Beispiel #1
 def test_singlefloat(self):
     buf = struct.pack('@ff', 12.3, 45.6)
     size = struct.calcsize('@f')
     x = self.str_storage_getitem(lltype.SingleFloat, buf, 0)
     assert x == r_singlefloat(12.3)
     x = self.str_storage_getitem(lltype.SingleFloat, buf, size)
     assert x == r_singlefloat(45.6)
Beispiel #2
 def test_simple_call_singlefloat_args(self, **kwds):
     kwds.setdefault('supports_singlefloats', True)
     kwds['expected_call_release_gil_f'] = kwds.pop('expected_call_release_gil', 1)
     kwds['expected_call_release_gil_i'] = 0
     self._run([types.float] * 2, types.double,
               [r_singlefloat(10.5), r_singlefloat(31.5)],
               -4.5, **kwds)
Beispiel #3
 def test_simple_call_singlefloat_args(self, **kwds):
     kwds.setdefault('supports_singlefloats', True)
     kwds['expected_call_release_gil_f'] = kwds.pop('expected_call_release_gil', 1)
     kwds['expected_call_release_gil_i'] = 0
     self._run([types.float] * 2, types.double,
               [r_singlefloat(10.5), r_singlefloat(31.5)],
               -4.5, **kwds)
def test_float_array_at(monkeypatch):
    space, interp, image, reader = read_image("Squeak4.3.image")
    prim_res = []
    st_res = []

    w_FloatArray = space.smalltalk_at("FloatArray")
    w_ary = W_WordsObject(space, w_FloatArray, 1)

    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import singlefloat2uint, uint2singlefloat
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat
    w_ary.setword(0, singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(1.5)))

    prim_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:", w_arguments=[space.w(1)]))
    prim_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:put:", w_arguments=[space.w(1), space.w(12.5)]))
    prim_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:", w_arguments=[space.w(1)]))
    assert [space.unwrap_float(w) for w in prim_res] == [1.5, 12.5, 12.5]

    from rsqueakvm.primitives.control import ExternalPlugins
    from rsqueakvm.plugins.float_array_plugin import FloatArrayPlugin

    for p in ExternalPlugins:
        if p is FloatArrayPlugin:
            monkeypatch.delitem(p.primitives, "primitiveAt")
            monkeypatch.delitem(p.primitives, "primitiveAtPut")
        w_ary.setword(0, singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(1.5)))
        st_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:", w_arguments=[space.w(1)]))
        st_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:put:", w_arguments=[space.w(1), space.w(12.5)]))
        st_res.append(interp.perform(w_ary, "at:", w_arguments=[space.w(1)]))
        assert [space.unwrap_float(w) for w in st_res] == [1.5, 12.5, 12.5]
Beispiel #5
 def test_singlefloat(self):
     buf = struct.pack('@ff', 12.3, 45.6)
     size = struct.calcsize('@f')
     x = self.str_storage_getitem(lltype.SingleFloat, buf, 0)
     assert x == r_singlefloat(12.3)
     x = self.str_storage_getitem(lltype.SingleFloat, buf, size)
     assert x == r_singlefloat(45.6)
Beispiel #6
def test_r_singlefloat_eq():
    x = r_singlefloat(2.5)  # exact number
    y = r_singlefloat(2.5)
    assert x == y
    assert not x != y
    assert not x == 2.5
    assert x != 2.5
    py.test.raises(TypeError, "x>y")
Beispiel #7
def test_r_singlefloat_eq():
    x = r_singlefloat(2.5)       # exact number
    y = r_singlefloat(2.5)
    assert x == y
    assert not x != y
    assert not x == 2.5
    assert x != 2.5
    py.test.raises(TypeError, "x>y")
Beispiel #8
    def test_cast(self):
        res = cast(SIZE_T, -1)
        assert type(res) is r_size_t
        assert res == r_size_t(-1)
        res = cast(lltype.Signed, 42.5)
        assert res == 42

