Beispiel #1
def get_dTs(state,h):
    bal = sphere_balloon.Sphere_Balloon(5.79,0.8)
    rad = radiation.Radiation(doy,lat,h,state.el)
    q_rad  = rad.get_rad_total(lat, state.el, h,5.79)
    q_surf = bal.get_sum_q_surf(q_rad, state.Ts, state.el, state.v)
    q_int  = bal.get_sum_q_int(state.Ts, state.Ti, state.el)
    dT_sdt = (q_surf-q_int)/k
    #print "q_rad: ", q_rad, "q_surf: ", q_surf, "q_int: ", q_int
    #print "dT_sdt:", dT_sdt, "\n"
    return dT_sdt
Beispiel #2
def vectorfield(w,t):
    #zdot = q1
    #T_Sdot = q2
    #T_idot = q3

    doy = 306 #temporary day of year
    lat = math.radians(35.106766) # rad

    #q1 = Elevation
    #q2 = velocity

    q1, q2, T_s, T_i, h = w
    h = math.radians(t*15)
    #if q2<132.2:
    #    q2 = 132.2
    #T_i = T_s

    bal = sphere_balloon.Sphere_Balloon(5.79,0.8)
    rad = radiation.Radiation(doy,lat,h,q1)
    q_rad  = rad.get_rad_total(lat, q1, h,5.79)
    #q_surf = bal.get_sum_q_surf(q_rad, Ts, el, v)
    #q_int  = bal.get_sum_q_int(state.Ts, state.Ti, state.el)
    #dT_sdt = (q_surf-q_int)/k

    atm = fluids.atmosphere.ATMOSPHERE_1976(q1)
    #q_int  = bal.get_sum_q_int(Ts, Ti, el)
    tm_air = atm.rho*vol*Cp_air0
    #return q_int/tm_air

    if q1 < 132.6:
        q2= 0

    f = [1,#q2,
        (bal.get_sum_q_surf(q_rad, T_s, q1, q2)-bal.get_sum_q_int(T_s, T_i, q1))/k,
        (bal.get_sum_q_surf(q_rad, T_s, q1, q2)-bal.get_sum_q_int(T_s, T_i, q1))/k,#bal.get_sum_q_int(T_s, T_i, q1)/tm_air,
    return f
Beispiel #3
    def get_convection_vent(self, T_i, el):
        """Calculates the heat lost to the atmosphere due to venting

        :param T_i: Internal Temperature (K)
        :type T_i: float
        :param el: Elevation (m)
        :type el: float

        :returns: Convection due to Venting (unit?)
        :rtype: float

        rad = radiation.Radiation()
        T_atm = rad.getTemp(el)

        Q_vent = self.mdot * self.Cp_air0 * (
            T_i - T_atm)  # Convection due to released air
        return Q_vent
Beispiel #4
    def get_q_int(self, T_s, T_i, el):
        """Calculates Internal Heat Transfer

        :param T_s: Surface Temperature of Envelope (K)
        :type T_s: float
        :param el: Elevation (m)
        :type el: float
        :param v: velocity (m/s)
        :type v: float
        :returns: Internal Heat Transfer (W)
        :rtype: float

        rad = radiation.Radiation()
        T_atm = rad.getTemp(el)
        p_atm = rad.getPressure(el)
        rho_atm = rad.getDensity(el)
        g = rad.getGravity(el)
        T_avg = 0.5*(T_s+T_i)
        rho_avg = p_atm/(Sphere_Balloon.Rsp_air*T_avg)
        Pr = self.get_Pr(T_avg)
        exp_coeff = 1./T_avg
        kin_visc = self.get_viscocity(T_avg)/rho_avg
        Ra = self.get_Pr(T_atm)*g*math.fabs(T_i-T_s)*pow(self.d,3)*exp_coeff/(kin_visc*kin_visc)
        Nu = self.get_Nu_int(Ra)
        k = self.get_conduction(T_avg)
        h = (Nu*k)/self.d
        q_int = h*self.surfArea*(T_s-T_i)

