def testConfig(self):
     $ ro config \
       -r \
       -p d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e \
       -b /usr/workspace/Dropbox/myROs \
       -n "Graham Klyne" \
       -e [email protected]
     config = ro_utils.readconfig(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR)
     self.assertEqual(config["robase"],    None)
     self.assertEqual(config["roboxuri"],  None)
     self.assertEqual(config["roboxpass"], None)
     self.assertEqual(config["username"],  None)
     self.assertEqual(config["useremail"], None)
     args = [
         "ro", "config",
         "-b", ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR,
         "-r", ro_test_config.ROBOXURI,
         "-n", ro_test_config.ROBOXUSERNAME,
         "-p", ro_test_config.ROBOXPASSWORD,
         "-e", ro_test_config.ROBOXEMAIL
     with SwitchStdout(self.outstr):
         status = ro.runCommand(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR, ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR, args)
         assert status == 0
     self.assertEqual(self.outstr.getvalue().count("ro config"), 0)
     config = ro_utils.readconfig(ro_test_config.CONFIGDIR)
     self.assertEqual(config["robase"],    os.path.abspath(ro_test_config.ROBASEDIR))
     self.assertEqual(config["roboxuri"],  ro_test_config.ROBOXURI)
     self.assertEqual(config["roboxpass"], ro_test_config.ROBOXPASSWORD)
     self.assertEqual(config["username"],  ro_test_config.ROBOXUSERNAME)
     self.assertEqual(config["useremail"], ro_test_config.ROBOXEMAIL)
def checkout(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Checkout a RO from ROSRS

    ro checkout <RO-identifier> [-d <dir> ] [ -r <rosrs_uri> ] [ -t <access_token> ]
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "roident":        args[2],
        "rodir":          options.rodir or "",
        "rosrs_uri":      options.rosrs_uri or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_uri'], "URI for ROSRS service:          "),
        "rosrs_access_token": options.rosrs_access_token or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_access_token'],
                                                                                      "Access token for ROSRS service: "),
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro checkout %(roident)s %(rodir)s %(rosrs_uri)s %(rosrs_access_token)s" % ro_options
    ro_dir = os.path.join(ro_options['rodir'], ro_options["roident"])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    rouri = urlparse.urljoin(ro_options["rosrs_uri"], ro_options["roident"])
        zipdata = ro_remote_metadata.getAsZip(rouri)
        __unpackZip(zipdata, ro_dir, options.verbose)
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        print "Could not checkout %s: %s" % (rouri, e)
    return 0
def push_zip(progname, configbase, options, args):
    push RO in zip format
    ro push <zip> | -d <dir> [ -f ] [ -r <rosrs_uri> ] [ -t <access_token> ]    
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro push %(zip)s -r %(rosrs_uri)s -t %(rosrs_access_token)s" % dict(vars(options).items() + {'zip':args[2]}.items())
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "zip": args[2],
        "rosrs_uri":      options.rosrs_uri or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_uri'], "URI for ROSRS service:          "),
        "rosrs_access_token": options.rosrs_access_token or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_access_token'],
                                                                                      "Access token for ROSRS service: "),
        "force":          options.force,
        "roId": args[2].replace(".zip", "").split("/")[-1]
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_options["rosrs_uri"], ro_options["rosrs_access_token"])

    (status, reason, headers, data) = ro_remote_metadata.sendZipRO(rosrs, ro_options["rosrs_uri"], ro_options["roId"], open(args[2], 'rb').read())
    if options.verbose:
        print "Status: %s" % status
        print "Reason: %s" % reason
        print "Headers: %s" % headers
        print "Data: %s" % data
    log.debug("Status: %s" % status)
    log.debug("Reason: %s" % reason)
    log.debug("Headers: %s" % headers)
    log.debug("Data: %s" % data)
    return 0
def annotations(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Display annotations

    ro annotations [ file | -d dir ]
    log.debug("annotations: progname %s, configbase %s, args %s" % 
              (progname, configbase, repr(args)))
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_file = (args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else "")
    ro_options = {
        "rofile":       ro_file,
        "rodir":        options.rodir or os.path.dirname(ro_file)
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro annotations -d \"%(rodir)s\" %(rofile)s " % ro_options
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " annotations", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Enumerate and display annotations
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    if ro_options['rofile']:
        rofile = ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri(ro_options['rofile'])  # Relative to CWD
        log.debug("Annotations for %s" % str(rofile))
        annotations = rometa.getFileAnnotations(rofile)
        annotations = rometa.getAllAnnotations()
    if options.debug:
        log.debug("---- Annotations:")
        for a in annotations:
            log.debug("  %s" % repr(a))
    rometa.showAnnotations(annotations, sys.stdout)
    return 0
def add(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Add files to a research object manifest

    ro add [ -d dir ] file
    ro add [ -d dir ] [-a] [directory]

