Beispiel #1
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
     cite_info1.description = \
         ("TomoPhantom is a software package to generate 2D-4D analytical phantoms and their Radon transforms for various testing purposes.")
     cite_info1.bibtex = \
         ("@article{kazantsevTP2018,\n" +
          "title={TomoPhantom, a software package to generate 2D-4D analytical phantoms for CT image reconstruction algorithm benchmarks},\n" +
          "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Valery and Pickalov, Srikanth and Nagella, Edoardo and Pasca, Philip and Withers},\n" +
          "journal={Software X},\n" +
          "volume={7},\n" +
          "number={--},\n" +
          "pages={150--155},\n" +
          "year={2018},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
     cite_info1.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T TomoPhantom, a software package to generate 2D-4D analytical phantoms for CT image reconstruction algorithm benchmarks\n" +
          "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
          "%A Pickalov, Valery\n" +
          "%A Nagella, Srikanth\n" +
          "%A Pasca, Edoardo\n" +
          "%A Withers, Philip\n" +
          "%J Software X\n" +
          "%V 7\n" +
          "%N --\n" +
          "%P 150--155\n" +
          "%@ --\n" +
          "%D 2018\n" +
          "%I Elsevier\n")
     cite_info1.doi = "doi:10.1016/j.softx.2018.05.003"
     return [cite_info1]
Beispiel #2
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("An algorithm from the TomoPy framework is used to perform the \
          reconstruction in this processing pipeline"                                                        )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{gursoy2014tomopy,\n" +
          "title={TomoPy: a framework for the analysis of synchrotron,\n" +
          "tomographic data},\n" +
          "author={G{\"u}rsoy, Doga and De Carlo, Francesco and Xiao,\n" +
          "Xianghui and Jacobsen, Chris},\n" +
          "journal={Journal of synchrotron radiation},\n" +
          "volume={21},\n" +
          "number={5},\n" +
          "pages={1188--1193},\n" +
          "year={2014},\n" +
          "publisher={International Union of Crystallography}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T TomoPy: a framework for the analysis of synchrotron\n" +
          "tomographic data\n" +
          "%A Gursoy, Doga\n" +
          "%A De Carlo, Francesco" +
          "%A Xiao, Xianghui" +
          "%A Jacobsen, Chris" +
          "%J Journal of synchrotron radiation" +
          "%V 21" +
          "%N 5" +
          "%P 1188-1193" +
          "%@ 1600-5775" +
          "%D 2014" +
          "%I International Union of Crystallography")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1107/S1600577514013939"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #3
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The filter built is based on the Fresnel propagator")
     cite_info.bibtex = ()
     cite_info.doi = " "
     return cite_info
Beispiel #4
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
     cite_info1.description = \
         ("First-order optimisation algorithm for linear inverse problems.")
     cite_info1.bibtex = \
         ("@article{beck2009,\n" +
          "title={A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems},\n" +
          "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
          "journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},\n" +
          "volume={2},\n" +
          "number={1},\n" +
          "pages={183--202},\n" +
          "year={2009},\n" +
          "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
     cite_info1.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems\n" +
          "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
          "%A Teboulle, Mark\n" +
          "%J SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences\n" +
          "%V 2\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 183--202\n" +
          "%@ --\n" +
          "%D 2009\n" +
          "%I SIAM\n")
     cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
     return cite_info1
Beispiel #5
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The ring artefact removal algorithm used in this processing \
          chain is taken from this work."                                            )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{raven1998numerical,\n" +
          "title={Numerical removal of ring artifacts in \
          microtomography},\n"                                  +
          "author={Raven, Carsten},\n" +
          "journal={Review of scientific instruments},\n" +
          "volume={69},\n" +
          "number={8},\n" +
          "pages={2978--2980},\n" +
          "year={1998},\n" +
          "publisher={AIP Publishing}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Numerical removal of ring artifacts in microtomography\n" +
          "%A Raven, Carsten\n" +
          "%J Review of scientific instruments\n" +
          "%V 69\n" +
          "%N 8\n" +
          "%P 2978-2980\n" +
          "%@ 0034-6748\n" +
          "%D 1998\n" +
          "%I AIP Publishing")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1063/1.1149043"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #6
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The center of rotation for this reconstruction was calculated " +
          "automatically using the method described in this work")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{vo2014reliable,\n" +
          "title={Reliable method for calculating the center of rotation " +
          "in parallel-beam tomography},\n" +
          "author={Vo, Nghia T and Drakopoulos, Michael and Atwood, " +
          "Robert C and Reinhard, Christina},\n" +
          "journal={Optics Express},\n" +
          "volume={22},\n" +
          "number={16},\n" +
          "pages={19078--19086},\n" +
          "year={2014},\n" +
          "publisher={Optical Society of America}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Reliable method for calculating the center of rotation in " +
          "parallel-beam tomography\n" +
          "%A Vo, Nghia T\n" +
          "%A Drakopoulos, Michael\n" +
          "%A Atwood, Robert C\n" +
          "%A Reinhard, Christina\n" +
          "%J Optics Express\n" +
          "%V 22\n" +
          "%N 16\n" +
          "%P 19078-19086\n" +
          "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
          "%D 2014\n" +
          "%I Optical Society of America")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
Beispiel #7
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The reconstruction performed in this processing " +
          "chain is derived from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{laurentini1994visual," +
          "title={The visual hull concept for silhouette-based image understanding}," +
          "author={Laurentini, Aldo}," +
          "journal={IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence}," +
          "volume={16}," +
          "number={2}," +
          "pages={150--162}," +
          "year={1994}," +
          "publisher={IEEE}" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article" +
          "%T The visual hull concept for silhouette-based image understanding" +
          "%A Laurentini, Aldo" +
          "%J IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence" +
          "%V 16" +
          "%N 2" +
          "%P 150-162" +
          "%@ 0162-8828" +
          "%D 1994" +
          "%I IEEE")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
     cite_info1.description = \
         ("First-order optimisation algorithm for linear inverse problems.")