        res = cast(lltype.SingleFloat, 12.3)
        assert res == r_singlefloat(12.3)
        res = cast(lltype.SingleFloat, res)
        assert res == r_singlefloat(12.3)

        res = cast(lltype.Float, r_singlefloat(12.))
        assert res == 12.
Beispiel #9
    def test_cast(self):
        res = cast(SIZE_T, -1)
        assert type(res) is r_size_t
        assert res == r_size_t(-1)
        res = cast(lltype.Signed, 42.5)
        assert res == 42

        res = cast(lltype.SingleFloat, 12.3)
        assert res == r_singlefloat(12.3)
        res = cast(lltype.SingleFloat, res)
        assert res == r_singlefloat(12.3)

        res = cast(lltype.Float, r_singlefloat(12.))
        assert res == 12.
Beispiel #10
 def test_single_float_args(self):
         float sum_xy_float(float x, float y)
             return x+y;
     from ctypes import c_float # this is used only to compute the expected result
     libfoo = self.get_libfoo()
     func = (libfoo, 'sum_xy_float', [types.float, types.float], types.float)
     x = r_singlefloat(12.34)
     y = r_singlefloat(56.78)
     res =, [x, y], rffi.FLOAT, jitif=["singlefloats"])
     expected = c_float(c_float(12.34).value + c_float(56.78).value).value
     assert float(res) == expected
Beispiel #11
    def change_current_fraction(self, hash, new_fraction):
        """Change the value stored for 'hash' to be the given 'new_fraction',
        which should be a float equal to or slightly lower than 1.0.
        p_entry = self.timetable[self._get_index(hash)]
        subhash = self._get_subhash(hash)

        # find in 'n' the index that will be overwritten: the first within
        # range(5) that contains either the right subhash, or a null time
        # (or, if there isn't any, then just n == 4 will do).
        n = 0
        while n < 4 and (p_entry.subhashes[n] != subhash
                         and float(p_entry.times[n]) != 0.0):
            n += 1

        # move one step to the right all elements [n - 1, n - 2, ..., 0],
        # (this overwrites the old item at index 'n')
        while n > 0:
            n -= 1
            p_entry.subhashes[n + 1] = p_entry.subhashes[n]
            p_entry.times[n + 1] = p_entry.times[n]

        # insert the new hash at index 0.  This is a good approximation,
        # because change_current_fraction() should be used for
        # new_fraction == value close to 1.0.
        p_entry.subhashes[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, subhash)
        p_entry.times[0] = r_singlefloat(new_fraction)
Beispiel #12
def test_annotation_to_lltype():
    s_i = SomeInteger()
    s_pos = SomeInteger(nonneg=True)
    s_1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True)
    s_1.const = 1
    s_m1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=False)
    s_m1.const = -1
    s_u = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True)
    s_u1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True)
    s_u1.const = r_uint(1)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_i) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_pos) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_m1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u1) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeBool()) == lltype.Bool
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeChar()) == lltype.Char
    PS = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('s'))
    s_p = SomePtr(ll_ptrtype=PS)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_p) == PS
    si0 = SomeInstance(DummyClassDef(), True)
    with py.test.raises(ValueError):
    s_singlefloat = SomeSingleFloat()
    s_singlefloat.const = r_singlefloat(0.0)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_singlefloat) == lltype.SingleFloat
Beispiel #13
def detect_floatformat():
    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
    buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, 8, flavor='raw')
    rffi.cast(rffi.DOUBLEP, buf)[0] = 9006104071832581.0
    packed = rffi.charpsize2str(buf, 8)
    if packed == "\x43\x3f\xff\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05":
        double_format = 'IEEE, big-endian'
    elif packed == "\x05\x04\x03\x02\x01\xff\x3f\x43":
        double_format = 'IEEE, little-endian'
        double_format = 'unknown', flavor='raw')
    buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, 4, flavor='raw')
    rffi.cast(rffi.FLOATP, buf)[0] = rarithmetic.r_singlefloat(16711938.0)
    packed = rffi.charpsize2str(buf, 4)
    if packed == "\x4b\x7f\x01\x02":
        float_format = 'IEEE, big-endian'
    elif packed == "\x02\x01\x7f\x4b":
        float_format = 'IEEE, little-endian'
        float_format = 'unknown', flavor='raw')

