Beispiel #1
#wvlen = wvc

########## Sine source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Sine(dt, np.float64)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Harmonic source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Harmonic(dt)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Delta source
src1 = source.Delta(10)
src2 = source.Delta(30)
src3 = source.Delta(40)
src4 = source.Delta(80)
#wvlen = Lz/2

########## Momentum of the source.
wvlen = float(sys.argv[1]) * nm
k0 = 2 * np.pi / wvlen
phi, theta = 0 * np.pi / 180, 90 * np.pi / 180

# mmt for plane wave normal to x axis
# phi is the angle between k0 vector and xz-plane.
# theta is the angle between k0cos(phi) and x-axis.
#kx = k0 * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta)
#ky = k0 * np.sin(phi)
#wvlen = wvc

########## Sine source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Sine(dt, np.float64)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Harmonic source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Harmonic(dt)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Delta source
src1 = source.Delta(10)
src2 = source.Delta(20)
src3 = source.Delta(50)
src4 = source.Delta(30)
#wvlen = Lz/2

########## Momentum of the source.
#wvlen = float(sys.argv[1])*nm
#k0 = 2*np.pi / wvlen
#phi, theta = 0*np.pi/180, 0*np.pi/180

# mmt for plane wave normal to x axis.
# phi is the angle between k0 vector and xz-plane.
# theta is the angle between k0cos(phi) and x-axis.
#kx = k0 * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta)
#ky = k0 * np.sin(phi)
#wvlen = wvc

########## Sine source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Sine(dt, np.float64)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Harmonic source
#smth = source.Smoothing(dt, 1000)
#src1 = source.Harmonic(dt)
#wvlen = 250*nm

########## Delta source
src1 = source.Delta(10)
#src2 = source.Delta(20)
#src3 = source.Delta(50)
#src4 = source.Delta(30)
#wvlen = Lz/2

########## Plane wave normal to x-axis.
setter1 = source.Setter(TF, (70 * nm, 0, 0), (70 * nm + dx, Ly, Lz), mmt)
#setter2 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 150*nm, 0), (Lx, 150*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)
#setter3 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 250*nm, 0), (Lx, 250*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)
#setter4 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 350*nm, 0), (Lx, 350*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)

########## Plane wave normal to y-axis.
#setter1 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 200*nm, 0), (Lx, 200*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)
#setter2 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 150*nm, 0), (Lx, 150*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)
#setter3 = source.Setter(TF, (0, 250*nm, 0), (Lx, 250*nm+dy, Lz), mmt)