Beispiel #1
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'header', 'text'
                          : 'Show runtime environment details'})
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    re_name = accepted['re_name'][-1]

    if not valid_dir_input(configuration.re_home, re_name):
            "possible illegal directory traversal attempt re_name '%s'"
            % re_name)
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                               : 'Illegal runtime environment name: "%s"'
                               % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    if not is_runtime_environment(re_name, configuration):
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                               : "'%s' is not an existing runtime environment!"
                               % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Runtime environment details'

    (re_dict, msg) = get_re_dict(re_name, configuration)
    if not re_dict:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                               : 'Could not read details for "%s"' % msg})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    output_objects.append(build_reitem_object(configuration, re_dict))

    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK) 
Beispiel #2
def parse(
    """Parse job description and optionally write results to parsed mRSL file.
    If outfile is non-empty it is used as destination file, and the keyword
    AUTOMATIC is replaced by the default mrsl dir destination.

    configuration = get_configuration_object()
    logger = configuration.logger
    client_dir = client_id_dir(client_id)

    # return a tuple (bool status, str msg). This is done because cgi-scripts
    # are not allowed to print anything before 'the first two special lines'
    # are printed

    result = parser.parse(localfile_spaces)

    external_dict = mrslkeywords.get_keywords_dict(configuration)

    # The mRSL has the right structure check if the types are correct too
    # and inline update the default external_dict entries with the ones
    # from the actual job specification

    (status, msg) = parser.check_types(result, external_dict, configuration)
    if not status:
        return (False, 'Parse failed (typecheck) %s' % msg)

    logger.debug('check_types updated job dict to: %s' % external_dict)

    global_dict = {}

    # Insert the parts from mrslkeywords we need in the rest of the MiG system

    for (key, value_dict) in external_dict.iteritems():
        global_dict[key] = value_dict['Value']

    # We do not expand any job variables yet in order to allow any future
    # resubmits to properly expand job ID.

    vgrid_list = global_dict['VGRID']
    vgrid_access = user_vgrid_access(configuration, client_id)

    # Replace any_vgrid keyword with all allowed vgrids (on time of submit!)

        any_pos = vgrid_list.index(any_vgrid)
        vgrid_list[any_pos:any_pos] = vgrid_access

        # Remove any additional any_vgrid keywords

        while any_vgrid in vgrid_list:
    except ValueError:

        # No any_vgrid keywords in list - move along


    # Now validate supplied vgrids

    for vgrid_name in vgrid_list:
        if not vgrid_name in vgrid_access:
            return (False, """Failure: You must be an owner or member of the
'%s' vgrid to submit a job to it!""" % vgrid_name)

    # Fall back to default vgrid if no vgrid was supplied

    if not vgrid_list:

        # Please note that vgrid_list is a ref to global_dict list
        # so we must modify and not replace with a new list!


    # convert specified runtime environments to upper-case and verify they
    # actually exist

    # do not check runtime envs if the job is for ARC (submission will
    # fail later)
    if global_dict.get('JOBTYPE', 'unset') != 'arc' \
        and global_dict.has_key('RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'):
        re_entries_uppercase = []
        for specified_re in global_dict['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT']:
            specified_re = specified_re.upper()
            if not is_runtime_environment(specified_re, configuration):
                return (False, """You have specified a non-nexisting runtime
environment '%s', therefore the job can not be run on any resources.""" % \
        if global_dict.get('MOUNT', []) != []:
            if configuration.res_default_mount_re.upper()\
                    not in re_entries_uppercase:

        global_dict['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'] = re_entries_uppercase

    if global_dict.get('JOBTYPE', 'unset').lower() == 'interactive':

        # if jobtype is interactive append command to create the notification
        # file .interactivejobfinished that breaks the infinite loop waiting
        # for the interactive job to finish and send output files to the MiG
        # server

        global_dict['EXECUTE'].append('touch .interactivejobfinished')

    # put job id and name of user in the dictionary

    global_dict['JOB_ID'] = job_id
    global_dict['USER_CERT'] = client_id

    # mark job as received

    global_dict['RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP'] = time.gmtime()
    global_dict['STATUS'] = 'PARSE'
    if forceddestination:
        global_dict['FORCEDDESTINATION'] = forceddestination
        if forceddestination.has_key('UNIQUE_RESOURCE_NAME'):
            global_dict["RESOURCE"] = "%(UNIQUE_RESOURCE_NAME)s_*" % \
        if forceddestination.has_key('RE_NAME'):
            re_name = forceddestination['RE_NAME']

            # verify the verifyfiles entries are not modified (otherwise RE creator
            # can specify multiple ::VERIFYFILES:: keywords and give the entries
            # other names (perhaps overwriting files in the home directories of
            # resource owners executing the testprocedure)

            for verifyfile in global_dict['VERIFYFILES']:
                verifytypes = ['.status', '.stderr', '.stdout']
                found = False
                for verifytype in verifytypes:
                    if verifyfile == 'verify_runtime_env_%s%s' % (re_name,
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    return (False, '''You are not allowed to specify the
::VERIFY:: keyword in a testprocedure, it is done automatically''')