     cite_info1.bibtex = \
         ("@article{beck2009,\n" +
          "title={A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems},\n" +
          "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
          "journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},\n" +
          "volume={2},\n" +
          "number={1},\n" +
          "pages={183--202},\n" +
          "year={2009},\n" +
          "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
     cite_info1.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems\n" +
          "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
          "%A Teboulle, Mark\n" +
          "%J SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences\n" +
          "%V 2\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 183--202\n" +
          "%@ --\n" +
          "%D 2009\n" +
          "%I SIAM\n")
     cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
     return cite_info1
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The ring artefact removal algorithm used in this processing\n"
          "chain is taken from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@inproceedings{titarenko2010regularization,\n" +
          "title={Regularization methods for inverse problems in\n" +
          "X-ray tomography},\n" +
          "author={Titarenko, Valeriy and Bradley, Robert and Martin,\n" +
          "Christopher and Withers, Philip J and Titarenko, Sofya},\n" +
          "booktitle={Developments in X-Ray Tomography VII},\n" +
          "volume={7804},\n" +
          "pages={78040Z},\n" +
          "year={2010},\n" +
          "organization={International Society for Optics and Photonics}" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Conference Proceedings\n" +
          "%T Regularization methods for inverse problems in\n" +
          "X-ray tomography\n" +
          "%A Titarenko, Valeriy\n" +
          "%A Bradley, Robert\n" +
          "%A Martin, Christopher\n" +
          "%A Withers, Philip J\n" +
          "%A Titarenko, Sofya\n" +
          "%B Developments in X-Ray Tomography VII\n" +
          "%V 7804\n" +
          "%P 78040Z\n" +
          "%D 2010\n" +
          "%I International Society for Optics and Photonics")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1117/12.860260"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #10
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The ring artefact removal algorithm used in this processing \
          chain is taken from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{raven1998numerical,\n" +
          "title={Numerical removal of ring artifacts in \
          microtomography},\n" +
          "author={Raven, Carsten},\n" +
          "journal={Review of scientific instruments},\n" +
          "volume={69},\n" +
          "number={8},\n" +
          "pages={2978--2980},\n" +
          "year={1998},\n" +
          "publisher={AIP Publishing}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Numerical removal of ring artifacts in microtomography\n" +
          "%A Raven, Carsten\n" +
          "%J Review of scientific instruments\n" +
          "%V 69\n" +
          "%N 8\n" +
          "%P 2978-2980\n" +
          "%@ 0034-6748\n" +
          "%D 1998\n" +
          "%I AIP Publishing")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1063/1.1149043"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #11
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The reconstruction used to create this output is described in " +
          "this publication")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{palenstijn2011performance,\n" +
          "title={Performance improvements for iterative electron " +
          "tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units " +
          "(GPUs)},\n" +
          "author={Palenstijn, WJ and Batenburg, KJ and Sijbers, J},\n" +
          "journal={Journal of structural biology},\n" +
          "volume={176},\n" +
          "number={2},\n" +
          "pages={250--253},\n" +
          "year={2011},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography " +
          "reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs)\n" +
          "%A Palenstijn, WJ\n" +
          "%A Batenburg, KJ\n" +
          "%A Sijbers, J\n" +
          "%J Journal of structural biology\n" +
          "%V 176\n" +
          "%N 2\n" +
          "%P 250-253\n" +
          "%@ 1047-8477\n" +
          "%D 2011\n" +
          "%I Elsevier")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
Beispiel #12
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The reconstruction used to create this output is described in " +
          "this publication")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{palenstijn2011performance,\n" +
          "title={Performance improvements for iterative electron " +
          "tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units " +
          "(GPUs)},\n" +
          "author={Palenstijn, WJ and Batenburg, KJ and Sijbers, J},\n" +
          "journal={Journal of structural biology},\n" +
          "volume={176},\n" +
          "number={2},\n" +
          "pages={250--253},\n" +
          "year={2011},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography " +
          "reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs)\n" +
          "%A Palenstijn, WJ\n" +
          "%A Batenburg, KJ\n" +
          "%A Sijbers, J\n" +
          "%J Journal of structural biology\n" +
          "%V 176\n" +
          "%N 2\n" +
          "%P 250-253\n" +
          "%@ 1047-8477\n" +
          "%D 2011\n" +
          "%I Elsevier")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
Beispiel #13
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("An algorithm from the TomoPy framework is used to perform the \
          reconstruction in this processing pipeline")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{gursoy2014tomopy,\n" +
          "title={TomoPy: a framework for the analysis of synchrotron,\n" +
          "tomographic data},\n" +
          "author={G{\"u}rsoy, Doga and De Carlo, Francesco and Xiao,\n" +
          "Xianghui and Jacobsen, Chris},\n" +
          "journal={Journal of synchrotron radiation},\n" +
          "volume={21},\n" +
          "number={5},\n" +
          "pages={1188--1193},\n" +
          "year={2014},\n" +
          "publisher={International Union of Crystallography}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T TomoPy: a framework for the analysis of synchrotron\n" +
          "tomographic data\n" +
          "%A Gursoy, Doga\n" +
          "%A De Carlo, Francesco" +
          "%A Xiao, Xianghui" +
          "%A Jacobsen, Chris" +
          "%J Journal of synchrotron radiation" +
          "%V 21" +
          "%N 5" +
          "%P 1188-1193" +
          "%@ 1600-5775" +
          "%D 2014" +
          "%I International Union of Crystallography")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1107/S1600577514013939"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #14
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The center of rotation for this reconstruction was calculated " +
          "automatically using the method described in this work")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{vo2014reliable,\n" +
          "title={Reliable method for calculating the center of rotation " +
          "in parallel-beam tomography},\n" +
          "author={Vo, Nghia T and Drakopoulos, Michael and Atwood, " +
          "Robert C and Reinhard, Christina},\n" +
          "journal={Optics Express},\n" +