    return double_format, float_format
Beispiel #14
def test_contains_unsupported_variable_type():
    def f(x):
        return x
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [5])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                assert not contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf,
                                                              sll, ssf)
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [5.5])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res is not sf
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [r_singlefloat(5.5)])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res == (not ssf)
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [r_longlong(5)])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res == (sys.maxint == 2147483647 and not sll)
Beispiel #15
 def _singlefloat(self, w_ffitype, w_obj):
     # a separate function, which can be seen by the jit or not,
     # depending on whether singlefloats are supported
     from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat
     floatval =
     singlefloatval = r_singlefloat(floatval)
     self.handle_singlefloat(w_ffitype, w_obj, singlefloatval)
Beispiel #16
 def _singlefloat(self, w_ffitype, w_obj):
     # a separate function, which can be seen by the jit or not,
     # depending on whether singlefloats are supported
     from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat
     floatval =, allow_conversion=False)
     singlefloatval = r_singlefloat(floatval)
     self.handle_singlefloat(w_ffitype, w_obj, singlefloatval)
Beispiel #17
    def change_current_fraction(self, hash, new_fraction):
        """Change the value stored for 'hash' to be the given 'new_fraction',
        which should be a float equal to or slightly lower than 1.0.
        p_entry = self.timetable[self._get_index(hash)]
        subhash = self._get_subhash(hash)

        # find in 'n' the index that will be overwritten: the first within
        # range(5) that contains either the right subhash, or a null time
        # (or, if there isn't any, then just n == 4 will do).
        n = 0
        while n < 4 and (p_entry.subhashes[n] != subhash and
                         float(p_entry.times[n]) != 0.0):
            n += 1

        # move one step to the right all elements [n - 1, n - 2, ..., 0],
        # (this overwrites the old item at index 'n')
        while n > 0:
            n -= 1
            p_entry.subhashes[n + 1] = p_entry.subhashes[n]
            p_entry.times[n + 1]     = p_entry.times[n]

        # insert the new hash at index 0.  This is a good approximation,
        # because change_current_fraction() should be used for
        # new_fraction == value close to 1.0.
        p_entry.subhashes[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, subhash)
        p_entry.times[0]     = r_singlefloat(new_fraction)
def primitiveAtPut(interp, s_frame, words, index0, w_float):
    value =
        words[index0] = r_uint(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(value)))
    except IndexError:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError
    return w_float
Beispiel #19
def test_contains_unsupported_variable_type():
    def f(x):
        return x

    graph = support.getgraph(f, [5])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                assert not contains_unsupported_variable_type(
                    graph, sf, sll, ssf)
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [5.5])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res is not sf
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [r_singlefloat(5.5)])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res == (not ssf)
    graph = support.getgraph(f, [r_longlong(5)])
    for sf in [False, True]:
        for sll in [False, True]:
            for ssf in [False, True]:
                res = contains_unsupported_variable_type(graph, sf, sll, ssf)
                assert res == (sys.maxint == 2147483647 and not sll)
Beispiel #20
def test_annotation_to_lltype():
    s_i = SomeInteger()
    s_pos = SomeInteger(nonneg=True)
    s_1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True)
    s_1.const = 1
    s_m1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=False)
    s_m1.const = -1
    s_u = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True)
    s_u1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True)
    s_u1.const = r_uint(1)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_i) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_pos) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_m1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u1) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeBool()) == lltype.Bool
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeChar()) == lltype.Char
    PS = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('s'))
    s_p = SomePtr(ll_ptrtype=PS)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_p) == PS
    si0 = SomeInstance(DummyClassDef(), True)
    with py.test.raises(ValueError):
    s_singlefloat = SomeSingleFloat()
    s_singlefloat.const = r_singlefloat(0.0)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_singlefloat) == lltype.SingleFloat
    def test_call_with_singlefloats(self):
        cpu = self.cpu
        if not cpu.supports_floats or not cpu.supports_singlefloats:
            py.test.skip('requires floats and singlefloats')

        import random
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat

        def func(*args):
            res = 0.0
            for i, x in enumerate(args):
                res += (i + 1.1) * float(x)
            return res

