Beispiel #1
def calcProfilV(self, xy):
    """renvoie les valeurs des vitesses sur une section"""
    vxvy = self.getMfVitesse()
    grd = self.parent.aquifere.getFullGrid()
    x0, y0, dx, dy, nx, ny = grd['x0'], grd['y0'], grd['dx'], grd['dy'], grd[
        'nx'], grd['ny']
    x, y = zip(*xy)
    xl0, xl1 = x[:2]
    yl0, yl1 = y[:2]
    dd = min(dx, dy) * .95
    dxp, dyp = xl1 - xl0, yl1 - yl0
    ld = max(ceil(abs(dxp / dx)), ceil(abs(dyp / dy)))
    ld = int(ld + 1)
    ddx = dxp / ld
    ddy = dyp / ld
    xp2 = xl0 + arange(ld + 1) * ddx
    yp2 = yl0 + arange(ld + 1) * ddy
    ix = floor((xp2 - x0) / dx)
    ix = clip(ix.astype(int), 0, nx - 1)
    iy = floor((yp2 - y0) / dy)
    iy = clip(iy.astype(int), 0, ny - 1)
    vx = take(ravel(vxvy[0]), iy * nx + ix)
    vy = take(ravel(vxvy[1]), iy * nx + ix)
    V = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
    cu = sqrt((xp2 - xp2[0])**2 + (yp2 - yp2[0])**2)
    return [cu, V]
Beispiel #2
def insert_sphere(im, c, r):
    Inserts a sphere of a specified radius into a given image

    im : array_like
        Image into which the sphere should be inserted
    c : array_like
        The [x, y, z] coordinate indicating the center of the sphere
    r : int
        The radius of sphere to insert

    image : ND-array
        The original image with a sphere inerted at the specified location
    c = sp.array(c, dtype=int)
    if c.size != im.ndim:
        raise Exception('Coordinates do not match dimensionality of image')

    bbox = []
    [bbox.append(sp.clip(c[i] - r, 0, im.shape[i])) for i in range(im.ndim)]
    [bbox.append(sp.clip(c[i] + r, 0, im.shape[i])) for i in range(im.ndim)]
    bbox = sp.ravel(bbox)
    s = bbox_to_slices(bbox)
    temp = im[s]
    blank = sp.ones_like(temp)
    blank[tuple(c - bbox[0:im.ndim])] = 0
    blank = spim.distance_transform_edt(blank) < r
    im[s] = blank
    return im
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, gradient, error):
        products = self.previous_gradient * gradient
        signs = sign(gradient)

        # For positive gradient parts.
        positive = (products > 0).astype('int8')
        pos_step = self.step * self.upfactor * positive
        clip(pos_step, -self.bound, self.bound)
        pos_update = self.values - signs * pos_step

        # For negative gradient parts.
        negative = (products < 0).astype('int8')
        neg_step = self.step * self.downfactor * negative
        clip(neg_step, -self.bound, self.bound)
        if error <= self.previous_error:
            # If the error has decreased, do nothing.
            neg_update = zeros(gradient.shape)
            # If it has increased, move back 2 steps.
            neg_update = self.more_prev_values
        # Set all negative gradients to zero for the next step.
        gradient *= positive

        # Bookkeeping.
        self.previous_gradient = gradient
        self.more_prev_values = self.prev_values
        self.prev_values = self.values.copy()
        self.previous_error = error

        # Updates.
        self.step[:] = pos_step + neg_step
        self.values[:] = positive * pos_update + negative * neg_update

        return self.values
    def __call__(self, gradient, error):
        products = self.previous_gradient * gradient
        signs = sign(gradient)
        # For positive gradient parts.
        positive = (products > 0).astype('int8')
        pos_step = self.step * self.upfactor * positive
        clip(pos_step, -self.bound, self.bound)
        pos_update = self.values - signs * pos_step
        # For negative gradient parts.
        negative = (products < 0).astype('int8')
        neg_step = self.step * self.downfactor * negative
        clip(neg_step, -self.bound, self.bound)
        if error <= self.previous_error:
            # If the error has decreased, do nothing.
            neg_update = zeros(gradient.shape)
            # If it has increased, move back 2 steps.
            neg_update = self.more_prev_values
        # Set all negative gradients to zero for the next step.
        gradient *= positive
        # Bookkeeping.
        self.previous_gradient = gradient
        self.more_prev_values = self.prev_values
        self.prev_values = self.values.copy()
        self.previous_error = error

        # Updates.
        self.step[:] = pos_step + neg_step
        self.values[:] = positive * pos_update + negative * neg_update
        return self.values
Beispiel #5
def getBeamFluxSpline(beam, plasma, t, lim1, lim2, points=1000):
    """ generates a spline off of the beampath.  Assumes
    that the change in flux is MONOTONIC"""

    lim = beam.norm.s
    beam.norm.s = scipy.linspace(0, lim[-1], points)
    h = time.time()
    psi = plasma.eq.rz2rmid(beam.r()[0],
                            beam.r()[2], t)  #evaluates all psi's at once
    print(time.time() - h)
    outspline = len(t) * [0]
    inspline = len(t) * [0]
    for i in range(t.size):
        temp = lim1
        mask = scipy.logical_and(scipy.isfinite(psi[i]), psi[i] < lim2 + .02)

            minpos = scipy.argmin(psi[i][mask])
            test = psi[i][mask][minpos]
        except ValueError:
            test = lim2 + .03

        sizer = psi[i][mask].size
        if not test > lim2:

            #limout = scipy.insert(lim,(2,2),(beam.norm.s[mask][minpos],beam.norm.s[mask][minpos]))  # add minimum flux s for bound testing
            if lim1 < test:
                temp = test

                temp1 = scipy.clip(
                    scipy.digitize((lim1, lim2), psi[i][mask][minpos::-1]), 0,
                outspline[i] = beam.norm.s[mask][minpos::-1][temp1]

            except ValueError:
                tempmask = (psi[i][mask] < lim2)[0]
                outspline[i] = scipy.array(
                    [beam.norm.s[mask][minpos], beam.norm.s[mask][tempmask]])

                temp2 = scipy.clip(
                    scipy.digitize((lim1, lim2), psi[i][mask][minpos:]), 0,
                    sizer - minpos - 1)
                inspline[i] = beam.norm.s[mask][minpos:][temp2]

            except ValueError:
                inspline[i] = scipy.array(
                    [beam.norm.s[mask][minpos], beam.norm.s[mask][-1]])

            outspline[i] = scipy.array([[], []])
            inspline[i] = scipy.array([[], []])

    return (outspline, inspline)
Beispiel #6
 def normalize(self, sensors):
     """ The function scales the parameters to be between -1 and 1. e.g. [(-pi, pi), (0, 1), (-0.001, 0.001)] """
     assert(len(self.sensor_limits) == len(sensors))
     result = []
     for l, s in zip(self.sensor_limits, sensors):
         if not l:
             result.append((s - l[0]) / (l[1] - l[0]) * 2 - 1.0)
     if self.clipping:
         clip(result, -1, 1)
     return asarray(result)
Beispiel #7
 def normalize(self, sensors):
     """ The function scales the parameters to be between -1 and 1. e.g. [(-pi, pi), (0, 1), (-0.001, 0.001)] """
     assert(len(self.sensor_limits) == len(sensors))
     result = []
     for l, s in zip(self.sensor_limits, sensors):
         if not l:
             result.append((s - l[0]) / (l[1] - l[0]) * 2 - 1.0)
     if self.clipping:
         clip(result, -1, 1)
     return asarray(result)  
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, gridObj, dt, nParticles=1.e11, tBunchSpacing=25.e-9):

        self.gridObj = gridObj
        self.nx = gridObj.getNxExt()
        self.ny = gridObj.getNyExt() = gridObj.getNpExt()
        self.lx = gridObj.getLxExt() = gridObj.getLyExt()
        self.dx = gridObj.getDx()
        self.dy = gridObj.getDy()
        self.dt = dt

        self.nParticles = nParticles
        self.charge = spc.elementary_charge
        self.beamVelocity = spc.c
        self.circumference = 6900
        self.radiusSigma = 0.002
        self.radiusLimitSigma = 5
        self.xBeamCenter = 0.
        self.yBeamCenter = 0.
        self.tBunchSpacing = tBunchSpacing
        self.bunchLengthSigma = 0.1
        self.tBunchLengthSigma = self.bunchLengthSigma / self.beamVelocity
        self.bunchLengthLimitSigma = 5

        self.qTransversalProfile = sp.zeros(

        xMesh = self.gridObj.getXMesh()
        yMesh = self.gridObj.getYMesh()
        xCoords = sp.tile(xMesh, self.ny)
        yCoords = sp.reshape(sp.tile(yMesh, (self.nx, 1)).transpose(),
        beamPoints = (
            (self.radiusLimitSigma * self.radiusSigma +
             max([self.dx, self.dy]))**2 - xCoords**2 - yCoords**2) > 0
        self.qTransversalProfile[beamPoints] = ((sps.norm.cdf(
                (xCoords - self.xBeamCenter + self.dx / 2.) / self.radiusSigma,
                -self.radiusLimitSigma, self.radiusLimitSigma)) - sps.norm.cdf(
                        (xCoords - self.xBeamCenter - self.dx / 2.) /
                        self.radiusSigma, -self.radiusLimitSigma,
                        self.radiusLimitSigma))) * (sps.norm.cdf(
                                (yCoords - self.yBeamCenter + self.dy / 2.) /
                                self.radiusSigma, -self.radiusLimitSigma,
                                self.radiusLimitSigma)) - sps.norm.cdf(
                                        (yCoords - self.yBeamCenter -
                                         self.dy / 2.) / self.radiusSigma,
        self.qTransversalProfile /= sp.sum(self.qTransversalProfile)
Beispiel #9
def getBeamFluxSpline(beam,plasma,t,lim1,lim2,points = 1000):
    """ generates a spline off of the beampath.  Assumes
    that the change in flux is MONOTONIC"""

    lim = beam.norm.s
    beam.norm.s = scipy.linspace(0,lim[-1],points)
    h = time.time()
    psi = plasma.eq.rz2rmid(beam.r()[0],beam.r()[2],t) #evaluates all psi's at once
    outspline = len(t)*[0]
    inspline = len(t)*[0]
    for i in xrange(t.size):
        temp = lim1
        mask = scipy.logical_and(scipy.isfinite(psi[i]),psi[i] < lim2+.02)

            minpos = scipy.argmin(psi[i][mask])
            test = psi[i][mask][minpos]
        except ValueError:
            test = lim2+.03
        sizer = psi[i][mask].size
        if not test > lim2:

        #limout = scipy.insert(lim,(2,2),(beam.norm.s[mask][minpos],beam.norm.s[mask][minpos]))  # add minimum flux s for bound testing
            if lim1 < test:
                temp = test

                temp1 = scipy.clip(scipy.digitize((lim1,lim2),psi[i][mask][minpos::-1]),0,minpos)
                outspline[i] = beam.norm.s[mask][minpos::-1][temp1]
            except ValueError:
                tempmask = (psi[i][mask] < lim2)[0]
                outspline[i] = scipy.array([beam.norm.s[mask][minpos],beam.norm.s[mask][tempmask]])

                temp2 = scipy.clip(scipy.digitize((lim1,lim2),psi[i][mask][minpos:]),0,sizer-minpos-1)
                inspline[i] = beam.norm.s[mask][minpos:][temp2]
            except ValueError:
                inspline[i] = scipy.array([beam.norm.s[mask][minpos],beam.norm.s[mask][-1]])

            outspline[i] = scipy.array([[],[]])
            inspline[i] = scipy.array([[],[]])

    return (outspline,inspline)
Beispiel #10
    def keyPressEvent(self, event): # reimplementation
        if event.key() == 16777234:
#            print " left arrow "
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame - 1
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = sp.clip(self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame,0,self.Main.Data.nFrames-1)

        if event.key() == 16777236:
#            print " right arrow "
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame + 1
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = sp.clip(self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame,0,self.Main.Data.nFrames-1)