          "volume={22},\n" +
          "number={16},\n" +
          "pages={19078--19086},\n" +
          "year={2014},\n" +
          "publisher={Optical Society of America}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Reliable method for calculating the center of rotation in " +
          "parallel-beam tomography\n" +
          "%A Vo, Nghia T\n" +
          "%A Drakopoulos, Michael\n" +
          "%A Atwood, Robert C\n" +
          "%A Reinhard, Christina\n" +
          "%J Optics Express\n" +
          "%V 22\n" +
          "%N 16\n" +
          "%P 19078-19086\n" +
          "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
          "%D 2014\n" +
          "%I Optical Society of America")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
Beispiel #15
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The Tomographic filtering performed in this processing " +
          "chain is derived from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@Article{C4CP04488F, \n" +
          "author ={Price, S. W. T. and Ignatyev, K. and Geraki, K. and \
          Basham, M. and Filik, J. and Vo, N. T. and Witte, P. T. and \
          Beale, A. M. and Mosselmans, J. F. W.}, \n" +
          "title  ={Chemical imaging of single catalyst particles with \
          scanning [small mu ]-XANES-CT and [small mu ]-XRF-CT}, \n" +
          "journal  ={Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.}, \n" +
          "year  ={2015}, \n" +
          "volume  ={17}, \n" +
          "issue  ={1}, \n" +
          "pages  ={521-529}, \n" +
          "publisher  ={The Royal Society of Chemistry}, \n" +
          "doi  ={10.1039/C4CP04488F}, \n" +
          "url  ={}, \n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Chemical imaging of single catalyst particles with scanning \
         [small mu ]-XANES-CT and [small mu ]-XRF-CT\n" +
          "%A Price, Stephen W.T.\n" +
          "%A Ignatyev, Konstantin\n" +
          "%A Geraki, Kalotina\n" +
          "%A Basham, Mark\n" +
          "%A Filik, Jacob\n" +
          "%A Vo, Nghia T.\n" +
          "%A Witte, Peter T.\n" +
          "%A Beale, Andrew M.\n" +
          "%A Mosselmans, J. Fred W.\n" +
          "%J Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics\n" +
          "%V 17\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 521-529\n" +
          "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
          "%D 2015\n" +
          "%I Royal Society of Chemistry")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1039/c4cp04488f"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The Tomographic filtering performed in this processing " +
          "chain is derived from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@Article{C4CP04488F, \n" +
          "author ={Price, S. W. T. and Ignatyev, K. and Geraki, K. and \
          Basham, M. and Filik, J. and Vo, N. T. and Witte, P. T. and \
          Beale, A. M. and Mosselmans, J. F. W.}, \n" +
          "title  ={Chemical imaging of single catalyst particles with \
          scanning [small mu ]-XANES-CT and [small mu ]-XRF-CT}, \n" +
          "journal  ={Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.}, \n" +
          "year  ={2015}, \n" +
          "volume  ={17}, \n" +
          "issue  ={1}, \n" +
          "pages  ={521-529}, \n" +
          "publisher  ={The Royal Society of Chemistry}, \n" +
          "doi  ={10.1039/C4CP04488F}, \n" +
          "url  ={}, \n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Chemical imaging of single catalyst particles with scanning \
         [small mu ]-XANES-CT and [small mu ]-XRF-CT\n" +
          "%A Price, Stephen W.T.\n" +
          "%A Ignatyev, Konstantin\n" +
          "%A Geraki, Kalotina\n" +
          "%A Basham, Mark\n" +
          "%A Filik, Jacob\n" +
          "%A Vo, Nghia T.\n" +
          "%A Witte, Peter T.\n" +
          "%A Beale, Andrew M.\n" +
          "%A Mosselmans, J. Fred W.\n" +
          "%J Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics\n" +
          "%V 17\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 521-529\n" +
          "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
          "%D 2015\n" +
          "%I Royal Society of Chemistry")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1039/c4cp04488f"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #17
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The distortion correction used in this processing chain is taken\
          from this work."                             )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{Vo:15,\n" +
          "title={Radial lens distortion correction with sub-pixel accuracy \
          for X-ray micro-tomography},\n"                                             +
          "author={Nghia T. Vo and Robert C. Atwood and \
          Michael Drakopoulos},\n"                                      +
          "journal={Optics. Express},\n" +
          "volume={23},\n" +
          "number={25},\n" +
          "pages={32859--32868},\n" +
          "year={2015},\n" +
          "publisher={OSA Publishing}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.032859"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The code of ring removal is the implementation of the work of \
         Nghia T. Vo et al. taken from algorithm 3,4,5,6 in this paper.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{Vo:18,\n" +
          "title={Superior techniques for eliminating ring artifacts in\
           X-ray micro-tomography},\n" +
          "author={Nghia T. Vo, Robert C. Atwood,\
           and Michael Drakopoulos},\n" +
          "journal={Opt. Express},\n" +
          "volume={26},\n" +
          "number={22},\n" +
          "pages={28396--28412},\n" +
          "year={2018},\n" +
          "publisher={OSA}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.028396"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The code of ring removal is the implementation of the work of \
         Sofya Titarenko et al. taken from this paper."                                                          )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{TITARENKO20101489,\n" +
          "title={An analytical formula for ring artefact suppression in \
          X-ray tomography},\n"                                   +
          "author={Sofya Titarenko, Philip J. Withers and \
          Anatoly Yagola},\n"                                 +
          "journal={Applied Mathematics Letters},\n" +
          "volume={23},\n" +
          "number={12},\n" +
          "pages={1489 - 1495},\n" +
          "year={2010},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2010.08.022"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #20
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The code of ring removal is the implementation of the work of \
         Nghia T. Vo et al. taken from algorithm 4, 5 in this paper."                                                                        )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{Vo:18,\n" +
          "title={Superior techniques for eliminating ring artifacts in\
           X-ray micro-tomography},\n"                                          +
          "author={Nghia T. Vo, Robert C. Atwood,\
           and Michael Drakopoulos},\n"                                           +
          "journal={Opt. Express},\n" +
          "volume={26},\n" +
          "number={22},\n" +
          "pages={28396--28412},\n" +
          "year={2018},\n" +
