Beispiel #1
def sync_dirs_option(sync_dirs=None):
    """Validate sync_dirs. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

    sync_dirs must be list of lists of form:
    `"[['guest_dir', 'host_dir'], ['guest_dir2', 'host_dir2']]"`

        sync_dirs: Paths to sync into VM, supplied as list of lists.

    Return sync_dirs (list)
    if not sync_dirs:
        return None

        sync_dirs = ast.literal_eval(sync_dirs)
    except SyntaxError:
        utils.abort("sync_dirs cannot be evaluated as valid Python.")
    if type(sync_dirs) is not list:
            f"sync_dirs was not evaluated as a Python list, but as '{type(sync_dirs)}'"
    for sd in sync_dirs:
        if type(sd) is not list:
                f"sync_dirs element {sd} was not evaluated as a Python list, but as "

    # Normalize source dirs. Target Dirs must be absolute / handled by Vagrant.
    sync_dirs = [[os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(lst[0])), lst[1]]
                 for lst in sync_dirs]
    set_env_var("sync_dirs", sync_dirs)
    return sync_dirs
Beispiel #2
def set_init_vars():
    '''Set custom environment variables that are always going to be needed by
    our custom Ruby code in the Vagrantfile chain.
    # env vars available to Python and Ruby
    set_env_var('ENV', PROJECT_LOCATION) # location of this code
    set_env_var('TMP', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.' + PROJECT_NAME + '-tmp')) # tmp in cwd
def docker():
    """Docker specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: docker_box
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
            "docker_box", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["docker"]
Beispiel #4
def box_option(box=None):
    """Set box

        box (str): Vagrant box to use.

    Return box (str)
    if box:
        set_env_var("box", box)
    return box
Beispiel #5
def command_option(command=None):
    """Load command into env var.

        command (str): Command to run at the begginning of provisioning.

    Return command (str)
    if command:
        set_env_var("command", command)

    return command
Beispiel #6
def size_option(ram_size=None, drive_size=None):
    """Validate ram and drive sizes. Pair them if possible. If not
    supplied, set to default. Set as env var. Reset in params as strings.

        ram_size (int): RAM in MB to use.
        drive_size (int): Drive size in GB to use.

    Return (ram_size, drive_size) (tuple, where values are (str, str))
    # Cast to strings if they exist so they can stored as env vars.
    if ram_size:
        ram_size = str(ram_size)
    if drive_size:
        drive_size = str(drive_size)

    if ram_size and not drive_size:
            drive_size = SETTINGS["SIZES"][ram_size]
        except KeyError:  # Doesn't match, but we'll let them try it.
            drive_size = SETTINGS["DRIVESIZE_DEFAULT"]
    elif drive_size and not ram_size:
            ram_size = SETTINGS["SIZES"][list(
        except ValueError:  # Doesn't match, but we'll let them try it.
            ram_size = SETTINGS["RAMSIZE_DEFAULT"]
    elif not ram_size and not drive_size:
        ram_size = SETTINGS["RAMSIZE_DEFAULT"]
        drive_size = SETTINGS["DRIVESIZE_DEFAULT"]
    # else both exist, just try using them

    set_env_var("ramsize", ram_size)
    set_env_var("drivesize", drive_size)

    # ram_size
    if ram_size not in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
        msg = ('RAM Size "%s" is not in the RAM sizes list.\n'
               "Did you have a typo? We'll try anyway.\n"
               "Here is as list of avalible RAM sizes:\n\n" % ram_size)
        for supported_ram_size in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
            msg = msg + "%s\n" % supported_ram_size

    # drive_size
    if drive_size not in SETTINGS["SIZES"].values():
        msg = ('DRIVE Size "%s" is not in the DRIVE sizes list.\n'
               "Did you have a typo? We'll try anyway.\n"
               "Here is as list of avalible DRIVE sizes:\n\n" % drive_size)
        for supported_drive_size in SETTINGS["SIZES"].values():
            msg = msg + "%s\n" % supported_drive_size
    return (ram_size, drive_size)
Beispiel #7
def vm_name_option(vm_name=None):
    """Set vm_name

        vm_name (str): Vm_Name to set in VM / container

    Return vm_name (str)

    if vm_name:
        set_env_var("vm_name", vm_name)
    return vm_name
Beispiel #8
def project_dir_option(project_dir=None):
    """Validate project_dir. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

        project_dir: Path to sync into VM.

