def _load_stage_order(self):
     """ Loads the order of all stages from the stages.yaml configuration
     file """
     orders = load_yaml_file("/$$rpconfig/stages.yaml")
     if "global_stage_order" not in orders:
         self.error("Could not load stage order, root key does not exist!")
     self._stage_order = orders["global_stage_order"]
Beispiel #2
 def load_daytime_overrides(self, override_path):
     """ Loads an override file for the daytime settings, which contains
     values to override the settings with """
     overrides = load_yaml_file(override_path)
     if not overrides:
         self.warn("Failed to load daytime overrides")
     for plugin_id, settings in iteritems(overrides["control_points"] or {}):
         for setting_id, control_points in iteritems(settings):
             if setting_id not in self.day_settings[plugin_id]:
                 self.warn("Unkown daytime override:", plugin_id, ":", setting_id)
Beispiel #3
 def load_daytime_overrides(self, override_path):
     """ Loads an override file for the daytime settings, which contains
     values to override the settings with """
     overrides = load_yaml_file(override_path)
     if not overrides:
         self.warn("Failed to load daytime overrides")
     for plugin_id, settings in iteritems(overrides["control_points"]
                                          or {}):
         for setting_id, control_points in iteritems(settings):
             if setting_id not in self.day_settings[plugin_id]:
                 self.warn("Unkown daytime override:", plugin_id, ":",
Beispiel #4
 def load_setting_overrides(self, override_path):
     """ Loads an override file for the settings, which contains values to
     override the settings with """
     overrides = load_yaml_file(override_path)
     if not overrides:
         self.warn("Failed to load overrides")
     self.enabled_plugins = set(overrides["enabled"] or [])
     for plugin_id, pluginsettings in iteritems(overrides["overrides"] or {}):
         if plugin_id not in self.settings:
             self.warn("Unkown plugin in plugin config:", plugin_id)
         for setting_id, setting_val in iteritems(pluginsettings or {}):
             if setting_id not in self.settings[plugin_id]:
                 self.warn("Unkown override:", plugin_id, ":", setting_id)
Beispiel #5
    def do_load(self, filename):
        """ Internal method to load the effect from the given filename, do
        not use this directly, instead use load(). """
        self.filename = filename
        self.effect_name = self._convert_filename_to_name(filename)
        self.effect_hash = self._generate_hash(filename, self._options)

        # Load the YAML file
        parsed_yaml = load_yaml_file(filename) or {}

        # Construct a shader object for each pass
        for pass_id in self._PASSES:
            vertex_src = self._generated_shader_paths["vertex-" + pass_id]
            fragment_src = self._generated_shader_paths["fragment-" + pass_id]
            self._shader_objs[pass_id] = RPLoader.load_shader(vertex_src, fragment_src)
        return True
 def load_setting_overrides(self, override_path):
     """ Loads an override file for the settings, which contains values to
     override the settings with """
     overrides = load_yaml_file(override_path)
     if not overrides:
         self.warn("Failed to load overrides")
     self.enabled_plugins = set(overrides["enabled"] or [])
     for plugin_id, pluginsettings in iteritems(overrides["overrides"]
                                                or {}):
         if plugin_id not in self.settings:
             self.warn("Unkown plugin in plugin config:", plugin_id)
         for setting_id, setting_val in iteritems(pluginsettings or {}):
             if setting_id not in self.settings[plugin_id]:
                 self.warn("Unkown override:", plugin_id, ":", setting_id)
Beispiel #7
    def do_load(self, filename):
        """ Internal method to load the effect from the given filename, do
        not use this directly, instead use load(). """
        self.filename = filename
        self.effect_name = self._convert_filename_to_name(filename)
        self.effect_hash = self._generate_hash(filename, self._options)

        # Load the YAML file
        parsed_yaml = load_yaml_file(filename) or {}

        # Construct a shader object for each pass
        for pass_id in self._PASSES:
            vertex_src = self._generated_shader_paths["vertex-" + pass_id]
            fragment_src = self._generated_shader_paths["fragment-" + pass_id]
            self._shader_objs[pass_id] = RPLoader.load_shader(
                vertex_src, fragment_src)
        return True
Beispiel #8
    def load_plugin_settings(self, plugin_id, plugin_pth):
        """ Internal method to load all settings of a plugin, given its plugin
        id and path to the plugin base directory """
        config_file = join(plugin_pth, "config.yaml")
        config = load_yaml_file(config_file)
        # When you don't specify anything in the settings, instead of
        # returning an empty dictionary, pyyaml returns None
        config["settings"] = config["settings"] or []
        config["daytime_settings"] = config["daytime_settings"] or []

        settings = collections.OrderedDict(
            [(k, make_setting_from_data(v)) for k, v in config["settings"]])
        self.settings[plugin_id] = settings

        if self.requires_daytime_settings:
            daysettings = collections.OrderedDict(
                [(k, make_daysetting_from_data(v)) for k, v in config["daytime_settings"]])
            self.day_settings[plugin_id] = daysettings
    def _populate_content(self):
        """ Populates the windows content """