          "publisher={OSA}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.028396"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The code of ring removal is the implementation of the work of \
         Sofya Titarenko et al. taken from this paper.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{TITARENKO20101489,\n" +
          "title={An analytical formula for ring artefact suppression in \
          X-ray tomography},\n" +
          "author={Sofya Titarenko, Philip J. Withers and \
          Anatoly Yagola},\n" +
          "journal={Applied Mathematics Letters},\n" +
          "volume={23},\n" +
          "number={12},\n" +
          "pages={1489 - 1495},\n" +
          "year={2010},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2010.08.022"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The distortion correction used in this processing chain is taken\
          from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{Vo:15,\n" +
          "title={Radial lens distortion correction with sub-pixel accuracy \
          for X-ray micro-tomography},\n" +
          "author={Nghia T. Vo and Robert C. Atwood and \
          Michael Drakopoulos},\n" +
          "journal={Optics. Express},\n" +
          "volume={23},\n" +
          "number={25},\n" +
          "pages={32859--32868},\n" +
          "year={2015},\n" +
          "publisher={OSA Publishing}" +
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.032859"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #23
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The Tomographic reconstruction performed in this processing " +
          "chain is derived from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@book{avinash2001principles,\n" +
          " title={Principles of computerized tomographic imaging},\n" +
          " author={Kak, Avinash C. and Slaney, Malcolm},\n" +
          " year={2001},\n" +
          " publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Book\n" +
          "%T Principles of computerized tomographic imaging\n" +
          "%A Kak, Avinash C.\n" +
          "%A Slaney, Malcolm\n" +
          "%@ 089871494X\n" +
          "%D 2001\n" +
          "%I Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
Beispiel #24
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The PSF correction used in this plugin is taken\
          from this work."                             )
     cite_info.bibtex = ("@inproceedings{10.1117/12.2530324,\n"\
         "author = {Nghia T. Vo and Robert C. Atwood "\
         "and Michael Drakopoulos},\n"\
         "title = {{Preprocessing techniques for removing artifacts in "\
         "synchrotron-based tomographic images}},\n"\
         "volume = {11113},\n"\
         "booktitle = {Developments in X-Ray Tomography XII},\n"\
         "editor = {Bert Muller and Ge Wang},\n"\
         "organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics},\n"\
         "publisher = {SPIE},\n"\
         "pages = {309 -- 328},\n"\
         "year = {2019},\n"\
         "doi = {10.1117/12.2530324},\n"\
         "URL = {}\n"\
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1117/12.2530324"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #25
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The Tomographic reconstruction performed in this processing " +
          "chain is derived from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@book{avinash2001principles,\n" +
          "  title={Principles of computerized tomographic imaging},\n" +
          "  author={Avinash C.. Kak and Slaney, Malcolm},\n" +
          "  year={2001},\n" +
          "  publisher={Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}\n" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Book\n" +
          "%T Principles of computerized tomographic imaging\n" +
          "%A Avinash C.. Kak\n" +
          "%A Slaney, Malcolm\n" +
          "%@ 089871494X\n" +
          "%D 2001\n" +
          "%I Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics")
     cite_info.doi = ""
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
     cite_info1.description = \
         ("The CCPi-Regularisation toolkit provides a set of variational regularisers (denoisers)\
          which can be embedded in a plug-and-play fashion into proximal splitting methods \
          for image reconstruction. CCPi-RGL comes with algorithms that can satisfy various \
          prior expectations of the reconstructed object, for example being piecewise-constant \
          or piecewise-smooth nature."                                         )
     cite_info1.bibtex = \
         ("@article{kazantsev2019,\n" +
          "title={CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms \},\n" +
          "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Edoardo and Pasca, \
          Martin and Turner, Philip and Withers},\n"                                                        +
          "journal={Software X},\n" +
          "volume={Under revision},\n" +
          "number={--},\n" +
          "pages={--},\n" +
          "year={2019},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
     cite_info1.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms\n" +
          "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
          "%A Pasca, Edoardo\n" +
          "%A Turner, Martin\n" +
          "%A Withers, Philip\n" +
          "%J Software X\n" +
          "%V --\n" +
          "%N --\n" +
          "%P --\n" +
          "%@ --\n" +
          "%D 2019\n" +
          "%I Elsevier\n")
     cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
     return [cite_info1]
Beispiel #27
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info = CitationInformation() = 'citation3'
        cite_info.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox"                                                   )
        cite_info.bibtex = \
            ("@article{palenstijn2011performance,\n" +
             "title={Performance improvements for iterative electron \
             tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units \
             (GPUs)},\n"                         +
             "author={Palenstijn, WJ and Batenburg, KJ and Sijbers, J},\n" +
             "journal={Journal of structural biology},\n" +
             "volume={176},\n" +
             "number={2},\n" +
             "pages={250--253},\n" +
             "year={2011},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
        cite_info.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography \
             reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs)\n"                                                                      +
             "%A Palenstijn, WJ\n" +
             "%A Batenburg, KJ\n" +
             "%A Sijbers, J\n" +
             "%J Journal of structural biology\n" +
             "%V 176\n" +
             "%N 2\n" +
             "%P 250-253\n" +
             "%@ 1047-8477\n" +
             "%D 2011\n" +
             "%I Elsevier\n")
        cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2011.07.017"

        return super(AstraReconGpu, self).get_citation_information() + \
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info = CitationInformation() = 'citation3'
        cite_info.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox")
        cite_info.bibtex = \
            ("@article{palenstijn2011performance,\n" +
             "title={Performance improvements for iterative electron \
             tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units \
             (GPUs)},\n" +