        F = lltype.Float
        S = lltype.SingleFloat
        I = lltype.Signed
        floats = [random.random() - 0.5 for i in range(20)]
        singlefloats = [
            r_singlefloat(random.random() - 0.5) for i in range(20)
        ints = [random.randrange(-99, 99) for i in range(20)]
        for repeat in range(100):
            args = []
            argvalues = []
            argslist = []
            local_floats = list(floats)
            local_singlefloats = list(singlefloats)
            local_ints = list(ints)
            for i in range(random.randrange(4, 20)):
                case = random.randrange(0, 6)
                if case & 1: boxme = InputArgInt
                else: boxme = ConstInt
                if case < 2:
                    arg = arg1 = local_floats.pop()
                    if case & 1: boxme = boxfloat
                    else: boxme = constfloat
                elif case < 4:
                    arg = local_singlefloats.pop()
                    arg1 = longlong.singlefloat2int(arg)
                    arg = arg1 = local_ints.pop()
            FUNC = self.FuncType(args, F)
            FPTR = self.Ptr(FUNC)
            func_ptr = llhelper(FPTR, func)
            calldescr = cpu.calldescrof(FUNC, FUNC.ARGS, FUNC.RESULT,
            funcbox = self.get_funcbox(cpu, func_ptr)

            res = self.execute_operation(rop.CALL_F, [funcbox] + argslist,
            expected = func(*argvalues)
            res = longlong.getrealfloat(res)
            assert abs(res - expected) < 0.0001
Beispiel #22
def primitiveAtPut(interp, s_frame, words, index0, w_float):
    value =
        words[index0] = r_uint(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(value)))
    except IndexError:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError
    return w_float
Beispiel #23
 def __init__(self, space, default):
     self.valid_default = False
         fval = float(rfloat.rstring_to_float(default))
         self.valid_default = True
     except Exception:
         fval = float(0.)
     self.default = rffi.cast(rffi.FLOAT, r_singlefloat(fval))
Beispiel #24
 def test_single_float_args(self):
         float sum_xy_float(float x, float y)
             return x+y;
     from ctypes import c_float  # this is used only to compute the expected result
     libfoo = self.get_libfoo()
     func = (libfoo, 'sum_xy_float', [types.float,
                                      types.float], types.float)
     x = r_singlefloat(12.34)
     y = r_singlefloat(56.78)
     res =, [x, y], rffi.FLOAT, jitif=["singlefloats"])
     expected = c_float(c_float(12.34).value + c_float(56.78).value).value
     assert float(res) == expected
    def test_call_with_singlefloats(self):
        cpu = self.cpu
        if not cpu.supports_floats or not cpu.supports_singlefloats:
            py.test.skip('requires floats and singlefloats')

        import random
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat

        def func(*args):
            res = 0.0
            for i, x in enumerate(args):
                res += (i + 1.1) * float(x)
            return res

        F = lltype.Float
        S = lltype.SingleFloat
        I = lltype.Signed
        floats = [random.random() - 0.5 for i in range(20)]
        singlefloats = [r_singlefloat(random.random() - 0.5) for i in range(20)]
        ints = [random.randrange(-99, 99) for i in range(20)]
        for repeat in range(100):
            args = []
            argvalues = []
            argslist = []
            local_floats = list(floats)
            local_singlefloats = list(singlefloats)
            local_ints = list(ints)
            for i in range(random.randrange(4, 20)):
                case = random.randrange(0, 6)
                if case & 1: boxme = InputArgInt
                else:        boxme = ConstInt
                if case < 2:
                    arg = arg1 = local_floats.pop()
                    if case & 1: boxme = boxfloat
                    else:        boxme = constfloat
                elif case < 4:
                    arg = local_singlefloats.pop()
                    arg1 = longlong.singlefloat2int(arg)
                    arg = arg1 = local_ints.pop()
            FUNC = self.FuncType(args, F)
            FPTR = self.Ptr(FUNC)
            func_ptr = llhelper(FPTR, func)
            calldescr = cpu.calldescrof(FUNC, FUNC.ARGS, FUNC.RESULT,
            funcbox = self.get_funcbox(cpu, func_ptr)