        # Reload config each time the window is opened so its easy to add new
        # render modes
        config = load_yaml_file("/$$rpconfig/debugging.yaml")

        debugger_content = self._content_node.attach_new_node("RenderModes")

        render_modes = [("Default", "", False, "", False)]

        # Read modes from configuration
        for mode in config["render_modes"]:
            data = [mode["name"], mode["key"]]
            data.append(mode.get("cxx_only", False))
            data.append(mode.get("requires", ""))
            data.append(mode.get("special", False))

        collection = CheckboxCollection()

        max_column_height = 9

        for idx, (mode, mode_id, requires_cxx, requires_plugin, special) in enumerate(render_modes):
            offs_y = (idx % max_column_height) * 24 + 35
            offs_x = (idx // max_column_height) * 220
            enabled = True
            if requires_cxx and not NATIVE_CXX_LOADED:
                enabled = False

            if requires_plugin:
                if not self._pipeline.plugin_mgr.is_plugin_enabled(requires_plugin):
                    enabled = False

            box = LabeledCheckbox(
                parent=debugger_content, x=offs_x, y=offs_y, text=mode.upper(),
                text_color=Vec3(0.4), radio=True, chb_checked=(mode_id == self._selected_mode),
                chb_callback=partial(self._set_render_mode, mode_id, special),
                text_size=14, expand_width=230, enabled=enabled)
Beispiel #10
    def load_plugin_settings(self, plugin_id, plugin_pth):
        """ Internal method to load all settings of a plugin, given its plugin
        id and path to the plugin base directory """
        config_file = join(plugin_pth, "config.yaml")
        config = load_yaml_file(config_file)
        # When you don't specify anything in the settings, instead of
        # returning an empty dictionary, pyyaml returns None
        config["settings"] = config["settings"] or []
        config["daytime_settings"] = config["daytime_settings"] or []

        settings = collections.OrderedDict([(k, make_setting_from_data(v))
                                            for k, v in config["settings"]])
        self.settings[plugin_id] = settings

        if self.requires_daytime_settings:
            daysettings = collections.OrderedDict([
                (k, make_daysetting_from_data(v))
                for k, v in config["daytime_settings"]
            self.day_settings[plugin_id] = daysettings
Beispiel #11
    def load_plugin_settings(self, plugin_id, plugin_pth):
        """ Internal method to load all settings of a plugin, given its plugin
        id and path to the plugin base directory """
        config_file = join(plugin_pth, "config.yaml")
        config = load_yaml_file(config_file)
        # When you don't specify anything in the settings, instead of
        # returning an empty dictionary, pyyaml returns None
        config["settings"] = config["settings"] or []
        config["daytime_settings"] = config["daytime_settings"] or []

        if isinstance(config["settings"], dict) or isinstance(config["daytime_settings"], dict) or \
            (config["settings"] and len(config["settings"][0]) != 2) or \
            (config["daytime_settings"] and len(config["daytime_settings"][0]) != 2):
            self.error("Malformed config for plugin", plugin_id, "- did you miss '!!omap' ?")

        settings = collections.OrderedDict(
            [(k, make_setting_from_data(v)) for k, v in config["settings"]])
        self.settings[plugin_id] = settings

        if self.requires_daytime_settings:
            daysettings = collections.OrderedDict(
                [(k, make_daysetting_from_data(v)) for k, v in config["daytime_settings"]])
            self.day_settings[plugin_id] = daysettings
 def _load_config(self):
     """ Loads the tasks distribution configuration """
     config = load_yaml_file("/$$rpconfig/task-scheduler.yaml")["frame_cycles"]
     for frame_name, tasks in config:
 def _load_config(self):
     """ Loads the tasks distribution configuration """
     config = load_yaml_file(
     for frame_name, tasks in config:  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
Beispiel #14
 def _load_config(self):
     """ Loads the gui configuration from config/debugging.yaml """
     self._config = load_yaml_file("/$$rpconfig/debugging.yaml")