Beispiel #1
def add_scope(scope, account, session=None):
    """ add a scope for the given account name.

    :param scope: the name for the new scope.
    :param account: the account to add the scope to.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    if not vo_exists(vo=scope.vo, session=session):
        raise VONotFound('VO {} not found'.format(scope.vo))

    result = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(
        account=account, status=AccountStatus.ACTIVE).first()
    if result is None:
        raise AccountNotFound('Account ID \'%s\' does not exist' % account)

    new_scope = models.Scope(scope=scope,
    except IntegrityError as e:
        if match('.*IntegrityError.*ORA-00001: unique constraint.*SCOPES_PK.*violated.*', e.args[0]) \
                or match('.*IntegrityError.*Duplicate entry.*for key.*', e.args[0]) \
                or match('.*IntegrityError.*UNIQUE constraint failed: scopes.scope.*', e.args[0]) \
                or match('.*IntegrityError.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', e.args[0]) \
                or match('.*UniqueViolation.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', e.args[0]) \
                or match('.*IntegrityError.*columns? .*not unique.*', e.args[0]):
            raise Duplicate('Scope \'%s\' already exists!' % scope)
            raise RucioException(e)
        raise RucioException(str(format_exc()))
Beispiel #2
def get_rses_to_process(rses, include_rses, exclude_rses, vos):
    Return the list of RSEs to process based on rses, include_rses and exclude_rses

    :param rses:               List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param exclude_rses:       RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses:       RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos:                VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                               If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def",

    :returns: A list of RSEs to process
    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.log(logging.WARNING, 'Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]
        logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    cache_key = 'rses_to_process'
    if multi_vo:
        cache_key += '@%s' % '-'.join(vo for vo in vos)
    result = REGION.get(cache_key)
    if result is not NO_VALUE:
        return result

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    REGION.set(cache_key, rses)
    logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: %s', ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))
    return rses
Beispiel #3
def get_conveyor_rses(rses=None, include_rses=None, exclude_rses=None, vos=None, logger=logging.log):
    Get a list of rses for conveyor

    :param rses:          List of rses (Single-VO only)
    :param include_rses:  RSEs to include
    :param exclude_rses:  RSEs to exclude
    :param vos:           VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                          If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def", or the current VO otherwise.
    :param logger:        Optional decorated logger that can be passed from the calling daemons or servers.
    :return:              List of working rses
    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logger(logging.WARNING, 'Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]
        logger(logging.INFO, 'This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    working_rses = []
    rses_list = []
    for vo in vos:
        rses_list.extend(list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))
    if rses:
        working_rses = [rse for rse in rses_list if rse['rse'] in rses]

    if include_rses:
        for vo in vos:
                parsed_rses = parse_expression(include_rses, filter={'vo': vo}, session=None)
            except InvalidRSEExpression:
                logger(logging.ERROR, "Invalid RSE exception %s to include RSEs", include_rses)
                for rse in parsed_rses:
                    if rse not in working_rses:

    if not (rses or include_rses):
        working_rses = rses_list

    if exclude_rses:
            parsed_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses, session=None)
        except InvalidRSEExpression as error:
            logger(logging.ERROR, "Invalid RSE exception %s to exclude RSEs: %s", exclude_rses, error)
            working_rses = [rse for rse in working_rses if rse not in parsed_rses]

    working_rses = [rsemgr.get_rse_info(rse_id=rse['id']) for rse in working_rses]
    return working_rses
Beispiel #4
def run(total_workers=1, chunk_size=100, threads_per_worker=None, once=False, greedy=False, rses=[], scheme=None, exclude_rses=None, include_rses=None, vos=None, delay_seconds=0):
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param total_workers: The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size: the size of chunk for deletion.
    :param threads_per_worker: Total number of threads created by each worker.
    :param once: If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param greedy: If True, delete right away replicas with tombstone.
    :param rses: List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs.
    :param scheme: Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses: RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses: RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def", or the current VO otherwise.
    if rucio.db.sqla.util.is_old_db():
        raise DatabaseException('Database was not updated, daemon won\'t start')'Reaper1 daemon will be deprecated and replaced by reaper2 with Rucio release 1.25 (~March 2021)!')'main: starting processes')

