Beispiel #1
def plotdistrib(array, ndivs=None, low=None, width=None, **options):
    """Plot a distribution of array"""
    from rasmus import util
    d = util.distrib(array, ndivs, low, width)
    p = options.setdefault("plot", Gnuplot())
    options.setdefault("style", "boxes")
    p.plot(util.histbins(d[0]), d[1], **options)
    return p
Beispiel #2
def plothist(array, ndivs=None, low=None, width=None, **options):
    """Plot a histogram of array"""
    from rasmus import util
    h = util.hist(array, ndivs, low, width)
    p = options.setdefault("plot", Gnuplot())
    options.setdefault("style", "boxes fill solid")
    p.plot(util.histbins(h[0]), h[1], **options)
    return p
Beispiel #3
def plotfuncFit(func, paramsInit, xdata, ydata, start, end, step, plot = None,
    if not plot:
        plot = util.Gnuplot()
    options.setdefault('style', 'boxes')
    params, resid = fitCurve(xdata, ydata, func, paramsInit)
    plot.plot(util.histbins(xdata), ydata, **options)
    plot.plotfunc(lambda x: func(x, params), start, end, step)
    return plot, params, resid
Beispiel #4
def plotfuncFit(func, paramsInit, xdata, ydata, start, end, step, plot=None,
    from rasmus import gnuplot

    if not plot:
        plot = gnuplot.Gnuplot()

    options.setdefault('style', 'boxes')

    params, resid = fitCurve(xdata, ydata, func, paramsInit)
    plot.plot(util.histbins(xdata), ydata, **options)
    plot.plotfunc(lambda x: func(x, params), start, end, step)

    return plot, params, resid
Beispiel #5
def fitDistrib(func, paramsInit, data, start, end, step, perc=1.0):
    xdata, ydata = util.distrib(data, low=start, width=step)
    ydata = [i / perc for i in ydata]
    xdata = util.histbins(xdata)
    params, resid = fitCurve(xdata, ydata, func, paramsInit)
    return params, resid
Beispiel #6
def fitDistrib(func, paramsInit, data, start, end, step, perc=1.0):
    xdata, ydata = util.distrib(data, low=start, width=step)
    ydata = [i / perc for i in ydata]
    xdata = util.histbins(xdata)
    params, resid = fitCurve(xdata, ydata, func, paramsInit)
    return params, resid