class Hip(object): def __init__(self): self.sms = Sms() def run(self): commands = ["inspire"] self.cli = CLI(self.process, commands) print self.cli.process() def process(self, *args): args = list(args) cmd = args.pop(0) if cmd == "inspire": self.inspire() else: raise HipError("Unrecognized command: %s" % cmd) def inspire(self): inspiration = Inspiration() quote = inspiration.getNext() print quote["quote"].encode("ascii", "replace") for soul in Folks().getActive(): phone = soul["phonenumber"] print phone self.sms.send(phone, quote["quote"]) inspiration.setSentDate(quote["id"],
def get_weather_and_send_sms(self, conf): print '开启定时任务 %s.' % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) mobile = conf['mobile'] weather_type = conf['weather_type'] city = conf['city'] weather = Weather(city) weather_str = weather.get_weather_str(weather_type) sms = Sms() sms.send_sms(mobile, city, weather_str)
def sendsmsoh(username,status): msg1='' print(status) if str(status).lower() == 'high': msg1="HIGH Value of Alcohol" elif str(status).lower() == 'low': msg1 ="Low value of Alcohol" elif str(status).lower() == "medium": msg1 ="Moderate Value of Alcohol" sms1 = Sms(msg=msg1,user=username) send_status = sms1.Send() if send_status[0]: if mongo.MessageSaved(msg=msg1,user=username,status=True,time=send_status[1]) != None: return jsonify({'sent':msg1}) else: return make_response(jsonify({"msg":msg1}),404)
def Alarm(msg): from sms import Sms sms = Sms() global Alarm, MQTT_Client, MQTT_ClientID msg["alarm"] = True #publish msg MQTT_Client.publish( bytes(Mqtt_User + "/Alarm", "UTF-8"), bytes("{'data':'" + msg + ",'clientid':" + MQTT_ClientID + "}", "UTF-8")) for i in Phonenumbers: sms.send_msg(i, "SweetHome ALARM!!: \n alarm of type" + msg["data"]) button = Pin(26, Pin.IN) while Alarm and not (button.value()): sleep(1) beeper = PWM(Pin(14, Pin.OUT), freq=440, duty=512) time.sleep(0.3) beeper.deinit() time.sleep(0.3)
def sendsms(username,status,speed): speed1 = int(speed) msg1='' print(status) if status == 'on': if speed1 >= 50 and speed1 <= 60: msg1 = "falldetected with moderate risk" elif speed1 > 60: msg1 = "falldetected with high risk" elif speed1 < 50: msg1 = "falldetected with low risk" print(speed1, msg1) sms1 = Sms(msg=msg1,user=username) send_status = sms1.Send() if send_status[0]: if mongo.MessageSaved(msg=msg1,user=username,status=True,time=send_status[1]) != None: return jsonify({'sent':msg1}) return make_response(jsonify({"msg":msg1}),404)
MOBILE = '09190734256' EMAIL = '*****@*****.**' SERVER_IP = '' UPLOAD_FOLDER = "static/uploads" ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE = datetime.timedelta( minutes=30) # access token expiration time CODE_TIME_EXPIRE = 150 parser = reqparse.RequestParser() # parser.add_argument('fname', help = 'This field cannot be blank', required = True) # parser.add_argument('password', help = 'This field cannot be blank', required = True) telegram_token = '1065759842:AAFi_HnB_SzjgJC0bC0CjiPtsVS2pTENUyI' telegram_chat_id = ['680596325', '652176141'] telegram_bot = Telegram(telegram_token, telegram_chat_id) sms_panel = Sms() redis_cli = redis.Redis() logging.basicConfig(format='%s(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG, filename='logs/app.log') class SubmitPhone(Resource): def post(self): parser_copy = parser.copy() parser_copy.add_argument('mphone', help='This field cannot be blank', required=True)
import requests, time import random, os, codecs from sys import exit version = 2.01 set = [1, 0] fav_phones = [] repo = "MaksPV/AresBomb-databases" if os.path.isfile("") and os.path.isfile(""): from sms import Sms from calls import Calls Smss = Sms() Callss = Calls() else: with"", "w", encoding = 'utf8') as f: f.write(requests.get("" + repo + "/master/заглушка/").text) f.close() with"", "w", encoding = 'utf8') as f: f.write(requests.get("" + repo + "/master/заглушка/").text) f.close() print("Запустите еще раз") exit() if os.path.isfile("config.txt") != 1: with open('config.txt', 'w') as filehandle: for listitem in set: filehandle.write('%s\n' % listitem) if os.path.isfile("config.txt") == 1:
def __init__(self): self.sms = Sms()