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.warning('Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]'Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(rse_core.list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')
        return'Reaper: This instance will work on RSEs: ' + ', '.join([rse['rse'] for rse in rses]))

    threads = []
    nb_rses_per_worker = int(math.ceil(len(rses) / float(total_workers))) or 1
    rses = random.sample(rses, len(rses))
    for worker in range(total_workers):
        for child in range(threads_per_worker or 1):
            rses_list = rses[worker * nb_rses_per_worker: worker * nb_rses_per_worker + nb_rses_per_worker]
            if not rses_list:
                logging.warning('Reaper: Empty RSEs list for worker %(worker)s' % locals())
            kwargs = {'worker_number': worker,
                      'child_number': child,
                      'total_children': threads_per_worker or 1,
                      'once': once,
                      'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                      'greedy': greedy,
                      'rses': rses_list,
                      'delay_seconds': delay_seconds,
                      'scheme': scheme}
            threads.append(threading.Thread(target=reaper, kwargs=kwargs, name='Worker: %s, child: %s' % (worker, child)))
    [t.start() for t in threads]
    while threads[0].is_alive():
        [t.join(timeout=3.14) for t in threads]
Beispiel #5
def run(total_workers=1, chunk_size=100, once=False, rses=[], scheme=None,
        exclude_rses=None, include_rses=None, vos=None, delay_seconds=0):
    Starts up the reaper threads.

    :param total_workers: The total number of workers.
    :param chunk_size: the size of chunk for deletion.
    :param once: If True, only runs one iteration of the main loop.
    :param rses: List of RSEs the reaper should work against. If empty, it considers all RSEs. (Single-VO only)
    :param scheme: Force the reaper to use a particular protocol/scheme, e.g., mock.
    :param exclude_rses: RSE expression to exclude RSEs from the Reaper.
    :param include_rses: RSE expression to include RSEs.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def", or the current VO otherwise.

    if rucio.db.sqla.util.is_old_db():
        raise DatabaseException('Database was not updated, daemon won\'t start')'main: starting processes')

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logging.warning('Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]'Light Reaper: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    all_rses = []
    for vo in vos:
        all_rses.extend(rse_core.list_rses(filters={'vo': vo}))

    if rses:
        invalid = set(rses) - set([rse['rse'] for rse in all_rses])
        if invalid:
            msg = 'RSE{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                                                    ', '.join([repr(rse) for rse in invalid]))
            raise RSENotFound(msg)
        rses = [rse for rse in all_rses if rse['rse'] in rses]
        rses = all_rses

    if exclude_rses:
        excluded_rses = parse_expression(exclude_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse not in excluded_rses]

    if include_rses:
        included_rses = parse_expression(include_rses)
        rses = [rse for rse in rses if rse in included_rses]

    if not rses:
        logging.error('Light Reaper: No RSEs found. Exiting.')

    threads = []
    for worker in range(total_workers):
        kwargs = {'worker_number': worker,
                  'total_workers': total_workers,
                  'rses': rses,
                  'once': once,
                  'chunk_size': chunk_size,
                  'scheme': scheme}
        threads.append(threading.Thread(target=reaper, kwargs=kwargs, name='Worker: %s, Total_Workers: %s' % (worker, total_workers)))
    [t.start() for t in threads]
    while threads[0].is_alive():
        [t.join(timeout=3.14) for t in threads]
Beispiel #6
def declare_suspicious_replicas_bad(once=False,
    Main loop to check for available replicas which are labeled as suspicious

    Gets a list of suspicious replicas that are listed as AVAILABLE in 'replicas' table
    and available on other RSE. Finds surls of these replicas and declares them as bad.