    # normalize any path fields to be taken relative to home

        if not global_dict.has_key(field):
        normalized_field = []
        for line in global_dict[field]:
            normalized_parts = []
            line_parts = line.split(src_dst_sep)
            if len(line_parts) < 1 or len(line_parts) > 2:
                return (False,
                        '%s entries must contain 1 or 2 space-separated items'\
                        % field)
            for part in line_parts:

                # deny leading slashes i.e. force absolute to relative paths

                part = part.lstrip('/')
                if part.find('://') != -1:

                    # keep external targets as is - normpath breaks '://'

                    check_path = part.split('/')[-1]

                    # normalize path to avoid e.g. './' which breaks dir
                    # handling on resource

                    check_path = os.path.normpath(part)
                except Exception, exc:
                    return (False, 'Invalid %s part in %s: %s' % \
                            (field, html_escape(part), exc))
            normalized_field.append(' '.join(normalized_parts))
        global_dict[field] = normalized_field
Beispiel #3
def run(configuration,
    """Parse configuration in localfile_spaces and write results to outfile
    if non-empty. The keyword AUTOMATIC is replaced by the expected resource
    configuration path.

    if not configuration:
        configuration = get_configuration_object()

    (status, msg, conf) = get_resource_config_dict(configuration,

    if not status:
        return (False, msg)

    # verify runtime environments are specified correctly

    if conf.has_key('RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'):
        for re in conf['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT']:
                (name, value) = re
            except Exception, err:
                return (False, 'Runtime environment error: %s' % err)
            if not refunctions.is_runtime_environment(name, configuration):
                return (
                    "Non existing runtime environment specified ('%s'), please create the runtime environment before specifying it in resource configurations."
                    % name)

            (re_dict, msg) = refunctions.get_re_dict(name, configuration)
            if not re_dict:
                return (False,
                        'Runtime environment error, could not open (%s) %s' %
                        (name, msg))

            if not re_dict.has_key('ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'):
                if value:

                    # res conf has envs, but according to the template it should not

                    return (
                        "%s should not have any environments and you specified '%s'. Details about the runtime environment <a>here</a>"
                        % (re, value, name))
            re_dict_environments = re_dict['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE']
            re_dict_environment_names = []
            for re_environment in re_dict_environments:

            if not len(value) == len(re_dict_environments):
                return (
                    "You have specified %s environments, but the runtime environment '%s' requires %s. Details about the runtime environment <a href=''>here.</a>"
                    % (len(value), name, len(re_dict_environments), name))

            # we now know that the number of environments are
            # correct, verify that there are no name duplicates

            used_envnames = []
            for env in value:
                    (envname, _) = env
                    if envname in used_envnames:

                        # same envname used twice

                        return (
                            "You have specified the environment '%s' more than once for the '%s' runtime environment."
                            % (envname, name))
                except Exception, err:

                    return (
                        'Runtimeenvironment error: Name and value not found in env: %s'
                        % err)

            # verify environment names are correct according to the
            # runtime environment definition do this by comparing
            # list of names specified for runtime environment and
            # res. conf.
            # re_dict_environment_names and used_envnames should
            # have the same entries!

            for n in re_dict_environment_names:

                # any build-in list comparison functionality?

                if not n in used_envnames:
                    return (
                        "You have not specified an environment named '%s' which is required by the '%s' runtime environment. Details about the runtime environment <a>here.</a>"
                        % (n, name, name))
Beispiel #4
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
        'object_type': 'header',
        'text': 'Create runtime environment'
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    re_template = accepted['re_template'][-1].upper().strip()
    software_entries = int(accepted['software_entries'][-1])
    environment_entries = int(accepted['environment_entries'][-1])
    testprocedure_entry = int(accepted['testprocedure_entry'][-1])

    template = {}
    if re_template:
        if not is_runtime_environment(re_template, configuration):
                "re_template ('%s') is not a valid existing runtime env!" %
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        (template, msg) = get_re_dict(re_template, configuration)
        if not template:
                'Could not read re_template %s. %s' % (re_template, msg)
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # Override template fields if user loaded a template and modified the
    # required entries and chose update.
    # Use default of 1 sw, 1 env and 0 test or template setting otherwise
    if software_entries < 0:
        software_entries = len(template.get('SOFTWARE', [None]))
    if environment_entries < 0:
        environment_entries = len(template.get('ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE', [None]))
    if testprocedure_entry < 0:
        testprocedure_entry = len(template.get('TESTPROCEDURE', []))
    if template.has_key('SOFTWARE'):
        new_sw = template['SOFTWARE'][:software_entries]
        template['SOFTWARE'] = new_sw
    if template.has_key('ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'):
        new_env = template['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'][:environment_entries]
        template['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'] = new_env
    if template.has_key('TESTPROCEDURE'):
        new_test = template['TESTPROCEDURE'][:testprocedure_entry]
        template['TESTPROCEDURE'] = new_test