            res = self.execute_operation(rop.CALL_F,
                                         [funcbox] + argslist,
                                         'float', descr=calldescr)
            expected = func(*argvalues)
            res = longlong.getrealfloat(res)
            assert abs(res - expected) < 0.0001
Beispiel #26
def test_specialize_value():
    assert specialize_value(lltype.Char, 0x41) == '\x41'
    if longlong.supports_longlong:
        import sys
        value = longlong.r_float_storage(sys.maxint*17)
        assert specialize_value(lltype.SignedLongLong, value) == sys.maxint*17
    sfval = r_singlefloat(42.5)
    ival = longlong.singlefloat2int(sfval)
    assert specialize_value(rffi.FLOAT, ival) == sfval
Beispiel #27
def test_specialize_value():
    assert specialize_value(lltype.Char, 0x41) == '\x41'
    if longlong.supports_longlong:
        import sys
        value = longlong.r_float_storage(sys.maxint*17)
        assert specialize_value(lltype.SignedLongLong, value) == sys.maxint*17
    sfval = r_singlefloat(42.5)
    ival = longlong.singlefloat2int(sfval)
    assert specialize_value(rffi.FLOAT, ival) == sfval
Beispiel #28
 def test_gc_load_indexed(self):
     buf = struct.pack('dfi', 123.456, 123.456, 0x12345678)
     val = self.gc_load_from_string(rffi.DOUBLE, buf, 0)
     assert val == 123.456
     val = self.gc_load_from_string(rffi.FLOAT, buf, 8)
     assert val == r_singlefloat(123.456)
     val = self.gc_load_from_string(rffi.INT, buf, 12)
     assert val == 0x12345678
Beispiel #29
def c_call_f(space, cppmethod, cppobject, nargs, cargs):
    args = [
    return rffi.cast(
        r_singlefloat(space.float_w(call_capi(space, 'call_f', args))))
Beispiel #30
def pack_float(pack_obj, fmtdesc, count):
    for _ in xrange(count):
        value =
        floatval = r_singlefloat(value)
        value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
        value = widen(value)

        for i in range(fmtdesc.size):
            pack_obj.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
Beispiel #31
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    if std.pack_fastpath(rffi.FLOAT)(fmtiter, floatval):
    # slow path
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    value = intmask(value)
    pack_float_to_buffer(fmtiter.wbuf, fmtiter.pos, value, 4, fmtiter.bigendian)
Beispiel #32
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    if fmtiter.bigendian:
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            x = (value >> (8 * i)) & 0xff
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            fmtiter.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
Beispiel #33
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    if fmtiter.bigendian:
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            x = (value >> (8*i)) & 0xff
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            fmtiter.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
Beispiel #34
def test_call_stubs_single_float():
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import uint2singlefloat, singlefloat2uint
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat, intmask
    c0 = GcCache(False)
    ARGS = [lltype.SingleFloat, lltype.SingleFloat, lltype.SingleFloat]
    RES = lltype.SingleFloat

    def f(a, b, c):
        a = float(a)
        b = float(b)
        c = float(c)
        x = a - (b / c)
        return r_singlefloat(x)