    :param once: If True, the loop is run just once, otherwise the daemon continues looping until stopped.
    :param younger_than: The number of days since which bad_replicas table will be searched
                         for finding replicas declared 'SUSPICIOUS' at a specific RSE ('rse_expression'),
                         but 'AVAILABLE' on other RSE(s).
    :param nattempts: The minimum number of appearances in the bad_replica DB table
                      in order to appear in the resulting list of replicas for recovery.
    :param rse_expression: Search for suspicious replicas on RSEs matching the 'rse_expression'.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def",
    :param max_replicas_per_rse: Maximum number of replicas which are allowed to be labeled as bad per RSE.
                                 If more is found, processing is skipped and warning is printed.
    :param sleep_time: Thread sleep time after each chunk of work.
    :returns: None

    # assembling the worker name identifier ('executable') including the rses from <rse_expression>
    # in order to have the possibility to detect a start of a second instance with the same set of RSES

    executable = argv[0]

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common',
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
                'Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.'
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format(
                    's' if len(invalid) > 1 else '',
                    ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]'replica_recoverer: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' %
                     ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v
                                                              for v in vos])))

    # Don't require a result from the expression at each VO, only raise if we can't get a result from any of them
    rses = []
    exceptions_raised = 0
    for vo in vos:
            parsed_rses = parse_expression(expression=rse_expression,
                                           filter_={'vo': vo})
        except InvalidRSEExpression:
            exceptions_raised += 1
            parsed_rses = []
        for rse in parsed_rses:
    if exceptions_raised == len(vos):
        raise InvalidRSEExpression('RSE Expression resulted in an empty set.')

    executable += ' --rse-expression ' + str(rses)

    sanity_check(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname())

    # make an initial heartbeat - expected only one replica-recoverer thread on one node
    # heartbeat mechanism is used in this daemon only for information purposes
    # (due to expected low load, the actual DB query does not filter the result based on worker number)

    # wait a moment in case all workers started at the same time

    while not GRACEFUL_STOP.is_set():
            # issuing the heartbeat for a second time to make all workers aware of each other (there is only 1 worker allowed for this daemon)
            heartbeat = live(executable=executable,
            total_workers = heartbeat['nr_threads']
            worker_number = heartbeat['assign_thread']

            # there is only 1 worker allowed for this daemon
            if total_workers != 1:
                    'replica_recoverer: Another running instance on %s has been detected. Stopping gracefully.',

            start = time.time()

                'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: ready to query replicas at RSE %s,'
                ' reported suspicious in the last %i days at least %i times which are available on other RSEs.',  # NOQA: W503

            getfileskwargs = {
                'younger_than': younger_than,
                'nattempts': nattempts,
                'exclude_states': ['B', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'T'],
                'available_elsewhere': True,
                'is_suspicious': True

            # Don't require a result from the expression at each VO, only raise if we can't get a result from any of them
            recoverable_replicas = []
            exceptions_raised = 0
            for vo in vos:
                                             filter_={'vo': vo},
                except InvalidRSEExpression:
                    exceptions_raised += 1
            if exceptions_raised == len(vos):
                raise InvalidRSEExpression(
                    'RSE Expression resulted in an empty set.')

                'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: suspicious replica query took %.2f seconds, total of %i replicas were found.',
                worker_number, total_workers,
                time.time() - start, len(recoverable_replicas))

            if not recoverable_replicas and not once:
                    'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: found %i recoverable suspicious replicas.',
                    worker_number, total_workers, len(recoverable_replicas))
                    'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: looking for replica surls.',
                    worker_number, total_workers)