        self.Data_Display.Traces_Visualizer.update_vline(self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame) # one call is enougth because this one calls the other as well
Beispiel #11
 def normalize(self, sensors):
     """ limits is a list of 2-tuples, one tuple per parameter, giving min and max for that parameter.
         The function scales the parameters to be between -1 and 1. e.g. [(-pi, pi), (0, 1), (-0.001, 0.001)] """
     assert len(self.sensor_limits) == len(sensors)
     result = []
     for l, s in zip(self.sensor_limits, sensors):
         if not l:
             result.append((s - l[0]) / (l[1] - l[0]) * 2 - 1.0)
     if self.clipping:
         clip(result, -1, 1)
     return result
Beispiel #12
 def corrCoords(self,lcooI):
     '''change coordinates if they are out of the domain'''
     g = self.core.dicaddin['Grid']
     ex = (float(g['x1'])-float(g['x0']))/1e5
     ey = (float(g['y1'])-float(g['y0']))/1e5
     lcoord = []
     for b in lcooI:
         try : x = clip(float(b[0]),float(g['x0'])+ex,float(g['x1'])-ex)
         except ValueError : continue
         try: y = clip(float(b[1]),float(g['y0'])+ey,float(g['y1'])-ey)
         except ValueError : continue
         if len(b)==2: lcoord.append((x,y))
         else : lcoord.append((x,y,float(b[2])))
     return lcoord
Beispiel #13
 def getReward(self):
     # calculate reward and return reward
     reward = self.env.getSensorByName('headPos')[1] / float(
         self.epiLen)  #reward is hight of head
     #to prevent jumping reward can't get bigger than head position while standing absolut upright
     reward = clip(reward, -14.0, 4.0)
     return reward
Beispiel #14
def ojf(x,s,d,override=False):
    #print "called ojf: "+str(x)
    xlow = [-2.,-2.]
    xupp = [2.,2.]
    xthis = [xlow[i]+0.5*(xin+1)*(xupp[i]-xlow[i]) for i,xin in enumerate(x)]
    hyp = [10**i for i in xthis]
    print hyp
    llk = sp.clip(GPdc.GP_LKonly(X,Y,S,D,GPdc.kernel(GPdc.MAT52,1,sp.array(hyp))).plk(pm,ps),-1e60,1e60)
    if llk<-1.:
        out = sp.log(-llk)+1.
        out = -llk
    print "--->llk: {0} {1}    t: {2}".format(llk,out,t1-t0)
    return [out,t1-t0]
def two_channel_to_color(im):
    """Converts a two-channel microarray image to a color image, as described in the paper associated with this 
    lower = sp.percentile(im, 5)
    upper = sp.percentile(im, 98)   
    channel_0 = sp.clip((im[:, :, 0] - lower)/(upper - lower), 0, 1)
    channel_2 = sp.clip((im[:, :, 1] - lower)/(upper - lower), 0, 1)
    channel_1 = ((channel_0 + channel_2)/2.)
    im = sp.array((channel_0, channel_1, channel_2))
    im = sp.rollaxis(im, 0, 3)
    im = (255*im).astype(sp.uint8)    
    return im
Beispiel #16
    def __call__(self, x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x, x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices, 1,
                             len(self.x) - 1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1
        hi = x_new_indices

        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y, lo, axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y, hi, axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi - y_lo) / (x_hi - x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope * (x_new_1d - x_lo) + y_lo
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1] * len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape) * out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new, self.interp_axis, self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
def two_channel_to_color(im):
    """Converts a two-channel microarray image to a color image, as described in the paper associated with this 
    lower = sp.percentile(im, 5)
    upper = sp.percentile(im, 98)

    channel_0 = sp.clip((im[:, :, 0] - lower) / (upper - lower), 0, 1)
    channel_2 = sp.clip((im[:, :, 1] - lower) / (upper - lower), 0, 1)
    channel_1 = ((channel_0 + channel_2) / 2.)

    im = sp.array((channel_0, channel_1, channel_2))
    im = sp.rollaxis(im, 0, 3)

    im = (255 * im).astype(sp.uint8)

    return im
Beispiel #18
def ojf(x, s, d, override=False):
    #print "called ojf: "+str(x)
        x = x.flatten(0)

    xlow = [-2., -2.]
    xupp = [2., 2.]

    xthis = [
        xlow[i] + 0.5 * (xin + 1) * (xupp[i] - xlow[i])
        for i, xin in enumerate(x)
    hyp = [10**i for i in xthis]

    print hyp
    t0 = time.clock()
    llk = sp.clip(
        GPdc.GP_LKonly(X, Y, S, D, GPdc.kernel(GPdc.MAT52, 1,
                                               sp.array(hyp))).plk(pm, ps),
        -1e60, 1e60)

    t1 = time.clock()
    if llk < -1.:
        out = sp.log(-llk) + 1.
        out = -llk
    print "--->llk: {0} {1}    t: {2}".format(llk, out, t1 - t0)

    return [out, t1 - t0]
Beispiel #19
def find_dt_artifacts(dt):
    Finds points in a distance transform that are closer to wall than solid.

    These points could *potentially* be erroneously high since their distance
    values do not reflect the possibility that solid may have been present
    beyond the border of the image but lost by trimming.

    dt : ND-array
        The distance transform of the phase of interest

    image : ND-array
        An ND-array the same shape as ``dt`` with numerical values indicating
        the maximum amount of error in each volxel, which is found by
        subtracting the distance to nearest edge of image from the distance
        transform value. In other words, this is the error that would be found
        if there were a solid voxel lurking just beyond the nearest edge of
        the image.  Obviously, voxels with a value of zero have no error.

