
# calculate computation time
comp_time = end - start

# calculate converged points
conv_points = compute_converged_points_single(result=result)
print('converted points: ', conv_points)

# SAVE STARTPOINTS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

# calculate the startpoints
startpoints = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('x0')

# save the startpoints
save_startpoints(result=result, path='startpoints/', file_name='logE_eps')

# SAVE OPTIMIZATION RESULTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________

options = 'MODEL: Crauste model base, ' \
          '\nSCALE: log(x + ' + str(eps) + ')' + \
          '\nSTARTS: ' + str(n_starts) + \
          '\nCONV POINTS: ' + str(conv_points) + \
          '\nTIME: ' + str(comp_time)

# specify path
path = 'results_and_plots/optimization/logE_eps/'

# file name is equal to starting points
file_name = str(n_starts)
Beispiel #2

# calculate computation time
comp_time = end - start

# calculate converged points
conv_points = compute_converged_points_single(result=result)
print('converted points: ', conv_points)

# SAVE STARTPOINTS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

# calculate the startpoints
startpoints = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('x0')

# save the startpoints
save_startpoints(result=result, path='startpoints/', file_name='logicle5_1')

# SAVE OPTIMIZATION RESULTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________

# options
options = 'MODEL: Crauste model FULL, ' \
          '\nSCALE: logicle(T=' + str(T) + ', end_lin=' + str(end_lin) + ')' +\
          '\nSTARTS: ' + str(n_starts) + \
          '\nCONV POINTS: ' + str(conv_points) + \
          '\nTIME: ' + str(comp_time)

# specify path
path = 'results_and_plots/optimization/logicle5_1/'

# file name is equal to starting points
file_name = str(n_starts)
# calculate computation time
comp_time = end - start

# calculate converged points
conv_points = compute_converged_points_single(result=result)
print('converted points: ', conv_points)

# SAVE STARTPOINTS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

# calculate the startpoints
startpoints = result.optimize_result.get_for_key('x0')

# save the startpoints
save_startpoints(result=result, path='startpoints/', file_name='linear')

# import startpoints
startpoints_import = import_startpoints('startpoints/linear')

# SAVE OPTIMIZATION RESULTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________

# add options
options = 'MODEL: caro model true, ' \
          '\nSCALE: linear, ' \
          '\nSTARTS: ' + str(n_starts) + \
          '\nCONV POINTS: ' + str(conv_points) + \
          '\nTIME: ' + str(comp_time)

# specify path