                start = time.time()
                surls_to_recover = {
                }  # dictionary of { vo1: {rse1: [surl1, surl2, ... ], rse2: ...}, vo2:... }
                cnt_surl_not_found = 0
                for replica in recoverable_replicas:
                    scope = replica['scope']
                    name = replica['name']
                    vo = scope.vo
                    rse = replica['rse']
                    rse_id = replica['rse_id']
                    if GRACEFUL_STOP.is_set():
                    if vo not in surls_to_recover:
                        surls_to_recover[vo] = {}
                    if rse_id not in surls_to_recover[vo]:
                        surls_to_recover[vo][rse_id] = []
                    # for each suspicious replica, we get its surl through the list_replicas function
                    surl_not_found = True
                    for rep in list_replicas([{'scope': scope, 'name': name}]):
                        for site in rep['rses']:
                            if site == rse_id:
                                surl_not_found = False
                    if surl_not_found:
                        cnt_surl_not_found += 1
                            'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: skipping suspicious replica %s on %s, no surls were found.',
                            worker_number, total_workers, name, rse)

                    'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: found %i/%i surls (took %.2f seconds), declaring them as bad replicas now.',
                    worker_number, total_workers,
                    len(recoverable_replicas) - cnt_surl_not_found,
                    time.time() - start)

                for vo in surls_to_recover:
                    for rse_id in surls_to_recover[vo]:
                            'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: ready to declare %i bad replica(s) on %s: %s.',
                            worker_number, total_workers,
                            len(surls_to_recover[vo][rse_id]), rse,
                        if len(surls_to_recover[vo]
                               [rse_id]) > max_replicas_per_rse:
                                'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: encountered more than %i suspicious replicas (%s) on %s. Please investigate.',
                                worker_number, total_workers,
                                str(len(surls_to_recover[vo][rse_id])), rse)
                                reason='Suspicious. Automatic recovery.',
                                issuer=InternalAccount('root', vo=vo),
                                'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: finished declaring bad replicas on %s.',
                                worker_number, total_workers, rse)

        except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err:
            if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])):
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' +
            elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])):
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' +
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' +
        except Exception as err:
            record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' +
        if once:

        thread=threading.current_thread())'replica_recoverer[%i/%i]: graceful stop done', worker_number,
def declare_suspicious_replicas_bad(once=False, younger_than=3, nattempts=10, vos=None, limit_suspicious_files_on_rse=5, sleep_time=300):
    Main loop to check for available replicas which are labeled as suspicious.

    Gets a list of suspicious replicas that are listed as AVAILABLE in 'replicas' table
    and available on other RSE. Finds surls of these replicas and declares them as bad.

    :param once: If True, the loop is run just once, otherwise the daemon continues looping until stopped.
    :param younger_than: The number of days since which bad_replicas table will be searched
                         for finding replicas declared 'SUSPICIOUS' at a specific RSE ('rse_expression'),
                         but 'AVAILABLE' on other RSE(s).
    :param nattempts: The minimum number of appearances in the bad_replica DB table
                      in order to appear in the resulting list of replicas for recovery.
    :param vos: VOs on which to look for RSEs. Only used in multi-VO mode.
                If None, we either use all VOs if run from "def",
    :param limit_suspicious_files_on_rse: Maximum number of suspicious replicas on an RSE before that RSE
                                          is considered problematic and the suspicious replicas on that RSE
                                          are labeled as 'TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE'.
    :param sleep_time: The daemon should not run too often. If the daemon's runtime is quicker than sleep_time, then
                       it should sleep until sleep_time is over.
    :returns: None

    # assembling the worker name identifier ('executable') including the rses from <rse_expression>
    # in order to have the possibility to detect a start of a second instance with the same set of RSES

    executable = argv[0]

    prepend_str = 'replica_recoverer: '
    logger = formatted_logger(logging.log, prepend_str + '%s')

    multi_vo = config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False)
    if not multi_vo:
        if vos:
            logger(logging.WARNING, 'Ignoring argument vos, this is only applicable in a multi-VO setup.')
        vos = ['def']
        if vos:
            invalid = set(vos) - set([v['vo'] for v in list_vos()])
            if invalid:
                msg = 'VO{} {} cannot be found'.format('s' if len(invalid) > 1 else '', ', '.join([repr(v) for v in invalid]))
                raise VONotFound(msg)
            vos = [v['vo'] for v in list_vos()]
        logger(logging.INFO, 'replica_recoverer: This instance will work on VO%s: %s' % ('s' if len(vos) > 1 else '', ', '.join([v for v in vos])))

    sanity_check(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname())

