Beispiel #1
    def gen_video_preview(elem, output_dir):
        Copy temporary image to specified output filepath.

        :param elem: Data element to get the preview image for.
        :type elem: smqtk.data_rep.DataElement

        :param output_dir: Directory to save generated image to.
        :type output_dir: str

        output_fp = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                 "%s.gif" % elem.md5())
        if not os.path.isfile(output_fp):
            tmp_vid_fp = elem.write_temp()
            interval = 0.5  # ~2fps gif
            fm = video_utils.ffmpeg_extract_frame_map(
                tmp_vid_fp, second_interval=interval
            img_arrays = []
            for frm_num in sorted(fm.keys()):
            imageio.mimwrite(output_fp, img_arrays, duration=interval)
        return output_fp
Beispiel #2
    def gen_video_preview(elem, output_dir):
        Copy temporary image to specified output filepath.

        :param elem: Data element to get the preview image for.
        :type elem: smqtk.representation.DataElement

        :param output_dir: Directory to save generated image to.
        :type output_dir: str

        output_fp = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.gif" % elem.uuid())
        if not os.path.isfile(output_fp):
            tmp_vid_fp = elem.write_temp()
            interval = 0.5  # ~2fps gif
            fm = video_utils.ffmpeg_extract_frame_map(tmp_vid_fp,
            img_arrays = []
            for frm_num in sorted(fm.keys()):
            imageio.mimwrite(output_fp, img_arrays, duration=interval)
        return output_fp
Beispiel #3
    def _generate_descriptor_matrices(self, data_set, **kwargs):
        Generate info and descriptor matrices based on ingest type.

        :param data_set: Iterable of data elements to generate combined info
            and descriptor matrices for.
        :type item_iter: collections.Set[smqtk.representation.DataElement]

        :param limit: Limit the number of descriptor entries to this amount.
        :type limit: int

        :return: Combined info and descriptor matrices for all base images
        :rtype: (numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray, numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray)

        descriptor_limit = kwargs.get('limit', float('inf'))
        # With videos, an "item" is one video, so, collect for a while video
        # as normal, then subsample from the full video collection.
        per_item_limit = numpy.floor(float(descriptor_limit) / len(data_set))

        # If an odd number of jobs, favor descriptor extraction
        if self.parallel:
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(self.parallel / 2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(self.parallel / 2.0)))
            cpuc = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(cpuc / 2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(cpuc / 2.0)))

        # For each video, extract frames and submit colorDescriptor processing
        # jobs for each frame, combining all results into a single matrix for
        # return.
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=descr_parallel)

        # Mapping of [UID] to [frame] to tuple containing:
        #   (info_fp, desc_fp, async processing result)
        r_map = {}
        with SimpleTimer("Extracting frames and submitting descriptor jobs...",
            for di in data_set:
                r_map[di.uuid()] = {}
                tmp_vid_fp = self._get_data_temp_path(di)
                p = dict(self.FRAME_EXTRACTION_PARAMS)
                vmd = get_metadata_info(tmp_vid_fp)
                p['second_offset'] = vmd.duration * p['second_offset']
                p['max_duration'] = vmd.duration * p['max_duration']
                fm = video_utils.ffmpeg_extract_frame_map(
                    self._work_dir, tmp_vid_fp, parallel=extract_parallel, **p)

                # Compute descriptors for extracted frames.
                for frame, imgPath in fm.iteritems():
                    info_fp, desc_fp = \
                        self._get_standard_info_descriptors_filepath(di, frame)
                    r = pool.apply_async(utils.generate_descriptors,
                                         args=(self.EXE, imgPath,
                                               self.descriptor_type(), info_fp,
                    r_map[di.uuid()][frame] = (info_fp, desc_fp, r)

                # Clean temporary video file file while computing descriptors
                # This does not remove the extracted frames that the underlying
                #   detector/descriptor is working on.