    Use -a/--all to add subdirectories recursively

    If no file or directory specified, defaults to current directory.
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rodir":        options.rodir or "",
        "rofile":       args[2] if len(args) == 3 else ".",
        "recurse":      options.all,
        "recurseopt":   "-a" if options.all else ""
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " add", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Read and update manifest
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro add -d %(rodir)s %(recurseopt)s %(rofile)s" % ro_options
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
        recurse=ro_options['recurse'], includeDirs=not ro_options['recurse'])
    return 0
def status(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Display status of a designated research object

    ro status [ -d dir ]
    # Check command arguments
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rodir":   options.rodir or "",
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " status", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Read manifest and display status
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro status -d \"%(rodir)s\"" % ro_options
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    rodict = rometa.getRoMetadataDict()
    print "Research Object status"
    print "  identifier:  %(roident)s, title: %(rotitle)s" % rodict
    print "  creator:     %(rocreator)s, created: %(rocreated)s" % rodict
    print "  path:        %(ropath)s" % rodict
    if rodict['rouri']:
        print "  uri:         %(rouri)s" % rodict
    print "  description: %(rodescription)s" % rodict
    # @@TODO: add ROEVO information
    return 0
Beispiel #7
def getroconfig(configbase, options, rouri=None):
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    if options.rosrs_uri:
        ro_config['rosrs_uri'] = options.rosrs_uri
    if options.rosrs_access_token:
        ro_config['rosrs_access_token'] = options.rosrs_access_token
    if rouri:
        ro_config['rosrs_uri'] = rouri
    return ro_config
def evaluate(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Evaluate RO

    ro evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]"
    log.debug("evaluate: progname %s, configbase %s, args %s" % 
              (progname, configbase, repr(args)))
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = (
        { "rodir":        options.rodir or ""
        , "function":     args[2]
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " annotations", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Evaluate...
    if ro_options["function"] == "checklist":
        if len(args) not in [5, 6]:
            print ("%s evaluate checklist: wrong number of arguments provided" % (progname))
            print ("Usage: %s evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] [ -a | -l <level> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]" % (progname))
            return 1
        levels = ["summary", "must", "should", "may", "full"]
        if options.level not in ["summary", "must", "should", "may", "full"]:
            print ("%s evaluate checklist: invalid reporting level %s, must be one of %s" % 
                    (progname, options.level, repr(levels)))
            return 1
        ro_options["minim"] = ((len(args) > 3) and args[3]) or "minim.rdf"
        ro_options["purpose"] = ((len(args) > 4) and args[4]) or "create"
        ro_options["target"] = ((len(args) > 5) and args[5]) or "."
        if options.verbose:
            print "ro evaluate %(function)s -d \"%(rodir)s\" %(minim)s %(purpose)s %(target)s" % ro_options
        rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
        (minimgraph, evalresult) = ro_eval_minim.evaluate(rometa,
            ro_options["minim"], ro_options["target"], ro_options["purpose"])
        if options.verbose:
            print "== Evaluation result =="
            print json.dumps(evalresult, indent=2)
            { "detail" : "full" if options.all else options.level },
    # elif ... other functions here
        print ("%s evaluate: unrecognized function provided (%s)" % (progname, ro_options["function"]))
        print ("Usage:")
        print ("  %s evaluate checklist [ -d <dir> ] [ -a | -l <level> ] <minim> <purpose> [ <target> ]" % (progname))
        return 1
    return 0
def list(progname, configbase, options, args):
    List contents of a designated research object
    -a displays files present as well as aggregated resources
    -h includes hidden files in display