    Return project_dir (path)
    if not project_dir:
        project_dir = os.getcwd()

    set_env_var("project_dir", project_dir)

    return project_dir
Beispiel #9
def cpus_option(cpus=None):
    """Set cpus

        cpus (int): CPUs for VirtualBox VM

    Return cpus (int)
    if cpus and 1 <= int(cpus) <= 32:
        set_env_var("cpus", cpus)
        return cpus
    elif cpus:
        utils.warn("CPUs must be an int in [1, 32]. Falling back to 1.")

    set_env_var("cpus", 1)
    return 1
Beispiel #10
def machine_type_option(machine_type=None, provider=None):
    """Validate machine_type. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

        machine_type (str): Machine type to use for cloud providers.
        provider (str): Provider to use.

    Return machine_type (str)
    if machine_type:
        if provider in ("docker", "lxc", "virtualbox"):
            msg = ("You have selected a machine-type, but are not using\n"
                   "a cloud provider. You selected %s with %s.\n" %
                   (machine_type, provider))
        set_env_var("machinetype", machine_type)
    return machine_type
Beispiel #11
def hostname_option(hostname=None):
    """Validate hostname

        hostname (str): Hostname to set in VM / container

    Return hostname (str)

    if hostname and len(hostname) > 64:
        utils.warn("Hostnames of many OSes are limited to 64 characters."
                   f"The current hostname {hostname} is {len(hostname)}.")

    if hostname:
        set_env_var("hostname", hostname)

    return hostname
Beispiel #12
def sync_type_option(sync_type=None):
    """Validate and set sync_type.

        sync_type: Type of syncing to use.

    Return sync_type (str)
    if sync_type in SETTINGS["SYNC_TYPES"]:
        set_env_var("sync_type", sync_type)
    elif sync_type:
            f"Sync type {sync_type} not in approved list. Using Vagrant's default."
            f"Supported alternate sync types are {SETTINGS['SYNC_TYPES']}.")
        sync_type = None

    return sync_type
def ec2(**params):
    """EC2 specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: ami

    Sanitize against non-whitelist ramsize.
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
        set_env_var("ami", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["ec2"])
    if get_env_var("ramsize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
            "Sorry, we really need a RAM size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like m3.medium."

    if params.get("ec2_security_groups"):
        set_env_var("ec2_security_groups", params["ec2_security_groups"])
Beispiel #14
def guest_os_option(guest_os=None):
    """Validate guest_os. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

        guest_os (str): Guest OS to use.

    Return guest_os (str)
    if not guest_os:
        guest_os = SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES_DEFAULT"]
    set_env_var("guest_os", guest_os)

    if guest_os not in SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"]:
        msg = ('Guest OS "%s" is not in the guest OSes whitelist.\n'
               "Did you have a typo? We'll try anyway.\n"
               "Here is as list of avalible guest OSes:\n\n" % guest_os)
        for supported_os in SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"]:
            msg = msg + "%s\n" % supported_os
    return guest_os
Beispiel #15
def provider_option(provider=None):
    """Validate provider. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

        provider (str): Provider to use.

    Return provider (str)
    if not provider:
        provider = SETTINGS["PROVIDERS_DEFAULT"]
    set_env_var("provider", provider)

    if provider not in SETTINGS["PROVIDERS"]:
        msg = (
            'Provider "%s" is not in the provider list.\n'
            "Did you have a typo? Here is as list of avalible providers:\n\n" %
        for supported_provider in SETTINGS["PROVIDERS"]:
            msg = msg + "%s\n" % supported_provider
    return provider
def digitalocean():
    """DigitalOcean specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: do_image