        # Each result is a tuple of two ndarrays: info and descriptor matrices
        with SimpleTimer("Collecting shape information for super matrices...",
            running_height = 0

            i_width = None
            d_width = None

            # Transform r_map[uid] into:
            #   (info_mat_files, desc_mat_files, sR, ssi_list)
            #   -> files in frame order
            uids = sorted(r_map)
            for uid in uids:
                video_num_desc = 0
                video_info_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame info mat files
                video_desc_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame desc mat files
                for frame in sorted(r_map[uid]):
                    ifp, dfp, r = r_map[uid][frame]

                    # Descriptor generation may have failed for this UID
                        i_shape, d_shape = r.get()
                    except RuntimeError, ex:
                            'Descriptor generation failed for '
                            'frame %d in video UID[%s]: %s', frame, uid,
                        r_map[uid] = None

                    if d_width is None and d_shape[0] != 0:
                        i_width = i_shape[1]
                        d_width = d_shape[1]

                    # Skip if there were no descriptors generated for this
                    # frame
                    if d_shape[1] == 0:

                    video_num_desc += d_shape[0]

                # If combined descriptor height exceeds the per-item limit,
                # generate a random subsample index list
                ssi = None
                if video_num_desc > per_item_limit:
                    ssi = sorted(
                    video_num_desc = len(ssi)

                r_map[uid] = (video_info_mat_fps, video_desc_mat_fps,
                              running_height, ssi)
                running_height += video_num_desc
Beispiel #4
    def _generate_descriptor_matrices(self, data_set, **kwargs):
        Generate info and descriptor matrices based on ingest type.

        :param data_set: Iterable of data elements to generate combined info
            and descriptor matrices for.
        :type item_iter: collections.Set[smqtk.data_rep.DataElement]

        :param limit: Limit the number of descriptor entries to this amount.
        :type limit: int

        :return: Combined info and descriptor matrices for all base images
        :rtype: (numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray, numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray)

        descriptor_limit = kwargs.get('limit', float('inf'))
        # With videos, an "item" is one video, so, collect for a while video
        # as normal, then subsample from the full video collection.
        per_item_limit = numpy.floor(float(descriptor_limit) / len(data_set))

        # If an odd number of jobs, favor descriptor extraction
        if self.PARALLEL:
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(self.PARALLEL/2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(self.PARALLEL/2.0)))
            cpuc = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(cpuc/2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(cpuc/2.0)))

        # For each video, extract frames and submit colorDescriptor processing
        # jobs for each frame, combining all results into a single matrix for
        # return.
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=descr_parallel)

        # Mapping of [UID] to [frame] to tuple containing:
        #   (info_fp, desc_fp, async processing result)
        r_map = {}
        with SimpleTimer("Extracting frames and submitting descriptor jobs...",
            for di in data_set:
                r_map[di.uuid()] = {}
                tmp_vid_fp = di.write_temp(self.temp_dir)
                p = dict(self.FRAME_EXTRACTION_PARAMS)
                vmd = get_metadata_info(tmp_vid_fp)
                p['second_offset'] = vmd.duration * p['second_offset']
                p['max_duration'] = vmd.duration * p['max_duration']
                fm = video_utils.ffmpeg_extract_frame_map(

                # Compute descriptors for extracted frames.
                for frame, imgPath in fm.iteritems():
                    info_fp, desc_fp = \
                        self._get_standard_info_descriptors_filepath(di, frame)
                    r = pool.apply_async(
                        args=(self.PROC_COLORDESCRIPTOR, imgPath,
                              self.descriptor_type(), info_fp, desc_fp)
                    r_map[di.uuid()][frame] = (info_fp, desc_fp, r)

                # Clean temporary file while computing descriptors

        # Each result is a tuple of two ndarrays: info and descriptor matrices
        with SimpleTimer("Collecting shape information for super matrices...",
            running_height = 0
            # Known constants
            i_width = 5
            d_width = 384

            # Transform r_map[uid] into:
            #   (info_mat_files, desc_mat_files, sR, ssi_list)
            #   -> files in frame order
            uids = sorted(r_map)
            for uid in uids:
                video_num_desc = 0
                video_info_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame info mat files
                video_desc_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame desc mat files
                for frame in sorted(r_map[uid]):
                    ifp, dfp, r = r_map[uid][frame]
                    i_shape, d_shape = r.get()
                    if None in (i_width, d_width):
                        i_width = i_shape[1]
                        d_width = d_shape[1]

                    video_num_desc += i_shape[0]

                # If combined descriptor height exceeds the per-item limit,
                # generate a random subsample index list
                ssi = None
                if video_num_desc > per_item_limit:
                    ssi = sorted(
                    video_num_desc = len(ssi)

                r_map[uid] = (video_info_mat_fps, video_desc_mat_fps,
                              running_height, ssi)
                running_height += video_num_desc
        del pool

        with SimpleTimer("Building master descriptor matrices...",
            master_info = numpy.zeros((running_height, i_width), dtype=float)
            master_desc = numpy.zeros((running_height, d_width), dtype=float)
            tp = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=self.PARALLEL)
            for uid in uids:
                info_fp_list, desc_fp_list, sR, ssi = r_map[uid]
                               args=(master_info, info_fp_list, sR, ssi))
                               args=(master_desc, desc_fp_list, sR, ssi))

        return master_info, master_desc
Beispiel #5
    def _generate_descriptor_matrices(self, data_set, **kwargs):
        Generate info and descriptor matrices based on ingest type.

