Beispiel #1
    def reordered_keylist(self, allocations, new_quota):
        """ Creates the map for the keylist reorganzation.

        Each key of the returned dictionary is a resource uuid pointing to the
        resource uuid it should be moved to. If the allocation should not be
        moved they key-value is None.

        masters = [a for a in allocations if a.is_master]
        assert(len(masters) == 1)

        master = masters[0]
        allocations = dict(((a.resource, a) for a in allocations))

        # generate the keylist (the allocation resources may be unordered)
        keylist = [master.resource]
        keylist.extend(utils.generate_uuids(master.resource, master.quota))

        # prefill the map
        reordered = dict(((k, None) for k in keylist))

        # each free allocation increases the offset by which the next key
        # for a non-free allocation is acquired
        offset = 0
        for ix, key in enumerate(keylist):
            if allocations[key].is_available():
                offset += 1
                reordered[key] = keylist[ix - offset]

        return reordered
Beispiel #2
    def siblings(self, imaginary=True):
        """Returns the master/mirrors group this allocation is part of.

        If 'imaginary' is true, inexistant mirrors are created on the fly.
        those mirrors are transient (see self.is_transient)


        # this function should always have itself in the result
        if not imaginary and self.is_transient:
            assert False, \
                'the resulting list would not contain this allocation'

        if self.quota == 1:
            return [self]

        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.mirror_of == self.mirror_of)
        query = query.filter(Allocation._start == self._start)

        existing = dict(((e.resource, e) for e in query))

        master = self.is_master and self or existing[self.mirror_of]
        existing[master.resource] = master

        uuids = utils.generate_uuids(master.resource, master.quota)
        imaginary = imaginary and (master.quota - len(existing)) or 0

        siblings = [master]
        for uuid in uuids:
            if uuid in existing:
            elif imaginary > 0:
                allocation = master.copy()
                allocation.resource = uuid

                imaginary -= 1

        return siblings
    def siblings(self, imaginary=True):
        """Returns the master/mirrors group this allocation is part of.

        If 'imaginary' is true, inexistant mirrors are created on the fly.
        those mirrors are transient (see self.is_transient)


        # this function should always have itself in the result
        if not imaginary and self.is_transient:
            assert False, \
                'the resulting list would not contain this allocation'

        if self.quota == 1:
            return [self]

        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.mirror_of == self.mirror_of)
        query = query.filter(Allocation._start == self._start)

        existing = dict(((e.resource, e) for e in query))

        master = self.is_master and self or existing[self.mirror_of]
        existing[master.resource] = master

        uuids = utils.generate_uuids(master.resource, master.quota)
        imaginary = imaginary and (master.quota - len(existing)) or 0

        siblings = [master]
        for uuid in uuids:
            if uuid in existing:
            elif imaginary > 0:
                allocation = master.copy()
                allocation.resource = uuid

                imaginary -= 1

        return siblings