    temp = sp.ones(shape=dt.shape) * sp.inf
    for ax in range(dt.ndim):
        dt_lin = distance_transform_lin(sp.ones_like(temp, dtype=bool),
        temp = sp.minimum(temp, dt_lin)
    result = sp.clip(dt - temp, a_min=0, a_max=sp.inf)
    return result
Beispiel #20
def plotHeatmap(fwrap, aclass, algoparams, trials, maxsteps):
    """ Visualizing performance across trials and across time 
    (iterations in powers of 2) """
    psteps = int(log2(maxsteps)) + 1
    storesteps = [0] + [2 ** x  for x in range(psteps)]
    ls = lossTraces(fwrap, aclass, dim=trials, maxsteps=maxsteps,
                    storesteps=storesteps, algoparams=algoparams,
    initv = mean(ls[0])
    maxgain = exp(fwrap.stochfun.maxLogGain(maxsteps) + 1)
    maxneggain = (sqrt(maxgain))
    M = zeros((psteps, trials))
    for sid in range(psteps):
        # skip the initial values
        winfactors = clip(initv / ls[sid+1], 1. / maxneggain, maxgain)
        winfactors[isnan(winfactors)] = 1. / maxneggain
        M[sid, :] = log10(sorted(winfactors))
    pylab.imshow(M.T, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.RdBu, #@UndefinedVariable
                 aspect=psteps / float(trials) / 1,  
                 vmin= -log10(maxgain), vmax=log10(maxgain),
    return ls
Beispiel #21
 def getReward(self):
     if self.epiStep == self.epiLen / 3 or self.epiStep == 2 * self.epiLen / 3 or self.epiStep == self.epiLen:
         self.reward[0] = clip(160.0 * (1.0 - self.rawReward), 0.0,
                               160.0) - self.getPain()
         self.reward[0] = -self.getPain()
     return self.reward[0]
Beispiel #22
def plotHeatmap(fwrap, aclass, algoparams, trials, maxsteps):
    """ Visualizing performance across trials and across time 
    (iterations in powers of 2) """
    psteps = int(log2(maxsteps)) + 1
    storesteps = [0] + [2**x for x in range(psteps)]
    ls = lossTraces(fwrap,

    initv = mean(ls[0])
    maxgain = exp(fwrap.stochfun.maxLogGain(maxsteps) + 1)
    maxneggain = (sqrt(maxgain))

    M = zeros((psteps, trials))
    for sid in range(psteps):
        # skip the initial values
        winfactors = clip(initv / ls[sid + 1], 1. / maxneggain, maxgain)
        winfactors[isnan(winfactors)] = 1. / maxneggain
        M[sid, :] = log10(sorted(winfactors))

        cmap=cm.RdBu,  #@UndefinedVariable
        aspect=psteps / float(trials) / 1,
    return ls
Beispiel #23
def normalize_inputs(inputs,names,clip=False):
  normf = dict(phi=(0.0,s.pi), umu=(0.5,1.0), aod=(0.0,0.5),
               h2o=(0.0,2.5),  albedo=(0.0,1.0))

  outputs = inputs.copy()  
  for i,namev in enumerate(names):
    name = namev.lower()
    if name in normf:
      vmin,vmax = normf[name]
    elif name.startswith('ao'):
      vmin,vmax = normf['aod']
    elif 'h2o' in name:
      vmin,vmax = normf['h2o']
    elif name.startswith('alb'):
      vmin,vmax = normf['albedo']
      raise Exception('Unknown input: '+namev)
    outputs[:,i] = (outputs[:,i]-vmin) / (vmax-vmin)

  if outputs.min() < 0 or outputs.max() > 1:
      if clip:
        warn('clipping normalized inputs outside the [0,1] range')
        outputs = s.clip(outputs,0.0,1.0)
        warn('normalized inputs exist that are outside [0,1] range')

  return outputs
Beispiel #24
def pso(func, nswarm, lbound, ubound, vmax, args=(), maxiter=1000, cp=2.0, cg=2.0):
    ndim = len(lbound)
    lbound = sp.asarray(lbound)
    ubound = sp.asarray(ubound)
    vmax = sp.asarray(vmax)

    # initialize the swarm
    swarm = lbound + sp.rand(nswarm, ndim)*(ubound-lbound)

    # initialize the "personal best" values
    pbestv = sp.zeros(nswarm, sp.Float)
    for i in sp.arange(nswarm):
        pbestv[i] = func(swarm[i])
    pbest = sp.array(swarm)

    # initialize the "global best" values
    gbesti = sp.argmin(pbestv)
    gbestv = pbestv[gbesti]
    gbest = pbest[gbesti]

    # initialize velocities
    velocities = 2*vmax*sp.randn(nswarm, ndim) - vmax

    for i in sp.arange(maxiter):

        values = sp.zeros(nswarm, sp.Float)
        for j in sp.arange(nswarm):
            values[j] = func(swarm[j])

        mask = values < pbestv
        mask2d = sp.repeat(mask, ndim)
        mask2d.shape = (nswarm, ndim)
        pbestv = sp.where(mask, values, pbestv)
        pbest = sp.where(mask2d, swarm, pbest)

        if sp.minimum.reduce(pbestv) < gbestv:
            gbesti = sp.argmin(pbestv)
            gbestv = pbestv[gbesti]
            gbest = pbest[gbesti]

        velocities += (cp*sp.rand()*(pbest - swarm) +
                       cg*sp.rand()*(gbest - swarm))
        velocities = sp.clip(velocities, -vmax, vmax)
        swarm += velocities
        swarm = sp.clip(swarm, lbound, ubound)
        yield gbest
    def __call__(self,x_new):
        """Find linearly interpolated y_new = <name>(x_new).

          x_new -- New independent variables.

