #2
        def testChain(path):

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path))) > 0)

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is valid when the addRootCa argument is true
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), None, True)) == 0)

            # Test that a chain with an untrusted CA is not valid when the addRootCa argument is true
            # and a wrong domainis true
            self.assertTrue(len(QgsAuthCertUtils.validateCertChain(QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(path), 'my.wrong.domain', True)) > 0)
Beispiel #3
 def mkPEMBundle(self, client_cert, client_key, password, chain):
     return QgsPkiBundle.fromPemPaths(PKIDATA + '/' + client_cert,
                                      PKIDATA + '/' + client_key,
                                          PKIDATA + '/' + chain
Beispiel #4
    def test_070_servers(self):
        # return
        ssl_cert_path = os.path.join(PKIDATA, 'localhost_ssl_cert.pem')

        ssl_cert = QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(ssl_cert_path)[0]
        msg = 'SSL server certificate is null'
        self.assertFalse(ssl_cert.isNull(), msg)

        cert_sha = QgsAuthCertUtils.shaHexForCert(ssl_cert)

        hostport = 'localhost:8443'
        config = QgsAuthConfigSslServer()

        msg = 'SSL config is null'
        self.assertFalse(config.isNull(), msg)

        msg = 'Could not store SSL config'
        self.assertTrue(self.authm.storeSslCertCustomConfig(config), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify storage of SSL config'
            self.authm.existsSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify SSL config in all configs'
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.authm.getSslCertCustomConfigs(), msg)

        msg = 'Could not retrieve SSL config'
        config2 = self.authm.getSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport)
        """:type: QgsAuthConfigSslServer"""
        self.assertFalse(config2.isNull(), msg)

        msg = 'Certificate of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslCertificate(), config2.sslCertificate(), msg)

        msg = 'HostPort of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslHostPort(), config2.sslHostPort(), msg)

        msg = 'IgnoredErrorEnums of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        enums = config2.sslIgnoredErrorEnums()
        self.assertTrue(QSslError.SelfSignedCertificate in enums, msg)

        msg = 'PeerVerifyMode of retrieved SSL config does not match'
                         config2.sslPeerVerifyMode(), msg)

        msg = 'PeerVerifyDepth of retrieved SSL config does not match'
                         config2.sslPeerVerifyDepth(), msg)

        msg = 'Protocol of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslProtocol(), config2.sslProtocol(), msg)

        # dlg = QgsAuthSslConfigDialog(None, ssl_cert, hostport)
        # dlg.exec_()

        msg = 'Could not remove SSL config'
            self.authm.removeSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify removal of SSL config'
            self.authm.existsSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)
Beispiel #5
    def test_040_authorities(self):

        def rebuild_caches():
            m = 'Authorities cache could not be rebuilt'
            self.assertTrue(self.authm.rebuildCaCertsCache(), m)

            m = 'Authorities trust policy cache could not be rebuilt'
            self.assertTrue(self.authm.rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache(), m)

        def trusted_ca_certs():
            tr_certs = self.authm.getTrustedCaCerts()
            m = 'Trusted authorities cache is empty'
            self.assertIsNotNone(tr_certs, m)
            return tr_certs

        msg = 'No system root CAs'

        # TODO: add more tests
        full_chain = 'chains_subissuer-issuer-root_issuer2-root2.pem'
        full_chain_path = os.path.join(PKIDATA, full_chain)

        # load CA file authorities for later comaprison
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        # ca_certs = QSslCertificate.fromPath(full_chain_path)
        ca_certs = QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(full_chain_path)
        msg = 'Authorities file could not be parsed'
        self.assertIsNotNone(ca_certs, msg)

        msg = 'Authorities file parsed count is incorrect'
        self.assertEqual(len(ca_certs), 5, msg)

        # first test CA file can be set and loaded
        msg = 'Authority file path setting could not be stored'
            self.authm.storeAuthSetting('cafile', full_chain_path), msg)

        msg = "Authority file 'allow invalids' setting could not be stored"
            self.authm.storeAuthSetting('cafileallowinvalid', False), msg)

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        not_cached = any([ca not in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Authorities not in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(not_cached, msg)

        # test CA file can be unset
        msg = 'Authority file path setting could not be removed'
        self.assertTrue(self.authm.removeAuthSetting('cafile'), msg)

        msg = "Authority file 'allow invalids' setting could not be removed"
            self.authm.removeAuthSetting('cafileallowinvalid'), msg)

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        still_cached = any([ca in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Authorities still in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(still_cached, msg)