    # Avoid DoS, limit number of software_entries

    if software_entries > max_software_entries:
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
             : 'Maximum number of software_entries %s exceeded (%s)' % \
             (max_software_entries, software_entries)})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Avoid DoS, limit number of environment_entries

    if environment_entries > max_environment_entries:
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
             : 'Maximum number of environment_entries %s exceeded (%s)' % \
             (max_environment_entries, environment_entries)})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    rekeywords_dict = get_keywords_dict()
    (list_status, ret) = list_runtime_environments(configuration)
    if not list_status:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': ret})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

        'Use existing Runtime Environment as template'

    html_form = \
        """<form method='get' action=''>
    <select name='re_template'>
    <option value=''>None</option>
    for existing_re in ret:
        html_form += "    <option value='%s'>%s</option>\n" % \
                     (existing_re, existing_re)
    html_form += """
    <input type='submit' value='Get' />
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'html_form', 'text': html_form})

        '''Note that a runtime environment can not be changed after creation
and it can only be removed if not in use by any resources, so please be careful
when filling in the details'''
        '''Changing the number of software and environment entries removes
all data in the form, so please enter the correct values before entering any

    html_form = \
        """<form method='get' action=''>
    html_form += """
    <td>Number of needed software entries</td>
    <td><input type='number' name='software_entries' min=0 max=99
    minlength=1 maxlength=2 value='%s' required pattern='[0-9]{1,2}'
    title='number of software entries needed in runtime environment' /></td>
</tr>""" % software_entries
    html_form += """
    <td>Number of environment entries</td>
    <input type='number' name='environment_entries' min=0 max=99
    minlength=1 maxlength=2 value='%s' required pattern='[0-9]{1,2}'
    title='number of environment variables provided by runtime environment' />
</tr>""" % environment_entries
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'html_form', 'text': html_form})
    if testprocedure_entry == 0:
        select_string = """<option value='0' selected>No</option>
<option value=1>Yes</option>"""
    elif testprocedure_entry == 1:
        select_string = """<option value='0'>No</option>
<option value='1' selected>Yes</option>"""
            'testprocedure_entry should be 0 or 1, you specified %s' %
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    html_form = """
    <td>Runtime environment has a testprocedure</td>
    <td><select name='testprocedure_entry'>%s</select></td>
    <td colspan=2>
    <input type='hidden' name='re_template' value='%s' />
    <input type='submit' value='Update fields' />
</form><br />
""" % (select_string, re_template)

    form_method = 'post'
    csrf_limit = get_csrf_limit(configuration)
    fill_helpers = {
        'short_title': configuration.short_title,
        'form_method': form_method,
        'csrf_field': csrf_field,
        'csrf_limit': csrf_limit
    target_op = 'createre'
    csrf_token = make_csrf_token(configuration, form_method, target_op,
                                 client_id, csrf_limit)
    fill_helpers.update({'target_op': target_op, 'csrf_token': csrf_token})
    html_form += """
<form method='%(form_method)s' action='%(target_op)'>
<input type='hidden' name='%(csrf_field)s' value='%(csrf_token)s' />
<b>Runtime Environment Name</b><br />
<small>(eg. BASH-2.X-1, must be unique):</small><br />
<input class='p80width' type='text' name='re_name' required 
    title='unique name of ASCII letters and digits separated only by underscores, periods and hyphens' />
<br />
<br /><b>Description:</b><br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='4' name='redescription'>
    if template:
        html_form += template['DESCRIPTION'].replace('<br />', '\n')
    html_form += '</textarea><br />'

    soft_list = []
    if software_entries > 0:
        html_form += '<br /><b>Needed Software:</b><br />'
    if template:
        if template.has_key('SOFTWARE'):
            soft_list = template['SOFTWARE']
            for soft in soft_list:
                html_form += """
<textarea class='p80width' rows='6' name='software'>"""
                for keyname in soft.keys():
                    if keyname != '':
                        html_form += '%s=%s\n' % (keyname, soft[keyname])
                html_form += '</textarea><br />'

    # loop and create textareas for any missing software entries

    software = rekeywords_dict['SOFTWARE']
    sublevel_required = []
    sublevel_optional = []

    if software.has_key('Sublevel') and software['Sublevel']:
        sublevel_required = software['Sublevel_required']
        sublevel_optional = software['Sublevel_optional']

    for _ in range(len(soft_list), software_entries):
        html_form += """
<textarea class='p80width' rows='6' name='software'>"""
        for sub_req in sublevel_required:
            html_form += '%s=   # required\n' % sub_req
        for sub_opt in sublevel_optional:
            html_form += '%s=   # optional\n' % sub_opt
        html_form += '</textarea><br />'

    if template and testprocedure_entry == 1:
        if template.has_key('TESTPROCEDURE'):
            html_form += """
<br /><b>Testprocedure</b> (in mRSL format):<br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='15' name='testprocedure'>"""

