Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, color=None):
     if color is None:
         #FIXME: if it has no color it's white light?
         raise NotImplementedError, "white light is not yet implemented"
     elif isinstance(color, Color):
         self.color = color.color
         self.wavelength = color.wavelength
     elif isinstance(color, str):
         #first try treating it as a unit
             if color.replace(" ", "").isalnum(): #FIXME: what about "nm" (which should be interpreted as "1nm")?
                 color = Unit(color)
                 if color.compatible("nm"):
                     #then it is, in fact, a wavelength
                     self.wavelength = color
                     self.color = color
                     #return point
                 else: raise UnitError, "Color.__init__: supplied unit was not compatible with wavelength (nm)"
             else: raise UnitError, "was not alpha numeric and was likely not a unit" #return point
         except UnitError, ue:
             #first check if it looks like a unit
             if ue.message.count("was not compatible") == 1: raise UnitError, "Color.__init__: incompatible units on %s" % (color)
             #was not a valid unit, maybe it's "green"
             if color in self.colors.keys():
                 color = self.colors[color]
                 self.wavelength = color
                 self.color = color
                 #return point
             else: raise ValueError, "Color.__init__: unable to parse color %s\n%s" % (color, ue) #return point
Beispiel #2
 def instructions(self, tool):
     '''generate instructions for using this technique with a particular tool'''
     #technically you should be able to use more than one tool
     steps = Instructions() #it's essentially a list
     step1 = tool.align(self.interface1, self.interface2) #with the tool "tool", align interface1 and interface2 (with their vectors)
     step2 = tool.push(object=self.interface1, force=Unit("10 N"), vector=Vector(0,1,0)) #normal_to(self.interface2)))
     return steps
Beispiel #3
 def __eq__(self, other):
         if other.wavelength == self.wavelength: return True
         return False
     except AttributeError, error:
         #maybe it's a color
         if other in self.colors:
             return (Color(other)==self)
         else: return Unit.__eq__(self, other)
Beispiel #4
    def test_apple_init(self):
        green_apple = Apple("green")
        self.assertTrue( == "green")

        green_apple = Apple("530 nm")
        self.assertTrue( == "green")

        green_apple = Apple(Color("green"))
        self.assertTrue( == "green")

        green_apple = Apple(Color("530 nm"))
        self.assertTrue( == "green")

        green_apple = Apple(Color(Unit("530 nm")))
        self.assertTrue( == "green")

        green_apple = Apple(Unit("530 nm"))
        self.assertTrue( == "green")
Beispiel #5
    def test_color_init(self):
        #yay all of this passed on the first go :)
        green = Color("green")
        self.assertTrue(str(green) == "Color(\"green\")" or str(green)=="green")
        self.assertTrue(str(green.wavelength) == "530 nm")
        self.assertTrue(green.wavelength == "530 nm")
        self.assertTrue(green.wavelength == Unit("530 nm"))
        self.assertTrue(green == Color("green"))
        self.assertTrue(green == Color("530 nm"))
        self.assertTrue(green == Color(Unit("530 nm")))

        self.assertTrue(green.compatible("500 m")) #compatibility doesn't care about magnitude
        self.assertTrue(green == "530 nm")
        self.assertTrue(green == "green")
        self.assertTrue(green == Unit("530 nm"))

        green = Color(Color("green"))
        self.assertTrue(green == Color("530 nm"))
Beispiel #6
class Color(Unit):
    '''will eventually implement CIE 1931 XYZ color space'''
    yaml_tag = "!color"
    colors = {
             "red": Unit("700 nm"),
             "orange": Unit("620 nm"),
             "yellow": Unit("580 nm"),
             "green": Unit("530 nm"),
             "blue": Unit("470 nm"),
             "violet": Unit("420 nm"),
    def __init__(self, color=None):
        if color is None:
            #FIXME: if it has no color it's white light?
            raise NotImplementedError, "white light is not yet implemented"
        elif isinstance(color, Color):
            self.color = color.color
            self.wavelength = color.wavelength
        elif isinstance(color, str):
            #first try treating it as a unit
                if color.replace(" ", "").isalnum(): #FIXME: what about "nm" (which should be interpreted as "1nm")?
                    color = Unit(color)
                    if color.compatible("nm"):
                        #then it is, in fact, a wavelength
                        self.wavelength = color
                        self.color = color
                        #return point
                    else: raise UnitError, "Color.__init__: supplied unit was not compatible with wavelength (nm)"
                else: raise UnitError, "was not alpha numeric and was likely not a unit" #return point
            except UnitError, ue:
                #first check if it looks like a unit
                if ue.message.count("was not compatible") == 1: raise UnitError, "Color.__init__: incompatible units on %s" % (color)
                #was not a valid unit, maybe it's "green"
                if color in self.colors.keys():
                    color = self.colors[color]
                    self.wavelength = color
                    self.color = color
                    #return point
                else: raise ValueError, "Color.__init__: unable to parse color %s\n%s" % (color, ue) #return point
                #except UnitError, ue:
        elif isinstance(color, Unit):
            if color.compatible("nm"):
                self.wavelength = color
Beispiel #7
 def test_apple_eq(self):
     apple1 = Apple("530 nm")
     apple2 = Apple(Color(Unit("530 nm")))
     self.assertTrue(apple1 == apple2)
Beispiel #8
             #first check if it looks like a unit
             if ue.message.count("was not compatible") == 1: raise UnitError, "Color.__init__: incompatible units on %s" % (color)
             #was not a valid unit, maybe it's "green"
             if color in self.colors.keys():
                 color = self.colors[color]
                 self.wavelength = color
                 self.color = color
                 #return point
             else: raise ValueError, "Color.__init__: unable to parse color %s\n%s" % (color, ue) #return point
             #except UnitError, ue:
     elif isinstance(color, Unit):
         if color.compatible("nm"):
             self.wavelength = color
     else: raise NotImplementedError, bryan_message
     Unit.__init__(self, self.wavelength)
 def _get_name(self):
     #figure out the name of this color from self.wavelength
     items = self.colors.items()
     for item in items:
         if item[1] == self.wavelength:
             return item[0]
     #since we don't know a name, just give it
     return self.wavelength
 name = property(fget=_get_name, doc="figures out the name of the color")
 def __repr__(self):
     return "Color(\"%s\")" % (
 def __eq__(self, other):
         if other.wavelength == self.wavelength: return True
         return False