Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = CacheService()

        self.files = {}  = defaultdict(str)
        self.fd    = 0
        now        = time()
        self.files['/'] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755), st_ctime=now,
           st_mtime=now, st_atime=now, st_nlink=2)
Beispiel #2

def _configure_logging():
        Configure logging.
        When no logfile argument is given we log to stdout.
    logging.config.fileConfig('loggingClient.conf')'Logging started')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    cache = CacheService()
    cacheMng = CacheManager()
    # Read File

    if not options.rpc and not options.param:
        int_exec = True

    if == '':

    if int_exec:
        print 'Welcome to RestFS Debug Command Line\n'
        print 'Version %s \n' % restfs_version
Beispiel #3
class RestFSClient(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = CacheService()

        self.files = {}  = defaultdict(str)
        self.fd    = 0
        now        = time()
        self.files['/'] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755), st_ctime=now,
           st_mtime=now, st_atime=now, st_nlink=2)
    def access (self, path, mode):

    def chmod(self, path, mode):
        print '#################'
        print '##### CH MOD  ###'
        print '#################'

        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path) 
        context = ""     
        prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, uid, gid, context)
        prop.mode = mode
        self.cache.setAttributes(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, prop, uid, gid, context)
        self.files[path]['st_mode'] &= 0770000
        self.files[path]['st_mode'] |= prop.mode
        return 0

    def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
        print '#################'
        print '##### CH OWN  ###'
        print '#################'
        #uid and gid correct? are the new or old one ?
        old_uid, old_gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path) 
        context = ""     
        prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, old_uid, old_gid, context)
        if gid & uid:
            prop.mode = uid+gid+prop.mode[-1]
        elif uid:
            prop.mode = uid+prop.mode[1:]
        self.cache.setAttributes(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, prop, uid, gid, context)
        self.files[path]['st_uid'] = uid
        self.files[path]['st_gid'] = gid
    def create(self, path, mode):
        print '#################'
        print '##### CREATE  ###'
        print path
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        st_mode=(S_IFREG | mode)
        self.cache.createObject(options.root_bucket,path, OF.TYPE_FILE, uid, gid, st_mode, context)
        print '#################'
        print OF.TYPE_FILE
        print '#################'
        self.files[path] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | mode), st_nlink=1,
           st_size=0, st_ctime=time(), st_mtime=time(), st_atime=time())
        self.fd += 1
        #FIXME idObj need a number 
        return self.fd 
    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        print '#################'
        print '##### GET-ATT ###'
        print '#################'

        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        ## IL PROBLEMA su MAC e il lookup non il raise, l'unica e fare come fa lui
        ## e quindi aver la lista e controllare li.. eliminando il lookup
        try :
            print 'PATH',path
            idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
            if idObj == None or idObj == 'null':
                raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) 
            print 'FH', idObj
            '''prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, uid, gid, context)
            self.files[path] = dict(st_mode=(prop['mode']), st_nlink=prop['read_counter'],\
                st_size=prop['size'], st_ctime=prop['creation_date'], st_mtime=prop['last_modify'], st_atime=time())
            #prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, uid, gid, context)
        except :
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)    
        st = self.files[path]
        return st
    def getxattr(self, path, name, position=0):
        print '#################'
        print '##### GetXattr ###'
        print '#################'
        attrs = self.files[path].get('attrs', {})
            return attrs[name]
        except KeyError:
            return ''       # Should return ENOATTR
    def listxattr(self, path):
        print '#################'
        print '##### listXattr  ###'
        print '#################'
        attrs = self.files[path].get('attrs', {})
        return attrs.keys()
    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        print '#################'
        print '##### MKDIR  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        st_mode = (S_IFDIR | mode)
        self.cache.createObject(options.root_bucket,path, OF.TYPE_DIR, uid, gid, st_mode, context)
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket, path)
        prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj,OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT,uid,gid,context)
        self.files[path] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | mode), st_nlink=prop['read_counter'],\
                st_size=prop['size'], st_ctime=prop['creation_date'], st_mtime=prop['last_modify'], st_atime=time())
        self.files['/']['st_nlink'] += 1
        print sys.exc_info()
    def open(self, path, flags):
        print '#################'
        print '##### OPEN  ###'
        print flags
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket, path)
        stream = self.cache.load(options.root_bucket, idObj, uid, gid, context), path, flags, uid, gid, context)
        self.fd += 1
        return self.fd
    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):    
        print '#################'
        print '##### READ  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket, path)
        stream = self.cache.load(options.root_bucket, idObj, uid, gid, context)
        return[path][offset:offset + size]    
    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        print '#################'
        print '##### READ DIR  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        # FIXME Translation "." e ".."
        context = ""
        idObjDir = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
        lista = self.cache.getObjectList(options.root_bucket, idObjDir, uid, gid, context)
        propDir = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObjDir,OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT,uid,gid,context)
        dizio = dict()
        if len(lista) != 0:
            for elem in lista :
                elem = '/'+str(elem)
                if path != '/':
                    pathn = path+elem
                    idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,pathn)
                    idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
                prop = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj,OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT,uid,gid,context)
                dizio[elem] = dict(st_mode=(prop['mode']), st_nlink=prop['read_counter'],\
                                   st_size=prop['size'], st_ctime=prop['creation_date'], \
                                   st_mtime=prop['last_modify'], st_atime=time())
                dizio['/.']=dict(st_mode=(propDir['mode']), st_nlink=propDir['read_counter'],\
                         st_size=propDir['size'], st_ctime=propDir['creation_date'], \
                         st_mtime=propDir['last_modify'], st_atime=time())
        print '#############'
        print dizio
        print '###########'
        return ['..'] +[x[1:] for x in dizio if x != '/']
    def readlink(self, path):
        print '#################'
        print '##### READ LINK ###'
        print '#################'