    fnptr = llhelper(lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(ARGS, RES)), f)
    descr2 = get_call_descr(c0, ARGS, RES)
    a = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(-10.0)))
    b = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(3.0)))
    c = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(2.0)))
    res = descr2.call_stub_i(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, fnptr),
                             [a, b, c], [], [])
    assert float(uint2singlefloat(rffi.r_uint(res))) == -11.5
Beispiel #35
def test_call_stubs_single_float():
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import uint2singlefloat, singlefloat2uint
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat, intmask
    c0 = GcCache(False)
    ARGS = [lltype.SingleFloat, lltype.SingleFloat, lltype.SingleFloat]
    RES = lltype.SingleFloat

    def f(a, b, c):
        a = float(a)
        b = float(b)
        c = float(c)
        x = a - (b / c)
        return r_singlefloat(x)

    fnptr = llhelper(lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(ARGS, RES)), f)
    descr2 = get_call_descr(c0, ARGS, RES)
    a = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(-10.0)))
    b = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(3.0)))
    c = intmask(singlefloat2uint(r_singlefloat(2.0)))
    res = descr2.call_stub_i(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, fnptr),
                             [a, b, c], [], [])
    assert float(uint2singlefloat(rffi.r_uint(res))) == -11.5
Beispiel #36
 def _tick_slowpath(self, p_entry, subhash):
     if p_entry.subhashes[1] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 0)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[2] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 1)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[3] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 2)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[4] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 3)
         n = 4
         while n > 0 and float(p_entry.times[n - 1]) == 0.0:
             n -= 1
         p_entry.subhashes[n] = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, subhash)
         p_entry.times[n] = r_singlefloat(0.0)
     return n
Beispiel #37
 def _tick_slowpath(self, p_entry, subhash):
     if p_entry.subhashes[1] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 0)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[2] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 1)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[3] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 2)
     elif p_entry.subhashes[4] == subhash:
         n = self._swap(p_entry, 3)
         n = 4
         while n > 0 and float(p_entry.times[n - 1]) == 0.0:
             n -= 1
         p_entry.subhashes[n] = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, subhash)
         p_entry.times[n] = r_singlefloat(0.0)
     return n
Beispiel #38
 def tick(self, hash, increment):
     p_entry = self.timetable[self._get_index(hash)]
     subhash = self._get_subhash(hash)
     if p_entry.subhashes[0] == subhash:
         n = 0
         n = self._tick_slowpath(p_entry, subhash)
     counter = float(p_entry.times[n]) + increment
     if counter < 1.0:
         p_entry.times[n] = r_singlefloat(counter)
         return False
         # when the bound is reached, we immediately reset the value to 0.0
         return True
Beispiel #39
 def tick(self, hash, increment):
     p_entry = self.timetable[self._get_index(hash)]
     subhash = self._get_subhash(hash)
     if p_entry.subhashes[0] == subhash:
         n = 0
         n = self._tick_slowpath(p_entry, subhash)
     counter = float(p_entry.times[n]) + increment
     if counter < 1.0:
         p_entry.times[n] = r_singlefloat(counter)
         return False
         # when the bound is reached, we immediately reset the value to 0.0
         return True
Beispiel #40
 def test_struct_fields_singlefloat(self):
     POINT = lltype.Struct('POINT',
                           ('x', rffi.FLOAT),
                           ('y', rffi.FLOAT)
     y_ofs = 4
     p = lltype.malloc(POINT, flavor='raw')
     p.x = r_singlefloat(123.4)
     p.y = r_singlefloat(567.8)
     addr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, p)
     assert struct_getfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, 0) == r_singlefloat(123.4)
     assert struct_getfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, y_ofs) == r_singlefloat(567.8)
     struct_setfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, 0, r_singlefloat(321.0))
     struct_setfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, y_ofs, r_singlefloat(876.5))
     assert p.x == r_singlefloat(321.0)
     assert p.y == r_singlefloat(876.5)
     #, flavor='raw')
Beispiel #41
 def test_struct_fields_singlefloat(self):
     POINT = lltype.Struct('POINT', ('x', rffi.FLOAT), ('y', rffi.FLOAT))
     y_ofs = 4
     p = lltype.malloc(POINT, flavor='raw')
     p.x = r_singlefloat(123.4)
     p.y = r_singlefloat(567.8)
     addr = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, p)
     assert struct_getfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr,
                                        0) == r_singlefloat(123.4)
     assert struct_getfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr,
                                        y_ofs) == r_singlefloat(567.8)
     struct_setfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, 0,
     struct_setfield_singlefloat(types.double, addr, y_ofs,
     assert p.x == r_singlefloat(321.0)
     assert p.y == r_singlefloat(876.5)
     #, flavor='raw')
Beispiel #42
def test_wrap():
    def InputArgInt(a):
        i = IntFrontendOp(0)
        return i