             "author={Palenstijn, WJ and Batenburg, KJ and Sijbers, J},\n" +
             "journal={Journal of structural biology},\n" +
             "volume={176},\n" +
             "number={2},\n" +
             "pages={250--253},\n" +
             "year={2011},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
        cite_info.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography \
             reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs)\n" +
             "%A Palenstijn, WJ\n" +
             "%A Batenburg, KJ\n" +
             "%A Sijbers, J\n" +
             "%J Journal of structural biology\n" +
             "%V 176\n" +
             "%N 2\n" +
             "%P 250-253\n" +
             "%@ 1047-8477\n" +
             "%D 2011\n" +
             "%I Elsevier\n")
        cite_info.doi = "doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2011.07.017"

        return super(AstraReconGpu, self).get_citation_information() + \
Beispiel #29
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The contrast enhancement used in this processing chain is taken\
          from this work."                             )
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{paganin2002simultaneous,\n" +
          "title={Simultaneous phase and amplitude extraction from a single\
          defocused image of a homogeneous object},\n"                                                          +
          "author={Paganin, David and Mayo, SC and Gureyev, Tim E and \
          Miller, Peter R and Wilkins, Steve W},\n"                                                       +
          "journal={Journal of microscopy},\n" +
          "volume={206},\n" +
          "number={1},\n" +
          "pages={33--40},\n" +
          "year={2002},\n" +
          "publisher={Wiley Online Library}" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Simultaneous phase and amplitude extraction from a single \
          defocused image of a homogeneous object\n"                                                        +
          "%A Paganin, David\n" +
          "%A Mayo, SC\n" +
          "%A Gureyev, Tim E\n" +
          "%A Miller, Peter R\n" +
          "%A Wilkins, Steve W\n" +
          "%J Journal of microscopy\n" +
          "%V 206\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 33-40\n" +
          "%@ 1365-2818\n" +
          "%D 2002\n" +
          "%I Wiley Online Library\n")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2002.01010.x"
     return cite_info
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info = CitationInformation()
     cite_info.description = \
         ("The contrast enhancement used in this processing chain is taken\
          from this work.")
     cite_info.bibtex = \
         ("@article{paganin2002simultaneous,\n" +
          "title={Simultaneous phase and amplitude extraction from a single\
          defocused image of a homogeneous object},\n" +
          "author={Paganin, David and Mayo, SC and Gureyev, Tim E and \
          Miller, Peter R and Wilkins, Steve W},\n" +
          "journal={Journal of microscopy},\n" +
          "volume={206},\n" +
          "number={1},\n" +
          "pages={33--40},\n" +
          "year={2002},\n" +
          "publisher={Wiley Online Library}" +
     cite_info.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Simultaneous phase and amplitude extraction from a single \
          defocused image of a homogeneous object\n" +
          "%A Paganin, David\n" +
          "%A Mayo, SC\n" +
          "%A Gureyev, Tim E\n" +
          "%A Miller, Peter R\n" +
          "%A Wilkins, Steve W\n" +
          "%J Journal of microscopy\n" +
          "%V 206\n" +
          "%N 1\n" +
          "%P 33-40\n" +
          "%@ 1365-2818\n" +
          "%D 2002\n" +
          "%I Wiley Online Library\n")
     cite_info.doi = "doi: DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2002.01010.x"
     return cite_info
Beispiel #31
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
        cite_info1.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox"                                                   )
        cite_info1.bibtex = \
            ("@article{van2016fast,\n" +
             "title={Fast and flexible X-ray tomography using the ASTRA \
             toolbox},\n"                          +
             "author={van Aarle, Wim and Palenstijn, Willem Jan and Cant, \
             Jeroen and Janssens, Eline and Bleichrodt, Folkert and \
             Dabravolski, Andrei and De Beenhouwer, Jan and Batenburg, K Joost\
             and Sijbers, Jan},\n"                                   +
             "journal={Optics Express},\n" +
             "volume={24},\n" +
             "number={22},\n" +
             "pages={25129--25147},\n" +
             "year={2016},\n" +
             "publisher={Optical Society of America}\n" +
        cite_info1.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Fast and flexible X-ray tomography using the ASTRA \
             toolbox\n"                        +
             "%A van Aarle, Wim\n" +
             "%A Palenstijn, Willem Jan\n" +
             "%A Cant, Jeroen\n" +
             "%A Janssens, Eline\n" +
             "%A Bleichrodt, Folkert\n" +
             "%A Dabravolski, Andrei\n" +
             "%A De Beenhouwer, Jan\n" +
             "%A Batenburg, K Joost\n" +
             "%A Sijbers, Jan\n" +
             "%J Optics Express\n" +
             "%V 24\n" +
             "%N 22\n" +
             "%P 25129-25147\n" +
             "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
             "%D 2016\n" +
             "%I Optical Society of America\n")
        cite_info1.doi = "doi: 10.1364/OE.24.025129"

        cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
        cite_info2.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox"                                                   )
        cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{van2015astra,\n" +
             "title={The ASTRA Toolbox: A platform for advanced algorithm \
             development in electron tomography},\n"                                                     +
             "author={van Aarle, Wim and Palenstijn, Willem Jan and \
             De Beenhouwer, Jan and Altantzis, Thomas and Bals, Sara and \
             Batenburg, K Joost and Sijbers, Jan},\n"                                                      +
             "journal={Ultramicroscopy},\n" +
             "volume={157},\n" +
             "pages={35--47},\n" +
             "year={2015},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
        cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Numerical removal of ring artifacts in microtomography\n" +
             "%A Raven, Carsten\n" +
             "%J Review of scientific instruments\n" +
             "%V 69\n" +
             "%N 8\n" +
             "%P 2978-2980\n" +
             "%@ 0034-6748\n" +
             "%D 1998\n" +
             "%I AIP Publishing")
        cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1364/OE.24.025129"

        return [cite_info1, cite_info2]
 def get_citation_information(self):
     cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
     cite_info1.description = \
         ("The CCPi-Regularisation toolkit provides a set of variational regularisers (denoisers) which can be embedded in a plug-and-play fashion into proximal splitting methods for image reconstruction. CCPi-RGL comes with algorithms that can satisfy various prior expectations of the reconstructed object, for example being piecewise-constant or piecewise-smooth nature.")