    def removexattr(self, path, name):
        print '#################'
        print '##### REMOVE XATTr ###'
        print '#################'

        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
        attrs = self.files[path].get('attrs', {})
            del attrs[name]
            self.cache.delProperty(idObj, OF.PROPERTY_USER+name, uid, gid, context)
        except KeyError:
            pass        # Should return ENOATTR
        #Key Error Should return ENOATTR
    def rename(self, old, new):
        print '#################'
        print '##### RENAME  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj_old = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,old)
        prop_old = self.cache.getProperties(options.root_bucket, idObj_old, OF.PROPERTY_OBJECT, uid, gid, context)
        #self.cache.removeObject(options.root_bucket, idObj_old, uid, gid, context)
        prop_old['object_name'] = new
        self.cache.removeObject(options.root_bucket, idObj_old, uid, gid, context)
        self.cache.setAttributesFromNew(options.root_bucket, idObj_old, prop_old, uid, gid, context)
        self.files[new] = self.files.pop(old)
    def rmdir(self, path):
        print '#################'
        print '##### RMDIR  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
        self.cache.removeObject(options.root_bucket, idObj, uid, gid, context)
        self.files['/']['st_nlink'] -= 1

    def setxattr(self, path, name, value, options, position=0):
        print '#################'
        print '##### SETxattr  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        # Options ? / Positions ?
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
        self.cache.setProperty(idObj, OF.PROPERTY_USER+name, value, uid, gid, context)
        attrs = self.files[path].setdefault('attrs', {})
        attrs[name] = value
    def statfs(self, path):
        print '#################'
        print '##### statfs  ###'
        print '#################'
        return dict(f_bsize=512, f_blocks=4096, f_bavail=2048)
    def symlink(self, target, source):
        print '#################'
        print '##### symlink  ###'
        print '#################'
        self.files[target] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFLNK | 0777), st_nlink=1,
           st_size=len(source))[target] = source
    def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
        print '#################'
        print '##### truncate  ###'
        print '#################'[path] =[path][:length]
        self.files[path]['st_size'] = length
    def unlink(self, path):
        print '#################'
        print '##### unlink  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        context = ""
        idObj = self.cache.lookup(options.root_bucket,path)
        self.cache.remove(options.root_bucket,idObj, uid, gid, context) 
        self.cache.removeObject(options.root_bucket,idObj, uid, gid, context)        
    def utimens(self, path, times=None):
        print '#################'
        print '##### utimes  ###'
        print '#################'
        now = time()
        atime, mtime = times if times else (now, now)
        self.files[path]['st_atime'] = atime
        self.files[path]['st_mtime'] = mtime
    def write(self, path, data_handler, offset, fh):
        print '#################'
        print '##### WRITE  ###'
        print '#################'
        uid, gid, context = fuse_get_context()
        xattr = self.listxattr(path)
        object_acl = S3ACP.ACL_FULL_CONTROL
        acp = ACP()
        grant = Grant() 
        grant.uid = uid  
        grant.permission = ACPHelper.s3AclToPerm(object_acl)
        grantList = [grant]
        self.cache.write(options.root_bucket, path, uid, gid, context, storage_class, object_acl ,content_type, xattr,  data_handler)
       [path] =[path][:offset] + data_handler
        self.files[path]['st_size'] = len([path])
        return len(data_handler)