    def InputArgFloat(a):
        i = FloatFrontendOp(0)
        return i

    def InputArgRef(a):
        i = RefFrontendOp(0)
        return i

    def boxfloat(x):
        return InputArgFloat(longlong.getfloatstorage(x))

    def _is(box1, box2):
        return (box1.__class__ == box2.__class__ and
                box1.getvalue() == box2.getvalue())
    p = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcStruct('S'))
    po = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, p)
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42), InputArgInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5), boxfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p), InputArgRef(po))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5, in_const_box=True), constfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p, in_const_box=True), ConstPtr(po))
    if longlong.supports_longlong:
        import sys
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
        value = r_longlong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value), InputArgFloat(value))
        assert _is(wrap(None, value, in_const_box=True), ConstFloat(value))
        value_unsigned = r_ulonglong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value_unsigned), InputArgFloat(value))
    sfval = r_singlefloat(42.5)
    ival = longlong.singlefloat2int(sfval)
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval), InputArgInt(ival))
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(ival))
Beispiel #43
def test_annotation_to_lltype():
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint, r_singlefloat
    s_i = SomeInteger()
    s_pos = SomeInteger(nonneg=True)
    s_1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True); s_1.const = 1
    s_m1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=False); s_m1.const = -1
    s_u = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True);
    s_u1 = SomeInteger(nonneg=True, unsigned=True);
    s_u1.const = r_uint(1)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_i) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_pos) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_m1) == lltype.Signed
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_u1) == lltype.Unsigned
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeBool()) == lltype.Bool
    assert annotation_to_lltype(SomeChar()) == lltype.Char
    PS = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('s'))
    s_p = SomePtr(ll_ptrtype=PS)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_p) == PS
    py.test.raises(ValueError, "annotation_to_lltype(si0)")
    s_singlefloat = SomeSingleFloat()
    s_singlefloat.const = r_singlefloat(0.0)
    assert annotation_to_lltype(s_singlefloat) == lltype.SingleFloat
Beispiel #44
def test_wrap():
    def _is(box1, box2):
        return (box1.__class__ == box2.__class__ and
                box1.value == box2.value)
    p = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcStruct('S'))
    po = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, p)
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42), BoxInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5), boxfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p), BoxPtr(po))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5, in_const_box=True), constfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p, in_const_box=True), ConstPtr(po))
    if longlong.supports_longlong:
        import sys
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
        value = r_longlong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value), BoxFloat(value))
        assert _is(wrap(None, value, in_const_box=True), ConstFloat(value))
        value_unsigned = r_ulonglong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value_unsigned), BoxFloat(value))
    sfval = r_singlefloat(42.5)
    ival = longlong.singlefloat2int(sfval)
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval), BoxInt(ival))
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(ival))
Beispiel #45
def test_wrap():
    def _is(box1, box2):
        return (box1.__class__ == box2.__class__ and
                box1.value == box2.value)
    p = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcStruct('S'))
    po = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, p)
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42), BoxInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5), boxfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p), BoxPtr(po))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(42))
    assert _is(wrap(None, 42.5, in_const_box=True), constfloat(42.5))
    assert _is(wrap(None, p, in_const_box=True), ConstPtr(po))
    if longlong.supports_longlong:
        import sys
        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
        value = r_longlong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value), BoxFloat(value))
        assert _is(wrap(None, value, in_const_box=True), ConstFloat(value))
        value_unsigned = r_ulonglong(-sys.maxint*17)
        assert _is(wrap(None, value_unsigned), BoxFloat(value))
    sfval = r_singlefloat(42.5)
    ival = longlong.singlefloat2int(sfval)
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval), BoxInt(ival))
    assert _is(wrap(None, sfval, in_const_box=True), ConstInt(ival))
Beispiel #46
def c_call_f(space, cppmethod, cppobject, nargs, cargs):
    args = [_Arg(h=cppmethod), _Arg(h=cppobject), _Arg(l=nargs), _Arg(vp=cargs)]
    return rffi.cast(rffi.FLOAT, r_singlefloat(space.float_w(call_capi(space, 'call_f', args))))
Beispiel #47
 def f(x):
     a = r_singlefloat(x)
     b = r_singlefloat(x+1)
     return a == b
Beispiel #48
def test_r_singlefloat():
    x = r_singlefloat(2.5)       # exact number
    assert float(x) == 2.5
    x = r_singlefloat(2.1)       # approximate number, bits are lost
    assert float(x) != 2.1
    assert abs(float(x) - 2.1) < 1E-6
Beispiel #49
def jit_ffi_call_impl_singlefloat(cif_description, func_addr, exchange_buffer):
    jit_ffi_call_impl_any(cif_description, func_addr, exchange_buffer)
    return r_singlefloat(-1.0)
Beispiel #50
 def __init__(self, space, default):
     if default:
         fval = float(rfloat.rstring_to_float(default))
         fval = float(0.)
     self.default = r_singlefloat(fval)
Beispiel #51
def test_compiled_single():
    fn2 = compile(fnsingle, [float])
    for x in enum_floats():
        res = fn2(x)
        assert repr(res) == repr(float(r_singlefloat(x)))
Beispiel #52
from rpython.rtyper import rtyper
from rpython.rtyper.rmodel import inputconst
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint, r_longlong, r_ulonglong
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat, r_longfloat
from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert
from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import lltype_to_annotation
from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import MixLevelHelperAnnotator
from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name