        # test CAs can be stored in database
        msg = "Authority certs could not be stored in database"

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        not_cached = any([ca not in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Stored authorities not in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(not_cached, msg)
Beispiel #6
 def mkPEMBundle(self, client_cert, client_key, password, chain):
     return QgsPkiBundle.fromPemPaths(
         PKIDATA + '/' + client_cert, PKIDATA + '/' + client_key, password,
         QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(PKIDATA + '/' + chain))
Beispiel #7
    def test_070_servers(self):
        # return
        ssl_cert_path = os.path.join(PKIDATA, 'localhost_ssl_cert.pem')

        ssl_cert = QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(ssl_cert_path)[0]
        msg = 'SSL server certificate is null'
        self.assertFalse(ssl_cert.isNull(), msg)

        cert_sha = QgsAuthCertUtils.shaHexForCert(ssl_cert)

        hostport = 'localhost:8443'
        config = QgsAuthConfigSslServer()

        msg = 'SSL config is null'
        self.assertFalse(config.isNull(), msg)

        msg = 'Could not store SSL config'
        self.assertTrue(self.authm.storeSslCertCustomConfig(config), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify storage of SSL config'
            self.authm.existsSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify SSL config in all configs'
        self.assertIsNotNone(self.authm.sslCertCustomConfigs(), msg)

        msg = 'Could not retrieve SSL config'
        config2 = self.authm.sslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport)
        """:type: QgsAuthConfigSslServer"""
        self.assertFalse(config2.isNull(), msg)

        msg = 'Certificate of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslCertificate(), config2.sslCertificate(),

        msg = 'HostPort of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslHostPort(), config2.sslHostPort(), msg)

        msg = 'IgnoredErrorEnums of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        enums = config2.sslIgnoredErrorEnums()
        self.assertTrue(QSslError.SelfSignedCertificate in enums, msg)

        msg = 'PeerVerifyMode of retrieved SSL config does not match'
                         config2.sslPeerVerifyMode(), msg)

        msg = 'PeerVerifyDepth of retrieved SSL config does not match'
                         config2.sslPeerVerifyDepth(), msg)

        msg = 'Protocol of retrieved SSL config does not match'
        self.assertEqual(config.sslProtocol(), config2.sslProtocol(), msg)

        # dlg = QgsAuthSslConfigDialog(None, ssl_cert, hostport)
        # dlg.exec_()

        msg = 'Could not remove SSL config'
            self.authm.removeSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)

        msg = 'Could not verify removal of SSL config'
            self.authm.existsSslCertCustomConfig(cert_sha, hostport), msg)
Beispiel #8
    def test_040_authorities(self):
        def rebuild_caches():
            m = 'Authorities cache could not be rebuilt'
            self.assertTrue(self.authm.rebuildCaCertsCache(), m)

            m = 'Authorities trust policy cache could not be rebuilt'
            self.assertTrue(self.authm.rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache(), m)

        def trusted_ca_certs():
            tr_certs = self.authm.trustedCaCerts()
            m = 'Trusted authorities cache is empty'
            self.assertIsNotNone(tr_certs, m)
            return tr_certs

        msg = 'No system root CAs'

        # TODO: add more tests
        full_chain = 'chains_subissuer-issuer-root_issuer2-root2.pem'
        full_chain_path = os.path.join(PKIDATA, full_chain)

        # load CA file authorities for later comaprison
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        # ca_certs = QSslCertificate.fromPath(full_chain_path)
        ca_certs = QgsAuthCertUtils.certsFromFile(full_chain_path)
        msg = 'Authorities file could not be parsed'
        self.assertIsNotNone(ca_certs, msg)

        msg = 'Authorities file parsed count is incorrect'
        self.assertEqual(len(ca_certs), 5, msg)

        # first test CA file can be set and loaded
        msg = 'Authority file path setting could not be stored'
        self.assertTrue(self.authm.storeAuthSetting('cafile', full_chain_path),

        msg = "Authority file 'allow invalids' setting could not be stored"
            self.authm.storeAuthSetting('cafileallowinvalid', False), msg)

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        not_cached = any([ca not in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Authorities not in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(not_cached, msg)

        # test CA file can be unset
        msg = 'Authority file path setting could not be removed'
        self.assertTrue(self.authm.removeAuthSetting('cafile'), msg)

        msg = "Authority file 'allow invalids' setting could not be removed"

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        still_cached = any([ca in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Authorities still in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(still_cached, msg)

        # test CAs can be stored in database
        msg = "Authority certs could not be stored in database"

        trusted_certs = trusted_ca_certs()

        not_cached = any([ca not in trusted_certs for ca in ca_certs])
        msg = 'Stored authorities not in trusted authorities cache'
        self.assertFalse(not_cached, msg)