    ro list [ -a ] [ -h ] [ -d dir ]
    ro ls   [ -a ] [ -h ] [ -d dir ]
    # Check command arguments
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rodir":   options.rodir or "",
        "all":     " -a" if options.all    else "",
        "hidden":  " -h" if options.hidden else "",
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " list", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Scan directory tree and collect filenames
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro list%(all)s%(hidden)s -d \"%(rodir)s\"" % ro_options
    prep_f = ""
    prep_a = ""
    rofiles = []
    if options.all:
        prep_f = "f: "
        prep_a = "a: "
        rofiles = MiscLib.ScanDirectories.CollectDirectoryContents(
                    ro_dir, baseDir=os.path.abspath(ro_dir),
                    listDirs=False, listFiles=True, recursive=True, appendSep=False)
        if not options.hidden:
            def notHidden(f):
                return re.match("\.|.*/\.", f) == None
            rofiles = filter(notHidden, rofiles)
    # Scan RO and collect aggregated resources
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    roaggs = [ str(rometa.getComponentUriRel(a)) for a in rometa.getAggregatedResources() ]
    # Assemble and output listing
    print "\n".join(mapmerge(prepend_f(prep_a), roaggs, prepend_f(prep_f), rofiles))
    return 0
def remove(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Remove a specified research object component or components

    remove [ -d <dir> ] <file-or-uri>
    remove -d <dir> -w <pattern>
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    rodir = options.rodir or (not options.wildcard and os.path.dirname(args[2]))
    ro_options = {
        # Usding graph annotation form
        "rofile":       args[2],
        "rodir":        rodir,
        "wildcard":     options.wildcard,
        "wild":         "-w " if options.wildcard else "",
        "rocmd":        progname,
    log.debug("remove: ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory("%s %s" % (progname, args[1]), ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print "%(rocmd)s remove -d %(rodir)s %(wild)s%(rofile)s" % (ro_options)
    # Read and update manifest and annotations
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    if options.wildcard:
            rofilepattern = re.compile(ro_options['rofile'])
        except re.error as e:
            ro_options["err"] = str(e)
            print '''%(rocmd)s remove -w "%(rofile)s" <...> : %(err)s''' % ro_options
            return 1
        for rofile in [ r for r in rometa.getAggregatedResources() if ]:
        rofile = rometa.getComponentUri(ro_options['rofile'])
    return 0
Beispiel #11
def annotations(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Dusplay annotations
    ro annotations [ file | -d dir ]
    # Check command arguments
    if len(args) not in [2,3]:
        print ("%s annotations: wrong number of arguments provided"%
        print ("Usage: %s annotations [ file | -d dir ]"%
        return 1
    ro_config  = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_file    = (args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else "")
    ro_options = {
        "rofile":       ro_file,
        "rodir":        options.rodir or os.path.dirname(ro_file)
    log.debug("ro_options: "+repr(ro_options))
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro annotations -d \"%(rodir)s\" %(rofile)s "%ro_options
    ro_dir= ro_root_directory(progname+" annotations", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    ro_graph = ro_manifest.readManifestGraph(ro_dir)
    if ro_options['rofile']:
        ro_file     = ro_manifest.getComponentUri(ro_dir, os.path.abspath(ro_options['rofile']))
        annotations = ro_graph.predicate_objects(subject=ro_file)
        print str(ro_file)  # @@TODO figure relativization
        log.debug("annotations for %s"%str(ro_file))
        for (atyp,aval) in annotations:
            aname = getAnnotationNameByUri(ro_config, atyp)
            log.debug("Annotations atyp %s, aname %s, aval %s"%(repr(atyp), aname, repr(aval)))
            print "  %s: %s"%(aname,str(aval))
        # list all annotations
        assert False, "@@TODO - show annotations for all RO components"
    return 0
Beispiel #12
def annotate(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Annotate a specified research object component
    ro annotate file attribute-name [ attribute-value ]
    # Check command arguments
    if len(args) not in [4,5]:
        print ("%s annotate: wrong number of arguments provided"%
        print ("Usage: %s annotate file attribute-name [ attribute-value ]"%
        return 1
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rofile":       args[2],
        "rodir":        os.path.dirname(args[2]),
        "roattribute":  args[3],
        "rovalue":      args[4] or None
    log.debug("ro_options: "+repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname+" attribute", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Read and update manifest
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro annotate %(rofile)s %(roattribute)s \"%(rovalue)s\""%ro_options
    ro_graph = ro_manifest.readManifestGraph(ro_dir)
    (predicate,valtype) = getAnnotationByName(ro_config, ro_options['roattribute'])
    log.debug("Adding annotation predicate: %s, value %s"%(repr(predicate),repr(ro_options['rovalue'])))
        ( ro_manifest.getComponentUri(ro_dir, os.path.abspath(ro_options['rofile'])),
        ) )
    ro_manifest.writeManifestGraph(ro_dir, ro_graph)
    return 0
Beispiel #13
def list(progname, configbase, options, args):
    List contents of a designated research object