PrimitiveErrorValue = {
    lltype.Signed: -1,
    lltype.Unsigned: r_uint(-1),
    lltype.SignedLongLong: r_longlong(-1),
    lltype.UnsignedLongLong: r_ulonglong(-1),
    lltype.Float: -1.0,
    lltype.SingleFloat: r_singlefloat(-1.0),
    lltype.LongFloat: r_longfloat(-1.0),
    lltype.Char: chr(255),
    lltype.UniChar: unichr(0xFFFF),  # XXX is this always right?
    lltype.Bool: True,
    llmemory.Address: llmemory.NULL,
    lltype.Void: None

for TYPE in rffi.NUMBER_TYPES:
    PrimitiveErrorValue[TYPE] = lltype.cast_primitive(TYPE, -1)
del TYPE

def error_value(T):
    if isinstance(T, lltype.Primitive):
Beispiel #53
 def test_float_and_double(self):
     space =
     self.check(app_types.float, space.wrap(12.34), r_singlefloat(12.34))
     self.check(app_types.double, space.wrap(12.34), 12.34)
Beispiel #54
def fnsingle(f1):
    sf1 = r_singlefloat(f1)
    ii = singlefloat2uint(sf1)
    sf2 = uint2singlefloat(ii)
    f2 = float(sf2)
    return f2
Beispiel #55
 def test_simple_call_singlefloat(self, **kwds):
     kwds.setdefault('supports_singlefloats', True)
     self._run([types.float] * 2, types.float,
               [r_singlefloat(10.5), r_singlefloat(31.5)],
               r_singlefloat(-4.5), **kwds)
Beispiel #56
 def _unwrap_object(self, space, w_obj):
     return r_singlefloat(space.float_w(w_obj))
Beispiel #57
def test_int_as_singlefloat():
    for x in enum_floats():
        res = fnsingle(x)
        assert repr(res) == repr(float(r_singlefloat(x)))