            base64string = ''
            for stringpart in template['TESTPROCEDURE']:
                base64string += stringpart
                decodedstring = base64.decodestring(base64string)
                html_form += decodedstring
            html_form += '</textarea>'
                'object_type': 'html_form',
                'text': html_form

            html_form = """
<br /><b>Expected .stdout file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='10' name='verifystdout'>"""

            if template.has_key('VERIFYSTDOUT'):
                for line in template['VERIFYSTDOUT']:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += '</textarea>'

            html_form += """
<br /><b>Expected .stderr file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystderr'>"""
            if template.has_key('VERIFYSTDERR'):
                for line in template['VERIFYSTDERR']:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += '</textarea>'

            html_form += """
<br /><b>Expected .status file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystatus'>"""
            if template.has_key('VERIFYSTATUS'):
                for line in template['VERIFYSTATUS']:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += '</textarea>'
    elif testprocedure_entry == 1:

        html_form += """
<br /><b>Testprocedure</b> (in mRSL format):<br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='15' name='testprocedure'>"""

        html_form += \
<br /><b>Expected .stdout file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='10' name='verifystdout'></textarea>
<br /><b>Expected .stderr file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='10' name='verifystderr'></textarea>
<br /><b>Expected .status file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea class='p80width' rows='10' name='verifystatus'></textarea>

    environmentvariable = rekeywords_dict['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE']
    sublevel_required = []
    sublevel_optional = []

    if environmentvariable.has_key('Sublevel')\
         and environmentvariable['Sublevel']:
        sublevel_required = environmentvariable['Sublevel_required']
        sublevel_optional = environmentvariable['Sublevel_optional']

    env_list = []
    if environment_entries > 0:
        html_form += '<br /><b>Environments:</b><br />'
    if template:
        if template.has_key('ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'):
            env_list = template['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE']
            for env in env_list:
                html_form += """
<textarea class='p80width' rows='4' name='environment'>"""
                for keyname in env.keys():
                    if keyname != '':
                        html_form += '%s=%s\n' % (keyname, env[keyname])
                html_form += '</textarea><br />'

    # loop and create textareas for any missing environment entries

    for _ in range(len(env_list), environment_entries):
        html_form += """
<textarea class='p80width' rows='4' name='environment'>"""
        for sub_req in sublevel_required:
            html_form += '%s=   # required\n' % sub_req
        for sub_opt in sublevel_optional:
            html_form += '%s=   # optional\n' % sub_opt
        html_form += '</textarea><br />'

    html_form += """<br /><br /><input type='submit' value='Create' />
        'object_type': 'html_form',
        'text': html_form % fill_helpers
    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
Beispiel #5
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Delete runtime environment'
    output_objects.append({'object_type': 'header', 'text'
                           : 'Delete runtime environment'})
    defaults = signature()[1]
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    if not correct_handler('POST'):
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
             : 'Only accepting POST requests to prevent unintended updates'})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    re_name = accepted['re_name'][-1]

    if not valid_dir_input(configuration.re_home, re_name):
            "possible illegal directory traversal attempt re_name '%s'"
            % re_name)
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                               : 'Illegal runtime environment name: "%s"'
                               % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Check whether re_name represents a runtime environment
    if not is_runtime_environment(re_name, configuration):
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text',
                               'text': "No such runtime environment: '%s'"
                               % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    re_dict = get_re_dict(re_name, configuration)
    if not re_dict[0]:
            {'object_type': 'error_text',
             'text': 'Could not read runtime environment details for %s'
             % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # Make sure the runtime environment belongs to the user trying to delete it
    if client_id != re_dict[0]['CREATOR']:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': \
        'You are not the owner of runtime environment "%s"' % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Prevent delete if the runtime environment is used by any resources
    actives = resources_using_re(configuration, re_name)

    # If the runtime environment is active, an error message is printed, along
    # with a list of the resources using the runtime environment
    if actives:
            {'object_type': 'error_text', 'text':
             "Can't delete runtime environment '%s' in use by resources:"
             % re_name})
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'list', 'list'
                               : actives})
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination': '',
                               'class': 'infolink', 'title':
                               'Show runtime environments',
                               'text': 'Show runtime environments'})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Delete the runtime environment
    (status, msg) = delete_runtimeenv(re_name, configuration)
    # If something goes wrong when trying to delete runtime environment
    # re_name, an error is displayed.
    if not status:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text'
                               : 'Could not remove %s runtime environment: %s'
                               % (re_name, msg)})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # If deletion of runtime environment re_name is successful, we just
    # return OK
            {'object_type': 'text', 'text'
             : 'Successfully deleted runtime environment: "%s"' % re_name})
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'link', 'destination': '',
                               'class': 'infolink',
                               'title': 'Show runtime environments',
                               'text': 'Show runtime environments'})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK) 
Beispiel #6
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
    output_objects.append({"object_type": "header", "text": "Create runtime environment"})
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
        user_arguments_dict, defaults, output_objects, client_id, configuration, allow_rejects=False
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    re_template = accepted["re_template"][-1].upper().strip()
    software_entries = int(accepted["software_entries"][-1])
    environment_entries = int(accepted["environment_entries"][-1])
    testprocedure_entry = int(accepted["testprocedure_entry"][-1])

    template = {}
    if re_template:
        if not is_runtime_environment(re_template, configuration):
                    "object_type": "error_text",
                    "text": "re_template ('%s') is not a valid existing runtime env!" % re_template,
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