     cite_info1.bibtex = \
         ("@article{kazantsev2019,\n" +
          "title={CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms},\n" +
          "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Edoardo and Pasca, Martin and Turner, Philip and Withers},\n" +
          "journal={Software X},\n" +
          "volume={accepted},\n" +
          "number={--},\n" +
          "pages={--},\n" +
          "year={2019},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
     cite_info1.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms\n" +
          "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
          "%A Pasca, Edoardo\n" +
          "%A Turner, Martin\n" +
          "%A Withers, Philip\n" +
          "%J Software X\n" +
          "%V --\n" +
          "%N --\n" +
          "%P --\n" +
          "%@ --\n" +
          "%D 2019\n" +
          "%I Elsevier\n")
     cite_info1.doi = "doi: "
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'ROF_TV'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Rudin-Osher-Fatemi explicit PDE minimisation method for smoothed Total Variation regulariser")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{ROF1992,\n" +
          "title={Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms},\n" +
          "author={L. Rudin, S. Osher, E. Fatemi},\n" +
          "journal={Physica D.},\n" +
          "volume={60},\n" +
          "number={},\n" +
          "pages={259--268},\n" +
          "year={1992},\n" +
          "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms\n" +
          "%A Rudin, L.\n" +
          "%A Osher, S.\n" +
          "%A Fatemi, Fatemi\n" +
          "%J Physica D.\n" +
          "%V 60\n" +
          "%N \n" +
          "%P 259--268\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 1992\n" +
          "%I Elsevier\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1016/0167-2789(92)90242-F"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'FGP_TV'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Fast-Gradient-Projection algorithm for Total Variation regulariser")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{FGP2009,\n" +
          "title={Fast gradient-based algorithms for constrained total variation image denoising and deblurring problems},\n" +
          "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
          "journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},\n" +
          "volume={18},\n" +
          "number={11},\n" +
          "pages={2419--2434},\n" +
          "year={2009},\n" +
          "publisher={IEEE}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Fast gradient-based algorithms for constrained total variation image denoising and deblurring problems\n" +
          "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
          "%A Teboulle, Mark.\n" +
          "%J IEEE Transactions on Image Processing\n" +
          "%V 18\n" +
          "%N 11\n" +
          "%P 2419--2434\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 2009\n" +
          "%I IEEE\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1109/TIP.2009.2028250"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'SB_TV'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("The Split Bregman approach for Total Variation regulariser")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{SBTV2009,\n" +
          "title={The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems},\n" +
          "author={Tom and Goldstein, Stanley and Osher},\n" +
          "journal={SIAM journal on imaging sciences},\n" +
          "volume={2},\n" +
          "number={2},\n" +
          "pages={323--343},\n" +
          "year={2009},\n" +
          "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems\n" +
          "%A Goldstein, Tom\n" +
          "%A Osher, Stanley.\n" +
          "%J SIAM journal on imaging sciences\n" +
          "%V 2\n" +
          "%N 2\n" +
          "%P 323--343\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 2009\n" +
          "%I SIAM\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1137/080725891"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'TGV'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Total generalized variation regulariser for piecewise-smooth recovery")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{TGV2010,\n" +
          "title={Total generalized variation},\n" +
          "author={Kristian and Bredies, Karl and Kunisch, Thomas and Pock},\n" +
          "journal={SIAM journal on imaging sciences},\n" +
          "volume={3},\n" +
          "number={3},\n" +
          "pages={492--526},\n" +
          "year={2010},\n" +
          "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Total generalized variation\n" +
          "%A Bredies, Kristian\n" +
          "%A Kunisch, Kurl.\n" +
          "%A Pock, Thomas.\n" +
          "%J SIAM journal on imaging sciences\n" +
          "%V 3\n" +
          "%N 3\n" +
          "%P 492--526\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 2010\n" +
          "%I SIAM\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1137/080725891"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'LLT_ROF'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Combination for ROF model and LLT for piecewise-smooth recovery")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{ROFLLT2017,\n" +
          "title={Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data},\n" +
          "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Enyu and Guo, Andre and Phillion, Philip and Withers, Peter and Lee},\n" +
          "journal={Measurement Science and Technology},\n" +
          "volume={28},\n" +
          "number={9},\n" +
          "pages={094004},\n" +
          "year={2017},\n" +
          "publisher={IoP}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data\n" +
          "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
          "%A Enyu, Guo.\n" +
          "%A Phillion, Andre.\n" +
          "%A Withers, Philip.\n" +
          "%A Lee, Peter.\n" +
          "%J Measurement Science and Technology\n" +
          "%V 28\n" +
          "%N 9\n" +
          "%P 094004\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 2017\n" +
          "%I IoP\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1088/1361-6501"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'NDF'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Nonlinear or linear duffison as a regulariser ")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{NDF1990,\n" +
          "title={Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion},\n" +
          "author={Pietro and Perona, Jitendra and Malik},\n" +
          "journal={IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence},\n" +
          "volume={12},\n" +
          "number={7},\n" +
          "pages={629--639},\n" +
          "year={1990},\n" +
          "publisher={IEEE}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion\n" +
          "%A Pietro, Perona\n" +
          "%A Jitendra, Malik.\n" +
          "%J IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence\n" +
          "%V 12\n" +
          "%N 7\n" +
          "%P 629--639\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 1990\n" +
          "%I IEEE\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1109/34.56205"
     if (self.parameters['method'] == 'DIFF4th'):
         cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
