Beispiel #1
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!/usr/bin/env python
This server manages a queue, which is shared by the workers and
the autoscaler. It also generates tokens. The queue is on port

import remotequeue
from bottle import route, response, run, request
import random

# set up queue manager
AUTH_KEY = 'changeinprod'
MANAGED_QUEUE = remotequeue.make(AUTH_KEY, public=True)

# constants
LETTERS = 'abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

def url_test(url):
    ''' tests to see if the str passed is a fb profile image url'''
    # needs significant testing!
    if 'http' not in url:
        return False
    return 'facebook' in url.lower() or 'fb' in url.lower()

def generate_token():
    ''' returns string len 24 of lowercase letters '''
Beispiel #2
# make sure to drop this file in the char-rnn directory
# creates a pool of words, and adds to the pool when it starts getting too small

import traceback
import remotequeue
import time
import rnn
import pronounce
import random

Q = remotequeue.make('secret', False)
amazing_models = open('amazing_models').read().splitlines()

def sample_model(model, chars = 5000):
        model_path = model.split(';')[0].strip()
        temp = model.split(';')[1].strip()
        words = rnn.run_temperature(model_path, temp, chars).splitlines()[2:-2]
        print model,'generated',len(words)
        return words
        print traceback.format_exc()
        return []

def create_words(num):
    print 'creating',num,'words'
    pool = set()
    while len(pool) < num * 1.5:
        model = random.choice(amazing_models)
        print 'sampling from model',model
        for word in sample_model(model):