        (template, msg) = get_re_dict(re_template, configuration)
        if not template:
                {"object_type": "error_text", "text": "Could not read re_template %s. %s" % (re_template, msg)}
            return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # Override template fields if user loaded a template and modified the
    # required entries and chose update.
    # Use default of 1 sw, 1 env and 0 test or template setting otherwise
    if software_entries < 0:
        software_entries = len(template.get("SOFTWARE", [None]))
    if environment_entries < 0:
        environment_entries = len(template.get("ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE", [None]))
    if testprocedure_entry < 0:
        testprocedure_entry = len(template.get("TESTPROCEDURE", []))
    if template.has_key("SOFTWARE"):
        new_sw = template["SOFTWARE"][:software_entries]
        template["SOFTWARE"] = new_sw
    if template.has_key("ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"):
        new_env = template["ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"][:environment_entries]
        template["ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"] = new_env
    if template.has_key("TESTPROCEDURE"):
        new_test = template["TESTPROCEDURE"][:testprocedure_entry]
        template["TESTPROCEDURE"] = new_test

    # Avoid DoS, limit number of software_entries

    if software_entries > max_software_entries:
                "object_type": "error_text",
                "text": "Maximum number of software_entries %s exceeded (%s)"
                % (max_software_entries, software_entries),
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Avoid DoS, limit number of environment_entries

    if environment_entries > max_environment_entries:
                "object_type": "error_text",
                "text": "Maximum number of environment_entries %s exceeded (%s)"
                % (max_environment_entries, environment_entries),
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    rekeywords_dict = get_keywords_dict()
    (status, ret) = list_runtime_environments(configuration)
    if not status:
        output_objects.append({"object_type": "error_text", "text": ret})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    output_objects.append({"object_type": "text", "text": "Use existing RE as template"})

    html_form = """<form method='get' action=''>
    <select name='re_template'>
    <option value=''>None</option>
    for existing_re in ret:
        html_form += "    <option value='%s'>%s</option>\n" % (existing_re, existing_re)
    html_form += """
    <input type='submit' value='Get' />
    output_objects.append({"object_type": "html_form", "text": html_form})

            "object_type": "text",
            "text": """Note that a runtime environment can not be changed after creation
and it can only be removed if not in use by any resources, so please be careful
when filling in the details""",
            "object_type": "text",
            "text": """Changing the number of software and environment entries removes
all data in the form, so please enter the correct values before entering any

    html_form = """<form method='get' action=''>
    html_form += (
    <td>Number of needed software entries</td>
    <td><input type='text' size='2' name='software_entries' value='%s' /></td>
        % software_entries
    html_form += (
    <td>Number of environment entries</td>
    <input type='text' size='2' name='environment_entries' value='%s' />
        % environment_entries
    output_objects.append({"object_type": "html_form", "text": html_form})
    if testprocedure_entry == 0:
        select_string = """<option value='0' selected>No</option>
<option value=1>Yes</option>"""
    elif testprocedure_entry == 1:
        select_string = """<option value='0'>No</option>
<option value='1' selected>Yes</option>"""
                "object_type": "error_text",
                "text": "testprocedure_entry should be 0 or 1, you specified %s" % testprocedure_entry,
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    html_form = """
    <td>Runtime environment has a testprocedure</td>
    <td><select name='testprocedure_entry'>%s</select></td>
    <td colspan=2>
    <input type='hidden' name='re_template' value='%s' />
    <input type='submit' value='Update fields' />
</form><br />
""" % (

    html_form += """
<form method='post' action=''>
<b>RE Name</b><br />
<small>(eg. BASH-2.X-1, must be unique):</small><br />
<input type='text' size='40' name='re_name' /><br />
<br /><b>Description:</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='2' name='redescription'>
    if template:
        html_form += template["DESCRIPTION"].replace("<br />", "\n")
    html_form += "</textarea><br />"

    soft_list = []
    if software_entries > 0:
        html_form += "<br /><b>Needed Software:</b><br />"
    if template:
        if template.has_key("SOFTWARE"):
            soft_list = template["SOFTWARE"]
            for soft in soft_list:
                html_form += """
<textarea cols='50' rows='5' name='software'>"""
                for keyname in soft.keys():
                    if keyname != "":
                        html_form += "%s=%s\n" % (keyname, soft[keyname])
                html_form += "</textarea><br />"