    ro list [ -d dir ]
    ro ls [ -d dir ]
    # Check command arguments
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rodir":   options.rodir or "",
    log.debug("ro_options: "+repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname+" list", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    # Scan directory tree and display files
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro list -d \"%(rodir)s\""%ro_options
    rofiles = MiscLib.ScanDirectories.CollectDirectoryContents(
                ro_dir, baseDir=os.path.abspath(ro_dir), 
                listDirs=False, listFiles=True, recursive=True, appendSep=False)
    print "\n".join(rofiles)
    return 0
def push(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Push all or selected ROs and their resources to ROSRS

    ro push <zip> | -d <dir> [ -f ] [ -r <rosrs_uri> ] [ -t <access_token> ]
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    ro_options = {
        "rodir":          options.rodir,
        "rosrs_uri":      options.rosrs_uri or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_uri'], "URI for ROSRS service:          "),
        "rosrs_access_token": options.rosrs_access_token or getoptionvalue(ro_config['rosrs_access_token'],
                                                                                      "Access token for ROSRS service: "),
        "force":          options.force
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    if len(args) == 3:
        return push_zip(progname, configbase, options, args)
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro push -d %(rodir)s -r %(rosrs_uri)s -t %(rosrs_access_token)s" % ro_options
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory(progname + " push", ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    localRo = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    roId = ro_dir.replace(ro_config["robase"], "", 1)
    if roId.startswith("/"): 
        roId = roId.replace("/", "", 1)
    rosrs = ROSRS_Session(ro_options["rosrs_uri"], ro_options["rosrs_access_token"])
    (status, _, rouri, _) = ro_remote_metadata.createRO(rosrs, roId)
    if status == 201:
        print "Created RO: %s" % (rouri)
    elif status == 409:
        rouri = urlparse.urljoin(ro_options["rosrs_uri"], roId + "/")
        print "RO already exists: %s" % (rouri)
    remoteRo = ro_remote_metadata.ro_remote_metadata(ro_config, rosrs, rouri)
    pushedResCnt = 0
    pushedAnnCnt = 0
    deletedResCnt = 0
    deletedAnnCnt = 0
    for (action, resuri) in ro_rosrs_sync.pushResearchObject(localRo, remoteRo):
        if action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_AGGREGATE_INTERNAL:
            print "Resource uploaded: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Resource uploaded: %s" % (resuri))
            pushedResCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_AGGREGATE_EXTERNAL:
            print "External resource pushed: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("External resource pushed: %s" % (resuri))
            pushedResCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_AGGREGATE_ANNOTATION:
            if options.verbose:
                print "Annotation pushed: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Annotation pushed: %s" % (resuri))
            pushedAnnCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_UPDATE_OVERWRITE:
            # TODO ask user for confirmation
            print "Resource uploaded (WARNING: it has overwritten changes in RODL): %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Resource uploaded (WARNING: it has overwritten changes in RODL): %s" % (resuri))
            pushedResCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_UPDATE:
            print "Resource uploaded: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Resource uploaded: %s" % (resuri))
            pushedResCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_UPDATE_ANNOTATION:
            if options.verbose:
                print "Annotation updated: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Annotation updated: %s" % (resuri))
            pushedAnnCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_SKIP:
            print "Resource skipped: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Resource skipped: %s" % (resuri))
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_DELETE:
            # TODO ask user for confirmation
            print "Resource deleted in ROSRS: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Resource deleted in ROSRS: %s" % (resuri))
            deletedResCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_DELETE_ANNOTATION:
            if options.verbose:
                print "Annotation deleted in ROSRS: %s" % (resuri)
            log.debug("Annotation deleted in ROSRS: %s" % (resuri))
            deletedAnnCnt += 1
        elif action == ro_rosrs_sync.ACTION_ERROR:
            print resuri
    print "%d resources pushed, %d annotations pushed, %d resources deleted, %d annotations deleted" \
        % (pushedResCnt, pushedAnnCnt, deletedResCnt, deletedAnnCnt)
    return 0
def annotate(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Annotate a specified research object component