        :param data_set: Iterable of data elements to generate combined info
            and descriptor matrices for.
        :type item_iter: collections.Set[smqtk.representation.DataElement]

        :param limit: Limit the number of descriptor entries to this amount.
        :type limit: int

        :return: Combined info and descriptor matrices for all base images
        :rtype: (numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray, numpy.core.multiarray.ndarray)

        descriptor_limit = kwargs.get('limit', float('inf'))
        # With videos, an "item" is one video, so, collect for a while video
        # as normal, then subsample from the full video collection.
        per_item_limit = numpy.floor(float(descriptor_limit) / len(data_set))

        # If an odd number of jobs, favor descriptor extraction
        if self.PARALLEL:
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(self.PARALLEL/2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(self.PARALLEL/2.0)))
            cpuc = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            descr_parallel = int(max(1, math.ceil(cpuc/2.0)))
            extract_parallel = int(max(1, math.floor(cpuc/2.0)))

        # For each video, extract frames and submit colorDescriptor processing
        # jobs for each frame, combining all results into a single matrix for
        # return.
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=descr_parallel)

        # Mapping of [UID] to [frame] to tuple containing:
        #   (info_fp, desc_fp, async processing result)
        r_map = {}
        with SimpleTimer("Extracting frames and submitting descriptor jobs...",
            for di in data_set:
                r_map[di.uuid()] = {}
                tmp_vid_fp = self._get_data_temp_path(di)
                p = dict(self.FRAME_EXTRACTION_PARAMS)
                vmd = get_metadata_info(tmp_vid_fp)
                p['second_offset'] = vmd.duration * p['second_offset']
                p['max_duration'] = vmd.duration * p['max_duration']
                fm = video_utils.ffmpeg_extract_frame_map(

                # Compute descriptors for extracted frames.
                for frame, imgPath in fm.iteritems():
                    info_fp, desc_fp = \
                        self._get_standard_info_descriptors_filepath(di, frame)
                    r = pool.apply_async(
                        args=(self.PROC_COLORDESCRIPTOR, imgPath,
                              self.descriptor_type(), info_fp, desc_fp)
                    r_map[di.uuid()][frame] = (info_fp, desc_fp, r)

                # Clean temporary video file file while computing descriptors
                # This does not remove the extracted frames that the underlying
                #   detector/descriptor is working on.

        # Each result is a tuple of two ndarrays: info and descriptor matrices
        with SimpleTimer("Collecting shape information for super matrices...",
            running_height = 0

            i_width = None
            d_width = None

            # Transform r_map[uid] into:
            #   (info_mat_files, desc_mat_files, sR, ssi_list)
            #   -> files in frame order
            uids = sorted(r_map)
            for uid in uids:
                video_num_desc = 0
                video_info_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame info mat files
                video_desc_mat_fps = []  # ordered list of frame desc mat files
                for frame in sorted(r_map[uid]):
                    ifp, dfp, r = r_map[uid][frame]

                    # Descriptor generation may have failed for this UID
                        i_shape, d_shape = r.get()
                    except RuntimeError, ex:
                        self._log.warning('Descriptor generation failed for '
                                          'frame %d in video UID[%s]: %s',
                                          frame, uid, str(ex))
                        r_map[uid] = None

                    if d_width is None and d_shape[0] != 0:
                        i_width = i_shape[1]
                        d_width = d_shape[1]

                    # Skip if there were no descriptors generated for this
                    # frame
                    if d_shape[1] == 0:

                    video_num_desc += d_shape[0]

                # If combined descriptor height exceeds the per-item limit,
                # generate a random subsample index list
                ssi = None
                if video_num_desc > per_item_limit:
                    ssi = sorted(
                    video_num_desc = len(ssi)

                r_map[uid] = (video_info_mat_fps, video_desc_mat_fps,
                              running_height, ssi)
                running_height += video_num_desc