Beispiel #1
 def test_intersection_area(self):
     """Tests getting the intersection area of two intersecting rectangles"""
     # Arrange
     r1 = Rect(min_x=0, min_y=0, max_x=4, max_y=4)
     r2 = Rect(min_x=2, min_y=2, max_x=5, max_y=5)
     # Act
     area = r1.get_intersection_area(r2)
     # Assert
     self.assertEqual(4, area)
Beispiel #2
 def test_intersection_area_disjoint_y_overlap(self):
     Tests getting the intersection area of two disjoint rectangles where there is overlap in the y-dimension but not
     in the x-dimension.
     # Arrange
     r1 = Rect(min_x=0, min_y=0, max_x=2, max_y=4)
     r2 = Rect(min_x=2, min_y=2, max_x=3, max_y=3)
     # Act
     area = r1.get_intersection_area(r2)
     # Assert
     self.assertEqual(0, area)
Beispiel #3
 def test_intersection_area_disjoint(self):
     Tests getting the intersection area of two completely disjoint (non-intersecting) rectangles with no overlap in
     either dimension.
     # Arrange
     r1 = Rect(min_x=0, min_y=0, max_x=3, max_y=3)
     r2 = Rect(min_x=5, min_y=5, max_x=8, max_y=8)
     # Act
     area = r1.get_intersection_area(r2)
     # Assert
     self.assertEqual(0, area)