    Sanitize against non-whitelist ramsize and drivesize.
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
        set_env_var("do_image", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["do"])
    if get_env_var("ramsize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
            "Sorry, we really need a RAM size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like s-8vcpu-32gb."
    if get_env_var("drivesize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"].values():
            "Sorry, we really need a drive size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like s-8vcpu-32gb."
Beispiel #17
def vagrant_up(ctx=None, provider=None, vagrant_cwd=None, vagrant_dotfile_path=None):
    '''Start a VM / container with `vagrant up`.
    All str args can also be set as an environment variable; arg takes precedence.

        ctx (object): Click Context object. Used to detect if CLI is used.
        provider (str): Sets provider used.
        vagrant_cwd (str): Location of `Vagrantfile`.
        vagrant_dotfile_path (str): Location of `.vagrant` metadata directory.
    # TODO: Add registering of VM for all of this installation to see

    if not ctx: # Else handled by cli.
        set_vagrant_vars(vagrant_cwd, vagrant_dotfile_path)

    # TODO See if there's a better exit / error system
    if provider:
        set_env_var('provider', provider)
        if provider not in PROVIDERS:
            sys.exit('ABORTED - Target provider "%s" is not in the providers '
                     'list. Did you have a typo?' % provider)
    elif get_env_var('PROVIDER') and get_env_var('PROVIDER') not in PROVIDERS:
        sys.exit('ABORTED - Target provider "%s" is set as an environment '
                 ' variable, and is not in the providers list. Did you '
                 'have a typo?' % provider)

    if not dir_exists(get_env_var('TMP')):
    dir_create(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs')
    # TODO: Better logs.
    open(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-up-log','w').close() # Create log file. Vagrant will write to it, we'll read it.

    thread = Thread(target = vagrant_up_thread) # Threaded to write, read, and echo as `up` progresses.
    follow_log_file(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-up-log', ['Total run time:',
                                                 'Provisioners marked to run always will still run',
                                                 'Print this help',
                                                 'try again.'])
    click.echo('Up complete.')
Beispiel #18
def ports_option(ports=None):
    """Validate ports. If not supplied, set to default. Set as env var.

    ports must be list of lists of form:
    `[['guest_port', 'host_port'], ['guest_port2', 'host_port2']]`

        ports: Paths to sync into VM, supplied as list of lists.

    Return ports (list)
    if not ports:
        return None

        ports = ast.literal_eval(ports)
    except SyntaxError:
        utils.abort("ports cannot be evaluated as valid Python.")
    if type(ports) is not list:
            f"`ports` was not evaluated as a Python list, but as '{type(ports)}'."
    for port_pair in ports:
        if type(port_pair) is not list:
                f"`ports` element {port_pair} was not evaluated as a Python list, but as "
        if len(port_pair) != 2:
                f"Not the right number of ports to forward in {port_pair}.")
        for port in port_pair:
            if type(port_pair) != int and not 0 < port < 65535:
                    f"{port} in `ports` is not an int in a valid port range.")

    set_env_var("ports", ports)
    return ports
Beispiel #19
def _set_tmpdir(tmpdir=None):
    """Set tmpdir and log_path locations. This should defaut to be inside the cwd.

        tmpdir (path): Location of project's tmp dir.
    # loc of tmpdir
    if tmpdir:  # cli / api
        set_env_var("TMPDIR", os.path.join(tmpdir, ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))
    elif get_env_var("TMPDIR"):  # Previously set env var
            os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))
    else:  # Not set, set to default loc
                                 ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))  # default (cwd)

    set_env_var("LOG_PATH", os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), "logs"))
Beispiel #20
def _set_cwd(cwd=None):
    """Set cwd environment variable and change the actual cwd to it.

        cwd (path): Location of project (conf file, provisioning scripts, etc.)
    # effective CWD (likely real CWD, but may be changed by user.
    if cwd:  # cli / api
        set_env_var("cwd", cwd)
    elif get_env_var("cwd"):
        pass  # Already set - keep it.
        found_project = utils.find_conf(os.getcwd())
        if found_project:
            set_env_var("cwd", found_project)
            set_env_var("cwd", os.getcwd())

    return get_env_var("cwd")
Beispiel #21
def _set_env():
    set_env_var("ENV", PROJECT_LOCATION)  # installed location of this code