Beispiel #1
 def degreeDistribution(self):
     result = snap.TFltPrV()
     resultMap = collections.defaultdict(lambda:0)
     snap.GetDegCnt(self.rawGraph, result)
     for x in result:
         resultMap[int(x.GetVal1())] = int(x.GetVal2())
     return resultMap
Beispiel #2
def getGraphInfo(G):
    Degree = []
    DegreeCount = []
    CluDegree = []
    Clu = []

    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetDegCnt(G, DegToCntV)
    DegreeCountMax = 0
    for item in DegToCntV:
        tempy = item.GetVal2()
        if tempy > DegreeCountMax:
            DegreeCountMax = tempy

    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    Cf = snap.GetClustCf(G, CfVec, -1)
    for pair in CfVec:

    return DegreeCountMax,Degree,DegreeCount,CluDegree,Clu
Beispiel #3
def print_average_ccf_and_traid_count(G, GName):

    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    result = snap.GetClustCfAll(G, DegToCCfV)

    print "Average clustering coefficient in {0}: {1:.4f}".format(
        GName[:-10], result[0])
    print "Number of traids in {0}: {1}".format(GName[:-10], result[1])
Beispiel #4
def showClusteringCoefficient(network):
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    result = snap.GetClustCfAll(network, DegToCCfV)
    for item in DegToCCfV:
        print("degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2()))
    print("average clustering coefficient", result[0])
    print("closed triads", result[1])
    print("open triads", result[2])
def Q1_3():
    Code for Q1.3
    C_erdosRenyi = calcClusteringCoefficient(erdosRenyi)
    C_smallWorld = calcClusteringCoefficient(smallWorld)
    C_collabNet = calcClusteringCoefficient(collabNet)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)

    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_erdosRenyi = snap.GetClustCf(erdosRenyi, CfVec, -1)
    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_smallWorld = snap.GetClustCf(smallWorld, CfVec, -1)
    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_collabNet = snap.GetClustCf(collabNet, CfVec, -1)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)
Beispiel #6
def gen_config_model_rewire(graph, iterations=8000, seed=42):
    config_graph = graph
    clustering_coeffs = []

    nOfNodes = graph.GetNodes()
    nOfEdges = graph.GetEdges()
    for j in range(iterations):
        while True:
            edges1 = graph.BegEI()
            eId = int(round(np.random.rand() * (nOfEdges - 1)))
            for i in range(eId):
            e1 = edges1
            a = e1.GetSrcNId()
            b = e1.GetDstNId()

            edges2 = graph.BegEI()
            e2id = int(round(np.random.rand() * (nOfEdges - 1)))
            for i in range(e2id):
            e2 = edges2

            c = e2.GetSrcNId()
            d = e2.GetDstNId()

            u = a if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else b
            v = b if u == a else a
            w = c if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else d
            x = d if w == c else c

            # check if graph is regular
            if u == w or v == x or (a == b and c == d) or graph.IsEdge(
                    u, w) or graph.IsEdge(v, x):
            graph.DelEdge(a, b)
            graph.DelEdge(c, d)

            graph.AddEdge(u, w)
            graph.AddEdge(v, x)
        if graph.GetNodes() != nOfNodes or graph.GetEdges() != nOfEdges:
            print "Graph has changed! nodes:", nOfNodes, "-->", graph.GetNodes(
            ), "edges:", nOfEdges, "-->", graph.GetEdges()
            raise RuntimeError
        if j % 100 == 0:
                snap.GetClustCfAll(graph, snap.TFltPrV())[0])

    return config_graph, clustering_coeffs
def analyze_diameter(nodes, edges):
    G = snap.TUNGraph.New()
    idxs = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(nodes):
        idxs[v] = i
    for v in nodes:
    for e in edges:
        G.AddEdge(idxs[e[0]], idxs[e[1]])
        G.AddEdge(idxs[e[1]], idxs[e[0]])
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    print('Clustering Coefficient: ', snap.GetClustCf(G, -1))
    print('Effective Diameter: ',
          snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G, min(len(nodes), 10000), False))
Beispiel #8
def clustCoefDistribution(G):

    print "Nodes number: ", G.GetNodes()  # 37444
    print "Edges number: ", G.GetEdges()  # 561119
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    snap.GetClustCfAll(G, DegToCCfV)
    X = []
    Y = []
    for item in DegToCCfV:
        X.append(item.GetVal1())  # degree
        Y.append(item.GetVal2())  # avg. clustering coefficient
    plt.plot(X, Y, 'ro', label='Collaboration Network')
    plt.ylabel('Average Clustering Coefficient')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Neighbors (degree)')
Beispiel #9
import numpy as np
import snap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

payoff_a = 2
payoff_b = 3
thersold = payoff_a / (payoff_a + payoff_b)
nodestatusList = []
nodedegreeList = []
nodeaffectList = []
nodeinitialList = []
G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "data/soc-Slashdot0902.txt", 0, 1, '\t')
snap.PlotClustCf(G, "project_cluster_coeff",
                 "Undirected graph - clustering coefficient")

DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
result = snap.GetClustCfAll(G, DegToCCfV)
for item in DegToCCfV:
    print("degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" %
          (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2()))
print("average clustering coefficient", result[0])

clusterfile = open("clustering_list.txt", "w")
NIdCCfH = snap.TIntFltH()
snap.GetNodeClustCf(G, NIdCCfH)
for item in NIdCCfH:
    clusterfile.write("%d %d\r\n" % (item, NIdCCfH[item]))
Beispiel #10
def clustering_coefficient(G):
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    Result = snap.GetClustCfAll(G, DegToCCfV, -1)
    print 'Average Clustering Coefficient:', Result[0]
                              ' ')
    nodes = graph.GetNodes()
    edges = graph.GetEdges()
    InDegV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetNodeInDegV(graph, InDegV)
    sum_deg = 0
    max_deg = 0
    min_deg = 10000
    for item in InDegV:
        cur_deg = item.GetVal2()
        sum_deg += cur_deg
        min_deg = min(min_deg, cur_deg)
        max_deg = max(max_deg, cur_deg)
    avg_deg = sum_deg / nodes

    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    Cf = snap.GetClustCf(graph, CfVec, -1)
    clus_coef = snap.GetClustCf(graph, -1)
    print("Nodes: ", graph.GetNodes())
    print("Edges: ", graph.GetEdges())
    print("Maximum Degree: ", max_deg)
    print("Minimum Degree: ", min_deg)
    print("Clustering Coefficient: ", clus_coef)
    print("Average degree: ", avg_deg)

    density = edges / (nodes * (nodes - 1))
    print("Density: ", density)

    initiator = np.array([[0, density, density], [density, 0, density],
                          [density, density, 0]])
Beispiel #12
node_id = G.GetRndNId(Rnd)
node_cluster_coeff = snap.GetNodeClustCf(G, node_id)
print("Clustering coefficient of random node {}: {}".format(
    node_id, round(node_cluster_coeff, 4)))

node_id = G.GetRndNId(Rnd)
node_num_triads = snap.GetNodeTriads(G, node_id)
print("Number of triads random node {} participates: {}".format(
    node_id, node_num_triads))

triad_edge = snap.GetTriadEdges(G)
print("Number of edges that participate in at least one triad: {}".format(

cf_dist = snap.TFltPrV()
coeff = snap.GetClustCf(G, cf_dist, -1)
degree_coeff = {}
for pair in cf_dist:
    degree_coeff[pair.GetVal1()] = pair.GetVal2()

# Plot Degree Distribution
plot_filename = 'clustering_coeff_' + graph_filename[:-6] + '.png'
plot_filedir = os.path.join(plotpath, plot_filename)
plt.scatter(list(degree_coeff.keys()), list(degree_coeff.values()), s=10)
plt.ylabel("Clustering Coefficient")
plt.title("Clustering Coefficient Distribution ({})".format(
Beispiel #13
                Dir.AddEdge(wordA, wordB)
            step4 += 1

# Creating edges between regular nodes across synsets
for i in range(149039):
    print i
    supernodeA, supernodeB = random.sample(synsets.keys(), 2)
    regnodeA = random.choice(synsets[supernodeA])
    regnodeB = random.choice(synsets[supernodeB])
    Dir.AddEdge(regnodeA, regnodeB)
    step2 += 1

print Dir.GetNodes()
print Dir.GetEdges()

CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
Cf = snap.GetClustCf(Dir, CfVec, -1)
print "Avg Clustering Coefficient: %f" % (Cf)

node_degrees = [node.GetOutDeg() for node in Dir.Nodes()]
min_degree = min(node_degrees)
max_degree = max(node_degrees)

degree_distr = [0] * (max_degree + 1)
for degree in node_degrees:
    degree_distr[degree] += 1

def normalize(vector):
    total = float(sum(vector))
    return [elem / total for elem in vector]
Beispiel #14
 def average_clustering_coefficient(self):
     return sn.GetClustCfAll(self.gUNsn, sn.TFltPrV())[0]