    # loop and create textareas for any missing software entries

    software = rekeywords_dict["SOFTWARE"]
    sublevel_required = []
    sublevel_optional = []

    if software.has_key("Sublevel") and software["Sublevel"]:
        sublevel_required = software["Sublevel_required"]
        sublevel_optional = software["Sublevel_optional"]

    for _ in range(len(soft_list), software_entries):
        html_form += """
<textarea cols='50' rows='5' name='software'>"""
        for sub_req in sublevel_required:
            html_form += "%s=   # required\n" % sub_req
        for sub_opt in sublevel_optional:
            html_form += "%s=   # optional\n" % sub_opt
        html_form += "</textarea><br />"

    if template and testprocedure_entry == 1:
        if template.has_key("TESTPROCEDURE"):
            html_form += """
<br /><b>Testprocedure</b> (in mRSL format):<br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='15' name='testprocedure'>"""

            base64string = ""
            for stringpart in template["TESTPROCEDURE"]:
                base64string += stringpart
                decodedstring = base64.decodestring(base64string)
                html_form += decodedstring
            html_form += "</textarea>"
            output_objects.append({"object_type": "html_form", "text": html_form})

            html_form = """
<br /><b>Expected .stdout file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystdout'>"""

            if template.has_key("VERIFYSTDOUT"):
                for line in template["VERIFYSTDOUT"]:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += "</textarea>"

            html_form += """
<br /><b>Expected .stderr file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystderr'>"""
            if template.has_key("VERIFYSTDERR"):
                for line in template["VERIFYSTDERR"]:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += "</textarea>"

            html_form += """
<br /><b>Expected .status file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystatus'>"""
            if template.has_key("VERIFYSTATUS"):
                for line in template["VERIFYSTATUS"]:
                    html_form += line
            html_form += "</textarea>"
    elif testprocedure_entry == 1:

        html_form += """
<br /><b>Testprocedure</b> (in mRSL format):<br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='15' name='testprocedure'>"""

        html_form += """::EXECUTE::
<br /><b>Expected .stdout file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystdout'></textarea>
<br /><b>Expected .stderr file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystderr'></textarea>
<br /><b>Expected .status file if testprocedure is executed</b><br />
<textarea cols='50' rows='10' name='verifystatus'></textarea>

    environmentvariable = rekeywords_dict["ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"]
    sublevel_required = []
    sublevel_optional = []

    if environmentvariable.has_key("Sublevel") and environmentvariable["Sublevel"]:
        sublevel_required = environmentvariable["Sublevel_required"]
        sublevel_optional = environmentvariable["Sublevel_optional"]

    env_list = []
    if environment_entries > 0:
        html_form += "<br /><b>Environments:</b><br />"
    if template:
        if template.has_key("ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"):
            env_list = template["ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE"]
            for env in env_list:
                html_form += """
<textarea cols='50' rows='3' name='environment'>"""
                for keyname in env.keys():
                    if keyname != "":
                        html_form += "%s=%s\n" % (keyname, env[keyname])

                html_form += "</textarea><br />"

    # loop and create textareas for any missing environment entries

    for _ in range(len(env_list), environment_entries):
        html_form += """
<textarea cols='50' rows='3' name='environment'>"""
        for sub_req in sublevel_required:
            html_form += "%s=   # required\n" % sub_req
        for sub_opt in sublevel_optional:
            html_form += "%s=   # optional\n" % sub_opt
        html_form += "</textarea><br />"

    html_form += """<br /><br /><input type='submit' value='Create' />
    output_objects.append({"object_type": "html_form", "text": html_form})
    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
Beispiel #7
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    defaults = signature()[1]
    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Show Runtime Environment Details'
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)
    re_name = accepted['re_name'][-1]

        'object_type': 'header',
        'text': 'Show runtime environment details'

    if not valid_dir_input(configuration.re_home, re_name):
            "possible illegal directory traversal attempt re_name '%s'" %
            'Illegal runtime environment name: "%s"' % re_name
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    if not is_runtime_environment(re_name, configuration):
            "'%s' is not an existing runtime environment!" % re_name
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Runtime environment details'

    (re_dict, msg) = get_re_dict(re_name, configuration)
    if not re_dict:
            'object_type': 'error_text',
            'text': 'Could not read details for "%s"' % msg
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # Set providers explicitly after build_reitem_object to avoid import loop
    re_item = build_reitem_object(configuration, re_dict)
    re_name = re_item['name']
    re_item['providers'] = resources_using_re(configuration, re_name)
    re_item['resource_count'] = len(re_item['providers'])


    return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
Beispiel #8
def parse(
    """Parse job description and optionally write results to parsed mRSL file.
    If outfile is non-empty it is used as destination file, and the keyword
    AUTOMATIC is replaced by the default mrsl dir destination.

    configuration = get_configuration_object()
    logger = configuration.logger
    client_dir = client_id_dir(client_id)

    # return a tuple (bool status, str msg). This is done because cgi-scripts
    # are not allowed to print anything before 'the first two special lines'
    # are printed

    result = parser.parse(localfile_spaces)

    external_dict = mrslkeywords.get_keywords_dict(configuration)