          y_new -- Linearly interpolated values corresponding to x_new.
        # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x.  Throw error,
        #    or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values.
        #    The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable.
        ## RHC -- was   x_new = atleast_1d(x_new)
        x_new_1d = atleast_1d(x_new)
        out_of_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new_1d)
        # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate
        #    would be inserted.
        #    Note: If x_new[n] = x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted.
        x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x,x_new_1d)
        # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of 
        #    self.x indices and at least 1.  Removes mis-interpolation
        #    of x_new[n] = x[0]
        # RHC -- changed Int to Numeric_Int to avoid name clash with numarray
        x_new_indices = clip(x_new_indices,1,len(self.x)-1).astype(Numeric_Int)
        # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in.
        lo = x_new_indices - 1; hi = x_new_indices
        # !! take() should default to the last axis (IMHO) and remove
        # !! the extra argument.
        x_lo = take(self.x,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        x_hi = take(self.x,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_lo = take(self.y,lo,axis=self.interp_axis)
        y_hi = take(self.y,hi,axis=self.interp_axis)
        slope = (y_hi-y_lo)/(x_hi-x_lo)
        # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
        y_new = slope*(x_new_1d-x_lo) + y_lo 
        # 6. Fill any values that were out of bounds with NaN
        # !! Need to think about how to do this efficiently for 
        # !! mutli-dimensional Cases.
        yshape = y_new.shape
        y_new = y_new.flat
        new_shape = list(yshape)
        new_shape[self.interp_axis] = 1
        sec_shape = [1]*len(new_shape)
        sec_shape[self.interp_axis] = len(out_of_bounds)
        out_of_bounds.shape = sec_shape
        new_out = ones(new_shape)*out_of_bounds
        putmask(y_new, new_out.flat, self.fill_value)
        y_new.shape = yshape
        # Rotate the values of y_new back so that they correspond to the
        # correct x_new values.
        result = swapaxes(y_new,self.interp_axis,self.axis)
            return result
        except TypeError:
            return result[0]
        return result
Beispiel #26
 def getReward(self):
     # calculate reward and return reward
     if self.count < 800:
         return 0.0
         reward = self.env.getSensorByName('SpecificBodyPositionSensor8')[1] / float(self.epiLen - 800) #reward is hight of head
         #to prevent jumping reward can't get bigger than head position while standing absolut upright
         reward = clip(reward, -14.0, 4.0) 
         return reward
Beispiel #27
 def performAction(self, action):
     """ a filtered mapping towards performAction of the underlying environment. """                
     # scaling
     action = (action + 1.0) / 2.0 * self.dif + self.env.fraktMin * self.env.dists[0]
     #Clipping the maximal change in actions (max force clipping)
     action = clip(action, self.action - self.maxSpeed, self.action + self.maxSpeed)
     EpisodicTask.performAction(self, action)
     self.action = action.copy()
Beispiel #28
 def performAction(self, action):
     """ a filtered mapping towards performAction of the underlying environment. """
     # scaling
     action = (action + 1.0) / 2.0 * self.dif + self.env.fraktMin * self.env.dists[0]
     #Clipping the maximal change in actions (max force clipping)
     action = clip(action, self.action - self.maxSpeed, self.action + self.maxSpeed)
     EpisodicTask.performAction(self, action)
     self.action = action.copy()
Beispiel #29
 def _boltzmannProbs(qvalues, temperature=1.):
     if temperature == 0:
         tmp = zeros(len(qvalues))
         tmp[r_argmax(qvalues)] = 1.
         tmp = qvalues / temperature
         tmp -= max(tmp)
         tmp = exp(clip(tmp, -20, 0))
     return tmp / sum(tmp)
Beispiel #30
 def _boltzmannProbs(qvalues, temperature=1.):
     if temperature == 0:
         tmp = zeros(len(qvalues))        
         tmp[r_argmax(qvalues)] = 1.
         tmp = qvalues / temperature            
         tmp -= max(tmp)        
         tmp = exp(clip(tmp, -20, 0))
     return tmp / sum(tmp)
Beispiel #31
 def getReward(self):
     # calculate reward and return reward
     if self.count < 800:
         return 0.0
         reward = self.env.getSensorByName('SpecificBodyPositionSensor8')[1] / float(self.epiLen - 800) #reward is hight of head
         #to prevent jumping reward can't get bigger than head position while standing absolut upright
         reward = clip(reward, -14.0, 4.0)
         return reward
Beispiel #32
def late_filling(target,
    Calculates the fraction of a pore or throat filled with invading fluid
    based on the capillary pressure in the invading phase.  The invading phase
    volume is calculated from:

        .. math::
            S_{nwp} = 1 - S_{wp}^{*} (P^{*}/P_{c})^{\eta}

    pressure : string
        The capillary pressure in the non-wetting phase (Pc > 0).

    Pc_star : string
        The minimum pressure required to create an interface within the pore
        body or throat.  Typically this would be calculated using the Washburn

    Swp_star : float
        The residual wetting phase in an invaded pore or throat at a pressure
        of ``pc_star``.

    eta : float
        Exponent controlling the rate at which wetting phase is displaced with
        increasing pressure.

    An array containing the fraction of each pore or throat that would be
    filled with non-wetting phase at the given phase pressure.  This does not
    account for whether or not the element is actually invaded, which requires
    a percolation algorithm of some sort.

    element = pressure.split('.')[0]
    network =
    phase = target.project.find_phase(target)
    pc_star = phase[Pc_star]
    Pc = phase[pressure]
    # Remove any 0's from the Pc array to prevent numpy div by 0 warning
    Pc = sp.maximum(Pc, 1e-9)
    Swp = Swp_star * ((pc_star / Pc)**eta)
    values = sp.clip(1 - Swp, 0.0, 1.0)
    # Now map element onto target object
    if element == 'throat':
        Ts = network.map_throats(throats=target.Ts, origin=target)
        values = values[Ts]
        Ps = network.map_pores(pores=target.Ps, origin=target)
        values = values[Ps]
    return values
Beispiel #33
def polydisperse_spheres(shape: List[int],
                         porosity: float,
                         nbins: int = 5,
                         r_min: int = 5):
    Create an image of randomly place, overlapping spheres with a distribution
    of radii.

    shape : list
        The size of the image to generate in [Nx, Ny, Nz] where Ni is the
        number of voxels in each direction.  If shape is only 2D, then an
        image of polydisperse disks is returns

    porosity : scalar
        The porosity of the image, defined as the number of void voxels
        divided by the number of voxels in the image. The specified value
        is only matched approximately, so it's suggested to check this value
        after the image is generated.

    dist : scipy.stats distribution object
        This should be an initialized distribution chosen from the large number
        of options in the ``scipy.stats`` submodule.  For instance, a normal
        distribution with a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 10 can be
        obtained with ``dist = scipy.stats.norm(loc=20, scale=10)``

    nbins : scalar
        The number of discrete sphere sizes that will be used to generate the
        image.  This function generates  ``nbins`` images of monodisperse
        spheres that span 0.05 and 0.95 of the possible values produced by the
        provided distribution, then overlays them to get polydispersivity.

