def notify(self): self.hold = self.window_size offender = self.offender notify_send( "Memory warning", f"{} [{}] is taking too\ much memory ({offender.memory_full_info().uss / 1024 / 1024} MBs)")
def notify(d): title = "Github Notification" message, type_found = tostring(d) private = not d["public"] if not type_found: pprint(d) print(title + " - Private" if private else title) print(message + "\n") sh.notify_send(title, message, urgency="normal" if private else "low")
def poll_status(self): for service in try: sudo.systemctl("is-active", "openvpn@%s.service" % service).wait() service_status = "Connected to %s" % service except ErrorReturnCode: service_status = "Disconnected from %s" % service if self.status.get(service) != service_status: notify_send(service_status).wait() self.status[service] = service_status self.setToolTip("\n".join(self.status.values()))
def core(coin: str, fiat: str, amount: float, reverse: bool, clipboard: bool, verbose: bool, timer: bool, wordform: bool, no_cache: bool): """ Converts a cryptocurrency amount to a fiat equivalent or vice-versa Valid fiat currency values are: "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN","MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY","TWD", "ZAR" Valid cryptocurrency values are: "BTC", "ETH" "XRP", "LTC", and "BCH" `c2f btc usd 50` Translates to: What is 50 BTC worth in USD? `c2f btc usd 50 --reverse` Translates to: What is $50 USD worth in BTC? """ util_setup(logger, timer, enabled_=True) with MeasureBlockTime("Main block"): if verbose: logzero.loglevel(logging.DEBUG) data_parser = DataParser(no_cache=no_cache) fiat = fiat.upper() coin = coin.upper() try: if reverse: if wordform: click.echo(f"What is ${amount:.2f} {fiat} worth in {coin}?") quantity = data_parser.convert_to_crypto(fiat.upper(), coin.upper(), amount) formatted_quantity = "{:.8f}".format(quantity) print(formatted_quantity) else: if wordform: click.echo(f"How much is {amount} {coin} in {fiat}?") quantity = data_parser.convert_to_fiat(fiat.upper(), coin.upper(), amount) formatted_quantity = "{:,.2f}".format(quantity) print(formatted_quantity) if clipboard: pyperclip.copy(formatted_quantity) sh.notify_send(APP_NAME, f"{formatted_quantity} copied to clipboard") except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def set_profile(profile): global _current_profile print 'Setting current profile to', profile if isinstance(profile, basestring): if profile in _profiles: _current_profile = profile _profiles[profile]() else: print 'WARNING: Profile not found:', profile return else: _current_profile = reverse_lookup_profile(profile) profile() with open(_profile_store, 'w') as f: f.write(_current_profile) if not SIMULATE: notify_send("Profile Changed", "Profile set to '%s'." % _current_profile, icon="input-tablet", expire_time=2000)
print("Started ({})".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) while True: try: res = requests.get("", headers=headers).json() if 'streams' in res: online = res['streams'] else: print(res) time.sleep(delay) continue except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(e) sh.notify_send("Twitch", str(e), urgency="low") time.sleep(delay) continue except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print(e) time.sleep(delay) continue for channel in online: game = channel["game"] username = channel["channel"]["name"] display = channel["channel"]["display_name"] # print(game, username, display) if username in data["data"]: if data["data"][username]["notify"] and data["data"][username]["last_processed"] < time.time() - delay * 5: tobenotified.append(display) data["data"][username]["last_processed"] = time.time()
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: import socket import sys from sh import notify_send ip = socket.gethostbyname_ex('')[2][0] addr = (ip, 61221) s = socket.create_connection(addr) while True: data = s.recv(1024) print('sending', data) notify_send(data, t=5000)
from os.path import splitext, abspath, basename, dirname, isfile from sh import zenity, notify_send new = "" message = "" i = 0 for f in argv[1:]: if "file://" in f: f = unquote(f)[7:] fdir = dirname(abspath(f)) name,ext = splitext(f) if new == "": new = zenity("--text", "Rename", "--entry", "--entry-text", basename(name)).strip() try: while True: i = i + 1 new_name = "%s/%s %s%s" % (fdir, new, i, ext) if not isfile(new_name): break rename(f, new_name) message = "%s%s → %s\n" % (message, f, new_name) except Exception as e: notify_send("Error", "-u", "critical", e) notify_send("Renamed", message)
def disconnect_vpn(self, service): try: sudo.systemctl.stop("openvpn@%s.service" % service).wait() except ErrorReturnCode: notify_send("Failed to disconnect %s" % service).wait() traceback.print_exc()
def connect_vpn(self, service): try: sudo.systemctl.restart("openvpn@%s.service" % service).wait() except ErrorReturnCode: notify_send("Failed to connect to %s" % service) traceback.print_exc()
return "'{}'".format(d["type"]), False def notify(d): title = "Github Notification" message, type_found = tostring(d) private = not d["public"] if not type_found: pprint(d) print(title + " - Private" if private else title) print(message + "\n") sh.notify_send(title, message, urgency="normal" if private else "low") print("Started ({})".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) sh.notify_send('github_notifier started', urgency="low") while True: headers = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "Authorization": auth } if etag: headers["If-None-Match"] = etag try: r = requests.get("" + cfg["username"] + "/received_events", headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print(e) time.sleep(60) continue
from os.path import splitext, abspath, basename, dirname, isfile from sh import zenity, notify_send new = "" message = "" i = 0 for f in argv[1:]: if "file://" in f: f = unquote(f)[7:] fdir = dirname(abspath(f)) name, ext = splitext(f) if new == "": new = zenity("--text", "Rename", "--entry", "--entry-text", basename(name)).strip() try: while True: i = i + 1 new_name = "%s/%s %s%s" % (fdir, new, i, ext) if not isfile(new_name): break rename(f, new_name) message = "%s%s → %s\n" % (message, f, new_name) except Exception as e: notify_send("Error", "-u", "critical", e) notify_send("Renamed", message)
for pname in blocking: try: sh.pgrep(pname) blocked = True if len(tobenotified) > 0: print("{} notifications blocked by {}".format(len(tobenotified), pname)) break except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: pass for pname in required: try: sh.pgrep(pname) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: blocked = True print(pname, "required") break if not blocked and tobenotified: for elem in tobenotified: notify(elem) tobenotified = [] if not blocked and not notified_start: sh.notify_send('github_notifier started', urgency="low") notified_start = True etag = r.headers["etag"] try: time.sleep(int(r.headers["x-poll-interval"])) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()