    # The mRSL has the right structure check if the types are correct too
    # and inline update the default external_dict entries with the ones
    # from the actual job specification

    (status, msg) = parser.check_types(result, external_dict,
    if not status:
        return (False, 'Parse failed (typecheck) %s' % msg)

    logger.debug('check_types updated job dict to: %s' % external_dict)

    global_dict = {}

    # Insert the parts from mrslkeywords we need in the rest of the MiG system

    for (key, value_dict) in external_dict.iteritems():
        global_dict[key] = value_dict['Value']

    # We do not expand any job variables yet in order to allow any future
    # resubmits to properly expand job ID.

    vgrid_list = global_dict['VGRID']
    allowed_vgrids = user_allowed_vgrids(configuration, client_id)

    # Replace any_vgrid keyword with all allowed vgrids (on time of submit!)

        any_pos = vgrid_list.index(any_vgrid)
        vgrid_list[any_pos:any_pos] = allowed_vgrids

        # Remove any additional any_vgrid keywords

        while any_vgrid in vgrid_list:
    except ValueError:

        # No any_vgrid keywords in list - move along


    # Now validate supplied vgrids

    for vgrid_name in vgrid_list:
        if not vgrid_name in allowed_vgrids:
            return (False, """Failure: You must be an owner or member of the
'%s' vgrid to submit a job to it!""" % vgrid_name)

    # Fall back to default vgrid if no vgrid was supplied

    if not vgrid_list:

        # Please note that vgrid_list is a ref to global_dict list
        # so we must modify and not replace with a new list!


    # convert specified runtime environments to upper-case and verify they
    # actually exist

    # do not check runtime envs if the job is for ARC (submission will
    # fail later)
    if global_dict.get('JOBTYPE', 'unset') != 'arc' \
        and global_dict.has_key('RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'):
        re_entries_uppercase = []
        for specified_re in global_dict['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT']:
            specified_re = specified_re.upper()
            if not is_runtime_environment(specified_re, configuration):
                return (False, """You have specified a non-nexisting runtime
environment '%s', therefore the job can not be run on any resources.""" % \
        if global_dict.get('MOUNT', []) != []:
        global_dict['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'] = re_entries_uppercase

    if global_dict.get('JOBTYPE', 'unset').lower() == 'interactive':

        # if jobtype is interactive append command to create the notification
        # file .interactivejobfinished that breaks the infinite loop waiting
        # for the interactive job to finish and send output files to the MiG
        # server

        global_dict['EXECUTE'].append('touch .interactivejobfinished')

    # put job id and name of user in the dictionary

    global_dict['JOB_ID'] = job_id
    global_dict['USER_CERT'] = client_id

    # mark job as received

    global_dict['RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP'] = time.gmtime()
    global_dict['STATUS'] = 'PARSE'
    if forceddestination:
        global_dict['FORCEDDESTINATION'] = forceddestination
        if forceddestination.has_key('UNIQUE_RESOURCE_NAME'):
            global_dict["RESOURCE"] = "%(UNIQUE_RESOURCE_NAME)s_*" % \
        if forceddestination.has_key('RE_NAME'):
            re_name = forceddestination['RE_NAME']

            # verify the verifyfiles entries are not modified (otherwise RE creator
            # can specify multiple ::VERIFYFILES:: keywords and give the entries
            # other names (perhaps overwriting files in the home directories of
            # resource owners executing the testprocedure)

            for verifyfile in global_dict['VERIFYFILES']:
                verifytypes = ['.status', '.stderr', '.stdout']
                found = False
                for verifytype in verifytypes:
                    if verifyfile == 'verify_runtime_env_%s%s' % (re_name,
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    return (False, '''You are not allowed to specify the
::VERIFY:: keyword in a testprocedure, it is done automatically''')

    # normalize any path fields to be taken relative to home

        if not global_dict.has_key(field):
        normalized_field = []
        for line in global_dict[field]:
            normalized_parts = []
            line_parts = line.split()
            if len(line_parts) < 1 or len(line_parts) > 2:
                return (False,
                        '%s entries must contain 1 or 2 space-separated items'\
                        % field)
            for part in line_parts:

                # deny leading slashes i.e. force absolute to relative paths

                part = part.lstrip('/')
                if part.find('://') != -1:

                    # keep external targets as is - normpath breaks '://'

                    check_path = part.split('/')[-1]

                    # normalize path to avoid e.g. './' which breaks dir
                    # handling on resource

                    check_path = os.path.normpath(part)
                except Exception, exc:
                    return (False, 'Invalid %s part in %s: %s' % \
                            (field, html_escape(part), exc))
            normalized_field.append(' '.join(normalized_parts))
        global_dict[field] = normalized_field
Beispiel #9
def main(client_id, user_arguments_dict):
    """Main function used by front end"""