    image : ND-array
        A boolean array with ``True`` values denoting the pore space
    shape = sp.array(shape)
    if sp.size(shape) == 1:
        shape = sp.full((3, ), int(shape))
    Rs = dist.interval(sp.linspace(0.05, 0.95, nbins))
    Rs = sp.vstack(Rs).T
    Rs = (Rs[:-1] + Rs[1:]) / 2
    Rs = sp.clip(Rs.flatten(), a_min=r_min, a_max=None)
    phi_desired = 1 - (1 - porosity) / (len(Rs))
    im = sp.ones(shape, dtype=bool)
    for r in Rs:
        phi_im = im.sum() /
        phi_corrected = 1 - (1 - phi_desired) / phi_im
        temp = overlapping_spheres(shape=shape,
        im = im * temp
    return im
Beispiel #34
    def keyPressEvent(self, event):  # reimplementation
        if event.key() == 16777234:
            #            print " left arrow "
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame - 1
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = sp.clip(
                self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame, 0,
                self.Main.Data.nFrames - 1)

        if event.key() == 16777236:
            #            print " right arrow "
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame + 1
            self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame = sp.clip(
                self.Data_Display.Frame_Visualizer.frame, 0,
                self.Main.Data.nFrames - 1)

        )  # one call is enougth because this one calls the other as well
Beispiel #35
 def getCharge(self, t):
     conditions = sp.mod(
         t, self.tBunchSpacing
     ) < 2 * self.bunchLengthLimitSigma * self.tBunchLengthSigma
     if conditions:
         tRed = sp.mod(t, self.tBunchSpacing)
         temp = sps.norm.cdf(
                 (tRed + self.dt / 2.) / self.tBunchLengthSigma -
                 self.bunchLengthLimitSigma, -self.bunchLengthLimitSigma,
                 self.bunchLengthLimitSigma)) - sps.norm.cdf(
                         (tRed - self.dt / 2.) / self.tBunchLengthSigma -
         return temp * self.nParticles / self.dt / self.beamVelocity * self.charge * self.qTransversalProfile
         return 0
Beispiel #36
 def prob(self, position, clip=True):
     if self.distance is not None:
         z, ra, dec = position
     logpdf = self.kernel.score_samples(self.get_position(position))
     toret = self.norm * scipy.exp(logpdf)
     if clip: toret = scipy.clip(toret, 0., 1.)
     if self.distance is not None and self.zrange is not None:
         mask = (z >= self.zrange[0]) & (z <= self.zrange[-1])
         toret[~mask] = 0.
     return toret
Beispiel #37
 def set_interp(self):
     prob = scipy.clip(self.norm * self.nbar, 0., 1.)
     self.interp = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
         bbox=[None, None, None, None],
Beispiel #38
 def getReward(self):
     if self.epiStep < self.epiLen:
         if self.rawReward < 0.5:
             self.reward[0] = (0.5 - self.rawReward) * 1.0 - self.getPain()
             self.reward[0] = -self.getPain()
         self.reward[0] = clip(160.0 * (1.0 - self.rawReward), 0.0,
                               160.0) - self.getPain()
     return self.reward[0]
Beispiel #39
def _compose_multi(imgs):
    _imgs = []
    for i in range(len(imgs)):
        for j in range(imgs[i].shape[0]):
        _imgs[i] = sp.concatenate(_imgs[i], 1)
    _rv = sp.concatenate(_imgs, 0)
    _rv = sp.clip(_rv, 0, 1)
    return _rv
Beispiel #40
def pointchargePot(x,y,charge=1,scale=1):
    from scipy import sqrt,pi,clip
    size_x = x.max()
    size_y = y.max()
    Vbottom = 0
    x = x-size_x/2
    left_charge = 1/sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    right_charge = 1/sqrt(x**2+(y-size_y)**2)
    V = Vbottom +p.q*charge/(p.a*4*pi*p.eps0*p.epsr)*(left_charge+right_charge)
    V = clip(V,0,scale)
    return V
Beispiel #41
def calcProfilV(self,xy):
    """renvoie les valeurs des vitesses sur une section"""
    vxvy = self.getMfVitesse()
    grd  = self.parent.aquifere.getFullGrid()
    x0,y0,dx,dy,nx,ny = grd['x0'],grd['y0'],grd['dx'],grd['dy'],grd['nx'],grd['ny']
    x,y = zip(*xy)
    xl0, xl1 = x[:2]
    yl0, yl1 = y[:2]
    dd = min(dx,dy)*.95;dxp, dyp = xl1-xl0, yl1-yl0
    ld = max(ceil(abs(dxp/dx)),ceil(abs(dyp/dy)))
    ld = int(ld+1); ddx = dxp/ld; ddy = dyp/ld
    xp2 = xl0+arange(ld+1)*ddx
    yp2 = yl0+arange(ld+1)*ddy
    ix = floor((xp2-x0)/dx);ix=clip(ix.astype(int),0,nx-1)
    iy = floor((yp2-y0)/dy);iy=clip(iy.astype(int),0,ny-1)
    vx = take(ravel(vxvy[0]),iy*nx+ix)
    vy = take(ravel(vxvy[1]),iy*nx+ix)
    V = sqrt(vx**2+vy**2)
    cu = sqrt((xp2-xp2[0])**2+(yp2-yp2[0])**2)
    return [cu,V]
Beispiel #42
def late_filling(target, pressure='pore.pressure',
                 Swp_star=0.2, eta=3):
    Calculates the fraction of a pore or throat filled with invading fluid
    based on the capillary pressure in the invading phase.  The invading phase
    volume is calculated from:

        .. math::
            S_{nwp} = 1 - S_{wp}^{*} (P^{*}/P_{c})^{\eta}

    pressure : string
        The capillary pressure in the non-wetting phase (Pc > 0).

    Pc_star : string
        The minimum pressure required to create an interface within the pore
        body or throat.  Typically this would be calculated using the Washburn

    Swp_star : float
        The residual wetting phase in an invaded pore or throat at a pressure
        of ``pc_star``.

    eta : float
        Exponent controlling the rate at which wetting phase is displaced with
        increasing pressure.