         cite_info2.description = ("Anisotropic diffusion of higher order for piecewise-smooth recovery")
         cite_info2.bibtex = \
         ("@article{ADF2011,\n" +
          "title={An anisotropic fourth-order diffusion filter for image noise removal},\n" +
          "author={Mohammad Reza and Hajiaboli},\n" +
          "journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},\n" +
          "volume={92},\n" +
          "number={2},\n" +
          "pages={177--191},\n" +
          "year={2011},\n" +
          "publisher={Springer}\n" +
         cite_info2.endnote = \
         ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
          "%T Anisotropic diffusion of higher order for piecewise-smooth recovery\n" +
          "%A Mohammad Reza, Hajiaboli\n" +
          "%J International Journal of Computer Vision\n" +
          "%V 92\n" +
          "%N 2\n" +
          "%P 177--191\n" +
          "%@ \n" +
          "%D 2011\n" +
          "%I Springer\n")
         cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1007/s11263-010-0330-1"
     return [cite_info1, cite_info2]
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
        cite_info1.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox")
        cite_info1.bibtex = \
            ("@article{van2016fast,\n" +
             "title={Fast and flexible X-ray tomography using the ASTRA \
             toolbox},\n" +
             "author={van Aarle, Wim and Palenstijn, Willem Jan and Cant, \
             Jeroen and Janssens, Eline and Bleichrodt, Folkert and \
             Dabravolski, Andrei and De Beenhouwer, Jan and Batenburg, K Joost\
             and Sijbers, Jan},\n" +
             "journal={Optics Express},\n" +
             "volume={24},\n" +
             "number={22},\n" +
             "pages={25129--25147},\n" +
             "year={2016},\n" +
             "publisher={Optical Society of America}\n" +
        cite_info1.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Fast and flexible X-ray tomography using the ASTRA \
             toolbox\n" +
             "%A van Aarle, Wim\n" +
             "%A Palenstijn, Willem Jan\n" +
             "%A Cant, Jeroen\n" +
             "%A Janssens, Eline\n" +
             "%A Bleichrodt, Folkert\n" +
             "%A Dabravolski, Andrei\n" +
             "%A De Beenhouwer, Jan\n" +
             "%A Batenburg, K Joost\n" +
             "%A Sijbers, Jan\n" +
             "%J Optics Express\n" +
             "%V 24\n" +
             "%N 22\n" +
             "%P 25129-25147\n" +
             "%@ 1094-4087\n" +
             "%D 2016\n" +
             "%I Optical Society of America\n")
        cite_info1.doi = "doi: 10.1364/OE.24.025129"

        cite_info2 = CitationInformation() = 'citation2'
        cite_info2.description = \
            ("The tomography reconstruction algorithm used in this processing \
             pipeline is part of the ASTRA Toolbox")
        cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{van2015astra,\n" +
             "title={The ASTRA Toolbox: A platform for advanced algorithm \
             development in electron tomography},\n" +
             "author={van Aarle, Wim and Palenstijn, Willem Jan and \
             De Beenhouwer, Jan and Altantzis, Thomas and Bals, Sara and \
             Batenburg, K Joost and Sijbers, Jan},\n" +
             "journal={Ultramicroscopy},\n" +
             "volume={157},\n" +
             "pages={35--47},\n" +
             "year={2015},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
        cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Numerical removal of ring artifacts in microtomography\n" +
             "%A Raven, Carsten\n" +
             "%J Review of scientific instruments\n" +
             "%V 69\n" +
             "%N 8\n" +
             "%P 2978-2980\n" +
             "%@ 0034-6748\n" +
             "%D 1998\n" +
             "%I AIP Publishing")
        cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1364/OE.24.025129"

        return [cite_info1, cite_info2]
Beispiel #34
    def get_citation_information(self):
        cite_info1 = CitationInformation() = 'citation1'
        cite_info1.description = \
            ("The CCPi-Regularisation toolkit provides a set of variational regularisers (denoisers) which can be embedded in a plug-and-play fashion into proximal splitting methods for image reconstruction. CCPi-RGL comes with algorithms that can satisfy various prior expectations of the reconstructed object, for example being piecewise-constant or piecewise-smooth nature.")
        cite_info1.bibtex = \
            ("@article{kazantsev2019,\n" +
             "title={CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms},\n" +
             "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Edoardo and Pasca, Martin and Turner, Philip and Withers},\n" +
             "journal={Software X},\n" +
             "volume={9},\n" +
             "number={},\n" +
             "pages={317-323},\n" +
             "year={2019},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
        cite_info1.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T CCPi-Regularisation Toolkit for computed tomographic image reconstruction with proximal splitting algorithms\n" +
             "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
             "%A Pasca, Edoardo\n" +
             "%A Turner, Martin\n" +
             "%A Withers, Philip\n" +
             "%J Software X\n" +
             "%V 9\n" +
             "%N \n" +
             "%P 317--323\n" +
             "%@ --\n" +
             "%D 2019\n" +
             "%I Elsevier\n")
        cite_info1.doi = "doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2019.04.003"

        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'ROF_TV'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Rudin-Osher-Fatemi explicit PDE minimisation method for smoothed Total Variation regulariser"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{ROF1992,\n" +
             "title={Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms},\n" +
             "author={L. Rudin, S. Osher, E. Fatemi},\n" +
             "journal={Physica D.},\n" +
             "volume={60},\n" +
             "number={},\n" +
             "pages={259--268},\n" +
             "year={1992},\n" +
             "publisher={Elsevier}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms\n" +
             "%A Rudin, L.\n" +
             "%A Osher, S.\n" +
             "%A Fatemi, Fatemi\n" +
             "%J Physica D.\n" +
             "%V 60\n" +
             "%N \n" +
             "%P 259--268\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 1992\n" +
             "%I Elsevier\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1016/0167-2789(92)90242-F"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'FGP_TV'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Fast-Gradient-Projection algorithm for Total Variation regulariser"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{FGP2009,\n" +
             "title={Fast gradient-based algorithms for constrained total variation image denoising and deblurring problems},\n" +
             "author={Amir and Beck, Mark and Teboulle},\n" +
             "journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},\n" +
             "volume={18},\n" +
             "number={11},\n" +
             "pages={2419--2434},\n" +
             "year={2009},\n" +