    # make an initial heartbeat - expected only one replica-recoverer thread on one node
    # heartbeat mechanism is used in this daemon only for information purposes
    # (due to expected low load, the actual DB query does not filter the result based on worker number)
    heartbeat = live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread())
    prepend_str = 'replica_recoverer [%i/%i] : ' % (heartbeat['assign_thread'], heartbeat['nr_threads'])
    logger = formatted_logger(logging.log, prepend_str + '%s')

    # wait a moment in case all workers started at the same time

    while not GRACEFUL_STOP.is_set():
            # issuing the heartbeat for a second time to make all workers aware of each other (there is only 1 worker allowed for this daemon)
            heartbeat = live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread())
            total_workers = heartbeat['nr_threads']
            worker_number = heartbeat['assign_thread'] + 1

            # there is only 1 worker allowed for this daemon
            if total_workers != 1:
                logger(logging.ERROR, 'replica_recoverer: Another running instance on %s has been detected. Stopping gracefully.', socket.gethostname())
                die(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread())

            prepend_str = 'replica_recoverer[%s/%s]: ' % (worker_number, total_workers)
            logger = formatted_logger(logging.log, prepend_str + '%s')

            start = time.time()

                json_file = open("/opt/rucio/etc/suspicious_replica_recoverer.json")
                logger(logging.WARNING, "An error occured whilst trying to open the JSON file.")

                json_data = json.load(json_file)
            except ValueError:
                logger(logging.WARNING, "No JSON object could be decoded.")

            # Checking that the json file is formatedd properly.
            for i, entry in enumerate(json_data):
                if "datatype" not in entry or "action" not in entry:
                    logger(logging.ERROR, 'Entry %s in the json file is incomplete (missing either "datatype" or "action").', i)

            logger(logging.INFO, 'Ready to query replicas that were reported as suspicious in the last %s days at least %s times.', younger_than, nattempts)

            getfileskwargs = {'younger_than': younger_than,
                              'nattempts': nattempts,
                              'exclude_states': ['B', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'T'],
                              'is_suspicious': True}

            for vo in vos:
                logger(logging.INFO, 'Start replica recovery for VO: %s', vo)
                recoverable_replicas = {}
                if vo not in recoverable_replicas:
                    recoverable_replicas[vo] = {}

                # rse_list = sorted([rse for rse in parse_expression('enable_suspicious_file_recovery=true', filter={'vo': vo})], key=lambda k: k['rse'])
                rse_list = sorted([rse for rse in parse_expression('enable_suspicious_file_recovery=true') if rse['vo'] == vo], key=lambda k: k['rse'])

                logger(logging.DEBUG, "List of RSEs with enable_suspicious_file_recovery = True:")
                for i in rse_list:
                    logger(logging.DEBUG, '%s', i)

                for rse in rse_list:
                    time_start_rse = time.time()
                    rse_expr = rse['rse']
                    cnt_surl_not_found = 0
                    if rse_expr not in recoverable_replicas[vo]:
                        recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_expr] = {}
                    # Get a dictionary of the suspicious replicas on the RSE that have available copies on other RSEs
                    suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere = get_suspicious_files(rse_expr, available_elsewhere=SuspiciousAvailability["EXIST_COPIES"].value, filter_={'vo': vo}, **getfileskwargs)
                    # Get the suspicious replicas that are the last remaining copies
                    suspicious_replicas_last_copy = get_suspicious_files(rse_expr, available_elsewhere=SuspiciousAvailability["LAST_COPY"].value, filter_={'vo': vo}, **getfileskwargs)

                    logger(logging.DEBUG, 'Suspicious replicas on %s:', rse_expr)
                    logger(logging.DEBUG, 'Replicas with copies on other RSEs (%s):', len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere))
                    for i in suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere:
                        logger(logging.DEBUG, '%s', i)
                    logger(logging.DEBUG, 'Replicas that are the last remaining copy (%s):', len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy))
                    for i in suspicious_replicas_last_copy:
                        logger(logging.DEBUG, '%s', i)