    An array containing the fraction of each pore or throat that would be
    filled with non-wetting phase at the given phase pressure.  This does not
    account for whether or not the element is actually invaded, which requires
    a percolation algorithm of some sort.

    element = pressure.split('.')[0]
    network =
    phase = target.project.find_phase(target)
    pc_star = phase[Pc_star]
    Pc = phase[pressure]
    # Remove any 0's from the Pc array to prevent numpy div by 0 warning
    Pc = sp.maximum(Pc, 1e-9)
    Swp = Swp_star*((pc_star/Pc)**eta)
    values = sp.clip(1 - Swp, 0.0, 1.0)
    # Now map element onto target object
    if element == 'throat':
        Ts = network.map_throats(throats=target.Ts, origin=target)
        values = values[Ts]
        Ps = network.map_pores(pores=target.Ps, origin=target)
        values = values[Ps]
    return values
Beispiel #43
def _compose(orig, recon):
    _imgo = []
    _imgr = []
    for i in range(orig.shape[0]):
    for i in range(orig.shape[0]):
    _imgo = sp.concatenate(_imgo, 1)
    _imgr = sp.concatenate(_imgr, 1)
    _rv = sp.concatenate([_imgo, _imgr], 0)
    _rv = sp.clip(_rv, 0, 1)
    return _rv
Beispiel #44
def pointchargePot(x, y, charge=1, scale=1):
    from scipy import sqrt, pi, clip
    size_x = x.max()
    size_y = y.max()
    Vbottom = 0
    x = x - size_x / 2
    left_charge = 1 / sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    right_charge = 1 / sqrt(x**2 + (y - size_y)**2)
    V = Vbottom + p.q * charge / (p.a * 4 * pi * p.eps0 *
                                  p.epsr) * (left_charge + right_charge)
    V = clip(V, 0, scale)
    return V
Beispiel #45
 def scroll_event(self,event):
     """ changes width of slice """
     if event.button == 'up':
         self.width += 2
     if event.button == 'down':
         self.width -= 2
     self.width = sp.clip(self.width,1,self.nPlaces)
     self.xs = self.calc_x(self.pos,self.width)
     self.Rect.set_xy((self.xs[0] ,0))
Beispiel #46
 def fitFunc(positions, A, x0, sigmax, y0, sigmay, B, clipValue):
     """data is a 2 row array of positions
     0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5...
     0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1...    
     so data[0] is x
     data[1] is y
     #integration limits +- 1000 pixels
     return scipy.clip(
         vectorisedIntegral(positions[0], positions[1], A, x0, sigmax, y0,
                            sigmay), 0, clipValue)
Beispiel #47
    def denormalize(self, actors):
        """ The function scales the parameters from -1 and 1 to the given interval (min, max) for each actor. """
        assert(len(self.actor_limits) == len(actors))
        result = []
        for l, a in zip(self.actor_limits, actors):
            if not l:
                r = (a + 1.0) / 2 * (l[1] - l[0]) + l[0]
                if self.clipping:
                    r = clip(r, l[0], l[1])

        return result
Beispiel #48
def get_color(listing, listings, f, cm):
    price = f(listing)
    prices = [f(l) for l in listings]

    lower = sp.percentile(prices, 10)
    upper = sp.percentile(prices, 90)

    relative_price = (price - lower)/(upper - lower)
    color = cm(sp.clip(relative_price, 0, 1))

    is_dark = sum(color[:3])/4 < 0.4
    background_color = tuple([int(255*c) for c in color[:3]])
    text_color = (230, 230, 230) if is_dark else (50, 50, 50)

    return background_color, text_color
Beispiel #49
    def denormalize(self, actors):
        """ limits is a list of 2-tuples, one tuple per parameter, giving min and max for that parameter.
            The function scales the parameters from -1 and 1 to the given interval (min, max) for each actor. """
        assert len(self.actor_limits) == len(actors)
        result = []
        for l, a in zip(self.actor_limits, actors):
            if not l:
                r = (a + 1.0) / 2 * (l[1] - l[0]) + l[0]
                if self.clipping:
                    r = clip(r, l[0], l[1])

        return result
Beispiel #50
    def compute_utilities(self, fitnesses):
        n_fitnesses = fitnesses.shape[0]
        ranks = scipy.zeros_like(fitnesses)
        l = sorted(enumerate(fitnesses), key=lambda x: x[1])
        for i, (j, _) in enumerate(l):
            ranks[j] = i
        # smooth reshaping

        # If we do not cast to float64 here explicitly, scipy will at random
        # points crash with a weird AttributeError.
        utilities = -scipy.log((n_fitnesses - ranks).astype("float64"))
        utilities += scipy.log(n_fitnesses / 2.0 + 1.0)
        utilities = scipy.clip(utilities, 0, float("inf"))
        utilities /= utilities.sum()  # make the utilities sum to 1
        utilities -= 1.0 / n_fitnesses  # baseline
        return utilities
def percolating_continua(target, phi_crit, tau,
    Calculates the effective property of a continua using percolation theory

    target : OpenPNM Object
        The object for which these values are being calculated.  This
        controls the length of the calculated array, and also provides
        access to other necessary thermofluid properties.

    volume_fraction : string
        The dictionary key in the Phase object containing the volume fraction
        of the conducting component

    bulk_property : string
        The dictionary key in the Phase object containing the intrinsic
        property of the conducting component

    phi_crit : float
        The volume fraction below which percolation does NOT occur

    tau : float
        The exponent of the percolation relationship

    sigma_eff : NumPy ndarray
        Array containing effective electrical conductivity values.

    This model uses the following standard percolation relationship:

    .. math::

        \sigma_{effective}=\sigma_{bulk}(\phi - \phi_{critical})^\lambda

    sigma = target[bulk_property]
    phi = target[volume_fraction]
    diff_phi = _sp.clip(phi - phi_crit, a_min=0, a_max=_sp.inf)
    sigma_eff = sigma*(diff_phi)**tau
    return sigma_eff
Beispiel #52
 def _find_blocks(self, array, trim_edges=False):
     array = sp.clip(array, a_min=0, a_max=1)
     temp = sp.pad(array, pad_width=1, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
     end_pts = sp.where(sp.ediff1d(temp) == -1)[0]  # Find 1->0 transitions
     end_pts -= 1  # To adjust for 0 padding
     seg_len = sp.cumsum(array)[end_pts]
     seg_len[1:] = seg_len[1:] - seg_len[:-1]
     start_pts = end_pts - seg_len + 1
     a = dict()
     a['start'] = start_pts
     a['end'] = end_pts
     a['length'] = seg_len
     if trim_edges:
         if (a['start'].size > 0) and (a['start'][0] == 0):
             [a.update({item: a[item][1:]}) for item in a]
         if (a['end'].size > 0) and (a['end'][-1] == sp.size(array)-1):
             [a.update({item: a[item][:-1]}) for item in a]
     return a
Beispiel #53
def sigmoid(z):
    """ Sigmoid Function """

