Beispiel #1
def linkage(KL,H, toM, SHOW=True):

	linkage_matrix = linkage_scipy(KL, "complete")
	labels 	= [(i,toM[i]) for i in toM]
	labels 	= [y for x,y in labels]
	ddata = dendrogram(linkage_matrix,labels=labels,
 	                   color_threshold=0,leaf_rotation= 85, leaf_font_size=9 )
	if SHOW:
	return ddata
Beispiel #2
def cluster_PSSMS(D):
	DIMS 	= [m.shape[0] for m in D.values() ]
	for DIM in range(min(DIMS), max(DIMS)):
		X 	= list()
		IDS = list()
		for d in D:

			if D[d].shape[0]==DIM:
		if X:
			A 	= np.zeros((len(X), len(X)))
			for i in range(len(X)):
				for j in range(i+1, len(X)):
					A[i,j] 	= np.sum(abs(X[i] - X[j]))
					A[j,i] 	= A[i,j]
			linkage_matrix = linkage_scipy(A, "complete")
			ddata = dendrogram(linkage_matrix,
		 	                  labels=IDS , color_threshold=0,leaf_rotation= 85, leaf_font_size=14 )
Beispiel #3
def fit(X,
    """ Determine optimal number of clusters using dbindex.

    This function return the cluster labels for the optimal cutt-off based on the choosen hierarchical clustering method.

    X : Numpy-array.
        The rows are the features and the colums are the samples.
    cluster : str, (default: 'agglomerative')
        Clustering method type for clustering.
            * 'agglomerative'
            * 'kmeans'
    metric : str, (default: 'euclidean').
        Distance measure for the clustering, such as 'euclidean','hamming', etc.
    linkage : str, (default: 'ward')
        Linkage type for the clustering.
    min_clust : int, (default: 2)
        Number of clusters that is evaluated greater or equals to min_clust.
    max_clust : int, (default: 25)
        Number of clusters that is evaluated smaller or equals to max_clust.
    Z : Object, (default: None).
        This will speed-up computation if you readily have Z. e.g., Z=linkage(X, method='ward', metric='euclidean').
    verbose : int, optional (default: 3)
        Print message to screen [1-5]. The larger the number, the more information.

    dict. with various keys. Note that the underneath keys can change based on the used methodtype.
    method: str
        Method name that is used for cluster evaluation.
    score: None
        Nothing in here but incuded for consistency
    labx: list
        Cluster labels.
    fig: list
        Relevant information to make the plot.

    >>> # Import library
    >>> import clusteval.derivative as derivative
    >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
    >>> Generate demo data
    >>> X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=750, centers=6, n_features=10)
    >>> # Fit with default parameters
    >>> results =
    >>> # plot
    >>> derivative.plot(results)

    Param = {}
    Param['verbose'] = verbose
    Param['cluster'] = cluster
    Param['metric'] = metric
    Param['linkage'] = linkage
    Param['min_clust'] = min_clust
    Param['max_clust'] = max_clust

    if verbose >= 3: print('[clusteval] >Evaluate using derivatives.')

    if Param['cluster'] == 'kmeans':
        if verbose >= 3:
            print('[clusteval] >Does not work with Kmeans! <return>')
        results = {}
        results['method'] = 'derivative'
        results['labx'] = None
        results['score'] = None
        results['fig'] = {}
        results['fig']['last_rev'] = None
        results['fig']['acceleration_rev'] = None
        return results

    # Cluster hierarchical using on metric/linkage
    if Z is None:
        Z = linkage_scipy(X, method=Param['linkage'], metric=Param['metric'])

    # Make all possible cluster-cut-offs
    if Param['verbose'] >= 3:
        print('[clusteval] >Determining optimal clustering by derivatives..')

    # Run over all cluster cutoffs
    last = Z[-10:, 2]
    last_rev = last[::-1]

    acceleration = np.diff(last, 2)  # 2nd derivative of the distances
    acceleration_rev = acceleration[::-1]

    # Only focus on the min-max clusters
    acceleration_rev[:Param['min_clust']] = 0
    acceleration_rev[Param['max_clust']:] = 0
    last_rev[:Param['min_clust']] = 0
    last_rev[Param['max_clust']:] = 0

    k = acceleration_rev.argmax(
    ) + 2  # if idx 0 is the max of this we want 2 clusters
    if Param['verbose'] >= 3: print('[clusteval] >Clusters: %d' % k)

    # Now use the optimal cluster cut-off for the selection of clusters
    clustlabx = fcluster(Z, k, criterion='maxclust')

    # Convert to array
    clustlabx = np.array(clustlabx)

    # Store results
    results = {}
    results['method'] = 'derivative'
    results['labx'] = clustlabx
    results['score'] = None
    results['fig'] = {}
    results['fig']['last_rev'] = last_rev
    results['fig']['acceleration_rev'] = acceleration_rev
    # Return
    return (results)