Beispiel #1
    def from_outer_instance_inner_type_spec(cls, outer_y, inner_type_spec=None, order="F"):
        """Instantiate from concrete instance of the outer type,
        and an inner type-spec. The inner type spec can be either
        be fully specified, or be more general (i.e. to
        facilitate the situation in which a solver needs a 1d array).

        Accepted general data types:
            - {'type': 'array'}
            - {'type': 'array', 'ndim': 1}

            outer_y (array): concrete outer data type
            inner_type_spec (dict): inner, potentially general, type spec
            order (str): order argument to be used in array reshaping.

            StateTypeConverter: type converter as specified by args

            Exception: if inner_type_spec is not properly specified or is
            not a handled type

        # if no inner_type_spec given just instantiate both inner
        # and outer to the outer_y
        if inner_type_spec is None:
            return cls.from_instances(outer_y, order=order)

        inner_type = inner_type_spec.get("type")
        if inner_type is None:
            raise Exception("inner_type_spec needs a 'type' key.")

        if inner_type == "array":
            outer_y_as_array = Array(outer_y)

            # if a specific shape is given attempt to instantiate from a
            # reshaped outer_y
            shape = inner_type_spec.get("shape")
            if shape is not None:
                return cls.from_instances(
                    outer_y_as_array.reshape(shape, order=order), outer_y, order=order

            # handle the case that ndim == 1 is given
            ndim = inner_type_spec.get("ndim")
            if ndim == 1:
                return cls.from_instances(
                    outer_y_as_array.flatten(order=order), outer_y, order=order

            # if neither shape nor ndim is given, assume it can be an array
            # of any shape
            return cls.from_instances(outer_y_as_array, outer_y, order=order)

        raise Exception("inner_type_spec not a handled type.")
Beispiel #2
def convert_state(y: Array, type_spec: dict, order="F"):
    """Convert the de state y into the type specified by type_spec.
    Accepted values of type_spec are given at the beginning of the file.

        y: the state to convert.
        type_spec (dict): the type description to convert to.
        order (str): order argument for any array reshaping function.

        Array: converted state.

    new_y = None

    if type_spec["type"] == "array":
        # default array data type to complex
        new_y = Array(y, dtype=type_spec.get("dtype", "complex"))

        shape = type_spec.get("shape")
        if shape is not None:
            new_y = new_y.reshape(shape, order=order)

    return new_y