        T_avg = 0.5 * (T_s + T_i)
        Pr = self.get_Pr(T_avg)
        rho_avg = p_atm / (Sphere_Balloon.Rsp_air * T_avg)
        mu = self.get_viscocity(T_avg) / rho_avg
        k = self.get_conduction(T_avg)

        inside = (np.power(rho_atm, 2) * g * math.fabs(T_s - T_i) *
                  Pr) / (T_i * np.power(mu, 2))
        h = 0.13 * k * np.sign(inside) * np.abs(inside)**(1 / 3.)
        q_int = h * self.surfArea * (T_s - T_i)

        return q_int
Beispiel #5
    def get_acceleration(self, v, el, T_s, T_i):
        """Solves for the acceleration of the solar balloon after one timestep (dt).

        :param T_s: Surface Temperature (K)
        :type T_s: float
        :param T_i: Internal Temperature (K)
        :type T_i: float
        :param el: Elevation (m)
        :type el: float
        :param v: Velocity (m)
        :type v: float

        :returns: acceleration of balloon (m/s^2)
        :rtype: float

        rad = radiation.Radiation()
        T_atm = rad.getTemp(el)
        p_atm = rad.getPressure(el)
        rho_atm = rad.getDensity(el)
        g = rad.getGravity(el)

        rho_int = p_atm / (self.Rsp_air * T_i)  # Internal air density

        Cd = .5  # Drag Coefficient
        F_b = (rho_atm - rho_int) * self.vol * g  # Force due to buyoancy
        F_d = Cd * (0.5 * rho_atm * math.fabs(v) *
                    v) * self.cs_area  # Force due to Drag

        if F_d > 0:
            F_d = F_d * self.Upsilon
        vm = (
            self.massEnv +
        ) + rho_atm * self.vol + self.vm_coeff * rho_atm * self.vol  #Virtual Mass
        accel = ((F_b - F_d - (self.massEnv + * g) / vm)

        return accel
Beispiel #6
    def get_q_ext(self, T_s, el, v):
        """Calculate External Heat Transfer to balloon envelope

        :param zen: Surface Temperature of Envelope (K)
        :type zen: float
        :param el: Elevation (m)print fluids.atmosphere.solar_position(datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 15, 6, 43, 5), 51.0486, -114.07)[0]
        :type el: float
        :param el: velocity (m/s)
        :type el: float
        :returns: Power transferred from sphere to surrounding atmosphere due to convection(W)
        :rtype: float

        rad = radiation.Radiation()
        T_atm = rad.getTemp(el)
        p_atm = rad.getPressure(el)
        rho_atm = rad.getDensity(el)
        g = rad.getGravity(el)

        Pr_atm = self.get_Pr(T_atm)

        T_avg = 0.5 * (T_atm + T_s)
        rho_avg = p_atm / (Sphere_Balloon.Rsp_air * T_avg)
        Pr_avg = self.get_Pr(T_avg)

        exp_coeff = 1. / T_avg
        kin_visc = self.get_viscocity(T_avg) / rho_avg

        #Not sure if Raleighs number is the right equation here:
        Ra = Pr_avg * g * math.fabs(T_s - T_atm) * np.power(
            self.d, 3) * exp_coeff / (kin_visc * kin_visc)
        Re = rho_atm * v * self.d / self.get_viscocity(T_atm)
        Nu = self.get_Nu_ext(Ra, Re, Pr_atm)
        k = self.get_conduction(T_avg)
        h = Nu * k / self.d
        return h * self.surfArea * (T_s - T_atm)
Beispiel #7
    if i % GFSrate == 0:
        lat_new, lon_new, x_wind_vel, y_wind_vel, bearing, nearest_lat, nearest_lon, nearest_alt = gfs.getNewCoord(
            coords[i], dt * GFSrate)  #(coord["lat"],coord["lon"],0,0,0,0,0,0)

    coord_new = {
        "lat": lat_new,  # (deg) Latitude
        "lon": lon_new,  # (deg) Longitude
        "alt": el_new,  # (m) Elevation
        "timestamp": t,  # Timestamp


    rad = radiation.Radiation()
    zen = rad.get_zenith(t, coord_new)