    (configuration, logger, output_objects, op_name) = \
        initialize_main_variables(client_id, op_header=False)
    title_entry = find_entry(output_objects, 'title')
    title_entry['text'] = 'Delete runtime environment'
        'object_type': 'header',
        'text': 'Delete runtime environment'
    defaults = signature()[1]
    (validate_status, accepted) = validate_input_and_cert(
    if not validate_status:
        return (accepted, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    re_name = accepted['re_name'][-1]

    if not safe_handler(configuration, 'post', op_name, client_id,
                        get_csrf_limit(configuration), accepted):
            '''Only accepting
CSRF-filtered POST requests to prevent unintended updates'''
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    if not valid_dir_input(configuration.re_home, re_name):
            "possible illegal directory traversal attempt re_name '%s'" %
            'Illegal runtime environment name: "%s"' % re_name
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Check whether re_name represents a runtime environment
    if not is_runtime_environment(re_name, configuration):
            "No such runtime environment: '%s'" % re_name
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    (re_dict, load_msg) = get_re_dict(re_name, configuration)
    if not re_dict:
            'Could not read runtime environment details for %s: %s' %
            (re_name, load_msg)
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # Make sure the runtime environment belongs to the user trying to delete it
    if client_id != re_dict['CREATOR']:
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'error_text', 'text': \
        'You are not the owner of runtime environment "%s"' % re_name})
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Prevent delete if the runtime environment is used by any resources
    actives = resources_using_re(configuration, re_name)

    # If the runtime environment is active, an error message is printed, along
    # with a list of the resources using the runtime environment
    if actives:
            "Can't delete runtime environment '%s' in use by resources:" %
        output_objects.append({'object_type': 'list', 'list': actives})
            'object_type': 'link',
            'destination': '',
            'class': 'infolink iconspace',
            'title': 'Show runtime environments',
            'text': 'Show runtime environments'
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.CLIENT_ERROR)

    # Delete the runtime environment
    (del_status, msg) = delete_runtimeenv(re_name, configuration)

    # If something goes wrong when trying to delete runtime environment
    # re_name, an error is displayed.
    if not del_status:
            'Could not remove %s runtime environment: %s' % (re_name, msg)
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.SYSTEM_ERROR)

    # If deletion of runtime environment re_name is successful, we just
    # return OK
            'Successfully deleted runtime environment: "%s"' % re_name
            'object_type': 'link',
            'destination': '',
            'class': 'infolink iconspace',
            'title': 'Show runtime environments',
            'text': 'Show runtime environments'
        return (output_objects, returnvalues.OK)
Beispiel #10
def run(localfile_spaces, unique_resource_name, outfile='AUTOMATIC'
    """Parse configuration in localfile_spaces and write results to outfile
    if non-empty. The keyword AUTOMATIC is replaced by the expected resource
    configuration path.

    (status, msg, conf) = get_resource_config_dict(localfile_spaces)

    if not status:
        return (False, msg)

    # verify runtime environments are specified correctly

    if conf.has_key('RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT'):
        for re in conf['RUNTIMEENVIRONMENT']:
                (name, value) = re
            except Exception, err:
                return (False, 'Runtime environment error: %s' % err)
            if not refunctions.is_runtime_environment(name,
                return (False,
                        "Non existing runtime environment specified ('%s'), please create the runtime environment before specifying it in resource configurations."
                         % name)

            (re_dict, msg) = refunctions.get_re_dict(name,
            if not re_dict:
                return (False,
                        'Runtime environment error, could not open (%s) %s'
                         % (name, msg))

            if not re_dict.has_key('ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE'):
                if value:

                    # res conf has envs, but according to the template it should not

                    return (False,
                            "%s should not have any environments and you specified '%s'. Details about the runtime environment <a>here</a>"
                             % (re, value, name))
            re_dict_environments = re_dict['ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE']
            re_dict_environment_names = []
            for re_environment in re_dict_environments:

            if not len(value) == len(re_dict_environments):
                return (False,
                        "You have specified %s environments, but the runtime environment '%s' requires %s. Details about the runtime environment <a href=''>here.</a>"
                         % (len(value), name,
                        len(re_dict_environments), name))

            # we now know that the number of environments are
            # correct, verify that there are no name duplicates

            used_envnames = []
            for env in value:
                    (envname, _) = env
                    if envname in used_envnames:

                        # same envname used twice

                        return (False,
                                "You have specified the environment '%s' more than once for the '%s' runtime environment."
                                 % (envname, name))
                except Exception, err:

                    return (False,
                            'Runtimeenvironment error: Name and value not found in env: %s'
                             % err)

            # verify environment names are correct according to the
            # runtime environment definition do this by comparing
            # list of names specified for runtime environment and
            # res. conf.
            # re_dict_environment_names and used_envnames should
            # have the same entries!

            for n in re_dict_environment_names:

                # any build-in list comparison functionality?

                if not n in used_envnames:
                    return (False,
                            "You have not specified an environment named '%s' which is required by the '%s' runtime environment. Details about the runtime environment <a>here.</a>"
                             % (n, name, name))