                    # RSEs that aren't available shouldn't have suspicious replicas showing up. Skip to next RSE.
                    if (rse['availability'] not in {4, 5, 6, 7}) and ((len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere) > 0) or (len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy) > 0)):
                        logger(logging.WARNING, "%s is not available (availability: %s), yet it has suspicious replicas. Please investigate. \n", rse_expr, rse['availability'])

                    if suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere:
                        for replica in suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere:
                            if vo == replica['scope'].vo:
                                scope = replica['scope']
                                rep_name = replica['name']
                                rse_id = replica['rse_id']
                                surl_not_found = True
                                for rep in list_replicas([{'scope': scope, 'name': rep_name}]):
                                    for rse_ in rep['rses']:
                                        if rse_ == rse_id:
                                            recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_expr][rep_name] = {'name': rep_name, 'rse_id': rse_id, 'scope': scope, 'surl': rep['rses'][rse_][0], 'available_elsewhere': True}
                                            surl_not_found = False
                                if surl_not_found:
                                    cnt_surl_not_found += 1
                                    logger(logging.WARNING, 'Skipping suspicious replica %s on %s, no surls were found.', rep_name, rse_expr)

                    if suspicious_replicas_last_copy:
                        for replica in suspicious_replicas_last_copy:
                            if vo == replica['scope'].vo:
                                scope = replica['scope']
                                rep_name = replica['name']
                                rse_id = replica['rse_id']
                                surl_not_found = True
                                # Should only return one rse, as there is only one replica remaining
                                for rep in list_replicas([{'scope': scope, 'name': rep_name}]):
                                    recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_expr][rep_name] = {'name': rep_name, 'rse_id': rse_id, 'scope': scope, 'surl': rep['rses'][rse_id][0], 'available_elsewhere': False}
                                    surl_not_found = False
                                if surl_not_found:
                                    cnt_surl_not_found += 1
                                    logger(logging.WARNING, 'Skipping suspicious replica %s on %s, no surls were found.', rep_name, rse_expr)

                    logger(logging.INFO, 'Suspicious replica query took %s seconds on %s and found %i suspicious replicas. The pfns for %s/%s replicas were found.',
                           time.time() - time_start_rse, rse_expr, len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere) + len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy),
                           len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere) + len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy) - cnt_surl_not_found, len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere) + len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy))

                    if len(suspicious_replicas_avail_elsewhere) + len(suspicious_replicas_last_copy) != 0:
                        logger(logging.DEBUG, 'List of replicas on %s for which the pfns have been found:', rse_expr)
                        for i in recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_expr]:
                            logger(logging.DEBUG, '%s', i)

                # Log file is long and hard to read -> implement some spacing
                logger(logging.INFO, 'All RSEs have been checked for suspicious replicas. Total time: %s seconds.', time.time() - start)
                logger(logging.INFO, 'Begin check for problematic RSEs.')
                time_start_check_probl = time.time()

                # If an RSE has more than *limit_suspicious_files_on_rse* suspicious files, then there might be a problem with the RSE.
                # The suspicious files are marked as temporarily unavailable.
                list_problematic_rses = []
                for rse_key in list(recoverable_replicas[vo].keys()):
                    if len(recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key].values()) > limit_suspicious_files_on_rse:
                        surls_list = []
                        for replica_value in recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key].values():

                        add_bad_pfns(pfns=surls_list, account=InternalAccount('root', vo=vo), state='TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE', expires_at=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=3))