    if i % 360 * (1 / dt) == 0:
            str(t - pd.Timedelta(hours=GMT))  #Just for visualizing better
            + " el " + str("{:.4f}".format(el_new)) + " v " +
            #+ " accel " + str("{:.4f}".format(dzdotdt))
            + " T_s " + str("{:.4f}".format(T_s_new)) + " T_i " +
            str("{:.4f}".format(T_i_new)) + " zen " + str(math.degrees(zen)))

            colored(("U wind speed: " + str(x_wind_vel) + " V wind speed: " +
                     str(y_wind_vel) + " Bearing: " + str(bearing)), "yellow"))
Beispiel #8
    def solveVerticalTrajectory(self, t, T_s, T_i, el, v, coord, alt_sp, v_sp):
        """This function numerically integrates and solves for the change in Surface Temperature, Internal Temperature, and accelleration
        after a timestep, dt.

        :param t: Datetime
        :type t: datetime
        :param T_s: Surface Temperature (K)
        :type T_s: float
        :param T_i: Internal Temperature (K)
        :type T_i: float
        :param el: Elevation (m)
        :type el: float
        :param v: Velocity (m)
        :type v: float
        :param alt_sp: Altitude Setpoint (m)
        :type alt_sp: float
        :param v_sp: Velocity Setpoint (m/s)
        :type v_sp: float

        :returns: Updated parameters after dt (seconds)
        :rtype: float [T_s,T_i,el,v]

        bal = sphere_balloon.Sphere_Balloon()
        rad = radiation.Radiation()

        T_atm = rad.getTemp(el)
        p_atm = rad.getPressure(el)
        rho_atm = rad.getDensity(el)

        rho_int = p_atm / (self.Rsp_air * T_i)
        tm_air = rho_int * self.vol * self.Cp_air0

        #Numerically integrate change in Surface Temperature
        coord["alt"] = el
        q_rad = rad.get_rad_total(t, coord)
        q_surf = bal.get_sum_q_surf(q_rad, T_s, el, v)
        q_int = bal.get_sum_q_int(T_s, T_i, el)
        dT_sdt = (q_surf - q_int) / self.k

        #Numerically integrate change in Surface Temperature
        tm_air = rho_atm * self.vol * self.Cp_air0
        dT_idt = (q_int - self.get_convection_vent(T_i, el)) / tm_air

        #Add the new surface and internal Temperatures
        T_s_new = T_s + dT_sdt * self.dt
        T_i_new = T_i + dT_idt * self.dt

        #solve for accellration, position, and velocity
        dzdotdt = self.get_acceleration(v, el, T_s, T_i)
        zdot = v + dzdotdt * self.dt
        z = el + zdot * self.dt

        #Add the new velocity and position
        if z < self.min_alt:
            v_new = 0
            el_new = self.min_alt
            v_new = zdot
            el_new = z

        # Venting commands for an altitude setpoint. Vent is either on or off.
        if el_new > alt_sp:
            self.mdot = self.vent

        if el_new < alt_sp:
            self.mdot = 0

        return [T_s_new, T_i_new, T_atm, el_new, v_new, q_rad, q_surf, q_int]
Beispiel #9
          if(cd_arr[i].Re>Re) break;
       if(i==0) return cd_arr[0].Cd;
       double Cd = (cd_arr[i].Cd - cd_arr[i-1].Cd)/(cd_arr[i].Re - cd_arr[i-1].Re);
       Cd *= (Re - cd_arr[i-1].Re);
       Cd += cd_arr[i-1].Cd;
       return Cd;

doy = 306  #temporary day of year
lat = math.radians(35.106766)  # rad
h_ang = 0
el = 0  #elevation (m)

r = radiation.Radiation(doy, lat, h_ang, el)

T_s = 0
el = 0
v = 0
atm = fluids.atmosphere.ATMOSPHERE_1976(el)
T_atm = atm.T

d = 5.79
emissEnv = 0.8

s = Sphere_Balloon(5.79, emissEnv)

h_ang = np.arange(start=-90, stop=90, step=.1)
h_ang2 = []
T_s = []