Beispiel #1
    def source_compile(self, src, compiler='gnu', flags='', opt_flags='-O3'):
        # Compile directly for a source code as string.
        # A signature file(*.pyf) is generated automatically.

        logger.debug('source code: {}'.format(src))

        import tempfile
        tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.f90', delete=True)

        compile_using_f2py(, compiler, flags, opt_flags)

        mod_name = basename('.')[0]
        return get_module_from_file('/tmp/build/', mod_name, self.code_type)
Beispiel #2
def test_compile_using_f2py_c():
    compile_using_f2py: add.c
    from source_module import compile_using_f2py, get_module_from_file

    # compile and import
    src = '''
void add(int nx, double *a, double *b, double *c) {
    // size and intent of array arguments for f2py
    // a :: nx, in
    // b :: nx, in
    // c :: nx, inout

    int i;

    for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
        c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

    code_type = 'c'
    dpath = os.path.join(current_dpath, 'src')
    build_dpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'build')
    src_fpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'add.'+code_type)
    with open(src_fpath, 'w') as f: f.write(src)
    ret, out, err = capture(compile_using_f2py)(src_fpath, compiler='gnu')
    mod = get_module_from_file(build_dpath, 'add', code_type)

    # setup
    nx = 1000000
    a = np.random.rand(nx)
    b = np.random.rand(nx)
    c = np.zeros(nx)

    mod.add(nx, a, b, c)
    a_equal(a+b, c)
Beispiel #3
def test_compile_using_f2py_f90():
    compile_using_f2py: add.f90
    from source_module import compile_using_f2py, get_module_from_file

    # compile and import
    src = '''
SUBROUTINE add(nx, a, b, c)
  REAL(8), DIMENSION(nx), INTENT(IN) :: a, b

  INTEGER :: ii

  DO ii=1,nx
    c(ii) = a(ii) + b(ii)

    code_type = 'f90'
    dpath = os.path.join(current_dpath, 'src')
    build_dpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'build')
    src_fpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'add.'+code_type)
    with open(src_fpath, 'w') as f: f.write(src)
    ret, out, err = capture(compile_using_f2py)(src_fpath, compiler='gnu')
    mod = get_module_from_file(build_dpath, 'add', code_type)

    # setup
    nx = 1000000
    a = np.random.rand(nx)
    b = np.random.rand(nx)
    c = np.zeros(nx)

    mod.add(nx, a, b, c)
    a_equal(a+b, c)
Beispiel #4
def test_check_and_build_c():
    check_and_build(): C directly
    import yaml
    import os
    from build import check_and_make_parameter_header, check_and_build, clean
    from source_module import get_module_from_file

    code_type = 'c'

    dpath = join(current_dpath, 'src')
    src_dir = {'f90':'f90', 'c':'c', 'cu':'cuda', 'cl':'opencl'}[code_type]
    build_dpath = join(dpath, src_dir, 'build')
    with open(join(dpath, 'build.yaml'), 'r') as f: build_dict = yaml.load(f)

    # Remove previous generated files
    ret, out, err = capture(clean)(code_type, dpath)
    equal( len(os.listdir(build_dpath)), 0 )

    # Make and compile header file
    # verify stdout and file existence
    ret, out, err = capture(check_and_make_parameter_header)(code_type, dpath)
    #check_and_build(code_type, dpath)
    ret, out, err = capture(check_and_build)(code_type, dpath)
    expect = '''
[compile] gcc -fPIC  -I. -c amb_ext2.c
[compile] gcc -fPIC  -I. -c amb_ext1.c
[compile] f2py -c --compiler=unix --f90flags= --opt=-O3 -I. amb.c.pyf amb_ext1.o amb_ext2.o amb.c
[compile] gcc -fPIC  -I. -c apb_ext.c
[compile] f2py -c --compiler=unix --f90flags= --opt=-O3 -I. apb.c.pyf apb_ext.o apb.c
    equal('\n'+out+'\n', expect)

    mod_apb = get_module_from_file(build_dpath, 'apb', code_type)
    mod_amb = get_module_from_file(build_dpath, 'amb', code_type)

    # setup
    nx = 1000000
    a = np.random.rand(nx)
    b = np.random.rand(nx)
    c = np.random.rand(nx)
    c2 = c.copy()

    with open(join(dpath, 'apb.yaml'), 'r') as f: apb_dict = yaml.load(f)
    with open(join(dpath, 'amb.yaml'), 'r') as f: amb_dict = yaml.load(f)
    kk = apb_dict['kk']
    lll = apb_dict['lll']
    mm = amb_dict['section']['mm']

    ref = kk*a + lll*b + mm*c

    # verify results
    mod_apb.apb(nx, a, b, c)
    aa_equal(ref, c, 14)

    mod_amb.amb(nx, a, b, c2)
    aa_equal(ref, c2, 14)

    # verify stdout if revision
    ret, out, err = capture(check_and_build)(code_type, dpath)
    expect = '''
./c/build/amb_ext2.o is up to date.
./c/build/amb_ext1.o is up to date.
./c/build/ is up to date.
./c/build/apb_ext.o is up to date.
./c/build/ is up to date.
    equal('\n'+out.replace(dpath,'.')+'\n', expect)

    # verify stdout if partial revision
    os.remove(join(build_dpath, 'amb_ext1.o'))
    ret, out, err = capture(check_and_build)(code_type, dpath)
    expect = '''
./c/build/amb_ext2.o is up to date.
[compile] gcc -fPIC  -I. -c amb_ext1.c
[compile] f2py -c --compiler=unix --f90flags= --opt=-O3 -I. amb.c.pyf amb_ext1.o amb_ext2.o amb.c
./c/build/apb_ext.o is up to date.
./c/build/ is up to date.
    equal('\n'+out.replace(dpath,'.')+'\n', expect)
Beispiel #5
 def load_module(self, build_dpath, module_name):
     return get_module_from_file(build_dpath, module_name, self.code_type)