    ro annotate file attribute-name [ attribute-value ]
    ro link file attribute-name [ attribute-value ]
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    rodir = options.rodir or (not options.wildcard and os.path.dirname(args[2]))
    if len(args) == 3:
        # Using graph form
        ro_options = {
            # Usding graph annotation form
            "rofile":       args[2],
            "rodir":        rodir,
            "wildcard":     options.wildcard,
            "wild":         "-w " if options.wildcard else "",
            "graph":        options.graph or None,
            "defaultType":  "resource" if args[1] == "link" else "string",
            "rocmd":        progname,
            "anncmd":       args[1]
        ro_options = {
            # Usding explicit annotation form
            "rofile":       args[2],
            "rodir":        rodir,
            "wildcard":     options.wildcard,
            "wild":         "-w " if options.wildcard else "",
            "roattribute":  args[3],
            "rovalue":      args[4] if len(args) == 5 else None,
            "defaultType":  "resource" if args[1] == "link" else "string",
            "rocmd":        progname,
            "anncmd":       args[1]
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    # Find RO root directory
    ro_dir = ro_root_directory("%s %s" % (progname, args[1]), ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir: return 1
    if options.verbose:
        if len(args) == 3:
            print "%(rocmd)s %(anncmd)s -d %(rodir)s %(wild)s%(rofile)s -g %(graph)s " % (ro_options)
            print "%(rocmd)s %(anncmd)s -d %(rodir)s %(wild)s%(rofile)s %(roattribute)s \"%(rovalue)s\"" % ro_options
    # Read and update manifest and annotations
    # ---- local function to annotate a single entry ----
    def annotate_single(rofile):
        if len(args) == 3:
            # Add existing graph as annotation
            rometa.addGraphAnnotation(rofile, ro_options['graph'])
            # Create new annotation graph
                ro_options['roattribute'], ro_options['rovalue'],
    # ----
    rometa = ro_metadata(ro_config, ro_dir)
    if options.wildcard:
            rofilepattern = re.compile(ro_options['rofile'])
        except re.error as e:
            ro_options["err"] = str(e)
            print '''%(rocmd)s %(anncmd)s -w "%(rofile)s" <...> : %(err)s''' % ro_options
            return 1
        for rofile in [ str(r) for r in rometa.getAggregatedResources() if ]:
        rofile = ro_uriutils.resolveFileAsUri(ro_options['rofile'])  # Relative to CWD
    return 0
def create(progname, configbase, options, args):
    Create a new Research Object.

    ro create RO-name [ -d dir ] [ -i RO-ident ]
    ro_options = {
        "roname":  getoptionvalue(args[2], "Name of new research object: "),
        "rodir":   options.rodir or "",
        "roident": options.roident or ""
    log.debug("cwd: " + os.getcwd())
    log.debug("ro_options: " + repr(ro_options))
    ro_options['roident'] = ro_options['roident'] or ro_utils.ronametoident(ro_options['roname'])
    # Read local ro configuration and extract creator
    ro_config = ro_utils.readconfig(configbase)
    timestamp =
    ro_options['rocreator'] = ro_config['username']
    ro_options['rocreated'] = timestamp.isoformat()
    ro_dir = ro_utils.ropath(ro_config, ro_options['rodir'])
    if not ro_dir:
        print ("%s: research object not in configured research object directory tree: %s" % 
               (ro_utils.progname(args), ro_options['rodir']))
        return 1
    # Create directory for manifest
    if options.verbose:
        print "ro create \"%(roname)s\" -d \"%(rodir)s\" -i \"%(roident)s\"" % ro_options
    manifestdir = os.path.join(ro_dir, ro_settings.MANIFEST_DIR)
    log.debug("manifestdir: " + manifestdir)
    except OSError:
        if os.path.isdir(manifestdir):
            # Someone else created it...
            # See
            #          python-best-way-to-create-directory-if-it-doesnt-exist-for-file-write
            # There was an error on creation, so make sure we know about it
    # Create manifest file
    # @@TODO: create in-memory graph and serialize that
    manifestfilename = os.path.join(manifestdir, ro_settings.MANIFEST_FILE)
    log.debug("manifestfilename: " + manifestfilename)
    manifest = (
        """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <ro:ResearchObject rdf:about="">
            <!-- self-reference to include above details as annotation -->
                <ro:annotatesAggregatedResource rdf:resource="" />
                <ao:body rdf:resource=".ro/manifest.rdf" />
        """ % ro_options)
    log.debug("manifest: " + manifest)
    manifestfile = open(manifestfilename, 'w')
    return 0