Beispiel #1
def test_effect_of_swap():
    a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 = cirq.GridQubit.rect(2, 3)
    # If there's a gate operating on (a1, a3), then swapping a1 and a2 will
    # bring the gate's qubits closer together by 1.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (a1, a3)) == 1
    # In reverse, a gate operating on (a2, a3) will get worse by 1 when swapping
    # (a1, a2).
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (a2, a3)) == -1
    # If the qubits to be swapped are completely independent of the gate's
    # qubits, then there's no effect on the gate.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (b1, b2)) == 0
    # We can also measure the effect of swapping non-adjacent qubits (although
    # we would never be able to do this with a real SWAP gate).
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a3), (a1, b3)) == 2
Beispiel #2
def test_mcpe_example_9():
    # This test is example 9 from the circuit in figures 9 and 10 of
    q = list(cirq.NamedQubit(f"q{i}") for i in range(6))
    Q = list(cirq.GridQubit(row, col) for row in range(2) for col in range(3))
    mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(dict(zip(q, Q)))
    dlists = mcpe.DependencyLists(
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[2]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[5]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[4], q[0]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[3]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[0]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[3], q[1]),

    # At first CNOT(q0, q2) is the active gate.
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2])}
    # The swaps connected to either q0 or q2 to consider are:
    #   (Q0, Q1), (Q0, Q3), (Q1, Q2), (Q2, Q5)
    # Of these, (Q0, Q3) and (Q2, Q5) can be discarded because they would
    # negatively impact the active CNOT(q0, q2) gate.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[0], Q[3]), (Q[0], Q[2])) < 0
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[2], Q[5]), (Q[0], Q[2])) < 0
    # The remaining candidate swaps are: (Q0, Q1) and (Q1, Q2)
    # (Q0, Q1) has a higher MCPE, so it looks better to apply that one.
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[0], Q[1], mapping) == 4
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[2], mapping) == 1
    mapping.swap_physical(Q[0], Q[1])

    # The swap-update algorithm would now advance beyond the front-most gates that
    # now satisfy adjacency constraints after the swap -- the CNOT(q0, q2) and
    # CNOT(q5, q2)
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2])}
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[2])}

    # Now the active gate is g2 (which is CNOT(q0, q5))
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[5])}
    # For this active gate, the swaps to consider are:
    #   (Q0, Q1), (Q1, Q2), (Q1, Q4), (Q2, Q5), (Q4, Q5)
    # (Q0, Q1) can be discarded because it negatively impacts the active gate.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[0], Q[1]), (Q[1], Q[5])) < 0
    # Of the remaining candidate swaps, (Q0, Q4) has the highest MCPE.
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[2], mapping) == 1
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[4], mapping) == 3
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[2], Q[5], mapping) == 2
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[4], Q[5], mapping) == 2
Beispiel #3
def test_distance_fn():
    a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 = cirq.GridQubit.rect(2, 3)

    # A gate operating on (a1, a3) will be improved by swapping a1 and a2, but
    # by how much depends on the distance function used.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (a1, a3), mcpe.manhattan_dist) == 1
    double_manhattan = lambda q1, q2: 2 * mcpe.manhattan_dist(q1, q2)
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (a1, a3), double_manhattan) == 2

    def euclidean_dist(q1, q2):
        return ((q1.row - q2.row) ** 2 + (q1.col - q2.col) ** 2) ** 0.5
    # Before, the gate qubits (a1, b2) are sqrt(2) units apart from each other
    # by euclidean distance.
    # After swapping a1 and a2, they'd only be 1 unit apart, so things improve
    # by sqrt(2) - 1.
    effect = mcpe.effect_of_swap((a1, a2), (a1, b2), euclidean_dist)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(effect, 2 ** 0.5 - 1)
Beispiel #4
    def generate_candidate_swaps(
        self, gates: Iterable[cirq.Operation]
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[cirq.GridQubit, cirq.GridQubit], None, None]:
        """Generates the candidate SWAPs that would have a positive effect on at
        least one of the given physical gates.

          gates: the list of gates to consider which operate on GridQubits
        for gate in gates:
            for gate_q in gate.qubits:
                yield from (
                    (gate_q, swap_q)
                    for swap_q in gate_q.neighbors(self.device_qubits)
                    if mcpe.effect_of_swap((gate_q, swap_q), gate.qubits) > 0)
Beispiel #5
    def generate_candidate_swaps(
        self, gates: Iterable[cirq.Operation]
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[cirq.GridQubit, cirq.GridQubit], None, None]:
        """Generates the candidate SWAPs that would have a positive effect on at
        least one of the given physical gates.

          gates: the list of gates to consider which operate on GridQubits
        for gate in gates:
            for gate_q in gate.qubits:
                for swap_q in gate_q.neighbors(self.device_qubits):
                    swap_qubits = (gate_q, swap_q)
                    effect = mcpe.effect_of_swap(swap_qubits, gate.qubits,
                    if swap_qubits not in self.prev_swaps and effect > 0:
                        yield swap_qubits