Beispiel #1
def _ensure_metadata(path, user, group, mode=None, cd_access=None):
    stat = sudo.stat(path)

    if user:
        uid = _coerce_uid(user)
        if stat.st_uid != uid:
  "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_uid, user))

            sudo.chown(path, user, None)

    if group:
        gid = _coerce_gid(group)
        if stat.st_gid != gid:
  "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_gid, group))
            sudo.chown(path, None, group)

    if mode:
        if stat.st_mode != mode:
  "Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" %
                        (path, stat.st_mode, mode))
            sudo.chmod(path, mode)

    if cd_access:
        if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
            raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))

        dir_path = path
        while dir_path != os.sep:
            if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
                sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access + "+x")

            dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
Beispiel #2
def _ensure_metadata(path, user, group, mode=None, cd_access=None):
  stat = sudo.stat(path)

  if user:
    uid = _coerce_uid(user)
    if stat.st_uid != uid:
        "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_uid, user))
      sudo.chown(path, user, None)
  if group:
    gid = _coerce_gid(group)
    if stat.st_gid != gid:
        "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_gid, group))
      sudo.chown(path, None, group)
  if mode:
    if stat.st_mode != mode:"Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" % (
      path, stat.st_mode, mode))
      sudo.chmod(path, mode)
  if cd_access:
    if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
      raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))
    dir_path = path
    while dir_path != os.sep:
      if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
        sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access+"+x")
      dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
Beispiel #3
def _ensure_metadata(path, user, group, mode=None, cd_access=None):
    user_entity = group_entity = None

    if user or group:
        stat = sudo.stat(path)

    if user:
        _user_entity = pwd.getpwnam(user)
        if stat.st_uid != _user_entity.pw_uid:
            user_entity = _user_entity
  "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_uid, user))

    if group:
        _group_entity = grp.getgrnam(group)
        if stat.st_gid != _group_entity.gr_gid:
            group_entity = _group_entity
  "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_gid, group))

    sudo.chown(path, user_entity, group_entity)

    if mode:
        stat = sudo.stat(path)
        if stat.st_mode != mode:
  "Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" %
                        (path, stat.st_mode, mode))
            sudo.chmod(path, mode)

    if cd_access:
        if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
            raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))

        dir_path = path
        while dir_path != os.sep:
            if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
                sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access + "+x")

            dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
Beispiel #4
def _ensure_metadata(path, user, group, mode=None, cd_access=None):
  user_entity = group_entity = None

  if user or group:
    stat = sudo.stat(path)

  if user:
    _user_entity = pwd.getpwnam(user)
    if stat.st_uid != _user_entity.pw_uid:
      user_entity = _user_entity
        "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_uid, user))
  if group:
    _group_entity = grp.getgrnam(group)
    if stat.st_gid != _group_entity.gr_gid:
      group_entity = _group_entity
        "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_gid, group))
  sudo.chown(path, user_entity, group_entity)

  if mode:
    stat = sudo.stat(path)
    if stat.st_mode != mode:"Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" % (
      path, stat.st_mode, mode))
      sudo.chmod(path, mode)
  if cd_access:
    if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
      raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))
    dir_path = path
    while dir_path != os.sep:
      if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
        sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access+"+rx")
      dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
Beispiel #5
def _ensure_metadata(path,
    user_entity = group_entity = None
    _user_entity = _group_entity = None

    if user or group:
        stat = sudo.stat(path)

    if user:
            _user_entity = pwd.getpwnam(user)
        except KeyError:
            raise Fail("User '{0}' doesn't exist".format(user))

        if stat.st_uid != _user_entity.pw_uid:
            user_entity = _user_entity
  "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_uid, user))

    if group:
            _group_entity = grp.getgrnam(group)
        except KeyError:
            raise Fail("Group '{0}' doesn't exist".format(group))

        if stat.st_gid != _group_entity.gr_gid:
            group_entity = _group_entity
  "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" %
                        (path, stat.st_gid, group))

    if recursive_ownership:
        assert_not_safemode_folder(path, safemode_folders)
        sudo.chown_recursive(path, _user_entity, _group_entity,

    sudo.chown(path, user_entity, group_entity)

    if recursive_mode_flags:
        if not isinstance(recursive_mode_flags, dict):
            raise Fail(
                "'recursion_follow_links' value should be a dictionary with 'f' and(or) 'd' key (for file and directory permission flags)"

        regexp_to_match = "^({0},)*({0})$".format("[ugoa]+[+=-][rwx]+")
        for key, flags in recursive_mode_flags.iteritems():
            if key != 'd' and key != 'f':
                raise Fail(
                    "'recursive_mode_flags' with value '%s' has unknown key '%s', only keys 'f' and 'd' are valid"
                    % (str(recursive_mode_flags), str(key)))

            if not re.match(regexp_to_match, flags):
                raise Fail(
                    "'recursive_mode_flags' found '%s', but should value format have the following format: [ugoa...][[+-=][perms...]...]."
                    % (str(flags)))

        assert_not_safemode_folder(path, safemode_folders)
        sudo.chmod_recursive(path, recursive_mode_flags,

    if mode:
        stat = sudo.stat(path)
        if stat.st_mode != mode:
  "Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" %
                        (path, stat.st_mode, mode))
            sudo.chmod(path, mode)

    if cd_access:
        if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
            raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))

        dir_path = re.sub('/+', '/', path)
        while dir_path != os.sep:
            if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
                sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access + "+rx")

            dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]
  def prepare_libext_directory():
    Performs the following actions on libext:
      - creates /usr/hdp/current/oozie/libext and recursively
      - set 777 permissions on it and its parents.
      - downloads JDBC driver JAR if needed
      - copies Falcon JAR for the Oozie WAR if needed
    import params