                        logger(logging.INFO, "%s is problematic (more than %s suspicious replicas). Send a Jira ticket for the RSE (to be implemented).", rse_key, limit_suspicious_files_on_rse)
                        logger(logging.INFO, "The following files on %s have been marked as TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE:", rse_key)
                        for rse_values in recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key].values():
                            logger(logging.INFO, 'Scope: %s    Name: %s', rse_values['scope'], rse_values['name'])
                        # Remove the RSE from the dictionary as it has been dealt with.
                        del recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key]

                logger(logging.INFO, "Following RSEs were deemed problematic (total: %s)", len(list_problematic_rses))
                for rse in list_problematic_rses:
                    logger(logging.INFO, "%s", rse)

                # Label suspicious replicas as bad if they have oher copies on other RSEs (that aren't also marked as suspicious).
                # If they are the last remaining copies, deal with them differently.
                for rse_key in list(recoverable_replicas[vo].keys()):
                    files_to_be_declared_bad = []
                    files_to_be_ignored = []
                    # Remove RSEs from dictionary that don't have any suspicious replicas
                    if len(recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key]) == 0:
                        del recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key]
                    # Get the rse_id by going to one of the suspicious replicas from that RSE and reading it from there
                    rse_id = list(recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key].values())[0]['rse_id']
                    for replica_key in list(recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key].keys()):
                        if recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]['available_elsewhere'] is True:
                            # Replicas with other copies on at least one other RSE can safely be labeled as bad
                            # Remove replica from dictionary
                            del recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]
                        elif recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]['available_elsewhere'] is False:
                            if (recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]['name'].startswith("log.")) or (recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]['name'].startswith("user")):
                                # Don't keep log files or user files
                                del recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]
                                # Deal with replicas based on their metadata.
                                file_metadata = get_metadata(recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]["scope"], recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]["name"])
                                if file_metadata["datatype"] is None:  # "None" type has no function "split()"
                                for i in json_data:
                                    if i["datatype"] == file_metadata["datatype"].split("_")[-1]:
                                        action = i["action"]
                                        if action == "ignore":
                                        elif action == "declare bad":
                                            logger(logging.WARNING, "RSE: %s, replica name %s, surl %s: Match for the metadata 'datatype' (%s) of replica found in json file, but no match for 'action' (%s)",
                                                   rse_key, replica_key, recoverable_replicas[vo][rse_key][replica_key]['surl'], i["datatype"], i["action"])
                                        # If no policy has be set, default to ignoring the file (no action taken).

                    logger(logging.INFO, '(%s) Remaining replicas (pfns) that will be ignored:', rse_key)
                    for i in files_to_be_ignored:
                        logger(logging.INFO, '%s', i)
                    logger(logging.INFO, '(%s) Remaining replica (pfns) that will be declared BAD:', rse_key)
                    for i in files_to_be_declared_bad:
                        logger(logging.INFO, '%s', i)

                    if files_to_be_declared_bad:
                        logger(logging.INFO, 'Ready to declare %s bad replica(s) on %s (RSE id: %s).', len(files_to_be_declared_bad), rse_key, str(rse_id))

                        declare_bad_file_replicas(pfns=files_to_be_declared_bad, reason='Suspicious. Automatic recovery.', issuer=InternalAccount('root', vo=vo), session=None)

                        logger(logging.INFO, 'Finished declaring bad replicas on %s.\n', rse_key)

                logger(logging.INFO, 'Finished checking for problematic RSEs and declaring bad replicas. Total time: %s seconds.', time.time() - time_start_check_probl)

                time_passed = time.time() - start
                logger(logging.INFO, 'Total time: %s seconds', time_passed)
                daemon_sleep(start_time=start, sleep_time=sleep_time, graceful_stop=GRACEFUL_STOP)

        except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err:
            if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])):
                logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc())
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' + err.__class__.__name__)
            elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])):
                logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc())
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' + err.__class__.__name__)
                logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc())
                record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' + err.__class__.__name__)
        except Exception as err:
            logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc())
            record_counter('replica.recoverer.exceptions.' + err.__class__.__name__)
        if once:

    die(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread())
    logger(logging.INFO, 'Graceful stop done.')