             "publisher={IEEE}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Fast gradient-based algorithms for constrained total variation image denoising and deblurring problems\n" +
             "%A Beck, Amir\n" +
             "%A Teboulle, Mark.\n" +
             "%J IEEE Transactions on Image Processing\n" +
             "%V 18\n" +
             "%N 11\n" +
             "%P 2419--2434\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2009\n" +
             "%I IEEE\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1109/TIP.2009.2028250"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'SB_TV'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "The Split Bregman approach for Total Variation regulariser")
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{SBTV2009,\n" +
             "title={The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems},\n" +
             "author={Tom and Goldstein, Stanley and Osher},\n" +
             "journal={SIAM journal on imaging sciences},\n" +
             "volume={2},\n" +
             "number={2},\n" +
             "pages={323--343},\n" +
             "year={2009},\n" +
             "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems\n" +
             "%A Goldstein, Tom\n" +
             "%A Osher, Stanley.\n" +
             "%J SIAM journal on imaging sciences\n" +
             "%V 2\n" +
             "%N 2\n" +
             "%P 323--343\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2009\n" +
             "%I SIAM\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1137/080725891"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'TGV'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Total generalized variation regulariser for piecewise-smooth recovery"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{TGV2010,\n" +
             "title={Total generalized variation},\n" +
             "author={Kristian and Bredies, Karl and Kunisch, Thomas and Pock},\n" +
             "journal={SIAM journal on imaging sciences},\n" +
             "volume={3},\n" +
             "number={3},\n" +
             "pages={492--526},\n" +
             "year={2010},\n" +
             "publisher={SIAM}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Total generalized variation\n" +
             "%A Bredies, Kristian\n" +
             "%A Kunisch, Kurl.\n" +
             "%A Pock, Thomas.\n" +
             "%J SIAM journal on imaging sciences\n" +
             "%V 3\n" +
             "%N 3\n" +
             "%P 492--526\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2010\n" +
             "%I SIAM\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1137/080725891"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'LLT_ROF'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Combination for ROF model and LLT for piecewise-smooth recovery"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{ROFLLT2017,\n" +
             "title={Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data},\n" +
             "author={Daniil and Kazantsev, Enyu and Guo, Andre and Phillion, Philip and Withers, Peter and Lee},\n" +
             "journal={Measurement Science and Technology},\n" +
             "volume={28},\n" +
             "number={9},\n" +
             "pages={094004},\n" +
             "year={2017},\n" +
             "publisher={IoP}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Model-based iterative reconstruction using higher-order regularization of dynamic synchrotron data\n" +
             "%A Kazantsev, Daniil\n" +
             "%A Enyu, Guo.\n" +
             "%A Phillion, Andre.\n" +
             "%A Withers, Philip.\n" +
             "%A Lee, Peter.\n" +
             "%J Measurement Science and Technology\n" +
             "%V 28\n" +
             "%N 9\n" +
             "%P 094004\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2017\n" +
             "%I IoP\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1088/1361-6501"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'NDF'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Nonlinear or linear duffison as a regulariser ")
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{NDF1990,\n" +
             "title={Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion},\n" +
             "author={Pietro and Perona, Jitendra and Malik},\n" +
             "journal={IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence},\n" +
             "volume={12},\n" +
             "number={7},\n" +
             "pages={629--639},\n" +
             "year={1990},\n" +
             "publisher={IEEE}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion\n" +
             "%A Pietro, Perona\n" +
             "%A Jitendra, Malik.\n" +
             "%J IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence\n" +
             "%V 12\n" +
             "%N 7\n" +
             "%P 629--639\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 1990\n" +
             "%I IEEE\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1109/34.56205"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'DIFF4th'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Anisotropic diffusion of higher order for piecewise-smooth recovery"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{ADF2011,\n" +
             "title={An anisotropic fourth-order diffusion filter for image noise removal},\n" +
             "author={Mohammad Reza and Hajiaboli},\n" +
             "journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},\n" +
             "volume={92},\n" +
             "number={2},\n" +
             "pages={177--191},\n" +
             "year={2011},\n" +
             "publisher={Springer}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Anisotropic diffusion of higher order for piecewise-smooth recovery\n" +
             "%A Mohammad Reza, Hajiaboli\n" +
             "%J International Journal of Computer Vision\n" +
             "%V 92\n" +
             "%N 2\n" +
             "%P 177--191\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2011\n" +
             "%I Springer\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1007/s11263-010-0330-1"
        if (self.parameters['method'] == 'NLTV'):
            cite_info2 = CitationInformation()
   = 'citation2'
            cite_info2.description = (
                "Nonlocal discrete regularization on weighted graphs: a framework for image and manifold processing"
            cite_info2.bibtex = \
            ("@article{abd2008,\n" +
             "title={Nonlocal discrete regularization on weighted graphs: a framework for image and manifold processing},\n" +
             "author={Abderrahim and Lezoray and Bougleux},\n" +
             "journal={IEEE Trans. Image Processing},\n" +
             "volume={17},\n" +
             "number={7},\n" +
             "pages={1047--1060},\n" +
             "year={2008},\n" +
             "publisher={IEEE}\n" +
            cite_info2.endnote = \
            ("%0 Journal Article\n" +
             "%T Nonlocal discrete regularization on weighted graphs: a framework for image and manifold processing\n" +
             "%A Abderrahim, Lezoray, Bougleux\n" +
             "%J IEEE Trans. Image Processing\n" +
             "%V 17\n" +
             "%N 7\n" +
             "%P 1047--1060\n" +
             "%@ \n" +
             "%D 2008\n" +
             "%I IEEE\n")
            cite_info2.doi = "doi: 10.1109/TIP.2008.924284"
        return [cite_info1, cite_info2]