    # some versions of HDP don't need the lzo compression libraries
    target_version_needs_compression_libraries = compare_versions(
      format_hdp_stack_version(params.version), '') >= 0

    # ensure the directory exists
    Directory(params.oozie_libext_dir, mode = 0777)

    # get all hadooplzo* JAR files
    # hdp-select set hadoop-client has not run yet, therefore we cannot use
    # /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client ; we must use params.version directly
    # however, this only works when upgrading beyond; don't do this
    # for downgrade to since hadoop-lzo will not be present
    # This can also be called during a Downgrade.
    # When a version is Intalled, it is responsible for downloading the hadoop-lzo packages
    # if lzo is enabled.
    if params.lzo_enabled and (params.upgrade_direction == Direction.UPGRADE or target_version_needs_compression_libraries):
      hadoop_lzo_pattern = 'hadoop-lzo*.jar'
      hadoop_client_new_lib_dir = format("/usr/hdp/{version}/hadoop/lib")

      files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))
      if not files:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

      # copy files into libext
      files_copied = False
      for file in files:
        if os.path.isfile(file):
"Copying {0} to {1}".format(str(file), params.oozie_libext_dir))
          shutil.copy2(file, params.oozie_libext_dir)
          files_copied = True

      if not files_copied:
        raise Fail("There are no files at {0} matching {1}".format(
          hadoop_client_new_lib_dir, hadoop_lzo_pattern))

    # copy ext ZIP to libext dir
    oozie_ext_zip_file = '/usr/share/HDP-oozie/'

    # something like /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext/
    oozie_ext_zip_target_path = os.path.join(params.oozie_libext_dir, "")

    if not os.path.isfile(oozie_ext_zip_file):
      raise Fail("Unable to copy {0} because it does not exist".format(oozie_ext_zip_file))"Copying {0} to {1}".format(oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir))
    Execute(("cp", oozie_ext_zip_file, params.oozie_libext_dir), sudo=True)
    Execute(("chown", format("{oozie_user}:{user_group}"), oozie_ext_zip_target_path), sudo=True)
    sudo.chmod(oozie_ext_zip_target_path, 0644)

    # Redownload jdbc driver to a new current location

    # get the upgrade version in the event that it's needed
    upgrade_stack = hdp_select._get_upgrade_stack()
    if upgrade_stack is None or len(upgrade_stack) < 2 or upgrade_stack[1] is None:
      raise Fail("Unable to determine the stack that is being upgraded to or downgraded to.")

    # something like
    stack_version = upgrade_stack[1]

    # copy the Falcon JAR if needed; falcon has not upgraded yet, so we must
    # use the versioned falcon directory
    if params.has_falcon_host:
      versioned_falcon_jar_directory = "/usr/hdp/{0}/falcon/oozie/ext/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar".format(stack_version)"Copying {0} to {1}".format(versioned_falcon_jar_directory, params.oozie_libext_dir))

      Execute(format('{sudo} cp {versioned_falcon_jar_directory} {oozie_libext_dir}'))
      Execute(format('{sudo} chown {oozie_user}:{user_group} {oozie_libext_dir}/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*.jar'))
Beispiel #7
def _ensure_metadata(path, user, group, mode=None, cd_access=None, recursive_ownership=False, recursive_mode_flags=None, recursion_follow_links=False, safemode_folders=[]):
  user_entity = group_entity = None
  _user_entity = _group_entity = None

  if user or group:
    stat = sudo.stat(path)

  if user:
      _user_entity = pwd.getpwnam(user)
    except KeyError:
      raise Fail("User '{0}' doesn't exist".format(user))
    if stat.st_uid != _user_entity.pw_uid:
      user_entity = _user_entity
        "Changing owner for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_uid, user))
  if group:
      _group_entity = grp.getgrnam(group)
    except KeyError:
      raise Fail("Group '{0}' doesn't exist".format(group))
    if stat.st_gid != _group_entity.gr_gid:
      group_entity = _group_entity
        "Changing group for %s from %d to %s" % (path, stat.st_gid, group))
  if recursive_ownership:
    assert_not_safemode_folder(path, safemode_folders)
    sudo.chown_recursive(path, _user_entity, _group_entity, recursion_follow_links)
  sudo.chown(path, user_entity, group_entity)
  if recursive_mode_flags:
    if not isinstance(recursive_mode_flags, dict):
      raise Fail("'recursion_follow_links' value should be a dictionary with 'f' and(or) 'd' key (for file and directory permission flags)")
    regexp_to_match = "^({0},)*({0})$".format("[ugoa]+[+=-][rwx]+" )
    for key, flags in recursive_mode_flags.iteritems():
      if key != 'd' and key != 'f':
        raise Fail("'recursive_mode_flags' with value '%s' has unknown key '%s', only keys 'f' and 'd' are valid" % (str(recursive_mode_flags), str(key)))
      if not re.match(regexp_to_match, flags):
        raise Fail("'recursive_mode_flags' found '%s', but should value format have the following format: [ugoa...][[+-=][perms...]...]." % (str(flags)))
    assert_not_safemode_folder(path, safemode_folders)
    sudo.chmod_recursive(path, recursive_mode_flags, recursion_follow_links)

  if mode:
    stat = sudo.stat(path)
    if stat.st_mode != mode:"Changing permission for %s from %o to %o" % (
      path, stat.st_mode, mode))
      sudo.chmod(path, mode)
  if cd_access:
    if not re.match("^[ugoa]+$", cd_access):
      raise Fail("'cd_acess' value '%s' is not valid" % (cd_access))
    dir_path = re.sub('/+', '/', path)
    while dir_path != os.sep:
      if sudo.path_isdir(dir_path):
        sudo.chmod_extended(dir_path, cd_access+"+rx")
      dir_path = os.path.split(dir_path)[0]