        xdim, ydim = z.shape
    except ValueError:      # for array
        z = z.reshape(1, z.size)
    except AttributeError:  # for scalar value
        z = sp.array([z]).reshape(1, 1)
        xdim, ydim = z.shape

    g = sp.zeros((z.shape)).view(sp.matrix)
    for i in range(xdim):
        for j in range(ydim):
            g[i, j] = (1 + sp.e ** (-z[i, j])) ** (-1)

    g = sp.clip(g, a_min=0.0000000001, a_max=0.999999999)
    return g
Beispiel #54
def hac(vecs, metric, linkage_method, threshold, weights):
    Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering.

    `scipy.spatial.distance.pdist` seemed to perform
    quite a bit faster than `sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances`
    when they both operated as a single process. `pdist`, however, does not
    accept sparse matrices as inputs (as of scipy v0.15.2), so there can be
    quite a bit memory cost when using it.

    `pairwise_distances` does accept sparse matrices and has built-in
    support for parallelization (with the `n_jobs` param). Because it can
    have a significantly lower memory footprint, it seems better to use
    that as a multicore job.
    vecs = weight_vectors(vecs, weights)

    if platform == 'darwin':
        # This breaks on OSX 10.9.4, py3.3+, with large arrays:
        # So for OSX ('darwin'), just running it as a single job.
        distance_matrix = pairwise_distances(vecs, metric=metric, n_jobs=1)
        # n_jobs=-1 to use all cores, n_jobs=-2 to use all cores except 1, etc.
        distance_matrix = pairwise_distances(vecs, metric=metric, n_jobs=-2)

    # `pairwise_distances` returns the distance matrix in squareform,
    # we use `squareform()` to convert it to condensed form, which is what `linkage()` accepts.
    distance_matrix = squareform(distance_matrix, checks=False)

    linkage_matrix = linkage(distance_matrix, method=linkage_method, metric=metric)

    # Floating point errors with the cosine metric occasionally lead to negative values.
    # Round them to 0.
    linkage_matrix = clip(linkage_matrix, 0, np.amax(linkage_matrix))

    labels = fcluster(linkage_matrix, threshold, criterion='distance')

    return labels
Beispiel #55
    def getScalingMatrix(self):
        # Here we add one to avoid division by zero.
        #  rho = 1.0 / (self.hessiansamplenumber + 1)
        if self.hessiansamplenumber < self.minHessianSampleNumber:
            rho = 0
            if self.enableDamptingRatio:
                # get scale weight to reduce noise
                rr = self.rewardRange
                rho = (self.alpha - rr[0]) / (rr[1] - rr[0])
                rho = scipy.clip(rho, 0, 1)

                rho = 1

        I = scipy.eye(self.paramdim)
        mat = rho *  self.H + (1 - rho) * I
          scaleMatrix = inv(mat)
          scaleMatrix = I
        return scaleMatrix
def percolating_continua(phase,
    Calculates the effective property of a continua using percolation theory

    volume_fraction : string
        The dictionary key in the Phase object containing the volume fraction
        of the conducting component
    bulk_property : string
        The dictionary key in the Phase object containing the intrinsic
        property of the conducting component
    phi_crit : float
        The volume fraction below which percolation does NOT occur
    tau : float
        The exponent of the percolation relationship

    This model uses the following standard percolation relationship:

    .. math::

        \sigma_{effective}=\sigma_{bulk}(\phi - \phi_{critical})^\lambda

    sigma = phase[bulk_property]
    phi = phase[volume_fraction]
    diff_phi = _sp.clip(phi - phi_crit, a_min=0, a_max=_sp.inf)
    sigma_eff = sigma*(diff_phi)**tau
    return sigma_eff
    ## Load data from multiple files
    print "Got %d files to plot %s..." % (len(sys.argv), quantity)
    x, y, z, z2 = [np.array([]) for _ in range(4)] ## three empty arrays

    filenames = sys.argv[1:]
    #filenames.sort(key=lambda name: float(name.split('radius=')[1].split('_')[0]))     # sort (optional)

    for datafile_name in filenames: 
        ## Getting 1D data
        (freq, s11_ampli, s11p, s12_ampli, s12p, Nre, Nim, Zre, Zim, eps_r, eps_i, mu_r, mu_i) = \
                np.loadtxt(datafile_name, usecols=range(13), unpack=True)
        if quantity == 'reflection':        znew = s11_ampli
        elif quantity == 'transmission':    znew = s12_ampli
        elif quantity == 'loss':            znew = np.log(1 - s11_ampli**2 - s12_ampli**2)
        elif quantity == 'absNimag':        znew = np.clip(abs(Nim), 0, 10)
            #znew = np.log10(np.clip(abs(Nim), 0, 300 ))
        elif quantity == 'absNre':          
            znew = abs(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.real(Nre*freq*100e-6/c) * np.pi)) / np.pi)
            znew2 = np.clip(abs(Nim), 0, 10)
        elif quantity == 'Nre':             znew = Nre #np.real(Nre*freq*100e-6/c)
        elif quantity == 'eps':             znew = eps_r
        elif quantity == 'epsangle':        znew = np.angle(eps_r + 1j*eps_i)
        elif quantity == 'mu':              znew = mu_r
        else: print 'Error!, select a known quantity to plot!'

        ## Truncate the data ranges
        truncated = np.logical_and(freq>minf, freq<maxf)
        (freq, znew) = map(lambda x: x[truncated], [freq, znew])
        #(znew2) = map(lambda x: x[truncated], [znew2]) ## XXX
Beispiel #58
 def normAct(self, s):
     return clip(s, self.minAkt, self.maxAkt)  
Beispiel #59
def safeExp(x):
    "Bounded range for the exponential function (won't produce inf or NaN)."
    return exp(clip(x, -500, 500))