Beispiel #1
def ff(a, gamma=0.55):
    # RSD function to be used for numerical derivatives
    c = copy.deepcopy(rf.experiments.cosmo)
    c['gamma'] = gamma
    H, r, D, f = rf.background_evolution_splines(c)
    z = 1. / a - 1.
    return f(z)
Beispiel #2
def Frsd(a, gamma=0.55, mu=1.):
    # RSD function to be used for numerical derivatives
    c = copy.deepcopy(rf.experiments.cosmo)
    c['gamma'] = gamma
    H, r, D, f = rf.background_evolution_splines(c)
    z = 1. / a - 1.

    # F_RSD
    b = 1.  #np.sqrt(1.+z)
    Frsd = (b + mu**2. * f(z))**2. * D(z)**2.
    return Frsd
Beispiel #3
def Frsd_deriv(a, gamma=0.55, mu=1.):
    # Analytic deriv. used in baofisher code
    H, r, D, f = rf.background_evolution_splines(rf.experiments.cosmo)
    z = 1. / a - 1.
    b = 1.  #np.sqrt(1.+z)

    #ff = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(a, f(z), deg=6) )
    #df_da = ff.deriv(1)(a)
    df_da = np.gradient(f(z), a[1] - a[0])

    #dD_da = D(z)*f(z)/a
    dD_da = np.gradient(D(z), a[1] - a[0])

    # Get derivative of F_RSD w.r.t. f(z)
    dD_df = dD_da / df_da
    #dD_df = np.log(a)
    dF_df = 2. * (b + f(z)*mu**2.) * mu**2. * D(z)**2. \
          + 2. * (b + f(z)*mu**2.)**2. * D(z) * dD_df

    # Chain rule, for deriv. w.r.t. gamma
    logOma = np.log(f(z)) / gamma
    return dF_df, dF_df * f(z) * logOma
Beispiel #4
Re-bin Euclid n(z)
import numpy as np
import pylab as P
import scipy.integrate
import radiofisher as rf

# Precompute cosmo fns.
cosmo_fns = rf.background_evolution_splines(rf.experiments.cosmo)
HH, rr, DD, ff = cosmo_fns

expt = rf.experiments_galaxy.EuclidRef

def vol(zmin, zmax):
    Calculate volume of redshift bin.
    C = 3e5
    _z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 1000)
    vol = C * scipy.integrate.simps(rr(_z)**2. / HH(_z), _z)
    vol *= 4. * np.pi
    return vol

# Load Euclid n(z) and b(z)
e = rf.experiments_galaxy.load_expt(expt)
nz = expt['nz']
zmin = expt['zmin']
Beispiel #5
zmin = dat[0]
bias = dat[4]
#zs = np.concatenate((zmin, [zmin[1] - zmin[0],]))
#zc = 0.5 * (zs[:-1] + zs[1:])

# Single bin between 800 - 1000 MHz
zs = np.array([1420. / 1000. - 1., 1420. / 800. - 1.])
zc = 0.5 * (zs[:-1] + zs[1:])

# Define kbins (used for output)
kbins = np.arange(0., 5. * cosmo['h'], 0.1 * cosmo['h'])  # Bins of 0.1 h/Mpc


# Precompute cosmological functions and P(k)
cosmo_fns = rf.background_evolution_splines(cosmo)
# Load P(k) and split into smooth P(k) and BAO wiggle function

k_in, pk_in = np.genfromtxt("slosar_pk_z0.dat").T  # Already in non-h^-1 units
cosmo['pk_nobao'], cosmo['fbao'] = rf.spline_pk_nobao(k_in, pk_in)
cosmo['k_in_max'] = np.max(k_in)
cosmo['k_in_min'] = np.min(k_in)

# Switch-off massive neutrinos, fNL, MG etc.
mnu_fn = None
transfer_fn = None
Neff_fn = None
switches = []

H, r, D, f = cosmo_fns
Beispiel #6
Project a Fisher matrix for f, H etc. to alpha = f.H, used for the KSZ paper.
import numpy as np
import pylab as P
import radiofisher as rf
import os

# Precompute cosmo fns.
H, r, D, f = rf.background_evolution_splines(rf.experiments.cosmo)

# Load precomputed Fisher matrix
fname = "/home/phil/oslo/bao21cm/fisher_bao_EuclidRef.dat"
F0 = np.genfromtxt(fname).T

# Get parameter names from header
ff = open(fname, 'r')
line = ff.readline()[2:-1]
pnames = line.split(", ")

# Load redshift bin array
zc = np.array([